
Naruto: Insane System

[The Insane System has been unlocked after fulfilling the conditions.] [Mission: Kill Hatake Kakashi (0/1). Reward: ] [Mission: Kill Kushina Uzumaki (0/1). Reward: ] [Mission: Kill Itachi Uchiha (0/1). Reward: ]

Shino_Aburame_1751 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
21 Chs

Chapter 5


"Mr. Shiro the Hokage is waiting for you in his office now."

The receptionist at the front desk says as she gives a well trained smile showing her experience in this type of work. Of course most shinobi are good liers able to control their facial expressions to a high degree. I'm capable of doing even more than that after all I spent multiple years learning to perfectly control my muscles in my face using chakra.

With a picture perfect smile I knock onto the door as the voice of old man Hiruzen shouts from behind it.


I open the door and the sight is just as I remember. The office is a mix of green, brown and white with multiple plants growing in the corners of the room. Multiple light brown cabinets decorated in green and white cloth are lined against the back wall of the office. Many stacks of important documents are neatly placed on the hard white desk made of exotic wood and the old man himself is taking a large puff from his pipe.

Beautiful paintings depicting the past victories in Hiruzen's life are hanging from the left wall showing his grand deeds in an elegant way. The right wall however has many trophies and medals of honor hanging from hooks including the infamous Hokage hat.

"Hikaru my boy I heard you've actually fought Iwagakure's jonin Gaki eh?"

I lightly nod my head without bothering to do the standard procedure of bowing or kneeling. An action that no doubt internally infuriated the old man but I really don't care.

"Yes I managed to miraculously kill off Gaki as he was interrupting a Konohagakure shinobi team on their mission."

Here it is, I already know that Hiruzen is somehow going to deflect blame onto me in order to force me to give up Gaki's body.

A sadden look stretches his wrinkles and a frown makes the old man's brows sink in depression.

"Ever since a few months ago pressuring has been rising against Konohagakure from the other great elemental nations and now it is necessary to increase the strength of our troops."

The old man takes another fat puff from his pipe before continuing.

"Hikaru my boy I understand that you are hesitant to give your sword techniques to the village, believe me I understand, after all you created them yourself based of your father's <Crescent Moon> but I ask you on behalf of the kenjutsu experts in the village for your contribution."

The perfect and polite smile that had previously been plastered on my face melts as I look down at the Hokage with a scowl.

"With all due respect lord 3rd both of my jutsu, <White Gyrate> and <Pale Streak> are the foundation of my strength. I wouldn't hesitate to put them up against even the best of Konohagakure's kenjutsu. To force me to give up both of these peak A-Rank jutsu that cover the main weaknesses of kenjutsu is ridiculous."

"Besides what use can these jutsu give? I've spent over a decade training my wind release to the absolute limit how many in Konohagakure can compare to me?"

The ball is in your court Hiruzen you better either give me satisfactory compensation or something else worth my time.

Hiruzen sighs as he looks at me without his grandfatherly smile as his hand reaches for a white scroll about 3 feet long. With one hand he unravels the scroll revealing multiple precious A-Rank wind jutsu that has the past experiences of users written down along with the process of the jutsu creation and first uses of the jutsu.

"I assume you know what I'm about to say Hikaru? In exchange for both of your A-Rank jutsu you can choose two A-Rank wind jutsu from this scroll, most of these compliment your kenjutsu and are very helpful to you."

"As for the compensation for the remains of Gaki...I believe I'll need to call Orochimaru back to the village as he is the one who is interested in the kekkei genkai body."

Hah, Orochimaru, it's better if Hiruzen is here while we negotiate otherwise I'm afraid he'll kill me and snatch Gaki's body. Of course Hiruzen is stronger than Orochimaru but I wouldn't treat Orochimaru as badly as Hiruzen. Hiruzen is held back by his reputation, title and position of power but Orochimaru is an unhinged sociopath that wouldn't hesitate to kill me off for benefits.

Hiruzen ironically has restricted himself by being Hokage, not only can he not force me to give up my jutsu without something in exchange but he most also act subservient and please me in order to keep my loyalty and trust. The truth is that Konoha needs heroes that will rise up and lead the people to victory. Without powerful generals under his command Hiruzen won't be able to keep his lofty throne.

In the past few years Konohagakure has taken massive hits to both it's economy and military strength. The cost of food and supplies skyrocketed during the 2nd great shinobi war and we still haven't recovered. Danzo and the other two advisors forced Sakumo to commit suicide, both politically and physically. How many S-Rank shinobi are there that are actually loyal to the Hokage and actually willing to fight for Konoha?

Orochimaru is a backstabbing snake with an obsession with immortality that is secretly working with Danzo behind Hiruzen's back. Jiraiya is a secluded perverted bastard who is also a pacifist and detests war. Tsunade is someone with an incredibly high profile that cannot be controlled through material wealth, physical force, or political schemes and is mainly a medical ninja. Danzo is arguably an S-Rank shinobi but would he ever actually risk his life for Konohagakure? From my knowledge Minato still hasn't learned the flying thunder god and cannot be considered S-Rank. Fugaku may be an S-Rank shinobi if he has already unlocked his mangekyou sharingan but he's an Uchiha and is most certainly guarding against any plots from Hiruzen and Danzo.

Konoha needs a constant stream of wins to keep moral high and me killing Gaki in a direct confrontation without difficulty is just what Konohagakure needs in these hard times. Otherwise once war does start our military will be not only starving, weak and pathetic but also disheartened. It's okay for troops to starve as long as they can fight but if they lose hope in the village and start to believe they can't win no matter the cost...I'm afraid Konohagakure will collapse and the land of Fire will be reduced to rubble.