
Naruto: Monthly Refreshing Passive System

As he arrived to the Shinobi World, Aragami Kyomu can get a different unique passive skill every month, that's why every month everything change for him, to various forms of training even to his everyday life. www.patreon.com/zaelum [+20 Extra Chapters!] [Chapter Schedule: 1/Day]

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292 Chs

Chapter 179

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Public opinion is a powerful tool.

The next morning, incriminating evidence and rumors flew everywhere, and the battle of public opinion began.

This was the most common and effective tactic during a power struggle. If used well, it could win without bloodshed.

Danzo criticized Hiruzen for his poor performance in the war, accusing him of neglecting the urgent frontline battles to suppress him.

Hiruzen immediately countered, accusing Danzo of scheming and instigating the Third Shinobi World War and bringing up the deeper reasons behind Sakumo's suicide.

Danzo quickly refuted and counterattacked, explaining the solutions he had proposed, which Hiruzen had rejected, leading to Sakumo's tragic death.

Hiruzen retaliated by exposing how Danzo used spies within the village to incite unfavorable rumors about Sakumo.

Danzo responded by revealing how Hiruzen sabotaged his comrades on the battlefield.

For three days straight, the villagers of Konoha were overwhelmed by the flood of accusations from both sides, unable to tell who to believe.

Sometimes they supported Danzo, sometimes Hiruzen, and sometimes they were utterly confused, unable to decide who to support.

Seeing the right moment, Hiruzen introduced Minato, initiating the second phase of his public opinion strategy.

Both his and Danzo's reputations were tarnished, but if a perfect candidate emerged, the public's choice would be clear.

In these days, Hiruzen had also contacted the Daimyo of the Land of Fire, whose attitude had changed and no longer fully supported Danzo.

Danzo panicked.

His main support came from the Daimyo, and with the Daimyo changing his mind, Danzo was suddenly at a disadvantage.

Thus, while he was still the acting Hokage, Danzo introduced Orochimaru, pitting him against Minato.

"Heh, it's been lively these days."

Kyomu remained uninvolved, sitting back and watching.

If there were only two choices, the one with more scandals would lose. But with a third or fourth option, it came down to comparisons, personal charm, and reputation.

Kyomu had no scandals to dig up—none!

Minato also had no scandals, but Orochimaru had plenty, and Hiruzen himself had released them.

Orochimaru remained unreactive, but what he truly thought was unknown.

Though the public opinion was controlled by Hiruzen and Danzo, and Kyomu's supporters were quickly suppressed, Minato's popularity grew, making him a strong candidate for the Fourth Hokage.

"Lord Kyomu, why don't you speak out?"

"Yes, Lord Kyomu, Minato is excellent, but compared to you, he falls short."

"I don't care. I support Lord Kyomu for Hokage!"

"Yes, other than Lord Kyomu, no one else is suitable."

"And Hiruzen shouldn't even speak anymore. His actions make me sick!"

"Right, and Lord Sakumo died because of Hiruzen's inaction and Danzo's conspiracies!"

Kyomu still had no intention of stepping forward. He was waiting for Hiruzen and Danzo to destroy each other. The time wasn't right yet.

He wanted both of them to be thoroughly discredited, their true natures exposed for public condemnation, and then he would finish them off!

Moreover, Kyomu aimed to minimize the conflict. After all, a ruined Konoha wouldn't benefit him.

Though Kyomu himself remained inactive, his ninjas tirelessly campaigned for him.

Despite the combined suppression by Danzo and Hiruzen, they couldn't suppress the growing support for Kyomu.

Kyomu's past achievements and performance were too dazzling. Besides his young age, there was no flaw to find.

As Kyomu's reputation began to ferment, he naturally joined the battle of public opinion, further tarnishing Danzo and Hiruzen's names.

Danzo's human experiments, the Curse Tongue Eradication Seal on his Root ninjas, and the brutal training methods were all exposed.

Simultaneously, Hiruzen's approval of secret human experiments, his indulgence of Danzo, and his private recruitment of ninjas outside the official system were revealed, causing an uproar in the village.

"Danzo, enough! Don't you see the harm you've caused?"

In the Hokage office, Hiruzen confronted Danzo. "If it weren't for you, things wouldn't be like this!"

"Me? It's my fault?" Danzo slammed the table. "I'm the acting Hokage now, so why oppose me?


If you hadn't opposed me, I'd be the Fourth Hokage and would have dealt with Kyomu, Kakashi, and others. There wouldn't be these extra issues!"

"You can't be the village's Hokage!" Hiruzen slammed the table harder. "You're unfit. You'll lead the village to ruin!"

"Hiruzen, you're just jealous!"

Their arguments were frequent, occurring almost daily.

"Danzo." Finally, Hiruzen softened. "Let's deal with Kyomu first. His public support is almost overshadowing Minato."

"Who released Orochimaru's scandals?" Danzo coldly snorted. "My plan was flawless, but you kept opposing me, you!"

"I don't want to discuss this further." Hiruzen avoided their ultimate conflict. "This is our problem. We mustn't let a third party benefit."

"Why not Orochimaru, but Minato?" Danzo was furious, still defiant.

"Orochimaru is unsuitable for Hokage. He's harder to control than Kyomu." Hiruzen spoke the truth.

Danzo finally fell silent.

After a while, Danzo sighed. "Hiruzen, if not for you, I would have succeeded."

"If not for you, I would have succeeded." Hiruzen also sighed. "You're too impatient, Danzo."

"I'm not impatient. Would the Hokage position have come to me?"


Hiruzen opened his mouth but decided not to continue this topic with Danzo. If they couldn't reach an agreement, Kyomu might really defeat Minato and become the Fourth Hokage in the most reasonable and logical way.

"Danzo, if Kyomu becomes the Fourth Hokage, with his force, we'll be purged."

Danzo sat in the Hokage chair and sighed again. "What's your plan?"

"Let Minato take the position. You and I can retire peacefully."

"I don't want to retire!"

"Then you continue to lead the Root. I won't fight anymore. Staying with the Sarutobi clan is enough for me."

"Heh!" Danzo saw through Hiruzen's plan. "You sly old fox."

"I'm just worried Minato's force isn't stable. I'll slowly hand over the power. I believe Minato will understand."

"Fine, let's do it your way." Danzo compromised. "But what about Kyomu?"

"Stick to the original plan."

"Good." Danzo nodded. "But if your method doesn't work, I have another way."

Danzo briefly explained.

"You're crazy. Aren't you worried about Obito..."

"No, Obito's threat isn't as great as Kyomu's."

"This is only an emergency measure."

"I know."

The two reached an agreement and devised a strategy, regrouping with Koharu and Homura. The fractured four were united once more.


In Aragami Kyomu's house.

"Obito, where's Rin?"

"She's not feeling well. After Kakashi and I returned to the village, we placed her in our clan's residence."

"No abnormalities?"

"A bit, but it seems like an illness, or... Anyway, it's not a problem now."

Kyomu nodded, looking at Kakashi and Obito, his worries eased.

He had Rin accompany Obito and Kakashi to ensure her safety, preventing any hostage situations and avoiding added complications.

"Then we wait for news." Kyomu remained calm.

"Kyomu, I still worry that Hiruzen and Danzo will eventually join forces."

"They will, but I want the villagers to see their true faces. That way, it'll be more satisfying to act."

Kyomu coldly smiled. "So that after we kill them, they won't be honored in the Memorial Garden.

They need to be completely discredited, publicly condemned as criminals, and die without a grave."

Kakashi nodded. "Indeed, dying without a grave is their true fate. Blood debts must be repaid."

"Let's see how Minato-sensei handles this." Obito still referred to Minato as his teacher. "I believe he won't tolerate them, right?"

"Do you think Minato's Hokage position came easily, or will be easy to maintain?" Kyomu shook his head. "With Hiruzen and Danzo around, Minato won't easily gain power."

Obito lowered his head. "I know, but I don't want too much bloodshed in the village because of Hiruzen and the others."

"There will be blood, but thanks to our efforts, the only ones standing with Hiruzen are his loyal followers. No one else will side with them." Kyomu was confident. "Their reputations are already ruined, especially once Minato takes office."

Just as Kyomu said.

During Minato's inaugural speech as the Fourth Hokage, he mentioned pardoning Hiruzen, Danzo, Koharu, and Homura. The situation became uncontrollable.

The reason was simple.

During the previous conflicts, Hiruzen and Danzo 's dogfight was too fierce. If either had backed down, it wouldn't have escalated this far.

But the fight for the Hokage position was an irreconcilable conflict for Hiruzen and Danzo.

For this, they would have fought to the death.

Since the fight was so intense, their scandals naturally spread throughout Konoha, and the villagers wouldn't easily accept Minato's leniency.

But they had no choice.

"According to village regulations, anyone who attacks their comrades must be classified as a rogue ninja and must pay with their life."

At this moment, Kyomu finally appeared. "Hiruzen, Danzo, Koharu, and Homura's actions warrant death a hundred times over.

Fourth Hokage-sama, are you being coerced by them?"

Minato sweated. He had indeed been persuaded by Hiruzen and the others, but his decision was based on his own plans.

He wanted to proceed gradually, avoiding extreme measures that could cause internal strife.

Hiruzen, Danzo, Koharu, and Homura, still held significant power, and the Daimyo of the Land of Fire had issued a pardon for the four.

The reason was to better control Konoha.

After all, a united front wouldn't be easily manipulated by the Daimyo.

"This is the Daimyo's pardon." Minato produced the decree. "Kyomu, if you have doubts, you can see for yourself."

"No need." Kyomu shook his head. "If justice is not upheld, and criminals are not punished, power will be abused. The Daimyo is wrong!"

The observing Daimyo glanced at Kyomu and coldly instructed his attendant.

"The Daimyo's decree!" The attendant stepped onto the stage, ignoring Minato's changed expression, and announced loudly, "Konoha Jonin Aragami Kyomu has ignored the Daimyo's authority, defamed the Daimyo, and defied the Daimyo's orders. This is a capital offense.

But due to Kyomu's meritorious service, the Daimyo shows leniency, exempting him from the death penalty. However, he is stripped of all positions, his ninja title revoked, and he is sentenced to ten years in Hozuki Castle."

Hozuki Castle was a prison for criminal ninjas. The Daimyo's decision was the final spark to ignite the powder keg.

Kyomu's old subordinates, his civilian supporters, and the neutral ninjas watching the situation, all turned against the Daimyo.

"Justice must be upheld, and evil must be punished. We refuse to accept this!"

"Captain Kyomu!" Genma suddenly pulled out a brand-new Hokage robe and hat from his ninja tool bag. "Only you can lead us to a brighter and more just future!"

"Yes! Minato, step down!"

"The Fourth Hokage should be Kyomu!"

"We will follow Kyomu to the end! Defend justice with our lives! Hiruzen, Danzo, Koharu, and Homura, must be punished!"

Amidst the deafening shouts, Kyomu's old subordinates surrounded him, urging him to don the Hokage robes and hat.

"Fourth Hokage-sama, please give us the order!"

"Fourth Hokage-sama, lead us to a brighter and just future!"

Sky Dance Technique.

Kyomu slowly floated up, walking leisurely in the air until he was level with Minato.

"What is your choice?" Kyomu looked at the distant Daimyo. "And what is your choice?"

The Daimyo panicked, but Hiruzen and the others stepped forward. "Kyomu has treacherous intentions. Protect the Daimyo!"

"No one will leave." Kyomu's voice was calm as he raised his right hand. "Those who do not wish to participate may leave. Those who stand with me, follow me to eliminate the darkness before us and slay Hiruzen, Danzo, and the Daimyo!"

(End of Chapter)