
Naruto: God'S Misfortune (DXD)

This is a fic from the perspective of a real Angel, not what everyone expects from one. He will begin in The World of DxD as Naruto being The first Angel to be created and Lucifer The second, I like the name Naruto and it is not related to anime or anything else. I apologize for the grammatical errors story creator: DarkNaru666

Mart_Ero · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
58 Chs

Chapter 6


Naruto, who is sitting on the soft green grass with some of his children surrounding him, looks with a calm gaze at the interaction of Lilith, Eve and Mnemosyne, who are not far from him, chatting among themselves.

He looks at how they smile while they talk to each other with some of their daughters around them. Likewise, he contemplated their gestures and expressions.


Naruto diverted his attention to one of his children who was sitting next to him with the others simply being silent, enjoying his presence.

Naruto proceeded to focus his gaze on the small black haired boy who shares slightly similar eyes to his and wears a dark toga.

The boy seemed to get nervous suddenly and Naruto raised an eyebrow at It curiously.

Naruto: tell me "Satan"... - He said softly to his son who looked at him before sighing and gaining courage.

Satan: and...I... What are we, father?... - He asked his father with his deep and somewhat meek voice, who blinked for a second with curiosity before understanding.

Naruto smiled and turned his attention again to Lilith, Eve and Mnemosyne while Satan paid attention to him as well as his brothers, as they wanted to know more about their father, their creator and what they are.

Naruto: "You are humans"... It is the term that is closest to you and at the same time not... Angels also because of their Wings but they do not share the same as These or Essence... I would say that they are Something superior to both the Angels like humans because they are Unique... they share the Essence of the first Angelic and Human Existence from Lilith who is the first Woman and her Mother... I still haven't found a term for you... - He responded calmly to his son who grabbed his chin and thought.

"Something like Super Humans father?"

A thin but deep voice was heard coming from one of his little daughters who asked him and Naruto denied looking at her since the little girl found it more interesting to look at the ground than to look at her father, much to Naruto's curiosity.

Naruto: not superhuman... not SuperAngel... You are in the Middle of both Sides... - He responded and actually put all his children to think.

Naruto smiled and let them do it, think for themselves and come to an answer although now that he himself contemplates it, his children are not human or well only in appearance so, what name would suit them better than the one he thought before, he wants something unique for them.

Heaven - Seventh floor.

In this one you could see God arriving at his Throne room through which he began to walk calmly immersed in his thoughts.

God [ Those Nordics are somewhat problematic but at least they gave me their word not to Intervene or Interfere in anything on earth ]... - I contemplate with a sigh because in reality he didn't like that Boy Odin is strong and Intelligent but he still has a unequaled arrogance that at least contained in his presence.

God denied, That boy is not the reason for his thoughts even though it made him uncomfortable to the level of not knowing whether to treat him or not, he was pompous and conceited and...

God denied again and sighed, recovering good thoughts before moving one of his hands, creating a Sphere of Light that allowed him to see his humans.

God calmly watched as Adam and " Eve " slept peacefully on the soft green grass before diverting His attention to a certain tree.

God [ true, I forgot to tell you that you can't eat from Him ]... - he contemplates gently since having been dealing with all of these Strange beings at the same time took up some of his time and attention but it was time to resume his "Experiment." ".

God: well ... - He encouraged himself, preparing to communicate with the first humans, letting go of what could have happened when He was not there and whether Adam or Eve wanted to eat from the Tree before He forbade them.

Days Later - Twin Rooms.



The sound of Lance colliding with Lance could be heard throughout the room in which Naruto could be seen in the center of it with his face uncovered and with a spear of Light in his hand that he raised stopping a flash.


Gabriel appeared in front of Naruto trying to "Push" him with his Spear of Light before opening his eyes when he saw himself going against his brother's body but that was not what Impacted her but the Spear that stopped Millimeters from his Head and the His brother's hand that touched his cheek gently, stopping his advance and all fighting instinct.

Naruto: he won... - He said with a small smile to Gabriel who nodded after passing The Moment of Impact.

Gabriel lowered himself until he touched the floor of the living room when Naruto retracted his hand.

Gabriel: he never touched you... or won... - She said with a slight pout, looking away until she noticed how her brother descended to her height and looked at her.

Gabriel quickly paid attention to her as the most beautiful eyes she has ever seen on anyone else look at her along with a soft smile.

Naruto:Gabriel... - He mentioned softly without the Mentioned looking away from him.

Naruto: you know why I don't allow you to get too close to Me... I don't want to hurt you but that doesn't mean you don't improve... you've improved a lot Lately, I see it and I don't deny that you make me feel very... Proud... - He said with his soft smile.




Gabriel I listen to his heartbeat, somewhat disconcerted.

"You make me feel so... Proud."

Those words kept repeating in the little Angel's Head when suddenly her World Lighted Up Strangely.

Her... her brother, her brother is proud of her... not even her father ever...

Naruto opened his arms receiving his sister's strong hug who buried her face in his neck.

Gabriel: thank you, thank you... I... - Gabriel did not know what else to say besides the infinite happiness he is feeling at this moment while his heart is filled with warmth and does not stop beating with emotion.

Naruto responded gently. He hugged his little sister and smiled, He acts just like his children when he told him the same thing although in different scenarios.

Naruto: well, here we finish for today... - He told and charged his sister that she did not protest when she previously did because She is big and preferred to just hold her hand.

Naruto placed her in his arm but before he could even take a step out he felt something strange and looked at Eden, since that's where the signal came from.

"Because they Hide from Me."

"We are naked."

"They ate from the Tree the fruit that was forbidden to them...

Naruto turned off his presence deciding not to listen anymore and sighed.

Naruto [ because he would prohibit them from eating the fruit if he himself created it and placed it in Eden where they are supposed to be able to eat the fruits of this one and if he did not want them to touch it because he did not place it in another place, it must be on that tree that appeared suddenly and it is also striking that it would even attract Gabriel like a moth, he sighed, he also did not give them knowledge other than what I gave them... obviously without knowledge and with a few words, he would not maintain his Nature of following an Order and also It is just a fruit and the knowledge they gain is not dangerous...

Naruto came out of his thoughts when he stopped feeling Adam and the copy of "Eve" that he believed was the same as with Lilith, his father expelled them to earth.

Naruto[ such a decision for a little knowledge... Adam... At least Eva is still with Lilith and the others o This would hurt him but I will still tell him... but Acting as a father is Strange, Eva the only thing that gained When she ate that fruit it was knowing that she was naked and that was it, there was no more change or great knowledge... So such a decision just for that?, you don't understand it ]... - she thought contemplating her father's actions and his actions, If the Angels gave them knowledge of what was wrong in giving it to humans?, leaving them without knowledge or even knowing Himself is like having something without anything.

Naruto didn't really understand it, he even gives knowledge to his children so why wouldn't his father do it with humans? Adam noticed that he learns quickly with several things that he taught him, Lilith the same but Eva is... no She really likes studying but rather the Moment, having fun, walking, running, She is a free human who thinks little and acts more personality that she likes.


Naruto was so immersed in his thoughts that he had forgotten that he had not yet moved from his previous position next to Gabriel whom he was carrying and realized this fact.

Naruto came out of his thoughts when a soft but warm Breath hit his neck and the first thing he looked at when he came out of his Analysis and questions were the beautiful, slightly bluish gray eyes of his sister who looked at him with curiosity and something strange that he couldn't place.

Gabriel: you stayed like a Statue brother... - He said softly and Naruto smiled at him with a touch of shame for getting lost in his own World.

Naruto: I'm sorry, well, what had I planned?... - I ask him since he forgot what he was going to do.

Gabriel thought the same without having the answer, since Ella had also gotten lost in her own World when her brother told her that he is " Proud of Her ."

Gabriel closed his beautiful eyes, containing the emotion and his heart that wanted to beat warmly again. He liked that word so much and it came from none other than his older brother above all.

Naruto raised an eyebrow, waiting to see what his sister would say as he walked out of the twin rooms.

A sudden Light covered Naruto Gabriel fixing their robes and covering their faces as is normal for Them until the Light disappeared with Naruto leaving the room but raised an eyebrow when he saw one of his brothers leaning on one of the pillars looking in his address.

"Father calls you Big Brother."

Naruto: I understand... - he said and before he could say goodbye to his brother, he disappeared into Luz, much to Naruto's curiosity. Before, he got along well with Metraton until he walked away when he saw his other brothers lower their heads before him, something already normal. but not apparently from Metraton who had also done it before.

Naruto didn't understand what it was like to see that in his little brother, but his actions didn't bother him, nor did it hurt him when he walked away, it just made him curious, at least Gabriel isn't like that, although well, since she was little she became attached to him and everything that happens. Around him he sees it as normal.

"Ah, brother, let's play in the Clouds of Earth."

Said Gabriel who seemed to regain his senses to Naruto's amusement because she still got lost in his mind.

Naruto: that will be for later Gabriel father calls me but after seeing what he wants, we can go play in the Clouds... - He said softly to his sister.

Gabriel: Well, at what point should I cover my face? But brother, you will take me with you... - I ask him curiously while still hugging his brother's neck.

Naruto: Yes, I think it will make Father happy to see you... - He said with a smile and they both disappeared in a flash of Light.

Seventh floor .

In this one could see God sitting on his Throne having Lucifer and Michael in front of him who maintain some distance between them.


The powerful voice of God boomed when a flash of Light seemed to form behind Michael and Lucifer, and from it emerged an undoubtedly Celestial figure carrying a smaller one.

Lucifer[ Naruto ].. - he thought about his twin's impressive entrance.

Michael, opened his eyes somewhat surprised by Naruto's arrival, he saw himself as tall as his father for a second.

"You arrive Naruto and I see you have Gabriel with you."

Naruto: Hey, I answered your call father and I wish Gabriel was present... - He said softly to his father but still his voice came out powerful.

God raised an eyebrow at his son's request, remembering Naruto has never asked him for anything in his entire life.

God smiled.

God: well I allow it and it is also referring to Adam and Eve, and I know that Gabriel also knows them... She doesn't know how to hide very well behind that Cloud and also every time she sees a Cute Animal she would scream excitedly. ... - he said with a smile where Gabriel hid his face more in his brother's chest causing Naruto as well as his father to let out an amused giggle.

Michael and Lucifer remained silent, just looking curiously at the Scene.

God: well, then I will talk to Gabriel about that... The reason why I called you here was to inform you to expel Adam and Eve from Eden... - He calmly told his children that although he did not have to answer them They or anyone, he liked to talk about some things with Them and Listen to Their Opinions that They could give him, unlike his other brothers who would simply Accept everything He does and says and could not have a conversation with Him outside of Worship.

Naruto: why?... - was the first to ask while Gabriel looks in the direction of his father, surprised by what he said.

Michael refrained from questioning his brother for questioning his father.

God focused his gaze on his son and responded.

God: they went against my Order about not eating the fruit that I prohibited them... - He answered.

Naruto: where was that fruit and why did he prohibit it?... - I ask him with curiosity.

God: in Eden My son and I forbade them because I expected something from Them ... - Naruto responded softly with understanding there was a reason besides gaining knowledge.

Naruto: I understand... - he said and did not ask any more while his father began to inform them what happened and the "punishment" he gave to the first humans.

Naruto closed his eyes for a moment because of Eva's Clone I think but at least Eva wouldn't go through That "Punishment".

Lucifer was internally relieved because they don't know about his agenda, it's not yet time but it's close.

Lucifer [ and I have to get rid of the Biggest Obstacle ]... - he thought, looking out of the corner of his eye at Naruto, who doesn't pay attention to him but knows he's the Biggest Threat.










Well I think the question of why they lower their faces before Naruto has been answered.

Naruto's children are the best of both Sides.

Eva as Explained extended her Stay with Lilith, everything will be Explained.