
Naruto group chat system

Murtadha_Ahmed · Anime e quadrinhos
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384 Chs


Two days later!

Fire country capital!

At noon, all the civilians put down their work!

Going to see the new Hokage at the city gate!

Outside the city gate!

The daimyo's men are already waiting for Danzo and his men!


Danzo and his men arrived early!

Just kidding, Danzo's highlight, can he be late?

Even if Danzo misses the time to go to the grave to worship his ancestors, he will not allow the slightest mistake in his Hokage cause!

The red-faced Danzo and his minions don't have the slightest shady look they usually do!

After a brief chat with the daimyo's subordinates, we headed towards the capital together!

On the way, he also smiled warmly at the residents of the Land of Fire who welcomed them along the way!

Occasionally wave and nod!

Just like the previous Third Hokage!

The characters are all kind and powerful grandfather images!

"Ah, Lord Hokage smiled at me!

"Lord Hokage nodded to me!

Exactly as rumored, approachable!"

"Sure enough, Mr. Danzo is the most suitable person to be Hokage!

That fake-kun from Third Generation is long overdue to step down!

"Yeah yeah!

Danzo-sama is so wrong!

It's been hidden in the snow for so many years!"

"Lord Danzo will definitely bring the country of fire and Konoha Village back to the top! 99'

Hearing the people's praise and admiration for him, Danzo's smile became more real!

I didn't expect that Hiruzen's character set cooperates with the dissemination of those remarks to buy people's hearts 203 is really easy to use!

Hiruzen is not easy, but unfortunately it can't compare to me, it has become my stepping stone!

I never thought that Hiruzen, the shadow will one day become the real body!

It's not worth my years of planning!

[ Senju Tobirama: Looking at Danzo's fake face, I want to have my soles printed on his face! ]

[ Uchiha Fugaku: Danzo is clearly following the same old way of Third Generation!

However, there is still a little innovation!

He combines the image of the Third Generation with his ability to manipulate a fishing reel to spread the word!

The effect achieved is much better than Third Generation!]

[ Third Raikage Ai: @Sarutobi Hiruzen! ]

[Ghost Lantern Moon: @Sarutobi Hiruzen!]

[Namikaze Minato: @Sarutobi Hiruzen!]

[ Yang Hui: Don't @, obviously it won't come out again!

Unless Danzo joins the group, you stop spraying him alone! ]

Third Generation is a little sick of watching Danzo act fakely!

I didn't expect that the gloomy Danzo would have such a gesture on weekdays!

Even more annoyed that Danzo copied himself!

That set is my invention, mine!

After Danzo entered the Daimyo's palace, Yang Hui led the crowd out of the city!

The appointment of a daimyo to Hokage is a process!

There are also daimyo messengers in Konoha Village. There are no special circumstances. Hokage doesn't care who the daimyo is, and it will not contradict the decisions of Konoha Village and the messengers!

So Danzo should (bhei) be out soon!

Yang Hui and the others will block them on the road early!

Exactly the same as Yang Hui's guess!

Soon, there was news in the palace of the daimyo that the daimyo officially appointed Danzo as the Fifth Hokage!

Inside the palace!

Danzo's hand trembled slightly when he got the appointment letter!

It's been decades!

Do you know how I've been through the decades!

Finally on Hokage!

Hokage-sama, everyone will call me 'Hokage-sama' from now on!

Taking a deep breath, Danzo tries to calm himself down!

"Lord Hokage, why don't you stay in the capital today and rest!

Let me do my best as a landlord!

"Thank you for your kindness!

However, Konoha Village is currently in shambles, and I have to go back and preside over the bigger picture!

Staying soon!

"All right!

Say it next time!"

Daimyo yawned and went back to sleep!

He was just polite just now!

Danzo also knows he's polite!

He also knew that Danzo knew he was being polite!

Communication with decent people, click here!

[ Yang Hui: According to the information from the ghost soldiers, they have already left the city!

But the direction is a little off from what we expected!

Let's adjust the position!

Make sure they fall into our circle!]

With that said, Yang Hui brought out Senju Hashirama Senju Tobirama Summoning!

With Kabuto and Sasuke, Orochi, the action begins!

This time against Danzo is performed by First Generation Second Generation, Sage Kabuto and Mangekyō Sasuke!

Yang Hui, Orochimaru and Naruto are watching!

This luxurious lineup is worthy of Danzo!

Soon, Yang Hui sensed Danzo's group from Kagura's heart!

[ Yang Hui: @ Yakushi Kabuto@ Uchiha Sasuke, get ready, people are coming!

There is a man among the miscellaneous soldiers who is a great threat, Aburame takes the root!

There are nano poisonous insects in his body!


Don't touch his body directly!

All the information is for you!

Look at yours!]

[ Uchiha Sasuke: Look at me!

In a while, I will directly result in him! ]

[ Senju Tobirama: You will cooperate with me for a while!

Throw the kunai shuriken with my mark directly at them! ]

[ Senju Hashirama: Do you still need a battle plan?

Go straight up! ]

[Yakushi Kabuto: That's right, we won't be able to take Danzo and his party by hand?]

"Lord Danzo!

Someone is ambushing us ahead!

And their Chakra is strong!

Detour or kill them!


I just became Hokage, and I'm about to give in to the younger generation!

How to convince the public by spreading it out!

You cover me for a while, I'm going to break the seal on my arm!"9



"Be careful!

They're all around!"

Boo! Boo! Boo!

The sky is full of kunai and shuriken flying towards Danzo and his party!

"Watch out for avoidance!"

Not what Senju Tobirama and Sasuke thought!

Danzo and the others didn't block any kunai or shuriken at all!

Instead, they all avoided it, as if those kunai were so powerful!

And blow all the kunai with Wind Style!

[ Senju Tobirama: Yang Hui's meeting with Flying Thunder God and Impure World Reincarnation is known to them!

This is to guard against Yang Hui and me!]

[ Uchiha Sasuke: But they don't know who the attacker is! ]

[ Senju Tobirama: Be careful!

You still have a lot to learn!

The ninja world is big, but small!

How many forces can dare to attack Hokage?

We are one of them!]

[ Uchiha Fugaku: @ Uchiha Sasuke, cherish every opportunity to learn! ]

[ Uchiha Sasuke: Yes! ]

Seeing that the first wave of combat plans failed!

Sasuke intends to use Fire Style!

"Let me come first!"

Kabuto rushes forward!

"Sage Art White Excitement Technique!"

The fairy Kabuto spit out a long Chakra dragon composed of white liquid, holding a Dragon Ball-like thing on the dragon's claw!

The long dragon revolves around the Dragon Ball, spinning constantly, the Dragon Ball glows brightly and bursts among Danzo's group!

The effect of the magic makes the air in a certain area around Danzo and his party constantly vibrate!

Danzo and his party felt that the bones of the whole body were rubbing against each other, and they were even numb and unable to move!

And the bright lights and sounds from the White Excite Technique constantly damage their vision and hearing!

It can be said that Danzo and his party are now immobilized and slaughtered!

This technique is so terrifying that even Sasuke can't maintain Susanoo's state!

Not to mention these turkey puppies!

In this case, only the fairy Kabuto can act!

Kabuto can liquefy the body, easily buffer vibration, and Kabuto in Sage Mode can also block strong light through the snake's cornea!

"Sage Art Inorganic Reincarnation! Luo

Kabuto didn't want to kill Sasuke in the original book, that's why he didn't kill him!

And how could he be soft on Danzo and his party now!

One after another stone guns emerged from the ground and plunged into Danzo and his party!

Poof! Poof! Poof! Poof!

Everyone was pierced to death!

After the two Sage Art stopped, no one stood on the spot except the fairy Kabuto!

Many Konoha root ninjas died without even a single hum!

Fairy Kabuto!

Terrible so!