
Naruto: God'S Misfortune (DXD)

This is a fic from the perspective of a real Angel, not what everyone expects from one. He will begin in The World of DxD as Naruto being The first Angel to be created and Lucifer The second, I like the name Naruto and it is not related to anime or anything else. I apologize for the grammatical errors story creator: DarkNaru666

Mart_Ero · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
58 Chs

Chapter 3

It's been around 7 days since Naruto met the first humans and the "couple" quickly liked Lilith more with how curious and fun she is where she is joy and curiosity, Adam is the opposite, dull and unexcited. .

The first human in Naruto's mind is simply a boring being who spends his time sleeping or talking to animals. He communicates little with Naruto and Lilith but still accompanies them on their walks around Eden and when he and Lilith talk, Adam contributes. something in the conversation so they are relatively fine and also God has not discovered them or specifically Naruto.

Naruto wondered why?

Currently - Second heaven.

In this you could see Naruto walking calmly with his little sister Gabriel who is at his side in the direction of the " twin rooms " that his father created so that the Angels could "test" their powers without causing damage to the sky and entering between them. They did decide.

Naruto accepted that his father's invention is interesting, a training room to test his inherited powers and abilities or rather the gifts that they were able to inherit from his father without causing harm in heaven, since the room is self-repairing by itself and could sustain almost any power or attack, it's an interesting room.

Gabriel, who is holding his brother's hand, suddenly decided to ask him something.

Gabriel: big brother I support you...

"Wow,...Naruto, little Gabriel."

Those mentioned diverted their attention towards the front where there is someone standing in front of them who wears the same toga that Naruto wears without any difference or change being that until the moment in heaven Naruto's toga only has a double one and that of all the Other Angels are different, even Gabriel's, who has different engravings on Her and is too big for her, her toga does not compare with the Celestial toga of her Elder brother and The only one who has the double is...


Naruto mentioned calmly, looking at his younger brother who smiled at him in response.

Gabriel: brother Lucifer... - Gabriel quickly moved and hugged his other older brother, making Lucifer smile and gently pat his head to the Girl's giggle.


Naruto [ feels different..., it doesn't matter ]... - he said goodbye after a second how strange he looked in his younger brother who had not escaped from him, but it is not of his interest.

Naruto took a few steps towards the front approaching his younger brother who raised his gaze from Gabriel to Naruto and almost by instinct he stiffened waiting for something from Naruto only to see him take his hand out of his robe and pat his head just like he does with Gabriel .

Lucifer: huh?... - he asked himself without understanding.

Naruto: Why don't you smile just like Gabriel? Here I am The Big Brother of Both... - He said with a smile to Lucifer who raised an eyebrow looking at his brother who was patting his head while Gabriel smiled when he saw his brothers. happy older people different from the always serious Michael.

A sudden memory came to Lucifer's mind.

Lucifer had just fallen to the ground with a nasty wound on his Abdomen while his Spear of Light disappeared.

His toga is stained with that fresh crimson liquid.

Naruto stands in front of Lucifer, staring impassively at his "fallen" brother.

A sudden voice caught the attention of the brothers.

"Naruto you cannot practice with Lucifer in that way, or any other way, I forbid it."

Naruto: why father?... - He asked with curiosity, looking at his brother on the ground who was looking curiously at him and his father who had suddenly intervened in their "game."

God looked at his children and sighed.

"You are someone who is very capable in melee, but you don't measure when someone approaches you in a "game" way and you hurt them, and I don't think you want to hurt your brothers, right?

Naruto was going to nod and quickly shook his head without understanding but apparently he chose well, as his father smiled softly in return for his response.

" My children, I want you to play as you normally do with your brothers, without bars, spears, or any form of attack that would lead you to hurt yourself, okay?"

God said to his two sons and they both nodded and when Lucifer went to get up from the ground he grimaced, This thing called pain made him extremely uncomfortable before disappearing due to the work of his father.

Naruto looked at his brother for a second before smiling softly.

Lucifer while I contemplate what his father said, Naruto is Someone capable of counterattacking before you realize it as he has done with Him, by simple Instinct, "There is no point in attacking Someone who is already attacking you before you realize it" , that was what his father told him and the sudden shudder when he was close to Naruto came later also due to his body's involuntary instinct.


"Eldest brother".

Lucifer came out of his thoughts looking at his brothers who look at him curiously.

Lucifer: Excuse me, I was thinking about something, you were telling me?... - He asked his brothers kindly. Internally happy that his brother stops treating him like Gabriel, He is already grown up.

Naruto: are you okay?... - He asked his brother curiously, who nodded in response.

Naruto: Well, I asked you if you were waiting for us or...

Lucifer: Oh, that... no, I only saw them on the way and decided to greet them but I'm leaving now, I'm going to greet my new Apprentice Beelzebub ... I'll guide him through The Walk of Light... - He told them with a He smiled at his brothers before saying goodbye to Estes with Naruto raising an eyebrow, "Apprentice?"

Gabriel: Goodbye... - he said goodbye to his brother, waving his hand in a farewell gesture.

Naruto: well, let's continue to the rooms... - He told his sister and Gabriel nodded with a happy smile, grabbing his older brother's hand again.

Minutes later - Twin Rooms .

Already in these you could see Naruto and Gabriel sitting on the floor in the middle of a large white room, both facing each other.

Gabriel looked at his brother with his bright, beautiful gray eyes, awaiting his instruction.

Naruto: first meditation to get to know you, Gabriel nodded , close your eyes, calm your breathing and free your mind... Enter a state of peace and unite with your body... not only order it to stay still, but also help it do so. two together... be united with your body, Soul and Instinct... - He said calmly to his sister who was absorbing his words and began to calm her breathing.

Naruto sighed calmly and still entered his mind to think about certain recent events in which his little sister found herself.

Naruto [ father to State leaving and entering Heaven, already several times, why? If on Earth there are only Animals and on the other Existential Plane there is still nothing ]... - The Archangel thought with curiosity about the Agenda of his father, since the good one has never left heaven, not even to go to Earth, there will be something of what has been lost in this?, he asked himself.

Naruto then contemplated the creation of humans and his Angel brothers, his father made them by molding them in his Mind and he felt happy about it and if He does it too? Will his father be happy?

Naruto [ but I would have to create something different... Something that surprises father... like humans, it may be ]... - he thought with a smile for his next surprise to his father, He felt capable of doing it.

Naruto came out of his thoughts watching as a slight but visible golden aura surrounded his sister who had found herself somewhat quickly.

Naruto: first complete step Gabriel... - He said calmly to his sister who began to open her eyes slowly, showing her a powerful gold where before there was an innocent and bright gray.

Naruto smiled.

Change of scene.


A powerful and thunderous voice echoed in the sky of Eden.

"Well then!".

A beautiful black-haired woman responded back to Heaven with a strong challenge in her gaze, hiding deep within her the pain she felt for those words.

A sudden ray of Light came from the sky hitting the black-haired woman who disappeared while Adam looked at everything from the Distance with a Strange Look.


Planet earth - Sky .

Falling from a great height, a beautiful black-haired woman could be seen unconscious and completely naked when a halo of Light appeared out of nowhere, quickly approaching her and caught her, showing Naruto that he had captured Lilith in his arms while what seemed to be small flashes of light. Light fell from Him.

Naruto looked without understanding what was happening, he had not recently finished Gabriel's "training" when he felt how Lilith was being taken away from him and looking for her he did not feel her in Eden where she should be if not on earth or rather falling in the direction of It. .

Lilith slowly began to open her eyes feeling heavy and the first thing her gaze caught were beautiful golden eyes with crimson edges that She knows.

"N.. Naruto...

Lilith murmured, feeling somewhat tired.

Naruto raised an eyebrow. What was that change in voice? In fact, Lilith felt something different, something she couldn't explain.

Naruto:Here I am... - He responded to the first Woman who smiled as best she could before falling unconscious again into his arms.

Naruto [ well it looks like I'll be able to take a look at the earth ]... - he thought calmly, slowly descending with Lilith, wondering what Lilith was doing falling from Heaven.

Seventh sky .

In This one could see God sitting on his Throne contemplating what he had done not recently when expelling Lilith from paradise.

"The first human woman was his first creation to go against his word, he did not understand the feeling he was currently feeling but he knew that he had acted well by expelling her, she was punished now it was time to check those beings with tails and wings that had appeared ... "Lizards" look like that, then I would see if creating another companion for Adam so that he is not alone but one less... challenging.

God thought and nodded at what he is going to do before disappearing from his Throne, Ignorant of the Action of one of his children and the slight change of the Other.

Returned to earth.

"You are expelled from paradise Lilith!"

Lilith woke up with a start remembering and...

"Calm here I am."

A soft and strangely familiar voice brought Lilith back to reality as she looked between a soft and fine fabric that she knows very well with arms surrounding hers in warmth, being that she felt better as she was lying against a body.

Lilith diverted her attention to the body that provided her with warmth and was received by the calm and curious gaze of Naruto, her "Friend" and the Angel that she wants as her companion.

"N.. Naruto".

Lilith moved abruptly and hugged her "Friend" tightly as Tears fell from her now beautiful dark purple eyes with a strange red circle around their edges.

Naruto opened his eyes slightly, surprised by the sudden hug before gently reciprocating Lilith, letting his Friend calm down while the Moonlight Illuminates them, since it is Night.

Lilith, feeling the support of her "Friend", hugged him tighter while Tears continued to come out of her eyes, wetting Naruto's toga a little as he listened to his small grunts.

Naruto: come on... tell me... what happened... - He said softly, passing one of his hands through the black-haired woman's long hair.

" And.. I... My voice ...

It was now that Lilith noticed the change in her voice with horror at how different and bad it sounded.

Naruto: Yes, I know, you have a change in Her... - He told him when Lilith came out of his shoulder looking at Naruto still with Tears.

Naruto felt, he felt... no... he doesn't know, he doesn't like seeing her like that but he felt that she didn't care much either even when she told him that she would be his guardian angel and he should look, he doesn't know... more sentimental? .

Naruto: tell me what you have... - He asked her again softly, wiping the tear stains that ran down Lilith's cheek with his hands.

Lilith sighed, so soft... her Hands.

Lilith stared at Naruto.

Lilith: God... He expelled me from Eden ... - She told him directly, fearing his rejection but waiting for his response to take her head on.

Naruto opened his eyes again in surprise.

Naruto: why?... - I ask him with curiosity.

Lilith looked at him with some nervousness but decided to be honest.

Lilith: and... I, I didn't want to follow Adam... He... I... I don't recognize him as my superior, nor Someone Tall... I don't have to do what He wants like follow him and I was thinking of leaving ... but I decided to let God know, since... I was hoping that He would give me a different partner to decide... Like you, but God saw my actions...

Naruto: You don't have to tell me more... I understand... Did you want me to be your partner?... - I asked him and Lilith nodded with a slightly docile look in Naruto's direction.

Naruto noted that quietly.

Naruto: I see... but now father will not accept you even if I ask him, since it is the first time that "He" acts like this and well he has never done it before or that I knew of... - He told her with Lilith looking at him curious about his decision and if He would be there for her or abandon her.

Naruto suddenly smiled something that Lilith noticed because of the closeness.

Naruto: but I have something you can help me with... Something that will be a surprise for father and maybe will make him happy and then you will come with me to his presence and I will tell him that you want to be my partner... and I'm still Okay, I'm sure he will accept later... - He told her and nodded because his plan just had to be advanced and he is sure that with Lilith's help it will actually work out. Maybe he needed her help.

Lilith grimaced slightly She's only interested in Naruto, not God again... but if this allows her to be with Him, so be it.

Lilith: What surprise is this you're talking about?... - She asked her "partner" curiously, sitting on his lap to be more comfortable, something that didn't bother Naruto.

Naruto: create Angels... like father did... I will also give them gifts... I will call them " Hanhuman ", since well it has to be a new name... I will be their father and you... hmn. ..

Lilith raised an eyebrow.

Lilith: Second father? Or first Lilith... or maybe Goddess ... -She told him with a smile when Naruto looked at her strangely and her attitude became docile again.

Naruto: We try to get Father to accept us Lilith and I'm sure he will call you... Goddess... Adding the last word... it will only bother him or he won't accept us... - He said softly to the black-haired girl who nodded before smiling softly at him. to Naruto who smiled back.

"Mother perhaps?"

Naruto raised an eyebrow.

Naruto: that sounds good... I will be his father and you his mother... - He told her and Lilith nodded, happy that Naruto will place her at his side even with how tall he is and he does not ask her to follow him but rather He is supporting her even when she goes against her father to do so... Wait.

Lilith now has her mind freer with sense and some knowledge and she is sure that what Naruto does, helping her... is at her level of rebellion against God, right? She went against Him and yet one of her children "He" helps her... Strange, he didn't know what to call this, no matter how much his Angel he is.

Naruto: What's going on?... - He asked, taking Lilith out of her thoughts and she happily denied that there is something that will allow her to be next to her partner just as she wanted, Naruto had caught her more attention than Adam.

Naruto smiled softly, unaware of the level of actions he plans to take and that perhaps, will not make his father happy as he thinks.








The Fic points to Naruto and as you can see, He does not have great knowledge of the Agenda of the human World, since he has never been Interested in it.

DxD, is slowly starting to form.

Naruto is a natural hand-to-hand prodigy, so there is danger in training with his brothers.

God's mistake in Naruto is slowly beginning to be seen.

The Action of the Angels and their dialect is not refined or anything like that, since They learn by themselves and their brothers... there is still no humanity that refines all that.