
Naruto: Hidden Mist's Great Blacksmith

Transmigrating to the Naruto world, yet starting off in the troubled Hidden Mist Village during the bloody mist policy. Uehara Soma found his survival at risk. But luckily, he awakened the Blacksmith System where Completing forging and receive rewards. Since that day, the famous ninjas swords became no different that ordinary swords... 【Successfully forged Kirito's Sword, gaining 300 swordsmanship experience.】 【Successfully forged Murasame, obtained Excellent Water Talent】 ... From then on, the Hidden Mist Village officially entered the era of ninja swordsmanship. The history of the Hidden Mist Seven being defeated by a mere Konoha Genin will never repeat! ... You can read up to 50 Advanced chapters and support me at patreon.com/Lookar ... This is a Translation Original name: 雾隐锻造师,重铸忍刀流荣光!

lookar · Anime e quadrinhos
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171 Chs

Chapter 150: Kakashi, Return My Eye!

Upon seeing this ability, Soma immediately thought of Kisame.

The ability of the Sword of Wisdom is to absorb various types of energy.

Just like the Chakra Absorption Technique that Kisame excels in.

Water Release, Fire Release, Wind Release, Earth Release... all can be absorbed.

Besides pure Taijutsu.

Therefore, Kisame is restrained when facing many ninjas.

He single-handedly defeated the Four-Tails Jinchuriki of the Hidden Rock Village.

Defeated the Eight-Tails Jinchuriki, Killer B.

It was only when facing Guy that he fell behind.

Especially when Guy opened the high-level Eight Inner Gates.

The Sword of Wisdom possesses self-awareness.

In the original storyline, Samehada, which perfectly matched with Kisame, also possesses self-awareness.

"But there's one problem."

"If the Sword of Wisdom Blueprint mission also involves Hiraga Saito, then the compatibility between Sword of Wisdom and Kisame will not be high."

"After all, Hiraga Saito and Kisame have little similarity."

"But if the Sword of Wisdom Blueprint mission is an extermination mission, then it can match Kisame."

Soma looked at the Blueprint.

There are two blank hexagrams on it.

This means that in this Instance Mission, Soma can bring along two henchmen.

"I can't tell until we actually enter the Dungeon Instance."

Immediately, Soma looked at another Blueprint.

"Sword of the Darkness Flame!"

Similarly, a wave of information flooded in.

"From the world of Yu Yu Hakusho."

"The sword wielded by Hiei."

"Hiei, born in the Land of Ice, son of the Ice Maiden."

"As a taboo child, he was abandoned shortly after birth."

"Very individualistic, marches to his own drum."

"Appears indifferent to everything on the surface, but actually cares deeply about emotions."

"Implanted with the Jagan eye to gain power."

"And the Sword of the Darkness Flame, infused with Hiei's power, is a straight sword he uses."

"When used, flames engulf the blade."

"It possesses tremendous momentum and power."

"In the original story of Yu Yu Hakusho, it seems there wasn't such a sword."

"The Evil King's Flame is Hiei's own ability."

"Meanwhile, the Sword of the Darkness Flame integrates Hiei's power into the straight sword."

"This is somewhat similar to the Lightning Blade."

"In Lightning Blade, it integrates the power of lightning."

"The difference is, Lightning Blade is a weapon that already exists in the original story of Inuyasha."

"Sword of the Darkness Flame is not."

But what Soma is concerned about isn't that; it's the suffix of this Blueprint.

"A yellow Blueprint..."

"After completion of forging, the quality of ninja tools automatically increases by one level, and compatibility also increases by one level."

Soma raised an eyebrow slightly.

"A green Blueprint gives me more choice in ninja tools."

"A yellow Blueprint raises the quality of ninja tools by one level."

"If what I forge turns out to be Excellent, it can become Perfect."

"If it's Perfect, it can even exceed Perfect."

"If the rewards I obtain are also based on this quality type, then the value of this yellow Blueprint is very high."

"It can also increase compatibility."

Soma is quite satisfied with the effects of the yellow Blueprint.

Higher quality ninja tools definitely have stronger abilities.

That goes without saying.

From the descriptions of the ninja tools he has forged himself, Soma can already see this.

And increasing compatibility means that Soma can more easily find someone who matches this ninja tool.

"Thirty consecutive draws, obtained two Blueprints, one of which is still a yellow Blueprint."

"Not bad."

Soma looked at the translucent panel in front of him.

[Name: Soma.]

[Comprehensive Strength: Jonin.]

[Swordsmanship: Skilled (9300).]

[Body Modification Technique: Familiar (2000).]

[Sage's Plant Cultivation Technique: Novice (1000).]

[Abilities: Underwater Breathing.]

[Forging Technique: Excellent (Master - Forging Island bonus, God's Hand bonus).]

[Task Items: Thug Recruitment Token X4.]

[Blacksmith Reputation: 18.]

[Evaluation: An excellent blacksmith, due to having his own forging site, forged equipment, and bonuses to Forging Technique, there is a high probability of crafting ninja tools of superior quality or higher.]

[As a ninja, he already possesses a solid mid-level standard.]

"Mid-level standard..."

"It seems this system demands quite high strength."

"Jonin, in this ninja world, is already considered elite combat power."

"Even during the Fourth Great Ninja War, they say Jonin were as common as dogs compared to Kage."

"But in reality, there aren't that many Jonin."

"Being able to become a Jonin is already quite good."

"It's just that the standards for top ninja abilities are set quite high."

With a thought, Soma made both Blueprints disappear.

"Let's start forging Zudomon's Hammer first."

"I've already completed more than half of the forging, so there isn't much time left for the remaining part."

"If I possess Zudomon's Hammer, the efficiency in future ninja tool forging will also be higher."

"Such as for the forging of Sword of the Darkness Flame and Sword of Wisdom."

"If a craftsman wishes to do good work, he must first sharpen his tools."

Soma ignored everything else and devoted all his energy to forging Zudomon's Hammer.


Kisame lost Kiriichimonji, despite receiving comfort from Fuguki.

But Kisame's emotions were still greatly affected.

The decline in overall strength was just one aspect.

More importantly, he felt immense guilt for losing Kiriichimonji.

Soon, Konoha ninjas discovered this.

"Kiriichimonji in Kisame's hands has disappeared."

"Was it broken?"

"Or did the Hidden Mist Village take it back?"

"They couldn't have taken it back, but there must be a problem if it's not in Kisame's hands."

"Without Kiriichimonji, how much strength does Kisame still have?"

A Konoha ninja remarked.

"I remember, before Kiriichimonji, Kisame was just a relatively strong young ninja, far from being the top of the younger generation in the ninja world."

"He couldn't compare to Kakashi at all."

"Now without Kiriichimonji, Kisame's strength is definitely inferior to Kakashi's."

Konoha ninjas all felt that Kisame's strength had declined significantly.

A young ninja took the initiative to signal his companion to leave, intending to defeat Kisame in a one-on-one battle to enhance his own reputation.

"Kisame, now that you don't have Kiriichimonji, how much strength do you have left?"

"Bloodthirsty Shark?"

"Now you're just a minnow."

Kisame stared coldly at the Konoha ninja opposite him.

Already in a bad mood, Kisame directed all his anger towards this person after enduring the Konoha ninja's mockery.

"Then come and try!"

"Water Release, Water Shark Bullet Jutsu!"

A huge, ferocious shark appeared instantly.


In an instant, it reached the front of the Konoha ninja.

With one bite,

the Konoha ninja immediately lost his head.

The headless body stood straight on the ground, then toppled backwards the next moment.


The shark burst, turning into countless water droplets that fell down.

Also falling down was the head of the Konoha ninja.


Nearby Konoha ninjas swarmed in.

Kisame formed hand seals.

"Water Release, Four Sharks Rain!"

Four sharks appeared, soaring into the sky and then diving fiercely towards the ground.

Halfway down, they split into numerous small water shark bullets, attacking the Konoha ninjas.

For a moment, the Konoha ninjas were in chaos.

Even without Kiriichimonji, Kisame remained powerful.

However, it had to be admitted that Kisame's overall strength had declined.

Without Kiriichimonji, Konoha ninjas were less afraid to engage Kisame up close.

Injuries were just normal wounds, not life-threatening.

Without Samehada, while Kisame's Chakra Absorption Technique was still formidable, it couldn't deter Konoha ninjas from approaching him completely.

The ability to sustain prolonged combat has decreased significantly.

"It's just as we suspected."

"Kisame's strength isn't holding up."

"He's no match for Kakashi."

"He's just a genius hyped up by Zanpakuto."

"The same goes for Ameyuri Ringo."

"It's the Zanpakuto that's strong, not them."

"Unlike the geniuses of Konoha, who are strong on their own."

These words stung Kisame.


"Water Release, Exploding Water Colliding Wave!"

Kisame leaped into the air, gathering a large amount of chakra in his throat. In the next moment, a fierce jet of water spewed out, submerging the Konoha ninjas opposite him.

A small lake appeared.

"Water Dragon Possession, Slash!"

Fuguki's figure appeared.

He directly used the water created by Kisame's Water Release, condensing it into blade-like forms to slaughter the Konoha ninjas.

In an instant, dozens of them fell.

"Wind Release, Vacuum Great Sphere!"

Danzo appeared in time and forced Fuguki to retreat.

"Kisame, let's go."

Seeing that Kisame was at his limit, Fuguki quickly reached out, grabbed Kisame's collar, and with a flash, both of them retreated at high speed.

Danzo watched Fuguki and Kisame leave, his eyes flickering uncertainly.

But he didn't pursue.

A gaze turned towards Danzo.

After a long time, Kakashi found Danzo alone.


"Kakashi, what's the matter?"

"Danzo-sama, I want to ask, was it really Konoha's arrangement when the Hidden Mist Village sealed the Three-Tails into Rin's body and sent her to Konoha?"

Kakashi looked up at Danzo.

"Was it really Konoha's scheme to obtain the Three-Tails?"

"Was it our foolishness, mine and Rin's, that caused the village's plan to fail?"

To be honest, Danzo had also wondered before if this was Konoha's plan.

After all, from the standpoint of the Hidden Mist Village, such an arrangement was not reasonable.

However, Danzo thought about it and felt it was unlikely. Given Sarutobi Hiruzen's character, he would not make such a move. 

Within Konoha, the only one who would plan such a thing was himself. But Danzo was well aware that he hadn't made such a plan. 

Danzo originally wanted to outright deny it. However, as he looked at Kakashi, a thought suddenly arose in Danzo's mind. Danzo saw Kakashi's talent and abilities. 

More than once, Danzo wanted Kakashi to join his Root and become his subordinate. But Sarutobi Hiruzen disagreed. With just one sentence — "I am the Hokage" — Hiruzen dismissed Danzo. 

"If Kakashi were to fall into deeper darkness, could Hiruzen still control him? At that time, Kakashi would become one of my effective pawns." 

"There are a hundred ways I can control a Kakashi immersed in darkness." However, Danzo did not admit to anything. "I am not clear about this matter."

"Kakashi, have you heard the rumors spread by the Hidden Mist Ninja?" 

Kakashi nodded. "Yes."

 Danzo continued, "I've heard those rumors too. What they say makes sense. However, it's not impossible that the Third Mizukage could be that foolish."

 Kakashi fell silent. "Do you have anything else, Kakashi?"


"Then you may go."

 "Yes, Danzo-sama." However, neither of them noticed that not far away, a vortex was slowly turning. A figure appeared. 

Uchiha Obito narrowed his eyes. 

"They say Konoha influenced the Third Mizukage with Uchiha's Genjutsu, leading to Rin's incident. Konoha orchestrated it; Hidden Mist Village was just a victim. Rin and Kakashi were the fools..." 

"If I hadn't used my Genjutsu on that Third Mizukage, I might have believed that argument. But even my Mangekyo Sharingan-level Genjutsu is ineffective against the Third Mizukage. Who in Konoha could have Genjutsu skills surpassing mine? Impossible, no one."

Uchiha Obito said confidently, "It can only mean that the Third Mizukage and the Hidden Mist Village are truly foolish and malicious." 

Obito withdrew his gaze. 

"However, I didn't expect Kaguya Neko to choose to attack Kisame and seize Kiriichimonji. Could it be that Kaguya Neko has really betrayed the Hidden Mist Village?" 

Obito was unaware of the quality differences in the Ninjato forged by Soma. In Obito's view, Kiriichimonji held significant meaning. 

Kisame was the top young talent of the Hidden Mist Village, and Kiriichimonji was its foremost Zanpakuto. Obito believed that if he were Kaguya Neko and still had feelings for the Hidden Mist Village, even if he wanted to gain trust, he would never lay hands on Kiriichimonji.

Instead, he would choose another Zanpakuto to minimize the negative impact on the Hidden Mist Village. "In this light, Kaguya Neko can be trusted a bit more. However, that's a matter for later."

"Now I will reclaim the most important thing, my eye. The blow from the Third Mizukage has greatly affected my eye power. I must retrieve that eye to better proceed with my plan." 

Kakashi sensed an unusual presence and instinctively turned around. "Who's there?" But it was too late. 

Obito's attack had already landed. Kakashi was completely overwhelmed, unable to even see Obito clearly. 

"Puchi!" With a simple gesture, Obito effortlessly took the Sharingan from Kakashi's eye socket. 

In a swift motion, he knocked Kakashi down. Kakashi groaned and passed out. 

Obito looked at Kakashi with mixed feelings. 

"Kakashi, the genius, was defeated by me so easily. He's really too weak!"


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