Its a story about a person awakening memories of his past life in Naruto world, Well you guessed it, usual Cliche for OC self insert! Before you roasting me please note that English is not my first language and this is my first fanfic and Naruto is obviously Kishimoto's so he won't be born in my story at all. The story is all about Dan Yamanaka I appreciate if you guys can do a review on the story.
I have reached the training ground on time, and there are already a few people there on the ground. Looks like I got some company, It is one of the Ino-Shika-Cho trios. I know the Yamanaka guy, I met him yesterday at the clan meeting, unfortunately, I forgot his name, thanks to my loner gene. and for the Akimitchi he is an old acquaintance, Chobo A. and for the Nara, I have no idea, its troublesome anyway. I just nodded at them, Looks like Chobo don't recognize me, well that's fine too it makes things easier for me. They were also taking note of me now and about to interact with me, but suddenly
"Welcome Dan-kun, Nice to meet you after a long time" hearing the voice I turned back, Oh it's Chojiro A, he was already munching snacks early morning."Nice to meet you too, Akimitchi san" I said politely. Looks like dad arranged him to train me in body conditioning, I hope it got nothing to do with snacks.
"I will be taking care of your body conditioning today, I hope you will follow my commands without any complaints""Sure" I will be fine as long as the exercise is not eating."You will be working with them for the exercise, so please introduce your self to your new comrades"
I fucking hate this part, here we go, I just thrown my cliche introduction template used in my previous life.
"Hello, I am Dan Yamanaka, Nice to meet you guys, I will be in your care", Looks like that went fine I guess.
"Hi I am Chobo Akimitchi" and that's it, he started munching snacks as part of the exercise, looks like he doesn't remember me still and for the Nara, he just yawned and said " Hello I am Shitori Nara, Nice to meet you too" and for Yamanaka, he smiled politely "I am Inochi Yamanaka, I am looking forward to work with you"
Chojiro A "Since you are done with the introduction lets start today's exercise with running, give me 100 laps around the field and no chakra"Hearing this Nara yelled at Chojiro "100 laps! come on that's troublesome, we are 11 and can't do much hard training""If you don't run I will just tell your mom, so just roll on" Looks like all Nara's are scared of their mother, he started running without complaint. With my youthful training and my Uzumaki bloodline, I have incredible stamina for a kid around my age, so I was going at my full throttle without any worries. Seeing me run faster, the other 3 tried to increase the pace and keep up me for 40 laps, Nara was already gasping for breath by this time is about to die and Chobo already plopped on the side like a ragged doll, Only Inochi was keeping up with me but he is already at the end of the rope, he quit after another 10 laps. I soon completed my 100 laps. Since I have to wait for others to complete their laps I decided to continue running, Let the flames of youth spread!.
I have completed 200 laps by the time the trio finished 100 but still, I feel like I could go for another 100 without breaking a sweat, Seeing their tired faces I couldn't help but smirk 'Haha I love my Uzumaki heritage, Dattebayo'. Chojiro is not surprised by my performance looks like Dad already passed my information to his friend.
"Well done, Dan you are still energetic compared to these old men"Well, he is doing a good job adding fire to the fuel, I could the fighting spirit is rising on the trios.
Similarly, he assigned simple exercises like push-ups, situps, squats, etc. As expected I have finished all the exercises while the trio was only done half and to make use of the time I had to do double or triple the amount of the normal while waiting for them to finish. Looks like having lost to a 5-year-old kid made them lose face and it worked well I can feel their youth burning now. We then started working on Kunai, Shuriken, and senbon throwing, It was not that difficult once I got hang of the throwing form from Chojiro. Still, my accuracy was very low, I just started it and have all the time for me to perfect it. The trios finally managed to regain their confidence after seeing my pathetic performance.
And finally, Akimitchi-san showed me the proper punching and kicking form, which I was able to pick up easily after a couple of tries. Now I only need to work hard on these forms to turn them into my instincts.
Chojiro was finally satisfied with my performance and laughed evilly and said "Well Looks like you are ready to spar" hearing this the trio were looking at me with their evil grin, I know what they are up to, taking revenge on me, Huh.
"Akimitchi-san, I never fought in my life before and didn't have training as well, Can we skip it today?" I said with innocent puppy eyes but he ruthlessly crushed my hope."Haha, no problem you can always learn that from fighting, don't worry I make sure they will go easy on you" hearing the trio was giving me evil laugh and said"Yes, of course, we will go easy on you!"Like the hell, I could believe you, 'Don't you know hitting a child is bad, if it were in old life I would have sued you for child abuse!'
"Well you can start with Nara, and no chakra during sparring"
I was nervous because I never fought with anyone before even in my past life, and my first duel is with a cunning and calculative Nara!Breathe in.. Breath out.., I controlled my breathing and got relaxed finally and we both entered the ring and finally Chojiro shouted"Begin"At the start of his command, Nara suddenly ran towards me did a left jab, that thrown me off guard, which I barely managed to avoid by leaning to my left, but he followed with a right side kick which was pretty fast and too close to avoid, Shit!, "Boom" It was very painful, he kicked right on my gut, and that's it I was flown out of the platform. He took all the frustration on me with that kick. Luckily the damage was minimal, my youthful sturdy body recovered fast, but the pain was still there. That was a disastrous loss, I was expecting a dull and slow show from a Nara and I got my ass kicked in a second.
While I was resting they already have finished the duel between them. Fight with Inochi and Chobo was easy because there were no surprises like I had with Nara,Chobo has crazy physical power thanks to the Akimitchi genetics, but he fights like a bull, is very predictable and there is a significant lag between each attack, so I evaded his attacks easily with my speed and hit him with a couple of jabs each time, it was basically like Mohamad Ali's float like a butterfly sting like a bee style, Well after some time he got me off-guard again, I was expecting a punch he did a kick instead, same as the previous match I was flown away from the ring.
And for the match with Inochi, I have managed a draw with him. while Inochi is as fast as me but his punches packed no power, so I was bold enough to go for counter-attacks but with his incredible reflexes he narrowly evaded my attacks, I didn't give him a chance to dupe me like the other 2 folks. So in the end neither of us gained a single hit.
And finally, I was done here I have spent the rest of the day in the village on information gathering, to be precise just spying on others' conversation, Unfortunately, I didn't get any relevant information. The only info I received was Uchiha's are laying low, no attack on us recently, No talk about Hashirama or Madara!, Maybe they are still young? If that's the case I will make them call me Uncle! I should go out more and find more info or maybe I could find something on the clan library. And when I finally got my access to approved to clan library, I started spending a couple of hours every day there, with my current level of access, I was only able to look into the history books but still, I was happy since I was able to get access to information. I even found a book about the clans in the Elemental nation and it looks like Hashirama & Madara yet to become clan leaders! and I don't even if they are alive or not, I still yet to figure out the exact timeline I am in.
I have also found something interesting, there is no academy for ninja's yet, yes they do have one for civilians but it is situated at the capital of Land of fire. If only there is no Ninja in this world this would be a dream world to children, who wants to go to school and learn all the troublesome Maths & Physics, they are as dangerous as Madara and Hashirama. Unfortunately for clan kids, we would be getting home education.
And finally, in the evening I reluctantly went home for the rest of my clan training. And to my surprise the training on opening mind palace was pretty simple, I just need to meditate while stimulating a particular node in the brain with chakra but it should be done with an expert's supervision or else you will fry your brain. I can only learn mind walking and mindreading only when I open the mind palace which will take me a couple of years to do so.
On the following days, my brother walked me through basic chakra control and theory and taught me the hand seals and meaning behind it. and I guess what, only kids use hand seal while using a Jutsu. As per my brother, it is just a sign language used to record the molding of chakra and kids use the hand sign to easily learn the chakra.
There are 12 hand signs ROOSTER, BOAR, DOG, DRAGON, HARE, HORSE, MONKEY, OX, RAM, RAT, SERPENT, and TIGER. Each hand signs meant for molding the chakra in a certain manner. A Jutsu is a combination of the molding of chakra in a certain manner. That means to learn ninjutsu you need to learn the intent behind the technique, In the end, what matters is chakra control to mold the chakra in precise quantity and manipulation.
I finally learned my first Jutsu from brother, kawarimi no Jutsu! he passed me the sequence to perform the technique. The technique lets the user replaces themselves with an object nearby in a very short distance. when the attack does hit something, opponents may briefly believe that they've successfully struck the user. It looks like a very useful technique to run away so I started griding on the technique until I can use it on a whim and of course with no hand signs and in the meanwhile, I have also learned henge.
And after a couple of days, Jun-nee-san taught me the art of sensing, how to sense chakra silently, Looks like I was born for it. The technique is very simple just mold chakra precisely on a tenketsu point around my head and it will act as an amplifier and perceive chakra through it. After refining this tenketsu point for a month I gained the ability to sense chakra passively for around 50 meters and I can actively sense for around 1 mile without anyone knowing, but I can stretch that to 3 miles if I go all out with getting caught sensing. and after a couple of months of training, I gained a passive ability to sense my tenketsu points in my body! it is like seeing through byakugan eyes but only limited inside my body. but still, it is a great deal, with this I can take my chakra control exercise to the next level, Maybe someday I can open and close tenketsu points at will like Hyuga with training.''
I have also made significant progress in my body conditioning, the trio no longer able to keep up within the spar, If its a one on one I will thrash them in a couple of seconds, so we started having 2 to 1 spar, even so, they are not able to defeat me. So Chojiro A decided to remove the limiter on chakra, well that doesn't make any difference, Looks like he forgot to take note of the massive chakra capacity of my age, I am already at chunin level in terms of chakra capacity as per my brother, The spar soon turned into 3 to 1 and posed my real challenge. Because every time we fight, the Nara would be using a new strategy and will be pinning me down and followed by beatings, even so, the training was enjoyable with them. Well, I started slowly opening to them in this period and became my first real friend in this world and started hanging around with them even after training.
My life within the village become very peaceful, my daily routine become like this, training with Chojiro and trio in the morning, go to the library to read books, work on my chakra control and molding chakra without hand seal and manipulation and refining my tenketsu's, and in the evening I do chakra exercises to stimulate my brain.
Three Years passed in a blink of an eye, many things happened during this period, Like my friends finally graduated after 2 years from Chojiro's training and started taking mission for our clans and since then I was training all alone in the morning, it can't be helped looks like there is no one capable in Akimitchi and Nara clan to team up with me in this generation. And my chakra finally hit the Jonin level. I could nuke my enemies with high-level Jutsu's now but unfortunately, since I was deemed too young, the clan elders forbid me to start my elemental training, I practically begged my brother but he was helpless as well. To compensate that, to increase my attack power, I learned Rasengan in secret. It was pretty easy for me because of my absolute chakra control, and I have taught myself how to open and close my tenketsu at will and for my sensing talent my passive sensing is between 10-250 meters and I can sense up to 5 miles without getting caught and can stretch up to 12 miles when using my capabilities. for this obvious reason, I kept my sensing abilities a secret even to my brother and my dear friends.
Looks like the war has resumed and Senju alliances and Uchiha alliances resumed the war. My unlucky brother got injured in a crossfire and resting in our house. And suddenly we got and unexpected guests, Guess what, its the infamous fucking Senju brothers!, Hashirama & Tobirama!
I know the chapter is kind of rushed, I am planning to step into the plot from the next chapter onwards. Let me know if you have any suggestions.