
Naruto group chat system

Murtadha_Ahmed · Anime e quadrinhos
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384 Chs


Although Yang Hui promised Naruto to resurrect Kushina, but there are conditions!

For example, let Naruto help him "work" or something!

Therefore, Yang Hui's collection of Flying Thunder God this time is not considered an advantage, and of course it is not a loss!

[ Uzumaki Naruto: @Namikaze Minato, Dad, I want to learn Flying Thunder God too! ! ! ]

[Namikaze Minato: Naruto, this technique may not be suitable for you! ]

[Orochimaru: This is the end of the conversation between your father and son! ]

[Orochimaru: @Uzumaki Naruto, it's been ten days since you learned Rasengan, with the detailed instructions of Fourth Generation, you haven't learned Rasengan with one hand! ]

[Orochimaru: Sasuke and you have the same conditions, let's not say that Kabuto and Kimimaro are geniuses! ]

[Orochimaru: The Nine Tails Chakra seal in your body has long been perfected by your mother to the point that it will not affect you! ]

[Orochimaru: It can be said that Xianglin is even worse than you, and she can release it with one hand! ]

[Orochimaru: Go to Kabuto first, when will you be able to release it with one hand, and come back to me to learn ninjutsu! (manic.jpg)]

[ Uzumaki Naruto: Yes, Orochimaru-sensei! (Frustrated.jpg)]

Yang Hui felt sorry for Orochimaru for a second when he saw Orochimaru going crazy!

It's not easy for such a rational person to be forced into this!

The picky Orochimaru met students like Uzumaki Naruto!

[Namikaze Minato: Excuse me! Orochimaru-senpai! (Smiley.jpg)]

[ Orochimaru: Little things! ]

[Senju Tobirama: @Yang Hui, you killed Hanzō of the Salamander this time, what benefits did you get! ]

[ Uchiha Madara: Hopefully something fun! ]

[ Uchiha Izuna: I think that rat spell is the best! (Squint smile.jpg)]

[Uchiha Madara: ... ]

[ Uchiha Madara: It's boring! ]

[ Senju Tobirama: You guys are wrong! ]

[ Yang Hui: Stop guessing! What I got this time is a cooking tool called Greedy Wolf Pot! ]

[ Uchiha Madara: It's boring, let's go! ]

[No Second Tsuchikage: +1! ]

[Ghost Lantern Moon: +1! ]

[ Uzumaki Kushina: What kind of kitchen utensils? Can you make food delicious? ]

[ Yang Hui: Don't think about it, no! ]

[ Uchiha Mikoto: @ Yang Hui, what kind of kitchen utensils, I want to make something delicious for the children with Emi! ]

[ Yang Hui: Greedy Wolf Pot, specially designed for automatic processing, as long as the ingredients are put in, no matter shredding or chopping, it can be done immediately. ]

[ Uchiha Mikoto: It's amazing, can we use it? ]

[ Uzumaki Emi: +1! ]

Although the legendary kitchen utensils can only be used by the heir, the default owner of the items won by Yang Hui is Yang Hui!

As long as Yang Hui agrees, it can also be used by others!

Yang Hui immediately handed the Greed Wolf Pot to Uchiha Mikoto, and used it to test the system's ability to transfer items!

[ Yang Hui: Don't underestimate this kitchen utensil, it's actually quite powerful! ]

[Uchiha Izuna: Although it is amazing, it is amazing, but you can't see it from anywhere! ]

[ Yang Hui: This is just one of the eight kitchen utensils in the world of Chinese little masters, and it is also the most delicious one! ]

[Ding, the group owner Yang Hui has uploaded a file, please check it out! ]

Yang Hui uploaded a video, which detailed the various magical uses of the eight kitchen utensils in the small masters of China!

Seven thousand years ago, the ancient famous chef Xiuli used meteorites to make eight magical kitchen utensils. Because the kitchen utensils were too powerful, he sealed these eight kitchen utensils in eight different places to jointly protect the bright cooking world!

Yongling knife: It is specially used for processing seafood, which can restore the umami of the ingredients that have lost their umami. When it is held by the heir selected by Kitchenware, the blade will appear "Balong".

Zhuanlong Pot: It is specially used to speed up cooking. As long as the ingredients are put in, they will be cooked immediately. When it is held by the heir selected by the kitchen utensils, the body of the pot will have a "dragon pattern"!

Magic Holy Bronze Ware: It is specially used to speed up the hair processing. Put dry goods such as abalone and scallops into it, and it will be sent immediately. When it is held by the heir selected by the kitchen utensils, the body of the pot will have a "dragon pattern"!

Garuda knife: It is sealed in a waterfall and is specially used for processing birds and beasts, which can completely purify the ingredients between cuts. It is a pair with the "Yongling Knife". When it is held by the heir selected by the kitchenware, the blade will appear "Ruifeng pattern"!

Lingzangku: Similar to a refrigerator, it can be specially used to keep food fresh. When it is held by the heir selected by the kitchenware, the "Ruifeng pattern" will appear on the body of the library!

Jade Dragon Pot: It is sealed in the palace, there are two in total. When it is held by the heir selected by the kitchen utensils, there will be "ruifeng pattern" and "tyrant dragon pattern", and the heir is the heir of all kitchen utensils and other kitchen utensils.

[ Uchiha Madara: This is it? That's it? ]

[Third Raikage Ai: Just like Uchiha Izuna said, magic is magic, but it's still useless! ]

[No Second Tsuchikage: +1! ]

[ Yang Hui: That's because you don't know what they really do! ]

[ Yang Hui: If a chef can master the usage of eight kitchen utensils at the same time, and eat the dishes cooked by the eight kitchen utensils together, the eater can live forever! ]

[Orochimaru: I'm excited if you say that! Did happiness come so suddenly? ]

[ Yang Hui: I'm going to throw a bowl of cold water on you! Although they have this ability, we can't get past it for the time being! ]

[ Yang Hui: Also, although I know that there is a chef who can use these eight kitchen utensils, it is hard to say at what stage he is now, and he may not be born yet! ]

[ Yang Hui: Third, if you want to live forever, first unlock the ghoul seal of the Fourth Generation! Otherwise, it's hard to say whether you will live forever after you transfer to White Zetsu's body! ]

[Orochimaru: I understand, based on what you said, Mr. Yang Hui, I have already figured out the solution to the ghoul seal! Now I am full of energy! ]

It seems that it is necessary to give subordinates a little sweetness from time to time to achieve better performance!

You can't hang around with Yang Hui, you'll be hungry nine times in three days!
