
Naruto: Limitless

When he died, he never thought karma would give him a chance to live again. To live in a world full of so much blood, pain and death but also filled with such kindness, warmth and love. He will strive to protect the ones he cares for because he is Limitless.

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9 Chs

Chapter 5 - First Look At The Village

=====================================1 Year Later====================================

In the middle of the Hatake house living room a toddler wearing a small pair of sunglasses sat with a small frown on his face and arms crossed trying to look as serious as possible. Anyone who looked at him would only find it adorable.

'Yesterday we celebrated my first birthday, so that means any day now the Kyuubi attack could happen, I hope things won't be as bad this time around.' Satoru was lost in thought when all of a sudden, he felt a pair of arms gently scoop him up into a hug.

Aoi Hatake couldn't get over how cute her baby boy was, unable to resist squeezing him tight and rubbing her cheeks against his.

"Kaa-san stop, don't treat me like a baby." Satoru complained to his mother while his frown disappeared, and a bright smile filled his face.

"Nope as your kaa-san it is my right to treat you as my baby *Buuu*." With a smug grin she gave him a raspberry on his cheek before carrying him toward the kitchen.

Setting him down on his highchair Aoi looked through the fridge and noticed it was beginning to look a little empty. Thinking about what to make for dinner she decided that a trip to the market was necessary.

"Well Sa-chan, do you want to go to the market with kaa-san?" Watching as her son nodded with all his might, almost shaking his sunglasses off made her giggle.

Sitting in his moving throne his mother pushed him down the street toward the market.

' Look at me you plebeians, you all have to walk, and I am gliding along with no effort hahaha.' Keeping the embarrassing thoughts of being forced to sit in a stroller at bay Satoru looked around with sparkling eyes taking in all he could.

' These glasses I got for my birthday work great, I can still see chakra flowing all around me but it's not overloading my senses anymore. Whoever made these must be really good at Fuinjutsu, the seals on them are just right.' Readjusting his glasses in admiration he focused on the people walking down the street.

' The civilians don't seem to have very much chakra and what little they do have behaves quite sluggishly, the shinobi definitely have way more and it moves in a more active state.' Comparing the differences between the chakra signatures gave Satoru a sense of learning, it allowed him to see how chakra flowed differently for everyone expanding on his previous knowledge of chakra.

Arriving at the market the pair stopped at different shops procuring their groceries. By the fifth shop Satoru was very annoyed, he used his hands to rub his stinging red cheeks.

'Feeling my own cheeks I understand why those baa-san want to pinch me, but do they have to do it so hard? What if they harm my beautiful face, and oi kaa-san don't stand there arrogantly with a smug look, help me.' Sending accusatory glances at his mother he couldn't wait to leave the market.

After finally paying at the last shop Aoi pushed the stroller out of the market and back on to the street, checking the time she realized they still had about an hour before she needed to start dinner. " Sa-chan we have some time to kill, do you want to go to the park to play for a little while?"

"Yes, I want to go on the swings." forgiving his mother for betraying him to the evil baa-sans he quickly agreed to her suggestion.

Coming to the park the sound of children playing and laughing rang through the air. Stopping at what she thought was a good spot, Aoi unbuckled Satoru from the stroller. She carried him to the swings and set him into the baby swing then gently pushed him causing him to laugh in glee.

"hahaha, higher kaa-san, push me higher." Soaring back and forth through the air, Satoru let being a kid take over and let all thoughts and worries about the future clear from his mind.

When nausea was finally about to set in, Aoi took her baby out of the swing and brought him back to their spot then set him on the grass to rest. Having his fill of playing Satoru glanced around the park looking at all the families enjoying the gorgeous sunny day.

'I will protect this peace, no matter what.' taking in all the joy around him he reaffirmed his determination to become a shinobi.

Strapped back into the stroller they made their way out of the park.

Just as they were exiting a malevolent chakra forced Satoru to look at two approaching women. Both were very beautiful. One had dark raven colored hair and she carried a little bundle in her arms that gave off a small but strong chakra signature that glowed like moonlight. The other woman had bright red hair the color of ripe raspberries and she had a large bump on her belly signaling she was very pregnant. From the red-haired woman, he could feel three different chakra signatures. The first was cheerful, bright and full of love. The second was small but it was very pure and shone like the sun. The third was the cause for his initial attention, it was dark, angry and full of hatred. The giant chakra felt like it would tear apart anything around it, but something kept it in place, imprisoning it.

Seeing these women Satoru realize who they were, Kushina Uzumaki and Mikoto Uchiha.

'The anime didn't really do these two justice, they are even more stunning in real life. Then that means that little bundle of joy is the future bro-con, psycho emo, and the one yet to be born is the number one most unpredictable, hyperactive, knucklehead ninja. I will try my best to make sure you guys have a happier life.' Calming down from the initial shock, Satoru promised he would help change their fate, not realizing a certain meddlesome god had already changed a great deal of their fate already.

"Mi-chan, Ku-chan how are you guys doing, oh my god is this your son, he is so adorable he looks just like you Mi-chan, and Ku-chan you are getting so big you must be due soon." Aoi excitedly called out to her friends and rushed over to see them.

The two women smiled seeing their friend come up to them pushing a stroller along.

"Hello Aoi, yes this is Sasuke." Mikoto gently showed off her baby with an elegant smile, to her friend.

"Hi Aoi-chan yup, yup any day now the baby will be born." lightly patting her belly she had a motherly look.

Kushina went to Aoi and whispered in her ear. " Ano *pst* Aoi-chan, will it hurt as badly as Mikoto-chan says it will?" Kushina looked a little scared when she asked her friend.

"Yes it will, I screamed like crazy from the pain, but... Hahaha it will totally be worth every second." First teasing her friend Aoi laughed when she saw Kushina's face pale a little, then she reassured her while kneeling down and patting Satoru on the head.

"So this is Satoru-chan, he is so handsome, he is going to be a real lady killer when he grows up." Kushina admired her friends' baby, he was truly the cutest she had ever seen. As she spoke, she thought saw Aoi's face turn into an oni mask for a second and mutter "No one is going to take my baby from me *hmph*."

Hearing the praises Satoru put his hands on his hips and puffed out in pride, making the woman laugh at his cute actions.

"Why is he wearing sunglasses Aoi, I know it's nice out, but I don't think he will need them?" Mikoto questioned.

"Sa-chan has very special eyes, chakra seems to swirl around them constantly causing his senses to be very sensitive, he couldn't even open his eyes for very long before they started to give him headaches. Thanks to Ku-chan using Fuinjutsu and applying special chakra seals to his sunglasses he seems to be doing much better." A little worry seemed to leak out as Aoi explained but she was very thankful for her friend helping her son.

"I'm glad they're working fine, just let me know if I have to adjust anything. Make sure to tell your kaa-san if anything hurts, okay Satoru-chan." Looking over her work she seriously reminded the boy.

"I will and thank you very much for the glasses they make me feel much better." Satoru politely thanked Kushina for the help. He was really thankful, the past year of barely being able to open his eyes was torturous.

"How polite, he is very smart too Aoi, he is going to be just like Kakashi." Mikoto noticed the intelligence of Satoru that could only be compared to Kakashi or her other son Itachi.

Aoi simply glowed in the praise for her two sons.

The three chatted and gossiped for a few more minutes about the happenings of the village until Aoi excused herself and made her way home pushing along Satoru.

'Kushina is going to give birth to Naruto any day now, that means the Kyuubi attack is imminent. I hope everyone will be okay.' Worrying and regretful thoughts plagued Satoru's head. Being only one year old there was not much he could do without sounding crazy, he could only pray to God that everything would go better than the original.

MC is aparently adorable. His mother loves him very much and may be a little too protective (RIP an future potential daughter-in-laws). After a year of living in his new life, his determination to grow stronger has only increased. Next chapter we have more interaction with his new family and finally the Kyuubi attack begins.

Amendarcreators' thoughts