
Naruto group chat system

Murtadha_Ahmed · Anime e quadrinhos
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384 Chs


[ Senju Tobirama: Although Orochimaru,

and I'm a little out of touch,

But his point of view

As a scientist, I really agree!

(Affirmation of handsome people.jpg)!

And Roger,

You say so lightly,

What do you rely on to break free from the Yellow Springs Pure Land?

Break through the underworld?

Or fly to the sky to break through the underworld dome?

(Pick nose.jpg)!]

[ Roger: emmm!

the soul is here,

no physical strength,

Only mental power!

But you can't fly here,

So what you said doesn't work!

But didn't Hashirama say "four zero seven"?

He can resist the attraction of this underworld!

Presumably because,

Is he an alien?

If we put energy,

All focused on Hashirama and Madara,

may not let them,

excluded from the underworld,

Then we hold them both tightly,

There's no way you can escape!

(Looking forward.jpg)!]

Facing Tobirama's question,

Roger explained his thoughts,

Got some recognition too!

[Hero Garp: Socket?

Roger, your special brew is truly talented!

I can think of this method!]

[ Golden Lion: How to hear it,

It's still so reasonable!

Having united strength,

Taking full advantage of the otherworldly identities of Madara and Hashirama,

special effects!


(Stand Hand.jpg)!]

[ Roger: Makes sense,

what i want to do,

It's never a dream!


@ Uchiha Madara @ Senju Hashirama,


Unlike the Garp duo,

Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara,

As an important part of the plan,

Both of them felt that Roger's brain,

Definitely got caught in the door!

What kind of bad idea is this,

No cerebral thrombosis for ten years,

Absolutely speechless!!

[ Senju Hashirama:emmmm!

Don't think about it!

I don't agree with this plan!

And Whitebeard,

When you counted Tie Hanhan just now,

not only missed me,

Also missed the Golden Lion!

That's obviously a lot of cleverness!

(Pick nose.jpg)!]

[ Whitebeard: My fault my fault!

I didn't expect our group,

There are so many crouching dragons and phoenixes!


[ Roger: @ Senju Hashirama,


This should theoretically work!]

[ Uchiha Madara: Fuck it!

What the hell is your plan!

Continuous use of uncertain words such as estimate, maybe, if, etc.,

It's unbelievable to hear!

Not to mention the energy of all of us,

Is it enough to add up?

even if it is enough,

You think me and Hashirama,

Who can bear it?

Even if you can bear it,

Who knows that on the way to escape from the underworld,

will there be any danger,

I thought,

what method do you have,

The result is this???


(Pick nose.jpg)!]

[ Roger: 1

Although aware of Roger's plans,

can't work,

But Yang Hui is really interested,

If Hashirama they really agreed,

What the hell will happen!

It's time to solve the puzzles - the system is on the scene!



After a while,

Yang Hui learned from the system that,

everything you want to know,

Involuntarily sighed,

Fortunately, the IQs of Hashirama and Madara,

still at normal levels,

Didn't say yes to Roger's bad idea!

[ Roger: Does it work?

If you ask Yang Hui, don't you know?

@ Yang Hui, what do you think of my plan?

(Looking forward.jpg)!]

[ Yang Hui: I don't think so!

Thankfully Hashirama didn't get dizzy and promised you!

Otherwise, a large amount of energy is gathered,

He exploded!

With a bang, he's gone!

(Pick nose.jpg)!]

[ Senju Hashirama: Socket! It will explode!

Terrible so!

Don't try to trick me, Roger!

I will never agree!



The big pillar was frightened,

Hurry up to Roger!

[ Orochimaru: Then if they can go out,

back to reality,


Will there be any danger?

Am I guessing right?]

[ Yang Hui: It's exactly what you said!

The soul in general,

In the real world it will be slowly wiped out!

Besides, they can't get out at all,

After all, it is the Yellow Springs Pure Land!

And reality is two dimensions!

Want to get the power to break through the dimension,

Even without considering the energy overload,

One hundred million Hashirama,

It's a drop in the bucket!

So there is only one result,

Hashirama and Madara,

Under the accumulation of a large amount of energy,

Explode directly!

(Stand Hand.jpg)!]