
Naruto: Odd-Eyes (Old)

A nobel prize winner in the field of both robotics and genetics was killed by numerous government officials all over the world who all worked in tandem to eliminate the protagonist that they all considered as a societal threat. Read as he reincarnates into the Naruto Universe as a character who was supposed to be a villain. Author's note: Yes, there is the YAOI tag, because our protagonist will be attracted to basically anyone in his newly-settled universe, no matter the gender. That is why if you are triggered by this element, you can leave the novel page. DISCLAIMER: MOST OF THE ELEMENTS OF THIS STORY ARE NOT MINE AND THAT INCLUDES THE SUPERPOWER SYSTEM, SOME OF THE CHARACTERS, SOME OF THE EVENTS. BUT I WILL GLADLY SAY THAT MOST EVENTS, DEVIATIONS AND CHANGES FROM THE ANIME AND THE NEW CHARACTERS THAT I WILL INTRODUCE ARE ALL RIGHTFULLY MINE. AND THE COVER PIC IS NOT MINE, IF YOU WANT ME TO TAKE IT DOWN, I WILL RIGHTFULLY DO SO. ENJOY!

Htk_Kksh · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
17 Chs

CH 14: Recollection Part 2



Ray-▪︎■⊙¤-shiki called out for the original Isshiki.


The other only hummed in response.

"One last question.... it's about Ōtsutsuki Kaguya..."

The able-bodied Isshiki began asking his question.

----A/N: Get it?.....-----

"Hmmm...so you also know about her"

The formless Isshiki wondered.

"What about her?"

He nextly asked why.

"Well, if it is about her, then you should really worry about yourself..."

He further added after his rhetorical question, as if taunting the vessel thief.

The other could not help but frown from the other's taunting advice.

Sensing the other's discomfort, the original Isshiki continued.

"Once the God Tree successfully grows even just an immature Chakra Fruit, I am quite sure she will ingest it....and will instantly rule this planet"

He said with an imaginary smile from his featureless face.

"And when that time comes, are you prepared?"

The one who should have been continued trying to give the one who shouldn't have been a scare.

The latter was actually really terrified of that event, he has even formulated every possible plans he could come up with without trying to parasitisize any humans, but every single one he comes up with still has that risk factor. Hell, every plan has a risk factor, but it is just that every single plan other than shrinking himself and living inside a human's brain, all while supplementing them and giving them a Karma seal to ensure his survival, all of it had a higher risk factor than the latter option.

He could only grit his teeth in annoyance from this formless soul's taunts.

"Oh...Do you want to learn how to use....the Karma Seal?"

The formless Isshiki asked, as if dangling a tasty candied treat in front of an eager child.

Raymond/Isshiki continued gritting his teeth in frustration, but he then realized something crucial and spoke.

"Regardless of these childish taunts you have here Isshiki.....do you really want something to happen to your precious body?"

He spoke with a confident and cunning smile.

The other heard his comeback and could only shut up.

"But now, I'm really curious....would you really teach me on how to use the Karma Seal?"

Ray-♤●¤•-shiki continued with his foxy but curious question.


Isshiki was now flying at near fullspeed towards the direction of the source of all this negative energy.

"I need to get rid of whatever is emanating this much energy, if its something like Satori, then that's a big problem"

He muttered in nervousness as he flew past numerous trees in this huge fir tree forest.

"This forest is huge!"

He further exclaimed in exasperation.

There was no way he would be tired physically from covering this mere distance, or else the Ootsustukis wouldn't have been the most powerful known species in the Narutoverse.

But mentally, absolutely, this much distance has already made him quite bored and listless.


The odd-eyed muttered invigorously.

And so to pass up his boredom, he began using his [Chakra Pulse Technique] to check his surroundings. Why didn't he do that earlier? No one knows.

"There is nothing so far...Wait!"

He could not help but shout to himself the moment he spotted a weird object in the distance, just a little over a kilometer towards the direction he's going to.

"What is that? Why is it so dark?"

He asked, wondering what the object he's sensing with his technique is.

But he soon recovered from the fascination and hastened up his speed, nearly matching over ten times the speed of a cheetah. And in just under 30 seconds, he arrived in front of the anomalous object, now facing him face to face.

"Holy moley..."

He involuntarily muttered in English.

But he stopped the moment he realized what he just said.

"Woah, I actually can still speak in English!"

The Ōtsutsuki shouted in disbelief.

"Okay let us go back to the main topic"

He spoke in determination as he turns back towards the ultrablack object.

For some reason, his body moved by itself and threw a small piece of rock that he picked up earlier towards the object.

The rock headed towards the object and the moment it came into contact with it, the former seemingly got swallowed whole by the seemingly infinite darkness that this object portrayed.

It didn't even leave a sound, indicating that the rock never interacted with any other solid matter as it passed through the abyss.

Isshiki encircled the spherical object and went towards the spot behind it where the rock should've gone on, if it were to have passed through the object. And he found that it was not there, implying that the rock was somewhere within the object.

As he walks around, he also found that the trees surrounding this object were all withered, probably because of the dark negative energy seeping out of this object.

"I mean I'm not gonna lie this literally looks like a Demon portal, or is it just me?"

Isshiki talked to himself, seemingly waiting for someone other than him to answer.

"Well Isshiki did tell me about those Demon wormholes, so it is stupid to ask tha-"

His words got cut when something suddenly started to come out of the portal.


He got startled by the sudden entity coming out of the portal.

A large humanoid hand, with claws like a gigantic tiger's, it's arms also had a dark fur color. It was slowly coming out of the eternal abyss its coming out from, like that one ghost girl from a horror movie coming out a staticky television.

Slowly but surely, the creature began showing its face, it had a facial and body structure similar to Satori, a devilish smile smacked on to his supposed torso, not having a head at all. But this time, the creature was not smaller than Satori, it was a little over two times his size, and compared to Isshiki, this now supposed Demon was 10 times bigger than him.

While all of this were happening, Isshiki stood there in a daze. He really did not expect to encounter another Satori, especially now that he had perfect control of himself.

He knew that he was more powerful than Satori at that time, but that was him as Isshiki!

He never had the intention to fight Satori at that time, that was the real Isshiki subtly controlling his body. He was fully convinced of this fact, because in his mind, he also knew that at that time, he knew that he was not yet ready to encounter the likes of entities closer to Kaguya herself. He was fully aware that he was inexperienced in this line of work, as he also knew that he was not truly an Ōtsutsuki at all.

And now that he was encountering something way bigger than Satori, indicating the difference of power lever between the two, and if he compared himself to Satori, he would say that in under a minute, he would've been killed if it weren't weren't Isshiki actually still existing with the full resolve of retaking his body back.

However, amidst through all these thoughts, he was aware of one thing, that no matter the difference between him and the real Isshiki, he was in full control this time!

And plus, he is a scientist, if he could not use pure physical strength against an enemy, he still has one advantage. And that is knowledge!

"GOSH! WHATEVER! Let's do this!"

He shouted to oppress his nervousness as he takes out his last minute prepared scroll.

He opened the scroll, but at the same time, the entity was also slowly coming out, now nearly all of its head is out.

But he was aware of this, and so immediately placed his palm over the correct character and shouted.

"[Divine Summoning Technique: Spacial Yin Chains]!"

Immediately after shouting the technique name, black chains began manifesting coming from that specific character on the scroll, these chains wrapped around the portal, forming a cross-like pattern in the center of the sphere.

The entity immediately became aware of what's happening and a roar sounded from its mouth.


"Oh lord.."

Isshiki exclaimed in nervousness, but regardless, he still continued the technique, trying to find the other character needed, he was hoping that it restrains the monster immediately after he activates it.


The chains clashed against the desperate claws of the Demon trying to break free of this seal.



After roaring like an animal, the Demons spoke in their own language, which sounded like something he had heard back in his previous world.

But regardless of the distractions, he continued prepping the second character on the scroll for the latter part of this joint technique.

This technique was made by an Ootsutsuki who specialized in Spacial Techniques, with the function of not only closing wormholes made by Demons, but it is also used to seal and shut off even Blackholes, though that last part requires a larger amount of Chakra and greater Chakra Control.

These special black chains are made up off concentrated and physicallized Gravitons controlled mostly by Yin chakra, as explained by the original Isshiki himself.

Witnessing this, Isshiki continued the combined technique.

"Yosh! Let's continue! [Divine Sealing Technique: Spacial Constricting]!"

He shouted as he places his palm on the second largest character, he had just written on the scroll using Chakra.

Immediately after activation the second part of the joint technique, the black chains began constricting at their intersection, this made the portal hole hint slowly.

The Demon continued roaring in frustration from the other side as its enter point shrinks. But Isshiki no longer minded this as he watched this spectacle in fascination together with wondering how he was capable of something like this.

('Of course! You have my body!' is probably what he will say if he heard me)

He mocked the original Isshiki inwardly.

"But damn, that's really cool! This technique must be way stronger than the [Reaper Death Seal], though still not in the same level as the [Planetary Devastation]"

He mused.

The hole shrunk further to the point that I became the size of a basket ball, but the Demon's arms was still sticking out, desperately trying to break the chains free.

"I would not that if i were you Mr. Demon"

Isshiki taunted.


As he said this, a splash of a purple liquid hit his face.


While a loud thud sounded throughout the surrounding forest.


He complained in disgust as he stares at the big severed arms of the Demon from earlier.


He cursed loudly and outwardly.

"God, if only I could do the Water nature transformation... I still need to work on that"

He pouted in regret that he could not wash his face off of the Demon Blood.

As an Ōtsutsuki who has not eaten the chakra fruit of this planet, he barely had any access im controlling all the natural elements of this planet just like Kaguya and her sons could. But he is theorizing that his [Air Solidification] Bloodline technique, is possibly a result of the combination of his hypothetical Earth and Wind chakra nature, resulting in him working to rename his Bloodline technique to the [Crystal Release] Bloodline nature transformation, once his hypothesis is confirmed.

After wiping off his face using a piece of his clothes, he brought out a second scroll, and placed his palm on its character.

"Haiisssh, whatever, let's study these arms some time, [Divine Sealing Technique: Anti-Contamination Storage]!"

He shouted his third technique.

Self-explanatory, this technique is used to store Demon corpses and body parts, with an added functionality of preventing Demon energy to seep out of the seal itself. In return, it needed large amounts of chakra just the two techniques used earlier. With this, he thought that he really needs to speed up his research on Auto Chakra-Refining.

And with that concluded, he flew back towards the group of villagers migrating towards the Kurotsuchi Village.