
Naruto group chat system

Murtadha_Ahmed · Anime e quadrinhos
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384 Chs



Kaido was horrified by what he saw!

Because of his Observation Haki,

also foresee the future,

So after seeing myself,

After really being killed,

I don't dare to be so arrogant anymore,

Quickly ask Yang Hui for mercy!

I want to save my life!

But before he could say anything more,

Yang Hui mobilized the ability of the human way,

Holding Kaido's soul in the palm of his hand,

left his body!

"I thought you weren't afraid to die!

Looking at Kaido's body,

Yang Hui sneered!

Don't install 13, install 13 to make a thunderbolt!

However, Yang Hui did not expect that,

human capacity,

With the blessing of Nine Tomoe Rinnegan,

To be so arrogant!

After all, it's just Rinnegan's ordinary skills,

According to Yang Hui's estimation,

human capacity,

When facing a master like Kaido,

Even if it succeeds,

It is also more difficult!

But he just

While extracting Kaido's soul,

It just feels silky smooth!

There is no difficulty!

Maybe he is too strong!

Yang Hui immediately grabbed Kaido's body,

When I was about to merge,

A great idea suddenly occurred to me!

Kaido's body can be brought,

Do more!

Anyway, he's not that bad!

Therefore, only the fusion ability is used,

He took out the blue dragon fruit he was thinking of!

Take Kaido's body,

Just throw it aside!

[ Whitebeard: What a pity!


[Hero Garp:???

What a pity?

Don't you hate Kaido the most?

Yang Hui killed him,

Do you feel pity?


[Fire Fist Ace: Yes, Dad!

Is there anything to regret?

Now the Kurozumi serpent who killed Oden's second uncle,

And Kaido is dead,

You should feel happy! ]

[ Whitebeard:emmmm!

Just now Yang Hui used his one,

Amazing eyes!

I thought I could see it again,

The picture of Kaido going through the eighteen layers of hell!


(Stand Hand.jpg)!]

[Sengoku of Buddha: Good guy!

I'm calling you a good guy!

You are so sorry about this!

such a terrible punishment,

I just watched it once,

I feel shivering!

You still wish Kaido,

Go through it too?

You are a ruthless man!]

[ Senju Tobirama: In terms of ruthlessness,

I Senju Tobirama,

I would like to call you a living hell king!


[ Uchiha Madara: What are you,

Can you please stop using my lines!


[Hero Garp: I didn't see it!

you honest Whitebeard,

Heart is so cruel!

(Pick nose.jpg)!]

[ Yang Hui: Actually, I don't really hate Kaido!

So there is no need to be so cruel to him!

And that pupil technique,

Very Chakra consuming!

unless I'm terribly disgusted,

Or strong to a certain extent,

No need for that at all!

(Stand Hand.jpg)!]

Yang Hui also did not expect that,

Whitebeard hates Kaido so much!

[ Uchiha Madara: But there is one thing to say,

the mighty of your world,

There is no style whatsoever!

Unlike me and Hashirama,

Accept death with confidence!

Shadows of the villages,

It's all dead on the battlefield!

In sharp contrast,

Golden Lion bullies the juniors,

Kaido begged for mercy on the spot!


[ Uchiha Izuna: My eldest brother is right! ]

[ Golden Lion: @ Uchiha Madara,

You are willing to die,

That's for sure he'll be resurrected!

Hashirama and other shadows,

There is no way!

(Pick nose.jpg)!]

[Hero Garp: Come on Golden Lion!

Is it true that you bully juniors?

It's you and Kaido,

Blackened our world!

(Pick nose.jpg)!]

[Sengoku of Buddha: Yes!

It's all these evil pirates!

@Uchiha Madara,

Don't fire map cannons,

It will hurt our Marine by mistake! ]

[ Whitebeard: What do you mean?

Pirates don't have the demeanor of a strong man?

That's the Golden Lion and Kaido,

These two disgraceful fellows!

What's with me Whitebeard?


[Golden Lion:...]

[Dorag: Ha ha ha!

You Marine Pirates,

Before our resistance army (Good Zhao Hao),

It's all rubbish!

because you have it within you,

Those who are greedy for life and fear death, and who are willing to steal their lives,

unlike us,

Has advanced guiding ideology!

All have excellent morals!

(Pick nose.jpg)!]

[Sengoku of Buddha: What did you say?

Dorag, you have to remember!

in this world,

In the end, it's all about strength!

Be careful I put you out!


[Dorag: Haha!

We are ready to sacrifice!

And I am covered by Mr. Yang Hui!

Big deal time to go to Wanokuni!

Grandpa, what can I do?
