
Naruto: My Shadow World

Yami spent his life living in the shadows of others despite his talent to excel at anything. He had influenced colleagues and politicians, even serving as the Prime Minister of Japan for two consecutive terms before retiring. As he spent his final days on his sofa, he reflected on how he had lived his life in the shadow of others when he could have achieved something on his own. With bitter memories haunting him, he closed his eyes. When he opened them again, he realized he had been reborn into the cruel world of Naruto as a member of the Nara Clan. --- I wrote this fanfic back when I used to watch Naruto. I have quite a few chapters, so give it a try. But before reading it, keep a few things in mind: 1. The main character (MC) would be the same age as Shisui Uchiha. 2. For now, I won't be involving romance, but you can suggest some female main characters (FMC). No harem. 3. His mentality is that of an old man, but his young self sometimes emerges, so be prepared. 4. The MC doesn’t know everything; just some bits and pieces. He will spend his time finding things out and dealing with the butterfly effects of changing events. 5. His powers will involve manipulation of shadows. Nothing like Solo Leveling BS, though. But I'm open to suggestions on how to develop his abilities. 6. There will be politics. If you want to read in advance or support me, visit: https://www.patreon.com/J_Titan

J_Titan · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
13 Chs

Chapter 8: Motivation!!!

Yami pounded the final paces around the academy track, completing his daily 10 km quota. It had only been a few months since he embarked on this rigorous training regime, starting with a meager ten push-ups and ten sit-ups.

But within those short months, his body had undergone a remarkable transformation. He could now effortlessly complete a grueling package of a hundred exercises every day. Yami couldn't help but notice how his body adapted far faster than the average person. Even though the human physique in this world, fueled by chakra, differed from his previous life, his strength grew at an exceptional pace. Of course, he wasn't about to become a Hercules or Saitama at the tender age of two. There had to be limitations. Yet, he was undeniably in a league of his own.

"Maybe it's because I'm an old soul trapped in a young body?" Yami mused as he continued his run. He yearned to discover the full extent of his abilities – the unique skills and powers he possessed, and the boundaries of his potential. This knowledge would allow him to wield his prowess to its maximum effect. But for now, he resolved to focus on building his physical strength. If ninjutsu and genjutsu remained out of reach, then at least taijutsu would serve him well.

(AH: It is currently July, and his birth is on 14th January. He was born 8 years before Naruto's birth and is a few months older than Shisui, who was born on 19th October.)

From a modern-day human's perspective, Yami doesn't really need to torture his young new body…

"But then again, this is the world where 16-year-olds land nukes and talk about changing the world…"

At this age, back in his previous life, Yami was taking notes and chilling in his second high school year. (Also comparing his dick size with homies.)

Yami pounded the final paces around the academy track, completing his daily 10 km quota. Slacking off wasn't an option; he couldn't afford to fall behind. His current target: shattering Kakashi Hatake's record of becoming a Genin at the ripe age of five.

This was his usual jog, but today, he wasn't alone. A lanky kid with perpetually furrowed brows and long, dark hair, about seven years old, was mirroring his path.

"Can't... can you not stare while I run, bushy-brows? I usually don't mind company, but you're not exactly my type," Yami said, raising an eyebrow in amusement.

"Oh, sorry... I'm just... huff..." The kid panted, struggling for breath. He seemed utterly dejected.

Yami rolled his eyes and sighed. Couldn't there be one normal kid without a sob story? Right, this was a world constantly at war.

He came to a stop, prompting the brow-furrowed kid to halt as well. "So, what's your deal, kid? Rough past, huh?" Yami inquired casually.

"E-excuse me...?" The kid sputtered, utterly confused.

Right, Yami mentally facepalmed. He forgot he was talking to a child, not some jaded adult. His parents, bless their souls, were much more tolerant of his "adult" way of speaking.

"Let me rephrase," Yami said with a sigh. "My name's Yami. Who are you, and what's got you so down?"

"I'm Might Guy," the kid mumbled, scratching his head.

"The fuck kind of name is that? Did your dad have a case of the 'eighth-grader-trying-to-be-cool' syndrome? Wait a minute, are you THE Might Guy?!" Yami's eyes widened with excitement.

There was no way he just encountered his favorite character from the series, Might Guy! For Yami, Guy was true Chad – the coolest dude in the entire series. Sure, he couldn't perform ninjutsu, but the man flung the strongest ninja in the whole universe like a ragdoll!

While the show boasted a variety of unique abilities, Yami's personal favorite was Might Guy's epic battle with Madara. And of course, his student Rock Lee would later have his own iconic fight.

"You know me?" Might Guy asked, surprised.

"Uh, yeah, kind of..." Yami admitted sheepishly. Of course he knew Might Guy, but from the anime. "You're, uh, kind of famous for your running around the village..."

"That's... a nice sentiment," Might Guy mumbled, scratching his head with a blush creeping up his cheeks. "But I can't even perform ninjutsu. I call Kakashi a rival, but I'm way below even a regular ninja."

For Yami, this gloomy young Might Guy was a far cry from the idol he remembered. This Guy was deflated, depressed, and utterly lacking in motivation. Yami understood why, though. Back in his past life, he'd been a prodigy, envied for his talent and rapid learning. But they never saw the endless nights, the gnawing hunger, the crushing loneliness that fueled his achievements. Maybe Might Guy saw Kakashi the same way, oblivious to the countless hours Kakashi poured into honing his ninjutsu and physical prowess.

Some people, Yami acknowledged, simply weren't naturally gifted in their chosen field. They had to work twice as hard as everyone else. But that very struggle, that relentless effort, was what made champions.

"Look, kid," Yami said with a sly grin, "don't give up hope. Because hard work never betrays you."

Might Guy's eyes widened. Those were the very words his father used to say.

"There might be bumps in the road," Yami continued, "but trust me, you're on the right track. Keep pushing forward, and you'll overcome this challenge."

"Y-you believe in me?" Might Guy stammered, a spark of hope flickering in his eyes.

"Absolutely," Yami affirmed with a nod. "Seeing you running around the village every day actually motivated me to start running myself." 

This was a complete BS, of course. Yami had just met him. He'd even asked for Might Guy's name, but it seemed the kid wasn't the most observant. Still, a little white lie wouldn't hurt in the name of encouraging his future idol.

"The key is putting in the effort, always," Yami pressed. "Sure, raw talent might make some things easier, but hard work guarantees victory." He flashed a wide grin.

"Whoa!" Might Guy's eyes sparkled with newfound determination.

"And who cares about ninjutsu anyway? Fuck ninjutsu." Yami added with a smirk. "If you can't use it, forget it. Focus on taijutsu."

"B-but isn't taijutsu considered weak compared to ninjutsu or genjutsu?" Might Guy questioned hesitantly.

"Weak?" Yami scoffed, folding his arms. "Who decided that?"

Might Guy's eyes widened in surprise. The seed of doubt had been planted.

"Fuck ninjutsu, focus on taijutsu and prove to the world that anything can be conquered!" Yami pumped his fist in the air. "Believe it, one day you'll be the strongest shinobi in the entire world!"

"Really?! Really?!" Might Guy erupted in cheers. "That's right! Who says taijutsu is weak? Fuck ninjutsu, focus on taijutsu! That's my new goal!" He beamed at Yami. "Thanks for the pep talk, Yami-san."

"No problem, though I am only two years old," Yami mumbled, looking away sheepishly.

"Thanks for the encouragement, Yami. Wait, you're only two?!" Might Guy chuckled, shaking his head. "Well, thanks to you, I'm gonna run a hundred more laps and graduate from the academy in record time! We gotta celebrate then!"

"Yeah," Yami agreed with a nod.

Might Guy took off running again, chanting, "Fuck ninjutsu, focus on taijutsu! Taijutsu can overcome anything!"

Yami watched his future idol's determined form recede into the distance, a sigh escaping his lips followed by a smile. "I've seen a lot of youngsters like him, but a few words can really push them beyond their limits. Even though I knew him from the anime, I could tell he had the potential to achieve great things on his own. There's nothing that can stop someone like that."

Having managed numerous organizations in his past life, Yami had encountered many people like Might Guy. Society often dismissed such individuals as burdens, but Yami believed that sheer hard work could make anyone a tremendous asset.

Unbeknownst to Yami, a figure crouched behind the bushes, nervously gnawing on their fingernails. It was Might Duy, Guy's father, who had witnessed the entire exchange. "What's this kid teaching my son? I hope to goodness Guy doesn't pick up that kind of language. But well, youth is full of possibilities."

Despite his reservations, Might Duy couldn't help but smile. At least Might Guy had found a friend who believed in him.

A few days later!

"I finally did it! I'm a genin!" Might Guy beamed, proudly displaying his new ninja headband.

"Congratulations, young man!" Yami grinned, ruffling Might Guy's hair playfully.

"Hehe, thanks for all the help, Yami-san!" Might Guy chuckled, unintentionally using a formality.

"That's the spirit, youth!" Might Duy, Guy's father, boomed in agreement, his chest puffed with pride.

As the trio reveled in Might Guy's achievement, two women walking by muttered disapprovingly, "There they go again... someone should really report them."

"My son's hard work has paid off!" Might Guy declared proudly, a mischievous glint in his eye. He then turned to the women and offered a genuine thank you. "Thanks for the kind words!"

"Thank you for the support!" Might Guy exclaimed, acknowledging their encouragement.

"Thank you for the support!" Yami chimed in, echoing the sentiment.

"… Now there is an additional retard to their rank."


Might Guy is the real Chad. Admit it.