
Naruto group chat system

Murtadha_Ahmed · Anime e quadrinhos
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384 Chs



[ Uchiha Madara: This is too much. The dishes made by the eight kitchen utensils can live forever! Even if each kitchen utensil is used alone, there are various wonderful uses! Is this something that a group of mortals can make? ]

[Senju Tobirama: I support Madara's statement on a case-by-case basis! ]

[Senju Hashirama: Me too, just like using Chakra to perform ninjutsu, it doesn't make sense! ]

Yang Hui didn't expect Senju Hashirama to say the same thing, as if Senju Hashirama's IQ goes up every now and then!

[ Yang Hui: In fact, many things in reality are beyond your imagination. Sometimes the people you are close to are the ones who hurt you the most! ]

Yang Hui said meaningfully!

[ Uchiha Madara: I agree with you! (Smile.jpg)]

I mean it's you!

You are smirking!

Yang Hui is no longer able to complain!

[ Senju Hashirama: Madara, I didn't expect you to trust me the most! I shouldn't have hit you hard! ]

Uchiha Madara is also a little speechless sitting in the Pure Land, I mean Namikaze Minato, what are you thinking?

[ Uchiha Madara: Humph! ! ! ]

[ Yang Hui: We are always limited by our cognition, but the world is vast beyond our cognition, so it is not surprising! ]


After closing the chat group!

Yang Hui began to think carefully about the system!

A while ago, one thing after another!

This made Yang Hui not even bother with the system being connected to other worlds!

Now I finally have some free time for Yang Hui to think carefully about how to use the system more efficiently!

When he learned from the system before other world characters who could invite the system to connect, he felt that there were many points that could be manipulated!

It's just that he doesn't know who to invite!

In the world of China's little master, what he wants most is to eat food that can make people live forever!

The world's protagonist Liu Angxing must meet the conditions of all kitchen heirs!

But he doesn't know how old the young master is now, and whether Master Abe is dead!

Maybe the little boss wasn't even born!

Likewise, in the world of Jackie Chan's Adventures, what Yang Hui wants most is the Lord's twelve spells!

This is the ability he has always envied in his previous life. If he has the opportunity to get it, he does not want to give up this opportunity!

But Jackie Chan's Adventures also has the same problem as Little Master World, and the time cannot be determined!

After all, it is a real world!

Moreover, if you invite characters from Jackie Chan's Adventures, you cannot invite Daddy, Xiaoyu, Jackie Chan, Blake and other protagonist members!

Because they will definitely not give the spell to themselves, and they will definitely be more wary of themselves!

You may not even accept your invitation at all! ! !

Moreover, he is a character with no taboos, and he is at odds with those who have the heart of the Virgin!

So from this point of view, Yang Hui will not invite Jackie Chan protagonists!

But the villain, the goods under Wallon's hands are really indescribable!

Originally a famous gangster!

But as soon as I met Jackie Chan, I started to have bad luck!

But apart from them, the other villains are disgusted by themselves!

For example, the ice trio, if they were the little devil dragons, they would definitely not survive!


Things are easy to think about, but hard to do!

After thinking about it for a while, Yang Hui thinks that Wallon is more suitable!


Suddenly, Yang Hui had an idea!

The undead can be invited directly, while the living need to sign a contract!

A month after the death of Master Abe, the young master confronted Shao An and defeated him!

You can use this to tell the time!

"System, invite Master Abe!"

"Ding, Master Abe is a living person and needs to sign a contract. Would you like to contact the other party?"


Come on, Master Abe is not dead, it's still too early for the little master to debut!

For the time being, you don't have to think about the world of China's little masters!

Just try it once a month from now on!


"System, invite Wallon!"

"Ding! Wa Long is a living person and needs to sign a contract. Would you like to contact the other party?"


Yang Hui suddenly thought of one thing, Orochimaru, Uchiha Sasuke and Uzumaki Naruto who signed a contract with him all have deep obsessions!

That's why they signed such a harsh contract with themselves!

It is almost equivalent to Yang Hui's subordinates!

But what about people from other worlds?

They will certainly not be reconciled and will not sign such a contract!

So it has to be changed!

"System, can I change the content of the contract?"

"Of course Host! You have the final say in everything about the system!"

Hearing the system say this, Yang Hui has decided to make a contract for every living person invited in the future!

For Wallon, he has already thought about what kind of contract to draw up!

"System, remove all the rules and regulations of the contract, and only keep any information about any chat group and me that cannot be leaked in any way under any circumstances!"

And then let the system add: If you want endless wealth, seize this opportunity to join us!

I can't believe that Wallon won't take the bait!

"Ding, the system has been modified!"

"Contact Wallon and let him sign a contract!"

"Ding, I have contacted Wallon. If he signs the contract, he will join the group chat immediately!"


[ Yang Hui: @All members, new members will join soon! And it's also a guest from Otherworld! ]

[ Senju Tobirama: What? People who can even join the Otherworld! can not imagine! ]

[Second Tsuchikage No: I won't be shocked by what Yang Hui does in the future, I'm numb! ]

[Ghost Lantern Moon: I hope this time the otherworld guests are a little interesting! ]

[Uchiha Madara: @Yang Hui, who is that? Is it powerful? ]

[ Yang Hui: He is just an ordinary person, the character in the world of Jackie Chan's Adventures that I showed you before! ]
