
Naruto: God'S Misfortune (DXD)

This is a fic from the perspective of a real Angel, not what everyone expects from one. He will begin in The World of DxD as Naruto being The first Angel to be created and Lucifer The second, I like the name Naruto and it is not related to anime or anything else. I apologize for the grammatical errors story creator: DarkNaru666

Mart_Ero · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
58 Chs

Chapter 28

In the three days that passed, the Supernatural World was being turned upside down by the revelation of a new player in it, a powerful and unknown one being nothing more than the firstborn of the God of the Bible... Things on the Faction Side of Heaven, unlike the supernatural World, have been calm and with several new changes.

Being that the first thing Naruto did after having taken the Throne of God, in addition to stopping Gabriel who was going to rip off Michael's Wings at the same moment he saw him, was to introduce himself to all the few Angels of his Heaven and Faction. They are on their knees before Him, since The Number of real Angels had decreased, if not too much with the Wars they had among themselves and the Falls of some who formed their own Faction known as The Faction of the Fallen.

The Angels who Worshiped their Father, some did not understand his presentation, Some others did, being These ancient Angels who seemed to remember Naruto as their Elder brother and are happy that The East returned with Them but still did not remove their gazes of pure Adoration towards Him being that his presentation little entered the Mind of the Most of the Angels who only took into account the one who is called Naruto and is his father, only a few Angels and Angel Half-Bloods who are the reincarnated Angels in addition to the Seraphim understood his words from his New God and what he did.

After Naruto finished introducing himself because he wanted to, at the same instant the change of Heaven began as Naruto, from his Throne as his Father once did, raised both Hands that were bathed in Light while a golden Aura surrounded him. Just like an Intense Light, a gigantic tear appeared in the Sky to the surprise and disbelief of those present who saw how an endless number of humanoid beings with Wings began to emerge from it.

Jeanne joined her two hands as she fell to her knees, Admiring such a beautiful creation of her Lord and... Companion.

Metis looked in Naruto's direction with wide eyes before turning back to see what was happening.

The Seraphim could not keep their faces serious and calm in the face of such work, and Disbelief was reflected on their faces, as they watched their Big Brother create life as their Father once did... No, Naruto looks... like his own father.

Michael, gasped, looking at the Impossible for Him, but not for Naruto being that for Naruto to create life as he does Now it was that he was punished and now, This is more than Necessary for Them, He is Necessary for their survival... but. .. these... is... Something simply,... he has no words to describe it, he doesn't know what to call this thing he is witnessing... A Miracle that only his father was capable of doing.

Naruto's group still looked at everything with surprise except for Lilith. How Naruto creates life from Nothing, not even his children with Lilith, couldn't help but be surprised at what they see, this is simply impressive, and Lilith wondered why. Naruto did not ask Her for help to create life together, they could give gifts to these new Angels like they did with their children although...

The beautiful black-haired woman denied while she brought one of her hands to her Abdomen and rubbed it over her dress with a beautiful smile showing on her face. She feels something small forming in that Place, A life, hers and Naruto's in flesh and blood. ..

Lilith smiled and turned to see what her partner was doing.

The creation continued for a few minutes that only Naruto followed, since those present have lost the orientation of time although they do not know it.

Being that when the sky was filled with enough Angels who have two pairs of Wings, the Razr of the Sky disappeared.

Naruto, after finishing the creation in front of everyone, proceeded and stood up from his Throne and the sky shook, which surprised everyone but did not frighten them, in his presence there is nothing to fear.

Naruto smiled slightly at his thoughts before proceeding to do what he is going to do and that is Unite The 7 Heavens into one.

The 7 Heavens began to shake in the Middle of the Change that, to the surprise, everyone present could see with their own eyes.

The Seventh Heaven grew in breadth.

Naruto: everyone up... - He ordered with his deep and Imposing voice as all the Kneeling Angels took out their Wings and rose like Naruto's group.

Artoria and Mordred, a golden Light surrounded them before allowing them to float away followed by the others.

Everyone watched as Heaven grew in fullness and expanded into one while everything else disappeared before new temples, houses, halls and fields began to be created.

Lilith and Eve recognized Eden, which now became a floating land above Heaven, it just looks beautiful.

A castle in the Center of Heaven was the next to Appear while the other creations and temples surrounded it and Naruto began to Elevate like everyone else.

Metatron: wow... it's beautiful... - The Seraphim exclaimed, finding the change surprising and beautiful, just like his brothers except for Michael, since they now lost the way in which their father created Heaven.

The Change followed and the closest thing to a Kingdom, A true Heavenly and divine Kingdom was what followed and everyone could see in amazement.

" Beautiful ".

It was the word that everyone thought of in General even when they are at the very gates of Heaven and have not yet seen The New Interior of It, its form.

Naruto sighed as he finished remodeling Heaven.

Naruto: you can go... - he said softly and the Angels in general began to Enter their New, beautiful and Imposing Heaven created by their God.

And thus the Improvement of Heaven began, New Angels, New Kingdom and of course Naruto restructured the Forces of Heaven again where he created an Elite Group of 7 Angels, which he called Apokolips , although none of the Members of Heaven have met them. but there are These, which is the only thing they should know, followed by Them came A Guardian at the doors of Heaven, An Imposing and powerful guardian of whom only his gigantic shadow can be seen but his presence is felt at the doors, which fills with relief and tranquility to Los Angeles to know that they can once again rest and walk in peace in their own Heaven without any Fear or fear of an Attack, since they have God on their Side, the Only One who walks Above.

And so the 3 Days passed since the arrival of Naruto and his group to Heaven.

Currently - Throne Room.

Already in this main room of the Central Castle of Heaven you can see the Imposing Naruto sitting on his Throne, leaning calmly on it with the upper part of his toga uncovered showing his face which rests on his fist in a relaxed and carefree position.

On both sides of Naruto you can see two beautiful women, one of them being one of them and the one that stands out the most is none other than Lilith, Naruto's first companion and who is standing on his right side with a small smile of her own. her.

At his left side is one of Naruto's new daughters called Altera , a beautiful young brunette with dark skin and crimson eyes who wears a beautiful white dress.

These three are calmly looking a few meters away from them at a Kneeling and Chained by golden ties Michael, the Former Leader of Heaven and one of Naruto's Younger brothers whom Naruto is currently Interrogating.

Michael looked with a look between tired and distressed at Naruto who was not disturbed or moved by his pitiful look although he did not meet his eyes, something that made Naruto slightly curious.

Naruto: tell me Michael... why did you do it?... - He asked him with his soft but powerful voice that gave more Image of answer and that's it.

Michael looked at his brother as his gaze changed to one of seriousness for his question again, since he had already answered the same thing before.

Michael: I had to do it brother, Father Died, Many of our brothers fell, we did not have the strength to continue with the War!... - She responded with a loud, almost exasperated voice so that Naruto could understand.

Naruto: and whose fault is it?... - He asked him curiously while his eyes shone slightly gold for a second.

Michael: Eh?... - He exclaimed without understanding what he meant.

Naruto closed his eyes for a moment before opening them again and Michael again averted his gaze because of Instinct, something just wouldn't let him look his brother in the eyes... as if... he wasn't worthy.

Naruto: whose fault is it that we were losing the war and our brothers?, you had Gabriel, I am not included, since my punishment was only my father's... coming back, they had Gabriel on their side, with She could have won the war and not lost so many of our people or father... but what happened? Our brothers and you feared her for being too strong... nonsense, An Angel to fear? That concept didn't even exist, only the Intrigue on your part for her being stronger than you Pushed father to what he did, sealing her and practically condemning all of Heaven - She told him forcefully and Michael found himself silent, that Scenario ever thought about it, if only the real Gabriel If she had continued with Them, The Demons Faction and The Fallen Angels, She would not even exist and her father would still live, since in those times Gabriel was the one in charge on the battlefield in which her father contained the Only One who could undoubtedly defeat her. , being that Lucifer, but also She was dangerous, she did not possess Love, Kindness, nor any sense of mercy, which made her... Ah, don't you know, He could have actually made a mistake?, since later He placed the Heaven as a priority above all.

Naruto: I see that you understand, now tell me why sign that thing called "Alliance", with the sinners in the name of Heaven... - I ask him with curiosity.

Michael came out of his thoughts and contemplation having listened to his brother and responded to him.

Michael: brother I repeat, I did what I had to do for our survival, I didn't know you would be Free... We were weak and... that was The way, The Alliance would open our way again... - he responded each time going down plus her voice, not even believing in Her, if they were weak, It was because Now what walks in Heaven are pure Monsters and telling Naruto that he doesn't even know what their Level is, Heaven is simply returning to its Ways and They no longer Face Extinction Nothing like that.

Naruto let out a sigh.

Lilith smiled and shook her head as she got a little closer to Naruto and told him what she thought.

Lilith: Beloved... you just have to break that Alliance that he made and that's it, Michael made that one, not you and...


Michael shouted, drawing attention to Him, since He had heard Lilith's words who blinked curiously.

Naruto raised an eyebrow.

Naruto: No what?... - He asked him when he stopped listening to Lilith and her scream caught his attention.

Michael: brother please, This Alliance is The starting point for peace... Mutual coexistence between all and...

Altera: Weak arguments, those beings live on our earth, according to my father's memories, with the fall of "God", my father inherits everything... earth, Air, water and the planet belongs to us, we do not require what is called peace "They require our approval if they want to live on our land... we don't owe them, they owe us..." said the beautiful Brunette, making Naruto smile while Michael looked at her in disbelief at what an Angel could say and more. not to Peace.

Lilith still put a hand to her mouth while smiling, amused by her daughter's words.

Naruto: You're right, maybe... All those beings are simple ants that must play as I want now... The box of ants simply changed owners and indirectly, they are more Mine since the Eva through which the box came out. Mostly, it was my daughter... - He told Michael that he looked at him now with disbelief although his gaze was more at his feet.

Michael: how can you say that? Father...

Naruto: he was a child who played with a small box of ants, look at it however you want, that peace and nonsense that you have implemented... they are simple father's orders for you... A role to entertain him... just look at it from the point from sight... father... he created the earth, Heaven and so on... do you think he cared about seeking peace?,... He could clean the entire world and create it again if he wanted, calmer and softer... .with your so-called peace... but that would be boring that's why you enter and your peace that you seek,... Lucifer and I did not have any Order so He walked away, maybe,... but Again, I am not a father and I do things differently and I notice that with all your Order and command at some point you will become a nuisance to Me... hmn, it is still Strange to Express Myself with this human Language... as I said, Father made you the Best and that will be a problem... - He told him calmly and Michael sighed with resignation and doubts, are his words true?

Michael: Wh... What will happen to me?... - I ask him, not finding a reason to change his older brother's Mind or Actions with words, he knows it won't work and he's still stunned by the way... the real one. the way Naruto and Gabriel are.

Naruto: hmn, what should happen to you? Gabriel and Samael decided to punish you the way Father did with Samael, both for different reasons but again... I will decide that... - he commented looking at his brother who He looks defeated or something, pitiful.

Naruto: you are strong, loyal but "dumb" and besides you still believe in father... his ways and so on... hmn... - he commented while contemplating what to do until something came to mind.

Naruto: So I'll just fix that... you serve me better than just leaving you in Oblivion... but I will punish you the way Gabriel was punished but my method is permanent... - he said and Michael raised his head opening His eyes widened in surprise but before he could say anything, a powerful and Intense Light surrounded him while Lilith and Altera just watched in silence the decision of their Beloved/Father.

Naruto watched calmly as the Light began to slowly compress around Michael.


A slight gust of wind shook the Great Hall, while a new and imposing presence was felt and seen, showing itself as someone different from Michael, stronger and more imposing, but in the form of Naruto, it was a simple ant.

Naruto settled on Throne better when the figure looked at him.

" Father ".

A deep voice followed, as the new being offered his hand as he slowly approached Naruto, ignoring the monstrously dark presence at his side.

Naruto nodded allowing him as the being arrived in front of him on his Throne and knelt down gently grabbing Naruto's hand before kissing it.

"At your will."

Naruto just smiled as his eyes bathed in power.

Human World - Somewhere in Norway - Khaos Brigade Base.

In one of the many Bases of the Khaos Brigade Terrorist Group, a group of 4 can be seen in a solitary Base far from any sign of civilization where this group is having a secret meeting.

In a room you can see three people sitting in their respective Seats while The fourth Member stays behind the chair of one of the seated people, This group being nothing less than the descendants of the Original Ancient Maous.

Shalba Beelzebub, Creuserey Asmodeus and Rizevim Himself Livan Lucifer , The Firstborn son of the Original Lucifer who has behind Him His Loyal Servant, Euclid Lucifuge.

These three Exponents are having a meeting about what happened in the Last Days around the Supernatural World and what damaged some plans that were already in motion.

Shalba hit the forearm of her seat.

Shalba: We can't attack the Underworld now that it's alert and take those fakes out of power because of this new angel called Naruto... Who the hell is he?... - he growled angrily.

Creuserey: I understand The firstborn of God and who He created...

Rizevim:The sun and the moon in the Underworld, I already saw it... - he commented calmly while his crimson eyes blinked slightly, making the other two descendants swallow.

Shalba: Do you know him? Say...

Rizevim: I do... father told me about the Monster that He is... hmhmhn ... Hahahaha ... He is The Only Being that my father truly feared, not even He who is not mentioned was so afraid of Him. .. - I comment with a dark smile.

Shalba: Lucifer-sama?... I was afraid of him because? He's a fucking Angel and...

Rizevim denied, silencing the demon as Euclid pays attention.

Rizevim: Oh, He is more than he appears... Father told me that his problem is that in his presence you lose everything... The desire to fight, the control of your body and free will... you are left to him. Mercy for some strange reason and there is nothing more terrifying than that... not being able to do anything in front of Someone who can do everything to you and what's more, He had some flaws... he doesn't know Good or Evil, he doesn't differentiate between them and someone powerful with those powers is a more than dangerous Enemy... father always told me about Him so that he would prepare me in case he appeared at some point... - he finished commenting as the Three Demons looked at them with Disbelief.

Euclid: Excuse me, my lord, but he is an Angel for The Case? How can he have those problems if you are born being able to differentiate Good from Evil and I don't think Lucifer-sama would have feared him... Lucifer-sama is his father. we talk and...

Rizevim smiled and denied.

Rizevim: I understand what you're trying to say, but my father said that if He is a Monster, Naruto is worse than a Monster... he preferred to die and face Him than Naruto Himself, the Other Maous are the Same... they preferred a Death of any other being than that of this Naruto... there was that I understood... that there was a Monster... - he commented with slight Admiration, oh, He always wanted to meet this being that terrorized the Maous with his only Mention and an Angel no less.

Shalba: and... and... our plans?... - I ask him not knowing how to take that this new Player is a Monster that the Original Lucifer himself was afraid of.

Rizevim: Oh, the plans continue normally... I'm just giving you advice... The same one that my father gave me... if you want to stay alive, don't get in his way, Naruto's for the best... no. Is it because of fear or something like that... otherwise He will kill you and not remember you... Hmhmhn HAHAHAHAHA... - The son of Lucifer mocked as he gets up from his Throne and begins to leave the Room.

Rizevim, laughed in wonder, of all the centuries He... comes to appear now, what will this be for The World?, The Supernatural World and its plans... his Uncle again in This and Murderer of 4 Olympian Gods no less alone days of Appearing, Oh, your father is not wrong, it seems that your Uncle is ignorant of Consequences... he does not possess something that every living being possesses and it is Common Sense... Hahaha... This is going to be fun , his plans, his Uncle in The Game and The Supernatural World, simply Wonderful.

Rizevim: plans... plans... - he sang, disappearing into the Darkness of the hallway followed by his servant, his stupid pawns would later understand his words, He understood them very well, that a deranged and crazy person is afraid of Someone, it is Terrifying and wonderful.

Japan - Kuoh City - Kuoh Academy - Occult Club.

In this you can see the beautiful Rías Gremory, the younger sister of the current Maou Lucifer of the Underworld and the beautiful but more mature Penemue, one of Grigory's Cadres and who replaces her Leader Azazel with these children.

Both Girls kept their distance with Rías behind her Desk and Penemue sitting on one of the Club's sofas but both seemed to be talking to each other.

Rias: So you don't know or know anything about your own brother... - The Gremory said to the Cadre who raised an eyebrow.

Penemue: Yes, it was a long time ago, but why is your curiosity about Him? You've been asking me the same thing since I arrived... - The Cadre commented and Rias blushed slightly before looking away.

Rias: yes... just curious... he looked like Him... you know when he descended into the Underworld... - He answered and Penemue sighed and nodded slightly, if only he hadn't fallen, she would have already been able to see him. .

Penemue: hmn... you should stop your curiosity, your brother doesn't seem to like it, especially with the news of what my brother did with the Olympic Gods... - he commented and Rias understood, who wouldn't know about what happened in El Olympus along with the Main Gods, if it is the News That is Fashionable, The firstborn of Him... Murdered the Four Great Gods of Olympus, it is said that in Minutes or whatever, but the fact is that he did it and it is Shocking for The Supernatural World, which could push him to do that and also This One who created a Sun and a Moon for The Underworld, a total Madness that his brother did not like at all that the others knew about it.

Rías: I make my own decisions and it's just a healthy curiosity, nothing more... - She told Penemue who nodded silently, a curiosity that apparently her pawn doesn't like her to have from what she's noticed since she arrived.

Penemue: Well, let's put that aside and get up to date... I have some Writings from Azazel about his Training, He will return in 15 days normally with that from his trip to which He will accompany the Sekiryuutei Child and that... - He told him and Rias nodded although Issei's course trip is in 2 months but oh well.

Unknown place.

In a dark place where the Light does not seem to reach, a soft and sweet voice could be heard murmuring.

"Hmn, they're not watching me anymore... what happened?"

A soft voice whispered while several combined hisses resembling snakes waving their tongues were heard in the background.










Beginning, it is easy for Naruto to manipulate Heaven and create life if... Why? You don't believe that The Throne of God was just a normal Throne, right?

Rizevim, yes, Lucifer would not let his son die foolishly for Information, the only relevant one he gave him was about Naruto, everything will be explained later.

Rizevim, how does he know about some of Naruto's mistakes? The Explanation of Lucifer in his time and that He is not an illiterate idiot.

A New Michael.

I'll start getting into the story and so on.