
Naruto : Raijin

Ken is your average 18 year old lost and unsure what to do with his life. He watches a lot of television and one of the show he watched was Naruto. He really thought nothing of it, great show to pass the time. What happens next shocked him to the core.

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29 Chs

Chunin exams 2

The Forest of Death stretched before us like a realm of shadows and mysteries, promising challenges that would push us to our limits. As Genin of the Leaf Village, my comrades Aya, Takeshi, and I stood at the forest's edge, ready to embark on the survival test that awaited us.

Suddenly, a voice dripping with arrogance and mockery cut through the silence. Emerging from the shadows was Kai, the antagonist of our story, a smug grin on his face. Its was the kiri nin from the test.

"Well, well, what have we here?" Kai's words were laced with condescension as he looked us over. "Leaf Genin trying their luck in the Forest of Death? How quaint."

Takeshi's grip on his kunai tightened; his Inuzuka heritage made him naturally protective of his comrades. Aya's eyes flickered with annoyance, her fire jutsu at the ready. As for me, I maintained a calm exterior, meeting Kai's gaze with an unwavering look.

"Kai," I spoke evenly, "it seems our presence has captured your attention. I assure you, we're not here to disappoint."

Kai's smirk widened, his eyes filled with a mix of amusement and disdain. "Oh, I have no doubt you'll be nothing short of entertaining. The Leaf Village always manages to provide some amusement."

Aya's eyes showed her fury, her frustration evident. Takeshi's brows furrowed in anger, but I gestured for them to stand down. Kai was trying to provoke us, to goad us into a reaction. I wasn't about to give him the satisfaction.

"Our actions will speak for us," I stated calmly, my gaze locked with Kai's. "We're here to prove ourselves, not engage in idle banter."

Kai's gaze held mine for a moment before he turned, disappearing into the shadows as mysteriously as he had appeared. I signaled for Aya and Takeshi to continue moving forward, reminding them that our focus needed to be on the task at hand. He came here to taunt us before we start. Cliché loser, I thought.

Our victory in the written test had earned us a place in this phase, where we would face the wild and rivals alike in our quest to obtain both the Heaven and Earth Scrolls. The stakes were high, but so was our determination.

As we ventured deeper into the forest, a sense of unease settled over me. It was as if the very air was charged with tension.

Our journey through the Forest of Death was a relentless test of our abilities. Takeshi's partnership with his canine companion proved invaluable as they navigated the terrain and detected potential threats. Aya's mastery over fire jutsu created a barrier between us and the dangers that lurked in the shadows.

During a skirmish with a formidable Mist Genin named Mizuki, Takeshi's Inuzuka techniques combined with my Fuinjutsu Chakra Storage Ring allowed us to seize the advantage. Aya roared fire ball jutsu her flames came to life, dancing with a fierce intensity that both intimidated and protected us. Aya thought to herself, "How does he keep fighting? It's like he has unlimited chakra. Me and Takeshi have taken multiple breaks, and he's only taken one. It feels like we're holding him back."

As we continued deeper into the forest, challenges kept coming. But so did our determination. Kai's taunting words became a distant memory as we adapted, improvised, and overcame each obstacle. The teamwork we had cultivated during our training shone brightly, as we navigated through rival teams and wildlife alike. I made sure to hide most of my capabilities.

Emerging from the Forest of Death victorious, we carried both scrolls with us. The trials had tested our limits and forged our bonds as a team. As the moon rose overhead, casting an ethereal glow on our path, I knew that our journey was far from over. The Forest of Death had prepared us, both individually and collectively, for the ordeals that awaited us in the Chunin Exams.

[A/N: I'm trying to get the forest of death part over quickly I have plans instore and i cant wait to implement them.]