
Naruto group chat system

Murtadha_Ahmed · Anime e quadrinhos
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384 Chs


[ Ace Des: wow!!!

I like this man!]

[ Hancock: Yang Hui, you are so handsome!

@Acedes, Yang Hui is mine!!!


[ Uchiha Madara: I just like this arrogant and wild energy! ]

[ Senju Hashirama: Don't you like the honest and honest like me??? ]

[ Uchiha Madara: Get out (*¯m¯)!]

[ Uzumaki Mito: @ Senju Hashirama, you really have something to do with Madara!!!

No wonder you don't care about me at all!]

[ Senju Tobirama: Damn it, it turns out that after the death of Uchiha Madara, the eldest brother was unhappy!

Died soon after!

It was because of love!?


[ Aokiji: Does Otherworld even reverse its view of love from ours?

I admire you!


Aokiji has gradually evolved towards sand sculpture netizens since joining the chat group!

At this time, I can't help but come out and make a fire!

[ Yang Hui: @ Senju Hashirama, you say you are honest and honest?

I'm too embarrassed to poke you!

The Valley of the End, you stabbed Madara in the back without saying anything!

After all, it's a battle between life and death!

But before Konoha is established, when your final battle with Madara is over!

Madara makes you kill yourself or kill Tobirama!

You've done a lot of tricks Madara!

(Pick nose.jpg)]

[ Uchiha Madara: Worry? I've been tricked???

What's going on, come from the real deal!

@ Senju Hashirama!]

[ Senju Hashirama: There are no routines!

Don't listen to Yang Hui!


[ Uchiha Madara: There must be something in here!

@ Yang Hui, how did I get tricked?]

Uchiha Madara knows Hashirama so well that at first glance there is a problem!

[ Yang Hui: Do you remember how Hashirama committed suicide at that time?

Take a little Kuwu to cut your belly?

IMHO, with the powerful restorative power of Hashirama's Sage Body!

Even if you stab him in the stomach with Susa, he will be fine!

Take a kunai to commit suicide, and you will believe it!

(I Senju Hashirama is an honest person.jpg)]

With that said, Yang Hui released a picture!

It was Hashirama's serious face holding the picture of Kunwu about to commit suicide and adding the text!

[ Uchiha Madara: Oh, you have thick eyebrows and big eyes, and a simple and honest Hashirama!

I was an idiot at the time, and I was deceived by you! ]

[ Senju Hashirama: I don't know what you are talking about! (⊙x⊙;)]

[ Uchiha Izuna: Senju Hashirama Idiom - Play Dead! ]

[ Uzumaki Naruto: So First Hokage is such a person! ]

The Senju Hashirama character set collapses in place!


[ Uzumaki Naruto: Oh, look at Kakashi-sensei's perspective!!

Look how much our teacher Kakashi loves learning!

The whole bedroom is filled with books!

I remember when I was a Genin in Konoha,

Kakashi-sensei always has the book in his hand wherever he goes!]

Yang Hui previously opened the vision sharing permission for everyone!

Everyone can choose to turn on view sharing and choose to watch anyone's view!


Wocao, Naruto, you are really a jerk!

Are those serious books?

Didn't see Yang Hui's perspective, is my dad's face already dark?

I was just praying that no one would notice me!!!

Did you blow me away???

You wait, I'll blast you with Thousand Years of Death in no time!

Before everyone comes over, I quickly close the field of vision and forget it!

[Hatake Sakumo: @Hatake Kakashi, if you dare to close your vision and share it, you will die!!!

Show your teacher a look at your life right now!

Is this the apprentice you taught?

@Namikaze Minato?]

[Namikaze Minato:???

Ah, Kakashi, you read this kind of book written by Jiraiya-sensei!

No wonder you look so sluggish with dead fish eyes all day!

It turned out to be hollowed out!]

[ Uzumaki Kushina: Kakashi, you didn't learn the three bans of Minato's ninja! ]

[ Senju Tobirama: What are you talking about?

Jiraiya, isn't the monkey's apprentice?

I remember that Jiraiya is Kakashi's teacher!

Isn't it normal for disciples and grandsons to read books written by masters?]

[ Uchiha Madara: I think the book written by Jiraiya is wrong!

Does that monkey's apprentice have a serious person?!

Orochimaru plays with snakes every day and does experimental transformations!

Tsunade is a good bet!

Didn't Yang Hui say before that she was a culinary and gambling lover, and was dubbed the name of the big fat sheep in the ninja world?

Look at the title of the book in Kakashi's bedroom, 'Intimacy Paradise', it's not serious!]

[ Senju Hashirama: Huh, how do you know it's not serious from the title of the book?

Have you seen something similar?


[ Uchiha Madara: I haven't even said that it is a serious book!

What inappropriate content did you think of? Tell us about it!

(Pick nose.jpg)]

Demo, give me a fight, don't dare to say anything else! My Uchiha Madara's IQ is definitely higher than yours!

[ Senju Hashirama:l

[ Uzumaki Naruto: Why does the atmosphere feel a little wrong!


But what are you saying about these books!]

[Namikaze Minato: Naruto, you have grown up too, and you should know that ninjas are banned!

This Jiraiya teacher's 'intimacy paradise' is...]

[ Senju Tobirama: Good guy, the monkey's apprentice, the 'yellow gambling drug' has gathered! ]

[ Uzumaki Naruto: Hey, I didn't expect you to be this Kakashi-sensei!


[ Senju Tobirama:→→!]

[ Uchiha Sasuke:

[ Uchiha Fugaku: Sasuke, stay away from Kakashi in the future! ]

Hatake Kakashi is dead!

Kakashi saw that the topic was twisted, and was pulled back by Naruto!

He also let himself explode in place and spiral into the sky, and he couldn't help but burst into anger!

[Hatake Kakashi: Naruto!

Where are you now?

Why didn't you turn on vision sharing! ]

[ Uzumaki Naruto: Oh, I forgot to open it today!

I'm currently at a ramen shop with Iruka-sensei!

What's wrong ⊙v⊙?]

[Namikaze Minato: No, Naruto run!!]

[Uzumaki Naruto:????]

[Hatake Kakashi: Naruto, do you remember a bottom-up fingering?]

[Uchiha Sasuke:…)

[ Uzumaki Naruto: Kakashi-sensei, what are you talking about!

How can I not understand!

When have I seen what fingering???]

[Hatake Kakashi: I will teach you this powerful fingering technique in a while!

Do you want to learn?]

[ Uzumaki Naruto: Sri Lanka One!!!

I want to learn I want to learn!!


[Hatake Kakashi: Then wait for me at Yile Ramen!

I sent a Shadow Clone over there!]

[Uchiha Sasuke:…]

Naruto, good luck!!!

While Yang Hui is chatting with everyone in the group!

Everyone in the conference room is also constantly discussing!

Senju Hashirama walked to Tsunade's side and persuaded eagerly and earnestly,

"Xiao Gang, no matter what they choose for a while,

You must listen to me and choose to surrender to Yang Hui!

When none of his enemies end well! 99

"Grandpa, is he really that scary?"

Tsunade is also very surprised, he has never seen his grandfather's expression like this!

"What your second grandfather said is true, remember my words!

Have I cheated on you?"

Senju Hashirama said with a serious face!

"Yes, I remember that you used to gamble with my money when I was young!?

Tsunade looks disgusted →_→!

"Cough cough! Anyway, you just need to remember!"

Not far away Ino–Shika–Chō Sannin is also getting together to discuss!

"Lu Jiu, you are the smartest among us!

What do you think?

Ino–Shika–Chō has always been advancing and retreating together!

As long as you nod, we agree!""

Big fat Akamichi Dingza said firmly!

And Nara Lukisa is also dignified and tangled!

His sanity tells him what Second Hokage says is true,

But he couldn't believe it, and he didn't dare to gamble!

The fate of the three families rests entirely on him!

While he was thinking,

Namikaze Minato walked up to the Ino–Shika–Chō trio!

In fact Namikaze Minato and Ino-Shika-Chō had a good relationship during his lifetime!

He also teamed up with Akamichi Dingza on missions!

"Lu Jiu, Ding Zuo and Hai Yi, long time no see!

Namikaze Minato first greets the brooding trio!

"Master Fourth Hokage!" X3!

Ino–Shika–Chō also temporarily stopped the discussion,

Look straight at Namikaze Minato!

"Minato, please show us the way!

Honestly, I don't know what to do now!

One wrong move and our three families will be doomed!

Nara Shikahisa said with a headache!

"That's what I'm here for!

If you trust me!

You can choose to surrender to Yang Hui with confidence!

From what I have always known about Yang Hui!

The people who follow him gain more or less,

But never lose!

Anyone who opposes him is basically dead!

Remember the Fourth Raikage before?

Just two face-to-faces were killed by Yang Hui!

Now Yang Hui's strength has developed by leaps and bounds,

We can't imagine it at all!

I urge you to surrender as soon as possible and occupy a place in the new ninja world ruled by Yang Hui as soon as possible!"

After that, Namikaze Minato patted Nara Shikahisa on the shoulder and left!

He has to go out to protect his stupid son Naruto!!!

"Luhisa, I don't think Minato will lie to us!

what do you say!

Akamichi Dingza hummed!

"I think the same as Ding Zuo!"

Yamanaka Kaiichi also expressed his opinion!

Nara Shikahisa thought about Second Generation and Minato,

Look at my two old friends,

Slowly close your eyes and start meditating!

After a while, he suddenly opened his eyes!

"I've made a decision,

In a while, we Ino–Shika–Chō will be the first to show our allegiance!

Maybe this is a big crisis,

But who says it can't be a great opportunity!

Nara Shikahisa gave it up and said firmly!

Yamanaka Kaiichi and Akamichi Dingza also nodded thoughtfully!


Ten minutes passed slowly!

Yang Hui compares the time of the system, and it arrives every ten minutes.

Then he interrupted the Konoha crowd who were chatting!

"Ten minutes have come!

You can say your choice!

Surrender or die!

If you choose to surrender to my family and forces, you can make a statement!"

As soon as Yang Hui's words came out, the entire conference room was suddenly silent and the needles fell!

Everyone, you look at me, I look at you, and I don't know what to do!

"My Ino-Shika-Chō family is willing to surrender to Lord Yang Hui!!!

As Yang Hui's voice fell, Nara Shikuji's firm voice sounded immediately!

Everyone including Tsunade looked sideways!

'Woca! Are you Ino-Shika-Chō so brave?

Bet so firmly?

Aren't you afraid of losing your money?

But Nara Shikahisa is notoriously smart,

He couldn't have pushed his family into the fire pit!

This is intriguing!

Could it be that what Nara Shikahisa said to Nidaime was so firm?!

Or does he know what inside information?'

So everyone was a little excited when they heard Nara Shikahisa announce the return of Ino-Shika-Chō!

At this time, Tsunade thought of the words of his great-grandfather Senju Hashirama!

also suddenly announced,

"I Tsunade also submit to Uchiha Yang Hui on behalf of Konoha!

People or families who are unwilling to submit,

Not protected by Konoha!!!"

Utatane Koharu and Mitokado Homura on the side just wanted to say something,

I saw Senju Tobirama looking at him with a look that wanted a knife!

Suddenly his head shrank like a turtle!

Yang Hui nodded happily when he heard Tsunade's words!

As long as Tsunade submits, most of Konoha's civilian ninjas will also submit!

This is a great start!

But just now Ino-Shika-Chō also brought a good head, should be rewarded!

And it can't be a general reward, otherwise how can you convince the public?

Everyone in Konoha heard that Hokage, Tsunade, made such a statement,

They all expressed their willingness to submit to Yang Hui!

Even the Hyuga family!

After all, without Konoha, which ninja has the strength to survive in the cruel ninja world?

[ Uchiha Madara: It's a pity that they surrendered!

I also want to give Konoha two Tengai Shinsei! ]

[ Uchiha Sasuke: I just put on my brother's eyes before,

Successfully advanced to Eternal Mangekyō, there is no place to experiment! ]

[ Uchiha Izuna: These people are really afraid of death!

I think they chose to agree to submit because they were afraid of death! ]

Yang Hui said with a big laugh,

"I'm glad you all made the right choice!

Next, I will go to Rock Shinobi Village, Sand Shinobi Village and Kirigakure to take them down!

Then the Ninja village who submit to me will form a coalition with you,

Attack other countries in the ninja world!

Do your best to unify the ninja world as soon as possible!

Those small countries should be easy for you Da Ninja allied forces!

Suddenly, Hyuga Hiashi asked,

"What about the Shinobi villages of other big countries that don't obey you?

Are we going to attack them too?"

Yang Hui saw that his future father-in-law cared so much about his career,

and replied with a smile,

"You asked a very good question!

won't let you out, because if they don't submit,

It's gone that day!"


After answering Hyuga Hiashi's question, Yang Hui continued,

"After unifying the ninja world, I will establish a top management organization - the Presbyterian Church!

Number of current members to be determined!

Hokage Tsunade can join in though!

And since Ino-Shika-Chō was the first to join me,

I can give you a place that can be hereditary!

The personnel for each generation is determined internally by the three of you!

Although this war is an easy one,

But there will also be a test of combat merit!

It is an important criterion for the division of power in the future.

I hope you will work hard,

Create a better future for yourself and your family!

That's it for now, you can inform your respective family members!

I want you to pledge the whole Konoha to surrender to me within one day!

As soon as Yang Hui's voice fell, the patriarchs of many Konoha clans rushed out to inform the entire clan!

Before leaving, I didn't forget to cast envious glances at Nara and Shikahisa!

"Lu Jiu, you are amazing!" X2!!!

Yamanaka Kaiichi and Akamichi Dingza said with a smile!

Now their family's name is well-known in the entire ninja world!

"No, it's all Minato's reminder!"

Nara Shikahisa said modestly!

[Namikaze Minato: Worry! Kakashi what are you doing!!!

Stop it now!!!]