
Naruto group chat system

Murtadha_Ahmed · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
384 Chs



"Hahaha, Yang Hui, are you kidding me?"

"Orochimaru, no one understands your value better than me!"

"Then why are you? I'm not afraid of your ninjutsu!"

"You know me so well, and you should also know that you can't keep me! As for those Impure World Reincarnation bodies, it's okay to lie to Luosha, they are far from their strengths in life!"

Of course Yang Hui knew that Orochimaru was harder to kill than anyone else, but he didn't rely on force!

"I can give you immortality, don't you want to unlock all the truths in the world? Don't you want to learn all ninjutsu?"

"As long as you join me, you can get these in the near future, and I know a way to live forever now!"

Orochimaru listened with disdain!

"I have achieved immortality now, and I don't need your help!"

Yang Hui sneered,

"Really? Can your trash ninjutsu be called immortality?"

"You should have also discovered that as your reincarnation times increase, your soul also becomes chaotic!"

"In the past, you were a master of Grandmaster illusion, but you were easily defeated by Uchiha Itachi! It's hard to say whether your soul will collapse if you continue to use it!"

At this moment, Yang Hui secretly controlled Uchiha Shisui next to him to release a weakened version of Distinguished Heavenly Gods, and guided Orochimaru with his own words!

Uchiha Shisui's Distinguished Heavenly Gods don't need to look at each other, they can be activated as long as he can be seen by the enemy!

In order not to attract Orochimaru's attention, he also made Uchiha Shisui turn his back on purpose!

Orochimaru's heart was a little shaken at the moment, because Uchiha Yang Hui's words stabbed a thorn in his heart. After using Living Corpse Reincarnation, his resistance to illusion has indeed dropped a lot!

The illusion that was often used in the past is indeed more difficult to perform now than before! ,

If you cast Living Corpse Reincarnation again, you might really break your soul like Yang Hui said!


Thinking of this, Orochimaru raised his head and said to Yang Hui,

"How do you prove that you have the method of longevity!"

"I don't need to prove to you, whether you believe it or not! I just offer you an invitation and give you a chance!" Knowing that Orochimaru was in a mess, Yang Hui said lightly!

"Didn't you say you know everything about the ninja world? Then I'll ask you a question, if you can answer it, I'll accept your invitation, how about that?", Orochimaru suddenly thought of something and asked quickly!

"I agree, you ask! But you have to sign this agreement first!"

Yang Hui took out the concrete agreement provided by the system, and let the system add a bet with Orochimaru at the end of the above clause!

Orochimaru took it over and took a look, good guy, after signing the contract, if Yang Hui answered correctly, then he was completely under Yang Hui's subordinate, and he was the kind of subordinate who obeyed!

But Orochimaru signed for longevity!

"I want to know all the information about the leader of Akatsuki!", Orochimaru asked immediately after signing!

Yang Hui didn't expect Orochimaru to ask this question, but he answered it anyway!

"The current leader of the Akatsuki organization is Uzumaki Nagato! His Grandmaster has six types of Chakra attributes, and his main combat method is Rinnegan!"

"The leader you saw in Xiao Organization before was the puppet Tiandao Payne he controlled!"

"In addition to the Penn Six Paths, there are Shura Road, Hell Road, Hungry Kidō, Human Road and Animal Road!"

Next, Yang Hui gave Orochimaru a detailed introduction to the various abilities of Penn Six Paths, and everyone in the group shouted wonderfully, only Uchiha Madara's face was ashen!

I haven't used this Rinnegan myself, and the information has been leaked! ! !

Fortunately, they don't know about the Tomb of Wheels and the Border Prison!


"Orochimaru, you have met the leader of the Akatsuki organization before!"

Yang Hui quipped at Orochimaru!

"The surname is Uzumaki, with red hair. Could it be the three little devils in the Land of Rain encountered in the Second Ninja World War?"

"Looks like you remembered, that little girl is the angel Konan in the current dawn, and Tiandao is the dead Yahiko, now the trio is complete!", Yang Hui confirmed Orochimaru's conjecture!

"They are also apprentices of your good friend Jiraiya!"

"It seems that I really have a fate with this idiot Jiraiya!"

Through Yang Hui's answer, Orochimaru combined his own experience and immediately recognized Yang Hui's answer!

"Ding! Orochimaru joins the group chat!"


[Namikaze Minato: Welcome, Orochimaru-senpai! ]

[ Orochimaru: What is the situation? ]

[ Yang Hui: Orochimaru, don't be nervous, this is one of my abilities, you should read the group chat usage document in the group first! Then we'll talk about something else! ]

Under the guidance of Yang Hui, Orochimaru quickly read all the documents in the group!

Orochimaru has a high IQ and quickly understands the use of group chats!

[Orochimaru: @Yang Hui, I didn't expect you to have such a magical thing, maybe I really bet right this time! ]

[ Yang Hui: Follow me, you won't be disappointed! ]

[ Yang Hui: Didn't you wonder where the material for Impure World Reincarnation came from? ]

[ Yang Hui: I can connect the souls of the dead through this group chat, and I can cast Impure World Reincarnation without their DNA! ]

[Orochimaru: All of this is beyond my comprehension! It seems that my choice is correct! ]
