
Naruto group chat system

Murtadha_Ahmed · Anime e quadrinhos
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384 Chs


Konoha Hokage Office!

As soon as Danzo entered the door, Sarutobi Hiruzen asked frantically:

"Danzo, you have to explain Uchiha Yang Hui to me!"

"I've seen their group's mission, to exterminate the bandits who harassed nearby villages!"

"According to the ninja's foot strength and speed, they should be back the next day at the latest!"

"Don't say you don't know, his leader Ninja is the one you recommended!"

Danzo just wanted to say that he didn't know how to pass the buck!

Before he could say anything, he was blocked by Third Generation's eyes and was speechless!

Hiruzen, the old guy is also following Uchiha Yang Hui!

It seems that he can't justify himself without giving an explanation, so Danzo had to open his mouth and say:

"I really don't know what's going on!"

"I haven't heard from them since they left the village!"

"But it's impossible for my people to betray me!"

"You know this better than anyone else!"

"If nothing else, Uchiha Yang Hui must have defected!"

Third Generation took a deep look at Danzo, he understood what Danzo meant!

Although Root has been disbanded on the surface, there are still many members who continue to serve in Anbu, and even devote allegiance to "Root"!

And this time it must be Danzo stealing chicken without losing rice!

However, Uchiha Yang Hui's usual performance was mediocre, but he was able to kill an Elite Chunin!

This forbearance is not only powerful, but also a traitor!

Now, the only way to get rid of him is!

"What are you going to do?"

When Danzo heard this, he understood that it was over, and he was relieved!

It seems that Hiruzen is still too weak, I am the most suitable candidate for Hokage!

"I have sent a Jōnin to lead the team to conduct a search and investigation!"

"Danzo, you should know how to do it!"

"I see!"

After a moment of silence, Danzo turned and left!

Danzo just walked to the door and pulled it open!

Sarutobi Hiruzen's voice came from behind!

"Danzo, this is the last time!"

"Remember, I am Hokage!"

Danzo clenched his hands tucked into his wide sleeves and left without a word!

If I had been braver, the Hokage would have been mine already!

Hope you survive the Chūnin exam!

Orochimaru, don't let me down!


After a day of practice, Yang Hui finally mastered the multiple Shadow Clone Technique and Illusion·Dark Line Technique!

With Shadow Clone's basic multiple Shadow Clone Technique, it's quick to learn!

However, because Senju Tobirama refused to explain the dark magic technique, he spent his own day!

This is the result of the toolman Senju Tobirama performing over and over again!

It seems that learning ninjutsu by yourself is not as straightforward as the system reward!

Learning ninjutsu on your own takes too much time!

But Illusion·Dark Line Technique must be learned, because I still lack group attack illusion technique!

It's a pity that I only have fire and yin attributes!

After getting Sage Body and Uzumaki physique, it only increases the yang attribute!

If you have water or earth attributes, you can copy some ninjutsu again!


"Multiple Shadow Clone Technique!"

boom! boom! boom! ...

Hundreds of Shadow Clones appear all around in an instant!

boom! boom! boom! ...

After removing all the Shadow Clone, Yang Hui only felt a little discomfort!

After a while, the discomfort disappeared!

With the adaptability of Sage Body and its huge Chakra, this technique fits him unexpectedly!


[ Uchiha Fugaku: What a horrible amount of Chakra! ]

[Namikaze Minato: Even after performing this Forbidden Technique, you can easily endure it! ]

[Ghost Lantern Moon: What a freak! ]

[ Third Raikage Ai: +1! ]

[No Second Tsuchikage: +1! ]

[Senju Tobirama: His Chakra volume is on the same level as my elder brother! ]


After learning two ninjutsu, Yang Hui has no more ninjutsu to learn!

As for the Flying Thunder God Technique, he tried it before!

Too bad Sharingan's copy doesn't work at all!

Second Generation and Namikaze Minato refuse to teach again!

Even if you teach yourself, you may not learn!

And his ideal target for time-space ninjutsu is Obito's Kamui, it doesn't matter if he is Flying Thunder God or not!

So for the next few days, I will be doing physical exercises with Senju Hashirama and recording Senju Hashirama's movements with Sharingan!

At the same time, a Shadow Clone was created to record Senju Tobirama's Taijutsu!

As for Senju Tobirama, it is a tool man who has been performing physical exercises 24 hours a day!

This is also a punishment for Tobirama, he has not forgotten what Tobirama wanted to kill him before!


At the beginning, Yang Hui was beaten badly by Hashirama, his nose was blue and his face was swollen, and his physical skills were completely beaten by Hashirama!

The two are worthy of being Sengoku's battle-hardened characters, with rich combat experience, smooth physical skills, and no extra moves at all!

After a few days of copying, he can barely parry Senju Hashirama's attack!

This is the result of his best efforts!

After these few days, his physical skills have improved a lot!

Now his Taijutsu is no worse than any ninja below Kage-level!

After your actual combat experience goes up, you won't lose to anyone in Taishu!

Of course, except for those who specialize in physical art, such as Guy Huang, Xiao Li, and the Hyuga family, who have devoted themselves to physical art almost all their lives!

But I don't plan to go that route, it's enough!

What is a ninja without ninjutsu?

The power is huge, and the ninjutsu of burning the sky and boiling the sea is the king!


"Someone is here! You have to tell the main body!"

The Shadow Clone, which was separated out for warning in advance, used Kagura's heart to find a group of people running straight to the main body, and directly lifted the Shadow Clone!


Yang Hui, who was training, directly put away the two of Impure World Reincarnation!

[ Senju Hashirama: What are you doing? Didn't you play hard just now? ]

[ Senju Tobirama: It's finally time to take a break! I will never use that gymnastics again! (disgusting.jpg)]

Tobirama, who has been practicing taijutsu for days and nights without a break, said taijutsu is the most disgusting thing!

[ Yang Hui: @ Senju Hashirama@ Senju Tobirama, someone is here, I will show you the results of my taijutsu practice! ]

[Senju Tobirama: Don't perform body art in front of me. (vomit.jpg)]
