
Naruto: God'S Misfortune (DXD)

This is a fic from the perspective of a real Angel, not what everyone expects from one. He will begin in The World of DxD as Naruto being The first Angel to be created and Lucifer The second, I like the name Naruto and it is not related to anime or anything else. I apologize for the grammatical errors story creator: DarkNaru666

Mart_Ero · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
58 Chs

Chapter 35

Underworld - Lucifer Castle - Maou Lucifer's Office.

In This you can see both Maou Lucifer and La Maou Leviathan completely serious sharing glances.

Sirzechs rested his arms on top of his desk while intertwining his fingers and looking at the paper aside on the desk.

Sirzechs: The... header ... - I murmur without believing it, or rather I didn't want to believe it, I wanted it to be false.

Serafall narrowed her gaze and nodded seriously from her seat on the other side of the desk somewhat away.

Serafall: it's real... - She told him with seriousness in her voice, A seriousness that Sirzechs had not seen before in his partner Maou since the end of the Civil War that hit the Underworld several years ago and if he sees it in her now it is that he is not lying to you and this is serious.

Sirzechs frowned and slammed his fists on his desk, shaking it.

Sirzechs: How?! How can this be possible?... Not only Zeus and the Other Gods but also Indra, Indra!, One of the most powerful Gods of the Hindu Faction... and by a Damned Angel!..." He exploded "...there is no Angel capable of doing this, confronting him, nor so powerful... not even Michael... and Furthermore, having already attacked the Gods of the Greek Pantheon, they must have problems and Now to the Indú... The Indú!, who possess the most powerful Top in the Supernatural World... Is this Angel suicidal? Is he an Idiot? Stupid or what's wrong with him? Is He looking for Him? Extermination of the Angels Faction?... - He exploded with Anger and great Uncertainty at Serafall who listened to him in silence until he finished his justified exposition, since they literally know nothing about this player themselves, not even his Reasons you should inform them.

Serafall sighed and touched a spot that her Friend was not seeing.

Serafall: that is not what worries me most Sirzechs, but that We are in an Alliance with Them... The Chaos that will come later,..sighed...The Fear of being attacked by Shiva-donated accordingly for the Actions of that Angel... I know what I told you before and I admit that I was wrong... we should have called the Alliance for a meeting to know more about This Naruto and get to know Him, we have nothing about Him and because We don't even know him yet, we couldn't control his actions and apparently Michael couldn't either... - He told him seriously and Sirzechs opened his eyes surprised by that, it had happened to him, They could see themselves involved in this damn war that that angel could start against the Indú Faction.

Sirzechs snapped his teeth in anger, that foolish Angel is making them retreat in what he thinks would be a great Alliance that many others would seek to join since the event with Kokabiel gave them the basis for the Three Great Factions to meet and consolidate. an Alliance, A Peace Treaty, in which they have None other than the Sekiryuutei, One of the Celestial Dragons that could attract the Attention of the Other Factions and their Leaders but with the Movements of This Angel, things are being difficult and Moving away from what He expected and planned to take advantage of.

Sirzechs looked at Serafall again.

Sirzechs: It says here that the news and what happened was in Olympus... They attacked El Angel? Are they Mobilizing? Was Olympus destroyed? Because fighting Indra should not have been easy and...

Serafall: Sirzechs!... - She interrupted him with a shout when she reached her point.

Serafall: We are blind! All of our Spies who were near Olympus and in the City that They control suddenly stopped talking, communicating with us... they must have been discovered and Killed... the only thing we have is the News that the Greeks Offered us, we don't know anything and if they still Offered this news it means that they are not in a Bad position, you know what happens if a Faction Shows itself weak before The Supernatural World, right?... It will be swallowed literally by the Others... but Esta, even knowing that, reported the fact of what happened in Esta by Naruto and Indra, which means that they are fine or they assume what we assume to be weak and reveal this to distract us or attract us.. I don't know, Damn it, I don't know, I don't know anything... Relationships outside the Faction are on the Limit just like everything because of this Angel... this one called Naruto!... - he growled Now the Maou Leviathan exploding in stress about everything, trying to contain the leak of Information, relationships and so on... it's too much.

Sirzechs remained silent and sighed, understanding his Friend, things in the Supernatural World are now literally tense because of this newly Appeared Angel and when this news finishes spreading... everything will become Chaos, they need a meeting urgently and if or yes, control This Idiot by Angel.

Sirzechs: I will call Ajuka and Fallbium... I will need your opinion on this... I am equally stressed... so much so that I have not been able to see my Ria-tan... - I commented Lightening Serafall's Mind a little when she is He thought of his So-tan.

Both Maous Unconsciously Ignored part of the Information they have, An Angel, A simple Angel against One of the most powerful Gods, Impossible! Something must have happened in all these Fights even with the Greeks, since there is no sense, it cannot There exists someone so strong and even less so on the Side of the Angels.

Sirzechs and Serafall nodded to themselves but they still have to control all of this.

But while the two Maous are going through their little crisis, said crisis is in a meeting.

Human World - Kyoto - Yasaka Shrine - Interior .

In this one in the Yokai Faction Leader's Meeting Room, you can see Herself sitting in a comfortable cogin with Lady Amaterasu-sama sitting next to her.

To the side of these, a little far away, is Odin also sitting in a cogin, having his bodyguard Rossweisse sitting in one of his own next to him.

Already in front of everyone, Naruto is sitting on his own couch with his legs crossed, having Artoria on his right side sitting on hers, on the left side is Jeanne followed by Irene.

Odin silently contemplated the first-born son of God, truly Imposing, mysterious and powerful but he does not emit anything, not even a Smell from what I sense, his Smell is impregnated by the Girl at his side, he has part of her Scent on him but no has one of its own, Something Strange.

There is also his toga that does not show his face to get an idea at least of him and his way of being to lighten the next conversations, he does not act like Michael and even less like the boy Azazel, so he will have to be careful at least if I could joke with Him a little to lighten something... but I don't see anything, not even a perverted sign to joke and get an Idea, nothing to Exploit, truly a terrifying Leader, since there is not a single Idea of ​​Him.

Amaterasu, I understand the same thing as Odin, This Angel is... he can't describe it but it is truly Imposing.

Yasaka looks at everything calmly, trying to control her instincts that point her to a true Alpha... just a few meters away from her, apparently Mae-chan told her the truth and this Naruto is worthy.

Naruto: well, what did you want to talk about? -He addressed this time to the bearded old man who looks at him intensely to his curiosity.

Odin: well... you should know that I met your...

Naruto: To the point... - He pointed out calmly, interrupting Odin who made a funny face.

Rossweisse did not react to seeing that, since Odin-sama had warned her before not to intervene in anything.

Irene seemed equally amused by The Towering Naruto and his form.

Odin: well... I want to have a Mutual Alliance with Heaven... - He said seriously, now calling Naruto's attention who raised an eyebrow.

Artoria still raised one of her cute eyebrows in curiosity about that.

Naruto: An Alliance?... - I comment to the Air, but I don't ask.

Odin nodded when the door to the meeting room was opened by a servant who brought some snacks on a tray and approached to start eating them, small cookies.

Amaterasu looked at Yasaka who smiled nervously, She asked for them but didn't think they would interrupt in the middle of a conversation.

Naruto: your reason is?... - I ask him with curiosity, taking two cookies from the tray that was offered to him, while also noticing the intense look of the Maid who offered him the cookies.

Odin sighed.

Odin: Your arrival made a great impression on me and some words that Michael said about you in the meeting I had with the Other children... I decided to bet on your side and because I know... that it was because of Heaven that we Asgardians were able to Unite the supernatural world... specifically by Elohim or God , your father... - He said yes now, surprising Rossweisse who did not know that, nor did the Others present.

Rossweisse[ I think I remember that... A God that Odin-sama in his Adolescence did not want to pass and respect for facing him although they did not come to any fight and The God allowed Odin-sama to connect one of the doors of Asgard with the earth ... - the Valkyrie remembered the little information about that that she read in some ancient texts.

Naruto: I see... but do you know that now that Father is gone,... does the world belong to me?,... I will be the one who decides who lives in it and who doesn't... - I commented and Odin frowned. He frowns curiously at her loaded and tactless words.

Yasaka and Amaterasu narrowed their eyes at his words.

Odin: Aren't those words very...

Naruto: Bold?... I interrupt ...they are not...It's a fact...after father I come...I'm going to clean up everything I don't like in the World and leave what I create that can live in Him... it's that simple... - He told her calmly without Irene, Artoria, or Jeanne reacting, since they already knew about what Naruto plans to do, He had told them before and it's not like They were going to Oppose and Irene still doesn't know what to think about that.

Odin: and you tell me this?... - I ask him seriously and curiously.

Naruto, who carried his cookies on the side of his toga, proceeded to crush them calmly.

Naruto: you want to be my Ally, right? I want to see what he chooses after my declaration... no matter what he chooses, I will let him go, until the Cleansing begins, he is allowed to inform the entire Supernatural World if he places It doesn't matter on your side... there is no Opposition... - He told him calmly, without seeming at all scared or nervous about revealing his plans and letting everyone know.

Amaterasu[ He... He... What's wrong with him? ] ...-she wondered, genuinely confused without being able to understand the God a few meters away from her, her statement is not like a little crazy and without logic.

Odin: are you thinking of causing a genocide of what you don't like? I didn't know that the Angels were so arrogant and arrogant to confront everyone...

Naruto: Yes, I will, but it will not be a confrontation, you cannot call it a confrontation, or a war, when there is no rival... The fact is simple, if you choose to die with them or become My protégé with your faction Although obviously I will look at her Faction and what I can't like about her... it was her Intuition, perhaps her Instinct or perhaps that Eye that Hides That which attracted her to Me... and you have the last word. .. Although he should continue what allowed him not to be in the dark about what is coming for The World, whether it bows to Me or goes against Me... - He told him calmly without Interest in the Asgardian's decision.

Rossweisse looked with slight horror at the Angel or even, is he one? Does he plan to start a mass genocide simply because? And how is the world his?

Amaterasu and Yasaka were no better but they just decided to listen for The Moment, then they would contemplate what to do.

Odin rubbed his beard, he had not expected this... not at all, he could have been in the dark about the genocide that would come from this Angel and looking at him, his Aura, neither presence gave off Arrogance, nor confidence, just a fact, which It made him look more terrifying and his tactless and straight-to-the-point way of speaking says that he is not trying to attract him or join him, he is simply informing him, he does not seem desperate for Allies... Wait, why did he come? with the Yokais? , "He had to know that before contemplating his words and what his true objective is."

Odin: give me some time to think about it and I will inform you about my decision... - He said calmly to Naruto who nodded, moving his robe so that he would understand.

Rossweisse wanted to shout at her Leader, He wouldn't really think about joining This... This Madman, right?, and helping him start a war where many Innocents would die just because of the sense of this Madman who thinks he owns the World.

Naruto now turned to see Yasaka who has her tails out and moving smoothly.

Naruto: "I want to touch your tail"... - he said simply, this time addressing Yasaka, who tilted her head in confusion.

Yasaka: Excuse me?... - I ask in case I didn't hear well and this Angel told him that he wants to touch his butt.

Irene smiled amused by the double meaning of Naruto's words.

Amaterasu raised an eyebrow and Odin smiled.

Naruto: your tails... I want to touch them and see them up close... that's why I came... do the other yokais also have tails?... - He told him and asked with curiosity now with everyone except Naruto's group Opening his mouth in disbelief, he... did he only come for that?, to touch the tails of the Leader of the Yokais.

Odin [ well... I didn't expect that either ]... - thought The Father of Asgard.

Yasaka blushed and tried to look angry at the indecent request.

Irene[ Should I tell her that if she says no, Naruto might as well rip off her tails and take them with her? ]... - the Dragon asked herself, Oh, Mnemosyne. I inform you well how dangerous Naruto is with his curiosity and no, he does not take no for an answer, since his sense lacks someone telling him no, well only those close to him. They can... Others can see their brutal side.

Yasaka: you... you... - he growled slightly, fighting his Instinct that seemed ecstatic about his proposal and request.

Amaterasu: that seems very indecent of you, Lord Naruto, you are telling me that you only came to touch the tails of the Yokais and...

Naruto: Yes, I'm curious about your species and I won't eliminate your race... hmn... well, the one I like, is that enough for you?... I didn't come for a meeting or anything like that... - He calmly said to the Leader of the Shinto Faction who opened her mouth in disbelief at his calm and dangerous words, that he doesn't know that his words and declarations alone are enough to start a war?

Irene contemplated in silence that Naruto lacks a lot of common sense and tact, but anyway he is not looking for possible allies but to exterminate half the world just like the New Gabriel. She is just as crazy or well, she is sane in her own way, but both she and Naruto is a danger to the world, his ways, plans and lack of common sense and more than that, they do not sweeten anything for anyone.

Yasaka: you...

Naruto: What?... - I asked him calmly when a chill ran through those present except for Naruto's group.

Yasaka suddenly remembered Tamamo's words " Don't take it for granted and no, don't get on his bad side, He is strong and can maybe erase Kyoto ."

Amaterasu looked at her hand and opened her eyes in surprise. He made her cringe. Impossible!

Odin [ wow, he doesn't lack power ]... - The God thought and I also noticed his lack of sensitivity, he doesn't seem crazy, crazy or stupid, just someone normal from ancient times where people spoke in that way and directly to the period, without sweet words or anything, if someone was going to destroy you, they would tell you to your face... Oh, how I had forgotten those times because of the current ones.

Yasaka:and...I'll do it... - the Yokai finally said when Amaterasu was going to Intervene and the somewhat blushing Yokai denied her.

Amaterasu raised an eyebrow. Is she doing it forcefully or is she going to enjoy it?

Naruto smiled Unconsciously releasing a little of his Aura of Adoration that he has been suppressing since he arrived in Kyoto.

Rossweisse blushed slightly looking at the God a few meters away from her, just like Yasaka who had gotten up and took a few steps until she was in front of Naruto.

Amaterasu and Odin quickly noticed, their divinity is the purest they have ever seen before, not even in them, and does said divinity try to... subdue them?

Both Leaders thought in surprise when they noticed that.

Naruto patted his lap without any double intention or anything like that.

Yasaka slowly with her eyes a little cloudy began to go down until she turned around and fell sitting on Naruto's lap with her tails lightly hitting his face and her generous butt pressing against him.

Jeanne pouted, Now She wanted tails for her lord to touch.

Naruto: They are soft... - he said when he grabbed them.


Yasaka couldn't help but let out a slight moan, since they are her weak point.

Yasaka turned and glanced at Naruto with her flushed cheeks and crystalline eyes.

Yasaka: yes... soft please ... - the yokai murmured quietly to Naruto who nodded looking at the lively tails that shook and the ears of the Yokai that still moved.

Naruto: They are cute and I like their color too... - he said with an innocent smile.

Amaterasu [ He... in truth,... is not even looking at Yasaka's breasts but rather plays with her tails ]... - thought the Goddess for this strange God and man and more so that Yasaka has accepted that.

Odin is also curious about the same thing, the boy seems focused on those tails more than on the Yokai's body or breasts.

Yasaka could feel how her heart was moved by the Alpha's touch, no one had ever touched her tails so intimately before, or in any other way.


Yasaka let out another moan at the way a hand grabbed another of her tails and saw the blonde named Artoria also touching these... What's wrong with her...

Yasaka didn't finish when she felt one hand grab her waist and another gently grab the base of her tails, what the hell!

Naruto pulled the Yokai closer to him.

Irene watched as those two literally excited the Yokai Leader when it occurred to her, if Naruto likes her a lot, he can take her too and Oh...

Suddenly everyone noticed how a Strange magical signature surrounded the entire room and The Sanctuary while a Magical barrier was raised.


An Explosion continued to shake everything and create a large hole behind Naruto and his companions who have not moved from their place like Odin and Amaterasu, and the only one who still did not follow what was happening was Rossweisse who sees with Adoration Naruto, totally stunned.

"Leader of the Yokais, Yasaka we have come for you...

A group of Boys Appeared through the smoke with a black-haired man in front of them who has a large Spear.

Vali ... It's Him ...

Everyone present listened.

Naruto continued touching Yasaka's tail that seems lost before letting go and moving his head to the side, looking at the sinners who arrived.

Naruto: Hello... nice Lance...











Well first,

Naruto is not Logical and He is whatever he wants... He is God and he wanted to touch the Yokai's tail, he touches it.

About telling that to Odin, again, he doesn't care and No, he doesn't consider his forms to be modern today.

Yasaka's Action, She is a Kistune to These They Are Attracted The power and divinity of Naruto is a bigger blow for Her just like Rossweisse couldn't with Her and is Stunned... Amaterasu and Odin, they are Ancient gods, strong That's why they were able to handle Naruto's slight divinity, which is not in all its splendor.

The three, Amaterasu, Odin and Yasaka, are rational leaders, obviously they are not going to attack Naruto for his words, they want to know his points first and what decision to make.

Well from this chapter begins the point for the series of events.