
Naruto group chat system

Murtadha_Ahmed · Anime e quadrinhos
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384 Chs



super saiyan third stage,

can rely on hard power,

Forcibly break through the dimension!

One hundred million Hashirama is what he said less!

Don't look at the low-level world of One Piece,

But its essence is there,

After all, it is a world!

As the saying goes,

Don't take the bean bag as dry food!

Like Obito's Kamui,

than what he had imagined,

The spatial supernatural powers of the great gods in various fantasy myths are far behind,

But anyway,

That's also the space capability,

Six Paths Madara is so strong,

Don't you lose your temper when facing Kamui?

Also got a hand by double Kamui Obito!

Ming Zuo two,

Facing Ōtsutsuki Kaguya's Heavenly Imperial Palace,

If it weren't for Obito,

Both of them and Kakashi are cool!

[ Senju Hashirama: One hundred million me?

How much is that?

And it's still a drop in the bucket!?

How many zeros are there after 100 million?


[ Orochimaru: Eight zeros!

It's really shocking!!

17(Stand Hand.jpg)!]

[ Senju Hashirama: I am darling!

so much energy,

I can't stand it anyway!

Roger is really a sinkhole,

while alive,

After pitting my son, pitting Garp,

After you die, you're still going to trap me and Madara!

Heinous sin!

(Pick nose.jpg)!]

[ Roger: Can you stop dissing me... ]

[ Uchiha Madara: @ Senju Hashirama,

But this time you actually

and stay awake,

It's not easy!

I'm really afraid you'll be fooled by Roger!


[ Senju Hashirama: Have some confidence in me!

You all call me melon,

In fact, I don't know anything about it,

Most of the time I'm still a witty bunch!

At least in estimating one's own abilities,

I have always been wise!

(Pick nose.jpg)!]

[Sengoku of Buddha: @ Yang Hui,

Just now you said,

In general,

The soul cannot appear in reality!

What a special case then!


Sengoku keenly discovered,

There is something in Yang Hui's words,

Apparently there are billions of secrets,

It's what he doesn't know!

[ Roger: Yes, yes!

what exactly is it??

Do we still have a chance to go out?

(Looking forward.jpg)!]

Roger seems to have grabbed a life-saving straw,

Quickly ask!

[ Senju Hashirama: @ Roger, didn't you say before,

In the Yellow Spring, someone accompanies,

Not lonely at all?

Why do you suddenly want to go out now?

(Pick nose.jpg)!]

[ Roger: emmm!

I just imagined,

The scene after going out,

It's really beautiful,

I don't want to give up!

Anyway, in Huangquan now,

I can't wait!


[ Golden Lion: You are doing it yourself!

Roger's story tells us!

Don't daydream!


[ Senju Tobirama: The topic is skewed,

@ Yang Hui,

So what is a special case?


Looking at the group chat, there are signs of crooked buildings,

Senju Tobirama hurriedly changed the subject,

Pulled back again!

[ Yang Hui: One Piece World,

There is a special Devil Fruit,

Paramecia yellow spring fruit!

its greatest effect,

after death,

to return the soul,

Resurrect the able-bodied!

Even if the body rots,

Can also be reborn!

Not to mention routine operations such as soul separation!

This is another way to live long!

(Stand Hand.jpg)!]

[ Orochimaru: And such an interesting fruit?

if it weren't for us,

The longevity problem has already been solved,

I'm really interested in this fruit!

But forget it now!

(Stand Hand.jpg)!]

[ Uchiha Izuna: A socket?

Having said that,

This yellow spring fruit,

It's actually quite good 13!

Resurrection and longevity!

Just rush these two effects,

Much stronger than the Logia fruit!


[Sengoku of Buddha: Normal,

Paramecia fruit,

Like phantom beasts,

All have some weird abilities!

Just like my Buddha form,

407 can also send out shock waves of the Great Buddha!

(Stand Hand.jpg)!]

[ Uchiha Sasuke: If we can meet in the future,

Better Paramecia,

Then I can eat it too!

You don't have to hang yourself on Eudemons!



Even Sasuke, who loves phantom beasts,

To see the effect of yellow spring fruit,

also very greedy,

Changed my mind!

Compared to the shock of others,

or curious,

Roger was a little disappointed,

His hopes of getting out are dashed again!

[ Roger: What a pity!

It turned out to be a Devil Fruit!

Knowing that I was nearing the end of my life,

Look for this fruit!

that way,

There is more to do,

No more regrets!


[Hero Garp: Hahaha!

Who wouldn't Zhuge Liang afterwards?

You are so special in Huangquan,

Stay in peace!

Don't even think about going out!
