
Naruto: God'S Misfortune (DXD)

This is a fic from the perspective of a real Angel, not what everyone expects from one. He will begin in The World of DxD as Naruto being The first Angel to be created and Lucifer The second, I like the name Naruto and it is not related to anime or anything else. I apologize for the grammatical errors story creator: DarkNaru666

Mart_Ero · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
58 Chs

Chapter 5

The days continued to pass peacefully around the world and Naruto took advantage of them to also meet the second Woman " Eve " who has a bubbly and lively personality that actually amuses Naruto, who has shared more with her than Adam, if you can say so. Since the first human only wanted company but not to foster or create a Friendship, He is happy to just have them keeping him company, much to the curiosity of Naruto who did not understand it.

Although Naruto did not pay much attention to that fact and focused on Eva when he was not with Lilith or Gabriel, which made the human happy with his company, since Naruto played with her and taught her basic things that she did not know, unlike Adam who is silent and who had also noticed the closeness of Naruto and Eva, just as Lilith was but at least Lilith was more... Calm, yes, That.

Currently - Eden.

In this you could see Naruto without the top part of his toga covering his face sitting on the soft green grass with his legs crossed having the beautiful Eva sitting on his lap who moved her gender and soft butt in food although Naruto did not like him. I pay attention to that but not to what he had in his hands and Eva looks with childlike curiosity.

Eva watched with her beautiful Blue eyes as Naruto created with his beautiful hands a " Halo " with leaves for Her, just like the one He has on his head when She asked him for it.

Naruto intertwined the Last Leaves forming the Halo and before he could even say it was finished Eva snatched it from his hands.

Eva: It's cute... - she said with a beautiful smile.

Naruto smiled and nodded.

Naruto: It is... - She responded softly, watching as Eva smiled and placed it on her head, giggling as she watched Naruto look at her with his beautiful golden eyes.

Naruto sighed softly and moved his hands to the ground in Support, pulling back a little as he gazed at the amused Eva before his Attention was drawn to a Tree he had not seen before.

Naruto[ What are those red things ?]... - he wondered for a second, raising an eyebrow, they actually looked striking.


Naruto was brought out of his thoughts when a finger specifically Eva's touched his Nose while she looked at him curiously with her beautiful but Intense Blue eyes.

Naruto: yes?... - I asked him softly, not at all upset by his action since Eva recovered her hand.

Eva looked at him for a second longer before making a snort with her lips and slightly looking away with, nerves?

Eva: The... World like you said it is out there smells good... - She said with a strange voice to Naruto who nodded.

Naruto: Yes it is, it's more... beautiful... - He responded to the blonde who stirred a little in his lap.

Eva: and... I... I want to know... if I could see it and...

Naruto: can you... - He responded, attracting Eva's attention, who stared at him.

Eva: "really?"... - I ask her almost shouting.

Naruto: yes... I can take you although I would have to create someone just like you so that father doesn't get upset or find you before you see the earth and... - he didn't finish when he was quickly hugged by Eva who moved abruptly before burying Naruto's face in her breasts as she went on top of him.

"Thank you thank you thank you".

Eva thanked him with a big smile, since she thought that her Friend would refuse to show her out of here but no, He said Yes.

Naruto smelled the strange scent of Nature on Eve different from Lilith's that had changed to a Strange one.

Naruto raised an eyebrow even as Eva hugged him to her chest.

Naruto [ create a human... it's simple, although I wonder what keeps Father away, since he hasn't even given me visits to humans and the knowledge I give them... and that Tree wasn't there the day before, Strange ]. .. - He thought with some curiosity about the facts before not giving them great importance. They are not of his interest. He would take Eve to earth and perhaps show his children and Lilith who was first.

Naruto nodded in agreement not to tell Adam that he was taking Eva because he could tell his father that he took Eva and it would be better to leave someone similar to the blonde with the same Essence and there would be no problems.

Naruto finished contemplating what he would do, Ignorant of the consequences and level of his Actions.

Days after.

Just as Naruto had decided, he took Eve out of Eden with Him towards the earth where he gave Eve a toga to hide her body.

The second Woman took the toga and appreciated it even without understanding what it was for, but later she understood when Naruto gave her that red fruit that He ate, since that fruit was too striking for Naruto and she took one from the Tree that appeared in The center of Eden before leaving with Eve having left everything just as he thought.

Naruto could only point out that the fruit was juicy and nothing more than the first thing Naruto ate since the beginning of his existence, since he, like his brothers, are self-sustaining.

Naruto shared part of the fruit with Eve and something strange happened to her. Much to Naruto's curiosity, the second Woman gained knowledge... well a little, since He gave her more knowledge than the fruit itself but it still opened her eyes. to Eva and she could see for herself and accept that before she was naked since there was that the toga came into action for Naruto's slight amusement.

Naruto wondered what his father was trying with that, since that was obviously his thing. A tree with knowledge and striking fruits, would he think about giving it to Adam and "Eva"? At least he won't find anything strange in the Eva he left. back, since she also copied the signature with which her father created her and her personality, which was not a problem.

Naruto came out of his contemplation and walked calmly across the land while Eva launched herself against each animal she found with a big smile, since she doesn't know some of them but she still enjoys this.

Naruto just looks at her calmly as she enjoys it, although there were things that caught her attention. She felt strange things around the earth, different from before, when she felt nothing more than the very presence of her father surrounding the entire earth and its limits.

A small flash caught Naruto's attention.

Naruto: I found you... - he said calmly.

Naruto: "Eva come... I want to see something"... - he called to his partner who nodded, releasing a small rabbit that quickly escaped to Eva's snort since she thought it would follow her.

Naruto smiled and shook his head as Eva arrived in front of him and they both disappeared.

Mount Olympus.

On the earth that is above Heaven on a different plane you could see Uranus and Gaia with their children standing in front of Them who are sitting on two respective thrones as The King and The Queen looking at the Young Titans as they called them and the main ones taking out the Hecatonchires and the Cyclopes .

The male titans: Oceanus, Coeus, Crius, Hyperion, Iapetus and Cronus.

And the titanides: Aunt, Rhea, Themis, Mnemosyne, Phoebe and Thetis.

His children from both Gaea and Uranus, perfect beings who wear different royal togas of different colors.

Uranus Father King decided to start.

Uranus: well the...

Uranus, who was going to begin, remained silent and looked in one direction, just like Gaea, while her children wondered what was happening when a small Trail of Light appeared in the middle of the group of titans who retreated without understanding what was happening, but they did not like the intense light.

Small sparkles surrounded the Stele of Light when suddenly a soft but powerful voice was heard almost startling the Titans.

"Wow, I didn't know there were more life forms, father, did you create them?!"

Ocean [ Interesting ]... - The Titan thought because of the powerful voice.

Two small figures appeared from the Stele covered by togas that hid their faces but one of the figures looked divine.

The powerful and Imposing Image of one of the figures did not go unnoticed by anyone, in fact it was the one that caught the Attention of the Titanides, since being "small" and projecting such a type of Image is Impressive.

Ceo opened his eyes that he had kept closed for a second before closing them again.

"Son of God".

The powerful voice of Uranus became deeper reverberating all around him while he has his gaze focused on one of the small figures.

Gaea looked at the Angel's carefree form with an eyebrow raised in curiosity. Did God send him? What's more, how did he enter his plane?

"Yes, I am... but I don't know you. Strange way of life."

Naruto responded softly without any "respect" in the eyes of Uranus, who is Ignorant that the Angels and children of God still did not know that term and concept, that is why sometimes his Action is crude and Disrespectful, only showing "respect" for Instinct to the Taller.

Themis smiled at The "little one", speaking like this to his father.

"You dare to speak ant."

Naruto diverted his attention to a tall being he didn't know, he didn't care but he seemed "annoyed" with, Him? Wow.

Eva grabbed Naruto's robe with one of her hands safely as she looks through her own robe at these Strange beings, they are big but the "girls" look cute in their robes.

"Hey, now, scared?"

Hyperion sneered, stepping forward in Naruto's direction while Cronus looked analytically at the Same Strange being that appeared in his lands and his Light, Strange Light.

Phoebe and Thetis also paid attention with raised eyebrows.

Naruto tilted his head without understanding what she meant but his instinct told him to attack so he is going to fulfill her request and raised one of his hands that was shown outside his robe.

Rhea crossed her arms wondering what she would do.

Before anyone could even react, they saw Hyperion flying over his father, passing Este and...




A powerful Explosion followed behind Uranus as an intense Light Trail formed and created a current of wind that shook several. Including Eva who clung to Naruto who held her with his free hand calmly around his waist without moving even a millimeter. of his Place.

Cronos[ Did he attack? At what time? ] ...-he asked himself, surprised, looking at the smoke screen behind his father a few meters away and waiting to see what his reaction would be.

Rhea [ well, He is not small ]... - the Titanides thought calmly, not at all disturbed or afraid of the Attack on her brother, her brothers fought worse among themselves but for a "small" one to send a Titan to fly is a feat that They could only do it themselves, but even so, for that little one to do it is something surprising and respectful, especially in front of his parents.

Kid [ The bastard deserves it ]... - The Titan thought with resentment but he knew that his brother was fine, but that doesn't matter, A humiliation is a humiliation and even more so seeing that little thing whatever it may be.

Uranus was not fazed by what happened, his foolish son asked for it, although it is interesting to see a small being send a giant flying and wait... if this little son of God could handle one of his children, his wife then told him the truth and could God Face Them as Equals?

He didn't fully believe it but That God created His own planet and one of His children easily fired one of His own that meant This "God" Is more than He shows and if, Oh shit then He could kick them out. attack one of his children as "Gea" told him and if they affect the earth.

Uranus came out of his thoughts when he looked at his Wife's slightly worried look, although he knew that it was not because of his son who was okay, but because of the consequences or problems of this that could lead to a confrontation with God.

Gea: this is...

Uranus: I will fix it ... - He told him, throwing to the back of his mind his Annoyance for This Angel for The Monster that he has for a father or he would have destroyed him.

Uranus returned and looked at the Angel who does not show him his face but knows that he is looking at him with his aura and calm presence.

Themis [ is not disturbed by his Actions or that he is in possible Enemy territory ]... - thought the Titanides, looking at the calm posture of that being of Light.

Uranus: I want to know your name ... - he said with his imposing voice that shook his children a little who only remained on the sidelines knowing who their father's words were addressed to.

Naruto raised an eyebrow.

Naruto: Naruto and your Uranus, right?... you are Gaea... - He told her now knowing their names when a second ago he didn't know them.

Uranus raised an eyebrow but nodded.

Gaea only sent a soft and friendly smile to Naruto in response.

Uranus: well, Naruto... I don't want this to lead to a problem with your father so I want to fix this between us, the lack of my stupid son and this stays between the two of us ... - He said calmly to the Angel who nodded. .

Naruto wondered for a second what to settle with these Strange beings before analyzing that he could gain something from the Titan's words or whatever, he only got his name but not his race, his children are called Titans, Interesting.

Naruto:Fixing your son's fault, I can forgive it... but I like Teaching and...

Uranus: done, my daughter "Mnemosyne" is good with her Memory, she can accompany you, Teach her and if that's all, Go away, I have an Announcement to give... - Uranus said Bitterly and Naruto raised an eyebrow before not giving it any importance and I look with my eyes for who Uranus mentioned.

One of the Titanides took a step forward before Shrinkage, revealing a beautiful black haired woman of divine beauty who wears a Blue toga with her long black hair falling down her back, she has beautiful but strange eyes between greenish blue and her color. Skin is almost similar to Naruto's but a little darker.


The Titanides greeted with Rhea looking at her sister with an eyebrow raised in curiosity at how easily she agreed to leave but who did not with her family but was still curious about This Naruto and his father, since Apparently his father is Someone with whom He he does not want to deal with, so he made it clear by forgiving the lack of this Naruto who is actually The Invader.

Naruto nodded in recognition and the Titaness calmly approached East while Cronus watched everything bewildered. "That little ant came and attacked one of his brothers and now he's taking one of his sisters and nothing happened?"

Before Cronus could make a protest, the Trio disappeared and his father regained control with now 10 Titans, and Hyperion has not yet returned.

Gaea [ Strange... he seemed to be God for a second, if he hadn't given his name he could easily be confused with Him ].. - Gaea thought curiously before feeling how Hyperion regained his consciousness but that didn't catch his attention if it didn't. the permanent presence of Light that still exists in That Place.

Gaea, I had seen it... it was strange, Hyperion took a step in the direction of the Angel and he had already thrown a spear of Light at him that actually pushed his son but did not go through him... He pushed Hyperion behind the temple and The Spear Exploded into Light without causing great destruction, it was as if He had controlled it as well as the Magnitude of its power and the destruction it could cause or that He wanted to occur.

Gaea [ If all her children are like this, there is no doubt that even my children are not rivals ]... - the Queen thought with a sigh, while listening to her Husband and his speech.


Naruto, Eva and Mnemosyne had arrived on a different plane than the earth that the Titanides and Eva knew, being received by a large crowd that surprised the two Girls.



A wide variety of Children quickly approached the Trio.

Mnemosyne looked in disbelief as some had "Wings" of fire and others of Light and a great variety that I did not know.

Naruto uncovered his face now, doubly shocking Mnemosyne by the most beautiful thing he had ever seen before in his life.

Practically perfect platinum hair, a face more beautiful than any she had ever seen in her life, and eyes...


The Titaness continued her ramblings while Lilith appeared carrying one of her little daughters while looking at Naruto with a smile as Naruto reciprocated the affection of her children.

Naruto:Lilith... - he greeted in response while his children surrounded him with the older ones staying on the sidelines because they were "big."

Naruto: Meet Eva and Mnemosyne... - Meet the two girls next to them, their children and Lilith, who looked at them with curiosity.

Lilith: wow...

Heaven - Third heaven.

In this one you could see Lucifer walking around calmly being in his thoughts.

Lucifer [ Adam and Eve... The first humans... what are you trying to do, father ]... - The Angel thought with curiosity as to why these humans were created and his father has not told him about his objective with these.

Lucifer: I'll look at them closely... Something is happening here... - He murmured when suddenly the Image of his father's Throne came to his mind and he denied but what if.










Well, I'll explain this... Naruto doesn't know what he's doing... he only acts according to Him, He doesn't see anything wrong with helping or his Actions... something that is part of the mistake he has.

The actions of Uranus and Gaia, both do not know the extent of the power of "God", nor does God know theirs, but that God there created their planet is of respect and concern for them to make enemies.

Uranus and Gaea are unconscious parents and somewhat insensitive towards their children, it is better explained in the future.

I do not discredit the Titans but if Uranus, who is The King, does not ask to move a Hand they will not "do it", and Imagine Naruto's Spear was similar to that of Ulquiorra vs. Hallow Ichigo, the Explosion was the same.

Yes cannon DxD is close.