

Rare people, tends to have rare opportunities like the Kaito Uzumaki, Enjoy the fanfic

99_DRAGONS · Anime e quadrinhos
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30 Chs

New People and GTS 02

Time skip 5 years,

Kaito Uzumaki age 12 : Wood Style and Adamantine Sealing chains Exposed to Hiruzen and became first natural Wood style user after Senju Hashirama.

Kaito Uzumaki "The Monster Genius"

Kekkei Genkai:

Jogan Dojutsu

Wood Release

Adamantine Chakra Chains

Yang Physique

Eye mind of Kagura

Vessel of Yin Kurama : Since Kaito have Yin Kurama, He Have high potent Yin chakra stored inside him, which makes him immune to any genjutsu, even high level Genjutsu like Kotoamatsukami Tsukuyomi and Kurama Clan Genjutsu doesn't work on him.

A/N : Remember how Shikamaru undid the Genjutsu in the Chunin exam, the Nara clan have Yin Physique specialized for controlling Shadows.

Techniques mastered:

Stringed-Shurikenjutsu (Max)

Uzumaki Kenjutsu (Max)

Mystic Palm technique (Max) : Medical Ninjutsu.

Hyuga Clan Gentle Fist (Max)

Tenketsu Point Operation (Max)

Rasengan and Variations (Non-Charka nature) (Max)

Shadow Clone Jutsu (Max)

Academy three Basic Jutsu (Max)

Flying Thunder God (Max)

Body Flicking Technique (Max)

Note : Kaito Copied Body Flicking Technique of Shisui with Jogan.

Ninjutsu Mastered:

Wind style:

Wind style : Great Breakthrough

Wind style : Gale Palm

Wind style : Wind Cutter technique

Earth Style:

Earth Release: Earth Spear

Earth Release: Earth Wave Technique

Earth Release: Bullet Rock Technique

Earth Release: Bottomless Swamp

Earth Release: Mud wall

Water Style:

Water Release: Mouth Shot

Water Release: Rampaging Water

Water Release: Water Severing Slash

Water Release: Water Severing Wave

Water Release: Surging Sea.

Wood Style:

Wood Release: Raising spears (Self Created)

Wood Release: Wood Clone

Wood Release: Wood Dome

Wood Release: Assassination Arrows (Self Created)

Wood Release: Wood Manipulation (Self Created)

Wood Release: Wood coating (Wood Man) (Self created)

Assassination Arrows: Kaito gains the ability to craft bows and arrows. He can manipulate the size of both the bow and the arrow. Upon launching the arrow, if it successfully strikes a target, the wooden components within the arrow penetrate through all internal organs, resulting in the fatality of the victim..

Wood Coating : Kaito made this technique with Sabakuno Gaara 's Sand Burial technique in his mind. When the sand burial technique is active, Kaito could make a hallow wood armor where it cannot be compressed by sand. This technique have so much potential to explore.

(A/N : I will release Flashback of exposing Wood style later.)

Uchiha Police force became "Friendly neighborhood Uchiha"

Hiruzen acquired Uchiha Shisui as his Disciple, grooming next Heir for the seat of the Hokage. As he inherited the will of fire just like Uchiha Kagami.

Sasuke is not his Emo self as in the cannon, he have gone through Intense training under Itachi and Shisui to achieved two tomoe sharingan and have Crow Summoning Jutsu.

Sakura is Sakura

Ino have a huge Crush on Kaito, she might explode anytime. She learnt all the clan techniques from her father, to impress Kaito.

@ the academy,

Iruka get's pranked by Naruto again

Iruka "Oi, Naruto Baka!"

Naruto kept one of his hand behind his head and laughed.

Iruka "Go to your seat Naruto, Now students I am going to introduce two new students to this class, as you know we lack two students to complete the class strength of thirty members"

Kaito thought "This is unlike the original Canon"

Shikamaru "What a drag"

Iruka got annoyed because of Shikamaru's laziness "Let me introduce, Kurama Yakumo and Shira"

Kaito thought "What the hell, she is the girl from Filler episode and the filler episode Guy from Chunin exam in shippuden"

Ino thought "WHY KAITO IS LOOKING AT THE GIRL LIKE THAT, IS HE??" tears got generated at Ino's eyes.

Iruka "Introduce yourself both of you"

Yakumo "I am Kurama Yakumo, it is a pleasure"

The class filled with mummers. She had a gentle smile and sat beside Hinata.

Shira "I am Shira, from a village near Suna, nice to meet you all"

Kaito thought "there is no doubt, she is a variable, she possess a monster she could not control, until Naruto's Talk no jutsu came into effect and Shira have a good physique to maintain the inner eight gates technique, and why the hell he is wearing Gai's Jumpsuit?, maybe he became student of Gai?"

Iruka "They both are special cases, as you know there are 2 months to your graduation, they are your age and already accepted by Hokage sama to become Genin and they will be graduating with you and formed into teams with you."

Sasuke siting beside me asked "Do you know that Girl?"

Kaito "I dont know about that girl, but I read about her clan once"

Sasuke "Does she have potential"

Kaito "She is very weak"

Sasuke smirked and turn away the attention from her

Kaito continued "But, she is a monster when it comes to Genjutsu, even the Hokage did not have the chance of survival, it is a Kekkei Genkai"

Sasuke was shocked, eyes poped out and jaw dropped.

Kaito "That's why she is special"

Sasuke thought "Wow interesting "

All the students got familiarized them self with Yakumo and Shira, Shira did not have the bowl cut like Rock lee and Might Guy, it is OK to see him maintaining his own hairstyle from the cannon.

Kaito thoughts "Shira, the Martial Genius in the Sunagakure, he was suppressed for not having Ninjutsu or Genjutsu, he was not able to become a shinobi, But He trained himself to the point to break Boulders with ease, he was able to come up with his own version of '8 Inner Gates', the Seven Heavens Breathing Method, he can take in a lot of oxygen by increasing his Lung capacity Fourfold.

He is also the founder of the Silent fist technique, which made Rock Lee suffer in the Chunin exams after Gaara become the Kazekage he was able to become a Shinobi"

Iruka "Students, Tomorrow your Graduation Exams are coming prepare well" Iruka saw Naruto, as he wanted him to prepare.

Naruto "Nii-san!"

Kaito "Yes Naruto"

Naruto "Nii-san, I am not able to do the Clone Jutsu properly, would you help me out"

Kaito "I will Naruto, let go straight to the training grounds after school"

Shira came "Hey, I am Shira" he wanted to shake hands with Kaito

Naruto gave his hands "I am Uzumaki Naruto"

Shira "It's Nice to meet you Uzumaki Naruto" he gave hands and walk beside and gave his hands again "I am Shira"

Sasuke gave this hands "Uchiha Sasuke"

Shira "We already met, I am asking the Yellow Blonde"

Kaito "Uzumaki Kaito, It is a pleasure Shira-san" Kaito used a warm smile.

Shira "By the way, I want a spar against you, I was told that, you are the number one Rookie so" he blushed a little

Sasuke "Hey I told you we could spar right, but you also gave Naruto your time to train"

Kaito "I know, I accept Shira-san's spar, how about a tornament? Four people, Me, Naruto, Shira-san and you what do you say sasuke?"

Naruto "Sogi, I am in Nii-san"

Sasuke "OK, I am in too"

Kaito "That's the spirit, is it OK Shira-san"

Shira "Shira will do, I am in"

Kaito "If I win against you, I have somethings to ask about you"

Sakura came circling Sasuke"Sasuke, are you going to have a spar, let me see your spar"

Kaito "Dont tell to anyone"

Sakura "Hey Kaito, dont butt in our conversation" she raged at Kaito.

As usual Kaito minds his own business "What do you say Shira?"

Sasuke "You are Annoying Sakura"

Sakura got depressed.

Shira "Alright"

Kaito "Sasuke will send his crow about location"

Kaito shushined...

Naruto "Such speed, How strong are you Nii-san?"

Sasuke thoughts "Sogi, it is as fast as Shisui Nii-san"

Shira sweat dropped. Yakumo after eavesdropping craves to see the spar, she is looking forward to it.