
Naruto: I Quit

On the fateful night of the Nine-Tails Rebellion, a foreign soul found itself reborn in the world of the Hokage, merging with the infant Naruto. Yet, hidden beneath the innocent façade of this newborn babe lay the wisdom and experience of an adult soul, a secret known to none. As life unfurled within the Hidden Leaf Village, the unfair treatment and unwarranted hostility that once besieged Naruto now fell upon the new soul. With a resolve that defied the very fabric of destiny, he declared, "Fuck you Konoha, I am not gonna stay in this shithole any longer." ======= Support me on Patreon and get access to 60+ advanced chapters, putting you right in the middle of the action. Link: patreon.com/KittyLovesMilk ======= Disclaimer It's important to note that I do not assert any ownership over the material, as they fall under the category of fanfiction, creatively derived from existing works.

Kitty_Loves_Milk · Anime e quadrinhos
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150 Chs

Demon Fox

In a small room, there was a compact bedroom, a bathroom, and a combined kitchen and living room. This was the assigned residence for Naruto.

Finally, he could leave Konoha Hospital, where he had been living since birth, for three long years. At three years old, standing there, Naruto appeared like any ordinary toddler – short and slender.

However, beneath the medical suit, hidden from view, were well-defined eight-pack abdominal muscles and a robust musculature. He had quietly exercised from the first few days of life, and for three years, his body had undergone rigorous training despite spending most of his days idle.

What set him apart was the extraordinary power contained within his body. At just one month old, he surpassed the physical capabilities of a five-year-old child, and by three months, he had the strength of a ten-year-old. Now, without even factoring in the unique Ashura's Chakra, he could easily overpower a 15-year-old with his sheer physical might.

And here were the Genin, fresh graduates from the ninja school.

One should not underestimate a fifteen-year-old Genin. Their strength far exceeded that of their ordinary peers. If you considered the Chakra bonus, Naruto was now on par with an eighteen-year-old.

All of this was happening while he was merely three years old.

Yet, as he stood at the door, gazing at the unfamiliar room, he seemed lost. Was this his home? At least until he left Konoha Village, this would be his residence for some time.

Though the room lacked extravagance or size, it was more than sufficient for a child. Simple furniture filled the space, including a stove, basic pots and pans, dining tables and chairs, a refrigerator, and even a small TV in the bedroom.

But beyond these essentials, there was nothing else. The closet held no clothes, and the bed had no bedding. It appeared that he needed to go shopping.

Naruto contemplated this and glanced down at his outfit. He was still wearing the same medical gown he had on when he left the hospital, and his long yellow hair cascaded down to his back. It wasn't a deliberate choice to keep it long; no one had trimmed it since he was a child.

"It looks like I need to get some things," Naruto muttered to himself with a wry smile. At the very least, he needed to buy a blanket for the night and acquire some clothing. He couldn't continue like this, after all.

He reached into the money pouch in his hand; it was what the Anbu had given him before leaving him here. It seemed like he was expected to take care of himself.

That was fine; he had been an office worker in his previous life, and handling these basic tasks was well within his capabilities. The real challenge was that he didn't know the prices in this world.

He would have to start from scratch and figure out if the money he had was enough to cover his needs.

With these thoughts in mind, Naruto turned and left his small home, making sure to lock the door with the key. Then, he glanced at the house number and recalled his room's location. Naruto ventured out alone for the first time.

The building appeared unusually quiet, possibly due to its low occupancy or because most residents were at work during the day.

However, as Naruto stepped outside, he noticed the streets were bustling with people.

"Excuse me, where can I buy clothes and bedding?" Naruto approached a passerby and inquired. Fortunately, his usual mental acumen remained intact, allowing him to speak without much hesitation.

The person he stopped was an ordinary middle-aged man, not a ninja.

In the village of Konoha, not everyone was a ninja; there were also civilians who were unsuitable for ninja life, and most of the population fell into this category.

"There's a mall over there," the middle-aged man pointed ahead with his hand, kindly directing Naruto.

"Thank you," Naruto expressed his gratitude and turned to leave.

As he turned away, the man behind him wore a contemplative expression.

"I have this strange feeling that I've seen him somewhere, or heard of him before. A child with the whisker-like marks on his face? Wait, isn't that the reincarnation of the demon fox? Oh, what have I done? This is really bad luck," the man suddenly underwent a drastic attitude shift, inexplicably cursing under his breath before abruptly departing.

The man's words caused the people around to point at Naruto's back, forming small groups and muttering inaudibly.

Naruto had indeed heard them but stood still, proceeding as if nothing had happened.

Did he simply not care?

In fact, during his time at Konoha Hospital, even though no one initiated conversations with him, he could overhear the nurses and patients discussing the 'demon fox' topic.

He couldn't be bothered with it.

Continuing on, Naruto eventually arrived at the mall.

"It looks like I'll need to buy quite a few things this time. I hope the money I have is enough; once people catch on that I'm the 'demon fox,' it might become challenging to make purchases," Naruto muttered. He didn't want to hand over his money only to be subjected to scrutiny by the Byakugan.

That would be unfair. So Naruto resolved to shop extensively in the mall.

First, he purchased clothes. He bought several sets of clothing for regular wear and finally discarded the hospital gown he had been wearing. He intentionally chose a style reminiscent of sportswear, closely resembling the orange jumpsuit he often wore in the original story. It was both economical and practical, especially considering his plans for future physical training.

Next on the list was footwear. Ninja typically wore sandals with exposed toes and heels, but Naruto opted for regular sneakers. They didn't impede his movement, and he wanted to protect his feet. Besides, he had no knowledge of how to conceal weapons in his footwear, nor had anyone taught him.

Afterward, he went to buy bedding and took the time to purchase some ingredients from the grocery store that he could cook himself. The store had rice, so he decided to prepare meals like stir-fried dishes rather than relying on a stash of instant noodles.

As an aside, Naruto also located a barber shop. Without aiming for a stylish haircut, he opted to shave off all his hair, leaving only a short layer of stubble, resembling a monk.

With everything in hand, Naruto effortlessly carried his sizeable haul and prepared to head back.

However, his small stature and young age caught the attention of onlookers, who were amazed by his ability to carry so much.

Then, someone in the crowd shouted, "Hey, look at the whisker marks on his face. Wasn't he the demon fox reincarnation raised in Konoha Hospital? Why is he out here?"

Merchants and bystanders alike began to react, exclaiming, "No way, we sold things to the demon fox?"


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