
Naruto: My Hunting System

I previously posted this fanfic and am currently rewriting it. Also, English is not my native language, so some parts might be confusing to read. ---- Waking up in the body of Nawaki Senju, a ninja student, I was only one year away from graduating and becoming a genin. The fact that it had been 3 years since the second ninja war started made the original Nawaki eager to graduate as soon as possible to pursue his big dream: to become Hokage! However, even though I retained Nawaki Senju's memories, I was no longer the same person. --- My Discord: https://discord.gg/wTzSM3mPD6 My Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Tozoku

Tozoku · Anime e quadrinhos
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71 Chs

Chapter 25: Ichiro Uchiha Brings Disaster Upon Himself

Class had ended, and the students in Nawaki's class eagerly followed him.

Only Mikoto, Kushina, and a shy Hyuga girl stayed close by his side.

"Nawaki, are you going to be okay?" Mikoto asked, concern evident in her voice. She knew Nawaki was strong, but he was about to face a Chunin.

"I'm fine, ask Kushina," Nawaki replied with a smile.

"Mmm?" Kushina looked puzzled until a realization dawned on her, and her eyes sparkled: "Ah yes, Tsunade-sama said you have the strength of an Elite Chunin, dattebane!"

She had momentarily forgotten this as her concern for Nawaki had taken over.

Hearing this, Hikari exhaled a sigh of relief and whispered softly, "Nawaki, good luck."

"Thank you, Hikari." Nawaki responded with his signature smile, causing the girl to blush profusely.

Mikoto, more forward, grabbed Nawaki's arm and pulled him down to her level, planting a kiss on his cheek: "Nawaki, I'll be cheering for you~"

The action elicited shrieks from some female onlookers.

Although some students were mature beyond their years, public displays of affection like this were rare. This seemed contradictory, given that at their age, they were already engaged in warfare and lethal conflicts.

Nawaki understood that such customs were part of this world's culture. Being advanced in certain areas didn't necessarily mean maturity in all aspects.

Most villagers who had children were 18 years or older. Those who became parents earlier were the exception rather than the norm.

Unfazed by the commotion, Nawaki smiled at Mikoto and quipped, "I'm starting to warm up to the idea of a Chunin ninja wanting to fight me."

Mikoto chuckled weakly in response: "Stop joking around."

"Haha," Nawaki laughed.

Outside, a figure with the Uchiha Clan emblem on his shoulder stood beside Isao. He was a head taller than Isao and, to Nawaki's surprise, also bald. His mustache, which seemed out of place on his face, resembled a scrotum.

"Look at that mustache," Kushina commented, playfully positioning her red hair under her nose to mimic a mustache. Her imitation was endearing.

The bald Uchiha with the mustache seemed to overhear her comment. Perhaps flattered by the attention to his mustache, he smiled and stroked it with his thumb and index finger.

"Does he really think that mustache looks cool?" Nawaki mused, shaking his head. The mustache gave off as much gravitas as one made of coal.

"What did you just say? Repeat that if you dare!" Ichiro, Isao's older brother, whose name meant 'first son', glared at Nawaki with a confrontational look. His nose twitched increasingly, like a dog with rabies.

Isao, standing beside his brother Ichiro, glared at Nawaki with malice. He was still harboring a grudge against Senju for humiliating him and winning over the girl he liked. Now, with his brother's support, he felt confident in seeking his revenge.

"Besides having a ridiculously ugly mustache, are you also hard of hearing?" Nawaki asked, feigning surprise.

"Scum!" Ichiro, his anger peaking, activated his Sharingan in a fury.

With rapid hand seals, he unleashed a sizable fireball towards Nawaki.

However, hitting Nawaki directly would also endanger the bystanders. Nawaki couldn't dodge without risking harm to others.

Fearful screams resonated around them.

This sudden attack took everyone by surprise.

Nawaki's annoyance grew. Such recklessness in combat was probably why Ichiro had failed his mission, resulting in the loss of many lives.

Winds began to swirl around Nawaki, and he launched wind boomerangs towards the fireball.

The wind boomerangs sliced through the fireball, causing the flames to disperse quickly.

Ichiro, even with his Sharingan activated, seemed unable to believe what he was witnessing.

Nawaki, now taking the situation more seriously, focused his gaze, bent his knee, and stomped on the ground.


In an instant, Nawaki vanished, leaving only cracks where he had stood.

Simultaneously, Nawaki reappeared to Ichiro's left.

"But the-"


Ichiro's words were cut off by a sharp, open-handed slap from Nawaki, striking his ear with force. The sound was louder than two boards clapping together, prompting nearby students to cover their ears.

Ichiro's body spun in the air a few times, a ringing noise filling his ears.

As he hit the ground, Ichiro felt disoriented, his head spinning as if everything inside was jumbled. A persistent, irritating buzz in his ears caused a severe headache, almost making him lose consciousness.

"Is that all you've got?" Nawaki asked coolly, looking down at him.

From his position on the ground, Ichiro saw multiple blurred images of Nawaki, his eyes wide with terror. His Sharingan faded, reverting to normal black eyes.

Trying to comprehend what had just happened, Ichiro struggled to process the rapid events, his muddled state offering no assistance.

"Is that all you have?" Nawaki, still irritated by the earlier incident, felt that even Ichiro's current condition wasn't sufficient retribution.

Nawaki then delivered a forceful uppercut to Ichiro's stomach.


Ichiro's response came as a loud yell, the pain so intense that it caused him to vomit a mouthful of slimy fluid.

The expelled fluid covered Ichiro's chest, creating a repulsive scene.

"Brother!" Isao finally reacted. Despite his desire to assist, he was too frightened to approach. The mere thought of moving towards the scene made his legs tremble with fear.


The classmates began to respond to the dramatic turn of events.

"My God, Nawaki is so strong!"

"Yes, yes! He just hit a Chunin!"

"Am I the only one who thinks Nawaki looked really cool when he struck that Uchiha?"

"You're not alone, friend~"

"Yeah, and if it wasn't for Nawaki, we could have been caught in that attack. So reckless!"

"How can someone like that be a ninja?"

"I can't believe someone like him has become a Chunin."

"Man, I bet after this, he's going to lock himself in his room, finding solace only in his blanket~!"

The group burst into laughter.

Isao, hearing all these comments, trembled. He longed to stand up for his brother but was too paralyzed by fear to even utter a word.

He also didn't move to help his brother, who lay on the ground, groaning in pain.

"The show is over, let's go home," Nawaki announced.


As if following a leader, everyone began to walk away, indifferent to Ichiro, who was still writhing in pain on the ground.

||- Note -||

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