

Rare people, tends to have rare opportunities like the Kaito Uzumaki, Enjoy the fanfic

99_DRAGONS · Anime e quadrinhos
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31 Chs

Spar with Sensei

@ Konohagakure:


Kakashi: "Team seven fought rogue ninjas in the waves and received the payment for an expensive B-rank mission. The satisfaction from the mission is also immense."


Hiruzen: "How did Naruto perform in the mission?"


Kakashi: "He lacked chakra control, but he showed high improvement in taijutsu."


Hiruzen: "To think he is improving. It seems Kaito is doing his best in his role. Here, give this payment to your subordinates."


*Knock, Knock*


Hiruzen: "Come in."


Shisui opened the door and came forward with his report for the mission. Meanwhile, Kaito was practicing his Wood Style: Wood Dragon jutsu.


Shira: "Yakumo, you are doing it wrong. For stamina training, you have to add some more weight."


Kaito: 'I don't have time for this. Chunin exams will start in a week. I have to prepare for Orochimaru, Gaara, Baki, and Suna's army.'


Kaito teleported to his home and came to the sealing room. Kaito had all the knowledge of existing bomb fuinjutsu from Kushina's hobby book.


Kaito: 'Should I develop the Reverse Four Symbol Seal and use it as a new bomb in the Chunin Exams as my unique bomb? Well, it could be quite nice, but I have work, and I haven't completed the Wood Dragon technique. Let's do it next evening.'


Next morning, 4 am:


Kaito: "Multi-Shadow Clone Jutsu!" 25 clones formed.


Kaito: "Do the Wood Dragon technique."


All 25 Kaito clones tried to raise a Wood Dragon, but they failed. After a while, Kaito managed to perform the Wood Dragon technique with a lot of flaws, but it was a great achievement for Kaito himself.


In the evening:


Kaito: 'I should make the Reverse Four Symbol Seal and Evil Suppression Seal.'


Kaito practiced fuinjutsu dedicatedly.




Reverse Four Symbol Seal:


When Danzo is about to die, he uses a seal called Reverse Four Symbol Seal, which can be stored in the body and released at the user's will. It can be used as a human bomb, absorbing all matter near the body within a certain range. Kaito wants to create a Reverse Four Symbol Seal like paper bombs, which has no sound but is highly dangerous and disastrous in nature.




Evil Suppression Seal:


Kakashi will use this seal on Sasuke to suppress the Curse Seal of Heaven inserted by Orochimaru.




Suddenly, there was a hawk soaring around the sky. Kaito saw the hawk and thought, 'So, it is in a week, huh?'


Kaito prepared stuff and went to meet Shisui to get his paper to compete in the Chunin Exams. They were already told to assemble near Nakano River.


Kaito moved to Nakano River, waiting for others. Shira and Yakumo arrived together.


Kaito: "Both of you are roaming together a lot these days."


Shira: "No, Kaito, it's not like that. It's pure coincidence."


Kaito: 'Liar, liar, pants on fire.'


Yakumo: "Well, it is not like that."


Kaito: "Well, I don't have time for that. Are you ready for the Chunin Exams?"


Shira: "Guy-sensei told Rock Lee's team 3 is going to take part, but he also said it's too early for me."


Yakumo: "…"


Kaito: "Sensei is coming."


Shisui flicked there with devil speed.


Shisui: "Guys, I got your applications for Chunin Examinations."


Shira and Yakumo were taken aback.


Shisui: "It may be too sudden, but our team got the highest-ranking missions among other rookie genins. You will breeze through the Chunin exam and become a Chunin in no time."


Yakumo: "Sensei, Mom and Dad told it's too soon to take part in Chunin now."


Shira continued, "Guy-sensei also said the number of missions we have done is less, and I need more experience."


Shisui looked disappointed and looked at Kaito (meaning he wanted Kaito to say something).


Kaito: "I want to take part in Chunin Exams and become a Chunin, sensei."


Shisui: "Here, Kaito." Shisui was genuinely glad that he has a student who listens to his words no matter what and gave the application form.


Kaito: "Sensei, I heard people always take part in groups of three. I can take part alone, right?"


Shisui: "I will talk with the Hokage and settle it once and for all."


Kaito: "Thank you, sensei."


Shira and Yakumo were feeling excluded. Kaito was like, 'Take that, you love-oriented idiots!'


Shisui: "I was looking forward to a spar with you. Is it okay to have a spar now?"


Kaito: "Why not."


Shisui and Kaito got into the zone. Yakumo started the spar, "Start!"


Kaito activated his Jogan, and Shisui activated his Sharingan. Kaito used regular kunais with his jutsu formula and aimed at Shisui's neck and rushed with his sword. The kunais were scattered around the battlefield.


Uzumaki Kenjutsu Chapter 01: World Chakra


Shisui blocked the sword with a kunai. Shisui began to feel a mountain amount of chakra aimed at his kunai. Previewing this with his Sharingan, he jumped backward.


Shisui: "Great Fireball Jutsu."


Kaito: "Water Release: Water Trumpet."


A mist created among the battlefield. Kaito used this time to use Shadow clones and


 transform them into leaves. Shisui's sharp eyes did not fail to see the moment.


Shisui: "Fire Release: Great Dragon Fire Technique."


A great dragon descended from Shisui's mouth and burnt all Kaito's clones.

Kaito used most of his chakra preparing his clones.

But Kaito still had the chance.

The area of impact of Shisui's technique is too hot to even stay in the same region.

Kaito lost 50 percent of his chakra already.

Now Kaito has FTG in his hands and Wood Style jutsus.


Shisui raised his sword and used his unique teleportation technique.

Kaito continued to use his chakra and use flicking technique.

At the moment Shisui can't perceive, his plan is to teleport to one of his kunais.

The sound of swords and Kunai clashing in the air was very loud. 

Shira couldn't admire Kaito and Shisui fighting. Due to prolonged use of Sharingan and Jogan, Kaito and Shisui lost stamina level by level. Both didn't want to lose. 

As a teacher, Shisui wanted to teach Kaito a lesson and prove him worthy of teaching him. As for Kaito, he wanted to surpass Shisui Uchiha.


Both were at the edge. Kaito's inner power began to stir for the first time.

Kurama's chakra began to leak for the first time.

Kaito's eyes, which had lost stamina, regained their power and were brimming with power to fight.

Kaito's physical body couldn't take it anymore, and he fainted while standing.