
Naruto: One Step At A Time

Our MC, a 28 year old man, gets reincarnated into the world of Naruto. But he is not your typical MC as he in the neutral evil alignment, being absolutely rational in every decision he makes. Calm, calculated and a Machiavellian person. In this world where the strong rule and the weak get trampled on. Our MC will do anything in order to ensure his survival and his ambition of being at the top to gain eternal life. ------------------------------------------------------------------ ---Tags--- -Evil Protagonist -No Romance -No Harem -No Morals -Benefit Oriented MC - Purely Rational ------------------------------------------------------------------- --Partner-- Discord - Raw Novel Community | Dark Novels Check out the Server I am a partner with: https://discord.gg/QFkJZyM5 This is the best server for Dark novels or fanfics like mine. You can just come there to ask me any questions or a general discussion. Since I am mostly active there. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord: Bored#6316 Alt Webnovel: IAmReallyBored ------------------------------------------------------------------- If you like evil MC's be sure to give this a try and leave a review so I know what to improve. Also feel free for any constructive criticism. -------------------------------------------------------------------

IAmJustBored · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
54 Chs

Survival Mode

https://discord.gg/vaVU8FXtxm (Partner server not my own)

Join and get the Bored role from the extra role section.

My discord is Bored#6316



There were hundreds of tents, people everywhere, some were wrapping a bandage around their wounds and others going off in groups.

But one thing was common among all these people... Their faces... Their eyes... That look of not wanting to be here. It was a brutal place to be in, I can just sense that in the atmosphere. This is war...

Thinking of this, I saw a familiar face coming over to us.

"So you guys have finally arrived, I got a message saying you'd be here. It's good that you made it here in one piece." A man with white hair and a deep voice jokingly said.

"Yeah, we met with some trouble along the way Sakumo but they did well so we were fine," Kushina replied with worry.

"Sakumo-san?... Since when have you been here." I asked him surprised.

"Since Kakashi had finally found a team." He replied with an eye smile.

"So you've met each other before?... That's good, well Yokuma you know Sakumo is the camp leader here since Minato is a sensei now?" Kushina explained to which Sakumo glanced at me.

"Really?... Wait so are we sticking with him sensei?" I asked with curiosity to which Kushina just nodded too.

After some small talk, we were taken to separate tents but they were next to each other. Going inside of them I saw a bed, a first aid kit and a flak jacket with some pants. It was a pretty plain room but this was war, there is no such thing as being comfortable.

I took my backpack off and put it in the corner of the room with my sword. Then I took the rest of my clothes of because of how sweaty they were and put on a new pair from my backpack.

After setting everything up I looked out to see the moon shining brightly over me.

Sigh... I'm finally here. Just a few years ago I traversed into this world... Now I'm already an established Genin about to fight in the war. And tomorrow is when we start guarding the outposts... It was going to be chaotic. This is the only proper rest I will get in a while.

Now it's time to go to Sakumo's tent which is where everyone will be. Apparently, it's something to do with learning the ropes.


-Time Skip- (Tomorrow)

Yesterday we all got some sort of code for spies trying to impersonate us. Also, we learnt more about our job of guarding the outpost.

I quickly got ready, wore my Konoha uniform, got my equipment and put my sword behind my back, Then I went outside to group with my team.

I could tell they were all nervous today, that interaction yesterday with that enemy probably made them think a lot.

It made me think a lot, I kept replaying the battle in my head just to feel that experience again. But it wasn't like the real thing.

"It's not going to take that long to go there, so get ready for any kind of sneak attack just like yesterday," Kushina warned us to which we nodded heavily at.

We started moving at a medium pace throughout the forest to not waste any stamina just in case.

After an hour of travelling through the forest, I started sniffing in the air as a whiff of that retched smell entered my nose. I had smelt this back when I was in the orphanage basement.

The number of dead bodies I saw was going up as the ground was absorbing the blood.

Even though we were going through the forest, I could hear the clinging and grunts of people as they fought on the outside. In the distance, I could even see lots of people fighting.

We were finally here...

"See that place ahead, this is where you will all start. Make sure to eliminate as many of the opposition as you can and don't always stick together." Kushina said as she upped her speed.


Around me were lots of Genin, Chunin and a few Jonin. Jutsu's were flying everywhere as I hid behind a tree. Hisajami and Kibira split up to fight other people while I was just observing.

After calming down myself, I made some hand seals and out came a big ball of fire.

[Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique]

This headed toward two nearby shinobi but one of them put up an earth wall.

I then threw a kunai toward the edge which exploded it, so I pushed forward while keeping aware of my surroundings and threw more explosive tags.

I saw one of them doing some sort of hand seal so I immediately used this time to unsheathe my sword and flickered toward his teammate's side. Which I deduced was injured from the explosion.

I saw his injured teammate gritting his teeth while wrapping a bandage around his shoulder. I quickly decapitated his head with one smooth swipe.

His teammate saw this and finally did his earth dragon jutsu towards me. But I used the earth wall to protect myself and also dig a shuriken with a string into the ground.

I brought chakra to my eyes, which immediately started spinning a dark read with 1 black tomoe inside.

I heard 3 shurikens travelling my way but I quickly dodged them all and saw him opposite me.

[Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique]

I hid an explosive kunai and 3 shurikens in the fireball as it travelled toward him.

But as soon as I did this, I flicked toward the right side to keep him on guard. I saw him put another earth wall which unexpectedly to him blew up. Even one shuriken entered his wrist.

I kept on full alert of my surroundings whilst also keeping an eye on my injured opponent.

Finally walking up to him, I took out a kunai and slashed his throat. His despair filled eyes turned lifeless as he slumped onto the barren ground with his blood still squirting out of his throat.

I checked my chakra level which was at 70-75% as well as keeping alert for anyone targeting me.

While I was sheathing my sword which was dyed in red, I saw a team of shinobi fighting so I decided to move forward to get a chance to sneak attack one of them.

As soon as I got close to two of them, who were concentrating on the other leaf ninja, I used the kunai in each hand to stab it into the back of both of their necks.

This surprised his other teammate but because of that distraction, he got killed by the opposition.

"Thanks for the assist." One of them said while the other one just nodded.

But after he said that a kunai went through his eye and his other teammates got pierced with a shuriken to the heart.

I immediately grabbed both their bodies to use as a meat shield.

Think... Think... There are two chunin and I only have a bit of time before they rush me.

I just need to keep myself out of their sight.

[Fire Release: Fire Flash Jutsu]

The place around me went white to the outside, effectively blinding them for a few seconds.

[Genjutsu: Fog]

[Genjutsu: Heat Wave]

Now they couldn't see where I was as it was just fog everywhere.

I quickly put down two explosive kunai on the two dead bodies and used my Sharingan to pinpoint where they were as I moved back.

I made some clones to throw them off and lead them toward the trap.

As soon as they reached it, I threw a kunai on the explosive tag and...


Pieces of their own body went flying everywhere while I also kept on guard for anyone near me.

Just then, that shinobi was off guard only for a split second and he died.

While I was thinking this, a blast of water was heading towards me...

Mist ninja?...

I immediately saw three of them who were together, two of them were Chunin while the other was Genin... This wasn't good.

50% chakra left and some explosive tags. It seems I need to use all I can again.

After dodging that jutsu, I did my fireball jutsu towards them with an explosive kunai hidden.

But two of them used water shield jutsu to block it so no damage could be done.

But in that time their other teammate did some hand seals and did a [Water Release: Bullets]

I sent clones to throw them off while I threw a smoke bomb on the floor and went back. I was at a disadvantage as they kept pushing forward.


A kunai was thrown my way but I just jumped back, but as soon as I looked at what was wrapped around it, my eyes widened.


Panting heavily as my ears were ringing, I desperately moved back. In front of me... There they were, coming forward...

[Genjutsu: Fog]

[Genjutsu: Heatwave]

I even threw a smoke bomb down to securely try to throw them off. Using this time I desperately tried to run into the forest... But shuriken was constantly thrown at me as well as jutsu.

A shuriken just about skimmed my thigh just by a hairs breath as I just about moved at the right time.

I constantly kept using Genjutsu to throw them off to buy me some time. Even blindly doing fireballs and throwing explosive tags.

I could feel them surround me...



Thank you for the power stones and support you guys have been showing me.

I genuinely appreciate it.

Let me know what you think in the comments.

I would appreciate you guys correcting my mistakes and giving constructive criticism.