

Rare people, tends to have rare opportunities like the Kaito Uzumaki, Enjoy the fanfic

99_DRAGONS · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
31 Chs

Naruto's Progress

At the Hokage's office:


Hiruzen: "Kaito, congratulations on graduating and becoming a genin."


Kaito: "Thank you, Gramps."


Hiruzen: "Here are the scrolls; it contains the Wood Dragon jutsu."


Kaito: "Wow, it's Lord First's original, right?"


Hiruzen: "Yes, use it wisely. You can't just expose the wood style during missions. The fact that you can use wood style is not widespread among the Jonins, except for a few. We can't leak your information to our enemy nations."


Kaito: "Yes, you are correct. Information should be used at the right time. The fact that one of the Anbu is a wood style user is widespread enough to be targeted by enemy nations."


Hiruzen was satisfied with Kaito's understanding of ninja warfare.


Kaito bid farewell to Hiruzen and went to see Naruto, who was depressed with his performance compared to his teammates.


Kaito knocked on the apartment door, but it was locked. Naruto was sadly looking at himself in a mirror.


Kaito: "Naruto!"


Naruto wiped his tears and opened the door, but it was no use before Kaito's Jogan eyes. Naruto maintained a cheerful act.


Kaito went inside, and Naruto, hiding his sadness, asked about his team. Kaito was determined to ask, "Naruto, that smile of yours, don't fake it. Be truthful, at least to me."


Naruto's smile faded instantly.


Kaito: "Your only blood relative, the one and only me, Uzumaki Kaito. Do you actually want to fake things with me?"


Naruto: "Nii-san, sor-sorry."


Kaito sighed. "Naruto, share with me your joy, sadness. That's what we brothers are for."


Naruto cried and hugged Kaito. "Nii-san, I am so weak! I want to be more powerful to surpass Sasuke. Please help me."


Kaito patted his head and told him to come to the training ground. Naruto followed Kaito, coincidentally finding Might Guy teaching Rock Lee and Shira.


It was weird to find them in green jumpers.


Kaito: "Hello, Guy-sensei."


Guy: "Who is this youthful guy in front of me, at a hour of youth?"


Guy, after seeing Kaito, remembered Minato, the fourth Hokage. Kaito's figure looked as if he were a little version of Minato himself.


Guy subconsciously had a deep respect for Minato, reflecting in his actions when seeing Kaito. Guy was at a loss for words.


Rock Lee: "You, are you the one who defeated Shira? Right, I've decided you will be my eternal rival. This is youth, youth, I say!"


Kaito sweat-dropped at the attitude of Guy and Rock Lee.


Guy: "Did you come here to train yourself?"


Kaito: "No, I want to talk with you alone."


Guy: "Alright."


Guy vanished, and Kaito said, "Naruto, I will come. Please wait." Naruto nodded.


Kaito went to Guy and continued, "Sensei, I want you to teach Naruto Shurikenjutsu and Strong Fist taijutsu."


Guy: "What a youthful request! I will teach him the best; don't worry."


Kaito: "I have a condition for him to learn under you."


Guy: "What's that?"


Kaito: "Whatever you are teaching Naruto, he must use at least 10 Shadow clones. I am saying that you must teach 10 Narutos at the same time and correct them."


Guy sweat-dropped, and his curiosity made him ask, "Why is that?"


Kaito: "First one is experience, and the second one is chakra control. I also use the same method to get proficient in less time."


Guy: "OK, I will guide him."


A week passed, and Naruto learned more things, growing quickly.


Basic level ~~~ BL

Intermediate level ~~~ IL

Advanced level ~~~ AL

Master Level ~~~ ML


Little Naruto became more intelligent than in the plot, gained more hands-on experience in basics, and grew steadily stronger. However, it was not enough to surpass the current Sasuke.


IL in Strong Fist taijutsu

IL in Shurikenjutsu

IL in Nunchaku


Team 7's first real mission, the Wave mission, arrived after Naruto's and Sasuke's demand.

Sasuke "Naruto, let's go to the gate and wait for the old man and Kakashi"

Naruto "Hey, call him sensei, teme Sauske"

Sasuke "Hn"

Sakura who was already standing in the gate, greeted Sauske and Naruto.

Due to the minor mission of finding the cat tora and other D-rank missions, Naruto seem to be more componet than the sakura, so naturally Sakura began to see Naruto in a new light.

Sasuke "Hey where is your brother, I cant find him these days"

Naruto didnt reply and was waiting for Kakashi to come.

Sasuke pouted and Sakura interwined "Hey Naruto, why are you so Arrogent, why didnt you reply to Sasuke"

Naruto "He did the same thing in the academy days to me, I am just repaying the kindness I got"

Sakura didnt talk, more over she was unable to talk.

Kakashi "Yo, sorry I am late, as you see a black cat crossed by, so"

Sakura complained that "It's a lie, CHANARU"

Tazuna "Can we continue with our journey"

Sasuke sighed.

Naruto "Yes let's go"

Kakashi notices drastic change in Naruto 'Naruto you are growing well' Kakashi did his Iconic Eye smile.

As they went forward,

Kakashi noted a puddle, in the sunny day at a summer season.

Kakashi 'So, some one is after him it is pretty big than a C rank mission'


The demon brothers woke from the puddle and immediately tied Kakashi with blade rope and made Kakashi break into pieces

They rushed to Naruto,

Naruto "Leaf huricane!"

The incomming demon brothers got kicked in their face, all though there was a bit of luck, they got up like a fallen horse.

Sasuke "Katon: Gōkakyū no Jutsu"

Saukra thought "Sasuke is cool"

After the fire vanish, Kakashi slayed them down.

Kakashi "Good job Naruto and Sasuke, and Good job on protecting our client Sakura, but..."

Tazuna sweat droped.

Kakashi "you requested for protection against bandits while you construct the bridge but you never mentioned the activity of Ninjas, so this will be an expensive B rank mission!"

Tazuna lowered his head, unable to answer, "Yes."


Sakura suggested, "Sensei, should we return to the village and report to the Hokage? We can then assign chunins to the mission, right?"


Kakashi explained, "Usually, that's the case. But if our client provides the money equivalent to a B-rank mission, our mission will be upgraded, and we'll be paid accordingly."


Sakura felt anxious about real-life battle situations.


Kakashi continued, "Now, let's move."


In Sasuke's thoughts: "Itachi is going on an A-rank mission to Kiri. If we have a chance, we can meet him."


As they walked and walked, they finally reached the boats and rowed to a small island called the Land of Waves.


Naruto was different from the original. He had been disciplined under Gai's intense training, prepared by Kaito.


Naruto's Arsenal:

- Leaf Coiling Whirlwind

- Leaf Drop

- Leaf Gale

- Leaf Great Combo Attack

- Shuriken Techniques

- Kunai Techniques

- Strong Fist Taijutsu Style

- Nunchaku Single Leaf Style

- Chakra Strengthening

- Shadow Clone Jutsu

- Sexy Jutsu # (he still believes it will work on powerful people)

- Substitution Jutsu

- Transformation Jutsu


(A/N: Do you want Naruto to learn Eight Inner Gates?)


Upon arriving on the island, Naruto threw a kunai, saying, "Sensei, I felt a presence."


Sakura warned, "Hey, don't throw kunai like that; you might kill someone."


When Kakashi cleared the tall grass, he saw that the kunai had killed a snow rabbit. He recognized the silent killing techniques of Kirigakure's snow rabbits.


Kakashi spotted chakra fluctuations and commanded, "Duck!"


A long sword, intended to behead them all, failed in its attempt and stuck to a tree. Suddenly, a man shunshined to the long sword's handle. He was named Zabuza Momochi, the Demon of the Hidden Mist.


Kakashi thought, 'Demon of the mist, huh?' and spoke, "Get into the Manji battle formation."


Naruto responded, "Hai."


Sasuke, Sakura, and Naruto surrounded Tazuna in the Manji battle formation, protecting him. Kakashi opened his left eye.


Zabuza remarked, "I am honored to see the Sharingan from the start of the battle."


Kakashi and Zabuza started their battle. Meanwhile, Naruto summoned 15 shadow clones and transformed them into Kakashi, starting to battle Zabuza.


Zabuza got hit by the clone's taijutsu styles, but he managed to cut down clones.


Time passed,


The battle got intense,


Kakashi cutted Zabuza's Thumb finger and made him bleed a lot in other parts of the body as well.


Sasuke pined Zabuza with triple demon shuriken wheel technique and Haku Made his act.


Haku made his senbon stuck at Zabuza's Neck.



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