
Naruto In The World of Beautiful CEO

Naruto Uzumaki, a mysterious man who leading a good and peaceful life, selling a ramen on a small stall beside the market area of Zhonghai City. Everything seems fine until he save a certain beauty from her fate of being rape. What will happen? Who is the beauty? And why she ask him to marry her?! This a fanfic of My Wife is beautiful CEO and possibly other modern xianxia novel.

TricksterDrasvel · Outros
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105 Chs

Little work trip

Public transportation was a common sight in the midst of the hustle and bustle cars in the heart of business part of the Zong Hai city. Most commoners and workers would use the convenient accommodation from the government to travel anywhere in a cheap way. Sometimes people who had car itself would use this transportation in order for them not to get tired of waiting when they got trapped in a traffic jam. Unfortunately, such a thing never could be perfect, the downside these people had to face is the load of passengers that sometimes over its capacity limit, they had to cramp themselves inside uncontrollable population that had ridden this cabin. Like the city bus that could be seen running at steady speed right now.

Inside this cabin, from the view from the upper side corner, the only thing that eyes could see is people's head, the massive quantity of people who gathered here was beyond people can believe, besides, how can such limited space of place hold such a sizeable population?

But what most unexpected was the people itself, why? Because they could stand there with a calm expression like it was nothing to fuss over about. Maybe these people had been accustomed to this kind of situation.

Among the sea of people, a blond haired man and a shoulder-length haired woman could be seen standing close to each other, really close.

Zhang Cai never ever expected such a circumstance like this would happen on their way to the client, at first, the batch of people including her and Naruto was not that many. Although they didn't manage to get a seat there was still a room to move and the distance between people. By the moment the city bus reached its next stop, suddenly a sheer load of people quickly filled this bus, she and Naruto unwillingly got push around before both of them end up sticking each other. They stuck so close that her face literally pasted on Naruto's chest.

H-How could this happen?

Zhang Cai's face slightly turned red and her eyes gazed to the side. She couldn't comprehend how a common business trip turned into an awkward situation.

Athough I and the other were always teasing him, but it feels so different when we just alone, especially this up close.

Her ear which was one of the parts that paste on his chest can easily hear his strong and steady heartbeat, his vanilla-scent of perfume invaded her sensitive nose and made her feel dizzy from the constant exposure. His perfect size of frame was enough to make her giddy and agitate.

I never really notice his figure before...

Unlike other sisters who might have interest in him, she just joined bullying him only for fun. Thus, she never really gave an effort to observe him,.

Now after standing this close to him that I just realize how handsome and athletic he is.

No wonder other sisters so crazy about him and gossiping him a lot.

She still remembered how her coworker would gather just to talk about him or the fact that they sometimes asked her for any information she got on him just because she and the trio were the closest.

Remembering that he is married, she somehow envied the lucky girl who had gotten the chance to experience his care and love.

Sigh, how nice it would be if he is my husband instead.

As soon as the thought crossover her mind, Zhang Cai had shocked expression like she just caught something scary.

Wait, what?! Where that thought come from?! Her face showed a frighten look, she cursed inwardly,

Bad Zhang Cai! You shouldn't compare him with your husband, even if he is far from perfect but he still your husband in the end!!!

When Zhang Cai was so focused on her inner self-preaching, the bus stopped at its another pickup point and the doors to freedom from the suffocating carriage are opened. But another unbelievable thing happened, the comparison of people who went out the bus was fewer than the people who went in! Hence, the number of passengers inside the compartment had increased. The bus became noisy from the sound of complaining and protesting.

"Hey watched your steps!"

"Get rid this stupid bag of yours, it keeps hitting my face!"

"Hey how long you not had taken a shower?! How can you be this smelly!"

Zhang Cai just recovered from her self-introspecting when she realized that all hell had broken loose inside the bus. Then suddenly from her back, someone forcefully pushed her further into Naruto body and tightly sandwiched her between him/her and Naruto.


The sound of breath forcefully being held came out from her mouth. she did feel like being press by something heavy and inability to breathe. What more ironic, the person who pushed her didn't seem likely to stop, he or she just continued pushing her and this causes her to be suffocated.

"Hey... don't push... further... I can't... breathe..." she said in a rough breath.

But as if fell on deaf ears, her word didn't put to stop whoever pressing her.


"Its... really... hard... to... breathe..." she moaned in pain as she feels her consciousness was slowly fading.

"H-help... Naruto..." she begged to the only person she could ask for.

At this moment, she felt a strong wind slip through her. Then suddenly the suffocating feeling had gone while took along whoever press her before.

"Hah... hah... hah..."

Like a fish returned to the sea after being so long in the land, Zhang Cai greedily sucked whatever air she could around her. Her chest was heaved, her complexion was red as a tomato and little bit tears crept from her corner of the eyes.

After a while, she finally regained her normal state, moreover, she also noticed that although they still stuck to each other, she felt like there's a little bit space around them now, at least, she could move a bit.

What more strange, she sensed the taste of mild inside the air around them and she doubted this is coming from the air conditioner. With this huge amount of people inside this modern wagon, the effect of what abbreviated as AC was the same as trying to extinguish a wildfire with a glass of water.

She was deep in her thought when out of the blue, a sound belongs to a voice of familiar man pulled her back.

"Sister Cai," the man said, there was distressed tone inside his voice.

Zhang Cai startled and hurriedly turned her face to look at her male companion who had become her sole focus in her thought for the last few minutes.

"Naruto? W-what happen? why are you look like in pain?" Zhang Cai asked in shock.

"Sister Cai... please..." Naruto said slowly, the agonized expression he wore clearly not a fake.

"Please? Please, what? Come on, don't scare me!" Zhang Cai also felt anxious when seeing his expression


"Please move..."

"Please move away your foot from mine, your high-heel is killing me..."


Zhang Cai was stupefied after hear what he requested, then still in the same state, she robotically glanced down and discovered that it is indeed her foot is fixed on the top of his. didn't give any chance for a second to pass by, she screamed in fright

"Waaah?! I'm sorry, I'm really... really sorry, I had not known, please forgive me!"

Naruto's muscle face twitched, while still grimacing he said: "It's fine sister Cai but please can you move it now?"

Realize that she still not removed her foot, Zhang Cai was in fright again, then she quickly moved away her foot. Only after this, Naruto finally relieved the tense expression he held for a while.

"I'm really sorry, how long I have been stepped on your foot?" Zhang Cai asked with concern.

"Don't worry, it just a little while ago" Naruto reassured, truth to be told, that situation had been going from the second stop point, he didn't tell her at that moment because it wasn't really hurt so he decided just to ignore it but at the third stop point the pressure had been rising and her high-heel exactly started to merciless stab his pitiful foot, if not for his great fortitude and strong will, he would already raining down the bus with a shout of thousand curses.

Unable to withstand it anymore, Naruto swiftly made a seal with his left hand and cast a wind jutsu in small scale but enough to create a barrier around him and Zhang Cai.

Of course, it was impossible for him to tell her the truth, she would be devastated with guilt if he does.

"Ugh... maybe I should consider not to use high-heel shoes anymore?" Zhang Cai frowned

"Second to that!" Naruto abruptly agreed with her idea, he didn't want any more casualties to happen.

"But I become shorter if I use normal heel shoes," Zhang Cai said with a troubled expression.

"What's the big deal if you become shorter, Sister Cai?" Naruto wrinkled his brow

"Of course it's a big deal! How can I stay attractive if I become a midget?" Zhang Cai huffed.

"I don't hate lollies, in fact, I found them extremely cute," Naruto smirked

"You are loli! You family are loli!" Zhang Cai glowered.

"Huh? Why are you become angry for? I never said you are loli right?" Naruto said while pretend got confused.

"You..." Zhang Cai choked on her own word as she unable to retort. She gnashed her teeth to Naruto before she decided to ignore him for the rest of the trip. Naruto laughed at this and coaxed her with a ton of apologies.

Both of them got down at the next drop point and made their way toward the client office by foot. The area was close to south part of Zhong Hai city, although it was still a business area but less crowded than the central part of Zhong Hai. They walked on the sideline of the road, bypassing every kind of stores and offices. the advertising crew of these stores sometimes would approach them and offered their product such as handphones, HD-TV, Wrist Watch, furnitured, household stuff, and others. Naruto and Zhang Cai neither interest nor have much money to waste on them. They could only reply to them with a small nod and faint smile.

Soon, Naruto and Zhang Cai arrived at two stories normal looking building, despite not so grand compared to his previous Company of client, the outside interior at least looked decent and seems like well care. They entered the building through the front door and greeted with the sight of busy people. The environment inside the building was quite comfortable and clean. Zhang Cai didn't waste any time, she quickly approached the front desk staff and told her reason for coming. The staff nodded and used the in-line phone channel to contact the company director, looked like as if got approved, the staff then guide Naruto and Zhang Cai to Director's room.

They climbed to the second floor which had less room than the one on the ground, The door led to director's room soon approached them and the staff entered first while both of them wait outside. Not long, the staff showed up again and opened widely the door so both of them could get through.

Short awhile, they were sitting on the leather couch inside a medium size suite and if you compared the space of this room to Lin Ruoxi's office, it's like comparing between an elephant with a cow. Despite that fact, the place was well decorated and look neat. on the opposite of them, a middle-aged man around the age of forties could be seen sitting on the similar couch like them. The man supposed to has an average height but the extra meat on his body made him looks chubby.

"Miss Zhang, it's my pleasure to receive an honored guest from Yu Lei International..." the middle-aged man said with a humble smile.

Zhang Cai shook her head and quickly said, "Director Jun is too polite, I'm just a normal worker at Yu Lei, so you don't have to act like that."

"Regardless you're just a normal worker but you come from one of the giant corporations in Zhong Hai city, compared to mine such an ant, of course, I have to treat you with an honor," Director Jun said while rubbed his palm together.

Zhang Cai showed a helpless expression at this person insistent, feeling unable to change anything, she decided to just ignore it.

Director Jun fixed his glass on his base of the nose and changed his vision on Zhang Cai's male companion, "Miss Zhang this is..."

"Oh sorry I have not yet introduced him to you Director Jun, he is my coworker at PR department, Naruto Uzumaki," Zhang Cai said.

"Hello, it's nice to meet you, Director Jun," Naruto offered his hand.

"Oh... the feeling is mutual, Mr. Naruto," Director Jun grasped Naruto hand with his both hand and shook it excitedly.

"Hahaha..." Naruto followed Zhang Cai helpless expression at this green-sweater vest clothing middle-aged man enthusiasm.

"I heard the test for a male applicant is very difficult there, but you managed to pass it by, you must be really a talented person Mr. Naruto," he flattered while still grasping Naruto's hand.

"No, I'm just doing so little, the rest goes to luck, Director Jun," Naruto scratched his cheek

"Oh, not just talented but also humble, yes, yes, it's rare to have such youngster these days Mr. Naruto."

"..." Naruto went silent, he feels if he talked more, this chubby man would soon grow a flower on his mouth.

Zhang Cai tittered at Naruto's predicament but since they were here for an official business then she had to go back to the main topic.

"Ehm! Director Jun, in regard to our product that you has the intention to buy, how do you want to pursue it?" Zhang Cai said in serious tone.

Director Jun let go Naruto's hand, his previous flattering face had turned to a professional businessman like. He once again fixed his glass before replied to Zhang Cai inquiry.

"Of course we would still want to continue our purchasing Miss zhang, but I still think the price was too high..."

"Don't worry, I'm here exactly to provide you a chance of negotiation, so let's start with the base price..."

Zhang Cai and Director Jun continued bargain back and forth for a right price, unlike the previous war between Lin Ruoxi and Xu Zhihong, this time was less intense and Zhang Cai skill was far from Lin Ruoxi but she still did her job pretty well. Also, this time Naruto didn't adopt careless expression, if the previous time he did what he does because their objective at that time was not only for a business but to rout the enemy's courtship as well, then he must do his best to annoy Xu Zhihong, while now was pure negotiation act, Naruto must not let himself stand in Zhang Cai way. Moreover, he could pick one or two lessons from their not so fierce duel.

"Director Jun, thank you for your cooperation, I make sure the product you ordered and the price I offered will bring you satisfaction," Zhang Cai said while took a drink of the ice-tea that had been served in the middle of their negotiation. It required more than 20 minutes before they finally were able to speak in the same language, no wondered she is thirsty now.

"I will be anticipate that Miss Zhang," Director Jun said, also took a drunk.

"Then I shall excuse my self, come, Naruto," Zhang Cai stood up and prepared to leave, Naruto gave Director Jun an appreciative smile ,"thank you for the hospitality Director Jun, I hope our path cross each other in the future."

Director Jun nodded, "Take care Miss Zhang, Mr. Naruto, and so I hope too."

Zhang Cai and Naruto arrived at the director' room door, they were about to open it when a sound of commotion appear behind it.

"Stop! Director is on a meeting right now, you guys can't just break in!"

It's the voice belong to the front staff desk, the voice had a hint of nervousness and timidness

"Shut up! Who are you to stop us? If we want to meet him now, we will do so!"

Another voice resounded and followed up with that voice, the door suddenly opened harshly, revealing two figure of a man with one of them had a scrawny body while another had a lanky figure. Their face bore an arrogant expression, a disdain clearly reflected in their eyes and visible to anyone in the room.

"Hah! Turn out it just a small meeting yet this idiot exaggerated it," the one with lanky figure spoke, his head tilted in the direction of the staff.

"Director, I'm sorry! I had tried my best to hold them! but..." The staff said with a lowered head.

"It's alright, we already finished here," although Director Jun sounds calmed the tense expression he wore evidently has betrayed him.

"Yo, Jun Po! looks like you getting fatter and fatter every time I see you," said the lanky man with a mocking tone.

"Brother Ji really has a good sight, I'm indeed had been gaining weight these past few days," Director Jun spoke stiffly

The lanky man who seems to be called Brother Ji sneered, he squinted his eyes, "If you can easily become that fat, surely it will be not hard for you to burn more some cash right?"

A cold sweat traveled its way from Director Jun's temple, "Sure! Sure! We could talk about this first, please be seated!" then he directed his eyes toward the staff, "prepare drinks for these gentlemen!"

"Right away, Director!" the staff quickly said and went to the kitchen.

Brother Ji laughed in contempt, the scrawny man behind him also follow his suit, with not so muscular chest arose high in the air, they strolled toward the couch where Zhang Cai and Naruto sat before.

When the scrawny man passed by Zhang Cai, he startled, "Wait, I think I have seen you somewhere..."

No one could see what expression Zhang Cai wore because she had been hiding it with her bank.

"You got a wrong person," her voice was emotionless and little cold.

"No, No. I'm sure have seen you before, but where exactly is that I was forgetting..."

"Then you should excuse us, we had to go back to our company," without waiting for the scrawny man to answer her, Zhang Cai dashed toward the exit, upon reaching the door's entrance, the scrawny man yelled makes her does a full-stop.

"I remember! You are Yu Jian's wife aren't you?!"

Zhang Cai body trembled, her expression still blocked by her bank, but the rough tone of the voice she let out was enough to describe how she felt.

"So what, if I am?"

Brother Ji who just silent before, said with a shocking tone, "Yu Jian? You mean that Yu Jian?"

"Yeah, Brother! Haha, I almost forgot! No wonder you tried to escape so quickly, turn out you are Yu Jian's spouse!" the scrawny man said while laughing.

Brother Ji right side corner of the mouth slanting upward, his right-hand fingers touched his chin, with a slightly mocking tone he said: "Haha! I never thought would see Yu Jian's wife here, hey, how is he?"

"He's fine," there's no change in Zhang Cai's intonation.

Brother Ji and the scrawny man exchanged a glance before Brother Ji laugh, "Ah yes! It is good then if he is OK, do tell him that us, all brothers missed him back in the game."

"Is that all?"

"Also..." Brother Ji emphasized his word, "don't forget to tell him to return what he owed us."

Zhang Cai body shuddered for a second before she impassively replied, "don't worry, he will." As if didn't want to be here any longer, Zhang Cai flashed out from the room.

Naruto looked at the direction where Zhang Cai go, then at the duo mafia-attire persons. One couldn't describe what expression Naruto held or what he thought this moment. Eventually, Naruto followed Zhang Cai's tail.

Zhang Cai and Naruto walked together in silence, though she was few steps ahead of him. Their shape could be seen among the people who are crowding the sideway of the road, fulfilling their desire and need of stuff from the shops that decorated this area. These people didn't notice a distress and gloomy aura that coming from a woman that walked bypass them at every second, maybe because they didn't have a sensitive sense of surrounding or maybe they simply didn't care.

Naruto eyes bore into her back figure, the previous scene that fell upon his eyes was enough to pick up his interest, but he knew better than things ought not to ask, so he just followed her in silence.

Zhang Cai kept walking forward but the direction she's heading is not the direction where the bus stop was. Whether she did this intentionally or not is unknown.

Soon, the people around them was lessening as their figure slowly approached a small opening area that has many wooden benches planted all over. This area was like a miniature park for people to take a rest after a long hour of ransacking the market. A lot of children could be seen playing around, in their hands had been spotted several toys and balloons they bought from a small stall not far from them. A smell from various food was being cooked had been loitering around the air, try to bait certain worms inside their safe zone.

Zhang Cai moved her feet toward one of the wooden benches and sat on it, this time Naruto didn't follow her as he simply stood beside her. Both of them set their eyes on those little devils who laughed and giggled without restraint. Their behavior was pure and innocence as they didn't know how the real world and not carry any burden yet.

"Ask away..." After a long silence, Zhang Cai finally opened her mouth.

Naruto turned his face at her, only now that he could see what expression she hold the whole time, her mouth was slightly stretch to the side, her eyelids were half closed, and the skin on her face had gone pale. If you combined it with her gloomy and distress aura, it was enough for you to know how is she doing right now.

Remembering Zhang Cai who always had a goofball expression and acted childish for being in this state, Naruto felt a pang in his heart as he turned his face away.

Zhang Cai chuckled upon seeing this, she softly said: "You must be curious about what happened right? Then ask away, I wouldn't be mad..."

It took awhile for Naruto to finally let out a sigh and said without facing her: "What happen?"