
Naruto: God'S Misfortune (DXD)

This is a fic from the perspective of a real Angel, not what everyone expects from one. He will begin in The World of DxD as Naruto being The first Angel to be created and Lucifer The second, I like the name Naruto and it is not related to anime or anything else. I apologize for the grammatical errors story creator: DarkNaru666

Mart_Ero · Anime e quadrinhos
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58 Chs

Chapter 22

In the sky.

Just as the other two biblical Factions plan and discuss among themselves the New Appearance of a New Unknown Player in The Supernatural World, the same thing happens with The Los Angeles Faction who are preparing to have their own meeting and talk about what happened even though they are not The Current Leader of Heaven, The Archangel, Michael had recently returned from the meeting with the other two biblical Factions and the Asgardian with those who are trying to improve their relationships and with this to be able to survive and have a good friendship, since the High Command of the Heaven knows that They are slowly Extinct or that's how it must have been.

Fifth floor - Meeting Room.

In this you can see the Great Seraphim, Leaders of Heaven gathered together, being none other than Metatron, Raphael, Uriel, Sariel, Sandalphon and Raziel with the exception of Seraphim Gabriel who was not invited to the meeting and even if they counted her there would only be 7 Seraphim, where before there were 10 and the Seraphim had unfortunately lost three of their own in the Previous Great War along with their father.

In addition to the Great Seraphim there are also other Angels in the room as well as a few humans, these Angels being veterans of the Ancient Great War and recognition who are now part of the " Angelical Council ", for their great service with Heaven and other aids. So much so that they earned these positions. Now the humans present in the room are some followers of high positions in the human world, devout followers of God and heaven as well as their religion, they are the ones who guide humans and the churches on earth. to get closer to God, these being none other than The Pope, Leader of the Vatican of Rome and Some of his followers or specifically followers of the Angels who allowed them Entry to Heaven as companions of the Pope who trusts in Them and decided to bring them closer to God. know Heaven for Some to be successors of the Vatican and that in the long run the Angels should know them and it is better sooner than later.

All those present in the Meeting room are well Organized in the room that has different Seats and Elevations to indicate ranks and who are the Superiors of the others with The Angelic council Being Intermediate below the Seraphim who Are below the Leader of Heaven who He has his own throne specifically for Him.

Everyone began to wonder with curiosity, why they were called to an Emergency meeting since the only one who knew about what was happening was none other than the one who organized the meeting at Michael's request, this being the Seraph, Metatron who is sitting in his respective Seat with his arms crossed with his eyes closed while he feels Michael approaching the room with his Joker, Dulio.

Uriel, who is sitting next to Metatron and couldn't with his curiosity, was going to ask Metatron what the meeting was about, he remained silent, just like everyone else when they caught a glow Appear in the center of the room from which Michael and his Joker Dulio emerged. Gesualdo , The strongest Exorcist and one of the "Surprise Letters from Heaven".

Everyone looked at the newly appeared Leader of Heaven, Michael with curiosity, even The Pope who was always surprised by the interesting arrival of the Archangel in Light.

"Thank you very much to everyone present for responding to my call quickly. Now I will proceed to explain what this Emergency meeting is about."

Michael spoke softly being heard by everyone while Dulio moved close to his fellow human Exorcists also curious about everything and the strange actions of his leader who looks disturbed, yes, that is the exact word to describe how his leader looks, disturbed and relieved as if he had learned not recently of a Monumental fact that he could not believe and then came the Acceptance,... What could have placed Him like this?... - he asked himself.

Metatron opened his electrifying blue eyes calmly and looked at his older brother with tranquility and hidden curiosity, there was something strange about him, he could easily notice it. This is not the same Michael from before he left to meet with the Alliance, no, something unexpected and Surprisingly, what happened from the look of him, would it have to do with what is happening with Father's system? Well... That was what they talked about when I told him and even he still can't believe it.

Michael with a flash appeared sitting on his Throne which is one step higher than his brothers who are sitting at his sides but a step lower than him in order to represent who is the Leader of Heaven, which he is for the moment and He knows it and accepts it.

Sandalphon noticed something that no one had yet commented on and decided to tell his brother.

Sandalphon: brother, it's not necessary that sister Gabriel be present? She is second in command after all, isn't she?... - The brunette asked with curiosity to his older brother Michael, who looked at him for a moment and sighed before respond to him about why Gabriel was not Invited to the Meeting.

Michael: She has a little to do with this... when she explains to me you will understand why she was not called to the meeting, well... - He responded softly to his younger brother who nodded but no one missed that because of his super hearing. Except for humans, "Does Gabriel have anything to do with this Emergency meeting?".. - Some wondered with curiosity, since they know the Seraphim for being the sweetest in Heaven and a problem, she never goes next to them. She.

The other Seraphim were also curious about that fact until Metatron was the one who did not call her to the Meeting at the request of his brother.

Michael: well, pay attention as I will get straight to the point and why I brought you all together in this emergency meeting... no, I better want you to look at it, words are simply not enough, then I will explain everything to you... - He told them before raising his hand creating a Magic circle in the center of the room to everyone's curiosity while the Light in the room decreased and the closest thing to a screen that everyone could see they noticed.

Michael accepted that it is best to reveal the whole truth instead of hiding parts of it that could later affect some of his friends and brothers. He was not like Sirzechs who thinks to keep his people in the dark about Naruto and invent a story. about how they now have a sun and a moon, something that will later bite him, since there is no way to explain such an abysmal creation in seconds and if he still has it, does he think he will be able to silence Naruto about that? Michael doesn't. He is optimistic and does not overvalue Sirzechs, but it is Naruto he speaks of, The similar and The most similar to God, his Father and his Big brother no less.

Michael [I just hope that when I free Gabriel, she doesn't want to punish me]... - he thought with slight irony for his sister, not the current one who is sweet, but the real one whom he helped his father seal... well , I didn't help but, He witnessed everything and knows how powerful She is.

With a sigh Michael and everyone present watched as the screen began to show Image and watched curiously what happened in the Underworld at the Party of the Young Demonic Heirs in which The God of Deception Loki Intervened in the middle of the treaty with the Alliance so that His father Odin did not join This being that The God of Deception was treated by one of the strongest Maous, "Ajuka Beelzebub", A top no less who momentarily sealed him, Then the Alliance discussed Among The Leaders How to deal with The God sealed until they decided to send the new group "Star of the Underworld" the Gremory Clan for having the current Sekiryuutei, the pillar of the Alliance on their side and having been the same group that helped defeat "The Wayward Cadre, Kokabiel", being that this group was together with the Sitri group that possesses the bearer of the "Secred Gear of Vritra", large and powerful Secret Gear on the side of the Demons no less, being that its Leader Michael sent his Ace Irina Shidou and Odin The Father of Asgard to his Valkyrie Escort, A great group.

Sariel silently contemplated the group of Demons, they have the potential to be a threat to them in the future in some case and with Michael giving them the Sword Ascalon, they have few weapons to use against them and the Demons also possess the Nun Asia and their Secret Gear that can heal any Supernatural being and if they add that they also have the bearer of the Durandal Sword that They lost, By Father.

The beautiful blonde now realized the Implications of what Michael had done, they would have to discuss it later in a meeting of only Seraphim, no matter how Allies they are, they are Demons and former Enemies of his.

The beautiful Seraphim and Everyone watched as The group arrived at a desolate area of ​​the Underworld and began to plan their next Movements until near Them on top of a hill a portal appeared from which an unknown and Strange group of Women emerged, although Some did not know. they lost The reactions of three Seraphim and Michael.

Dulio whispered internally, That who is seen on the screen is the "Jeanne d'arc" Herself, The super maiden with her flag and everything, Loved in her time by Many and Missed when she disappeared centuries ago, leaving behind a Massacre of those who They planned to burn her alive, which was what he read in some ancient texts about her who would have been a great Angel.

Everyone continued looking at the screen until something happened that no one expected.

BH... BH... BUT WHAT?!



H...He...I THINK...

Those present opened their eyes in surprise, they simply could not believe what their eyes saw, not even the Seraphim who gasped in surprise, except for Michael who only shuddered slightly upon seeing the divine Apparition of his Elder brother again.

Michael watched as everyone began to enter the phase of Disbelief and denial until his always stoic brother Metatron, who does not believe what he sees.

Tears began to fall from the eyes of the majority present... HE... The one you see... is their Father, God returned...

Raziel tightly gripped the sides of his Seat with Disbelief marked on his face, He... He is looking at what he thinks is...

The Pope and his followers may not believe it since they moved to the side of their Seats before proceeding to kneel as a sign of respect and devotion to their lord, even if it is a projected Image it is the first thing they are looking at of their God from years that they have known the Angels no less.

Sariel looked with tears falling from her beautiful face at her brother Michael.

Sariel: M... Michael, is... this real?... - He stammered with tears falling from his beautiful blue eyes looking at the screen and the surprising miracle that happened, They just gave him a Sun and a Moon Underworld, there was no doubt, it is Him.

Michael sighed as he felt how he received the gaze of the Majority in the room and not to mention the Angelic Council since he proceeded to speak the truth.

Michael: He... is not a father, He is his counterpart, He is Naruto, our older brother, He is back in the world again... - He answered everyone's doubts and curiosity of some who had never heard of him. This Naruto being that the Seraphim quickly remembered him after centuries.

Raphael:N...N...Naruto!, The Big Brother, Naruto... - The Seraphim exclaimed surprised and excited, he is a little saddened that he is not his father although he looks similar but it is his Big Brother whom He hasn't seen him in centuries and it still makes him happy to see him and the question now is where is he.

Michael nodded to the surprise of everyone who knows Naruto and could not believe that He is back again.

Metatron wiped his Tears but still did not hesitate to smile happily, well he is not his father but he is also Something very good, The Greatest Angelic Exponent of all, even Them, is back in The World, He can barely help but try to kneel before his Image.

Uriel smiled happily in fact just like Sandalphon.

Sariel observed with a big smile the divine Image of his Elder brother.


Some members of the Angelic Council asked curiously, watching the being that looked like God Himself interact with those strangers.

Dulio is still surprised by everything and Attentive to any Information, He is literally looking at God, he looks like this, even bigger than his Leader Michael, "God", He can barely contain the desire to Kneel before the divine and Imposing Image, Never before had Something Pushed him like this, let alone an Image.

Michael: yes, Naruto, the greatest angelic exponent and the first angel of existence, was created even when Father created the earth, he created that on day 4 of the 7 days... - I tell you to the surprise of everyone who did not know that In fact, not even The Seraphim being that Some thought that Michael was The first Angel of Existence but apparently not and They are looking at the true firstborn of God Himself.

Everyone continued looking and listening since they would ask their questions later and looked up to the part where Naruto revealed that he created the "Demons" but being different from the current ones, since Lucifer was the one who corrupted them and he is going to punish him since he He's going to revive to do it, Oh, my God.

Metatron: Michael He... said...

Michael nodded without letting him finish.

Michael: revive, He can... if I create life from nothing Just like Father I don't think bringing the dead to earth is a challenge and if you wonder if Lucifer will be a Threat... try to remember the past and Just Look... I Create A Sun and a Moon , A feat only of Father... - He told his brother with slight Admiration in his voice for what Naruto had done, since Metatron lowered his Head in contemplation, he never knew The Reach of the power of his brother but he must be Abyssal to do this, create life and revive the dead.

Uriel: p.. but won't it break the Balance?... - He asked his Older brother with doubts without hiding how immensely happy he is to know that his Older brother is back again in the Present, it would be like seeing his father again with Them.

Michael: I thought about it too... but whoever objected to something to the Elder Brother or now that Father is not here... Who truly possesses The Name of God... - He responded to everyone's surprise, although some still did not understand anything and Michael knew it, and he is going to explain it before his older brother comes to Heaven, there are no problems, no misunderstandings with the new ones and those who did not get to know or hear from Naruto, since with him back in the world he knows that he already There is no Fear of the Extinction of their race, What's more, Now They are going to be known again in the Supernatural World, something tells them that and it will be because of Naruto's work.

Michael looked at the Pope kneeling before the Image of his brother, the Pope who served him to bring more ollentes to the side of the religion of God, since the single Image of Naruto, apparently, already reflected in Him, a more powerful Faith that had not existed before. seen in Him, perhaps, for knowing the truth of the Death of God but now, The Pope Himself and his companions do not stop praying and touching their cross in the name of God or Naruto in This Case.

Michael decided it was The Moment.

Michael: Well, some of you have doubts so I'll explain everything to you, keep quiet... - he said, disappearing the screen that stopped showing Naruto and the Liberation of Satan.

While Michael began to explain things to his people, things around the world began to take a turn in a direction no one expected and certain things are going to happen that are going to shake all the factions in the supernatural world.

Human World - New Day - England - Pendragon Mansion - Morning - Naruto's Room.

In this you can see him awake lying on a large bed surrounded by his many companions and daughters except for Satan who has stayed in the downstairs room watching what is called television all night and currently from what Naruto can feel and see. through the eyes of his son.

~~ Naruto ...

Naruto raised an eyebrow before looking to his right side at Lilith who is looking at him with her beautiful deep purple eyes.

Lilith is wearing her dark toga in which she slept, as was Naruto with his, as the first Woman moved closer to Naruto before raising one of her beautiful, long legs to Naruto's, showing her bare leg to his toga. be open and simple.

~~ you know... I missed this... I don't know how long I've slept but I needed you...

Lilith whispered hotly, bringing her face closer to Naruto's while her firm breasts began to press against Naruto's right side, who smiled at the words of his partner or Beloved as he likes to be called.

Naruto: I missed you too... - He spoke in a low voice so as not to wake up Artoria who pressed herself against his left side, keeping her other arm motionless.

Lilith looked with amusement and deep passion into the beautiful golden eyes of her Beloved that she had Missed so much, those beautiful Lips and face.

The first Woman licked her Lips Before capturing her partner's Lips in a lustful kiss that Naruto did not hesitate to reciprocate for Lilith's happiness with the Same Intensity that She projects, apparently if she could corrupt her partner, he does not know why but that word likes a lot.

Lilith's Tongue Met Naruto's soft tongue and a small struggle began as they both began passionately sharing saliva.

Naruto's right hand went to Lilith's waist and pulled her close before reaching down and squeezing her big meaty butt just like She taught him and he likes.


Lilith moaned in the middle of the kiss and looked into Naruto's eyes without noticing that her own were turning yellow, leaving their beautiful purple behind.

Lilith moved to be on top of Naruto as her robe fell back, revealing her breasts and long hair that fell disorganized everywhere.

Lilith's Tongue stretched out so Naruto noticed the slight change but he didn't feel anything wrong so he continued before moving his hand captured by Artoria which passed through it as if it were a ghost before turning solid and going. to Lilith's Back and begin to rub her while pressing her against Him.

"You guys don't waste time, right?"

Lilith was hurt and broke the kiss, turning to look and seeing Mnemosyne at her side looking at her with a slight smile.

Lilith: hmn ... - the beautiful black-haired woman snorted, she seriously needs privacy.

Mnemosyne smiled at Lilith's snort and pointed in a direction as she saw Mordred and her daughters Hanna and Belial look in her direction blushing and silent.

Lilith: We really need privacy... - moaned The first Woman sitting on Her Beloved's lap without worrying about fixing her toga that shows her wonderful Assets.

"Now can I go?"

Lilith facepalmed when she noticed Eva very awake and smiling, the first Woman sitting on the bed showing off her wonderful naked assets that almost rivaled Lilith's.

Naruto smiled.

Naruto: yes, all... hmn... but I am one so we share... - he said after thinking about it for a second and now Mnemosyne blushed followed by Naruto's daughters for his words.

Mordred didn't comment, like her sisters, but she was blushing at her father's bold words. He was the first man she had let get close to her in centuries. Well, the Others were her trainers in Old Camelot, so no. They say, his father is the first and...

The knight blushed profusely, her face red while her centuries of frustration began to give her crazy Ideas with her beautiful father. Little did she know that the black-haired Incima from Naruto has the same problem but with more centuries than Her.

Lilith: well, we can do and...


They all heard Satan's call from the floor below, damaging "their plans."

Lilith: it will be in the night... but today you will be Mine... - He told her and the Last thing with his deep voice to the curiosity of Naruto and the trembling of the others.

Aphrodite walking down the downstairs towards the kitchen raised an eyebrow curiously at the overwhelming Auras she felt coming from above of sexual frustration.

Eva: mine too... - I don't hesitate to include the second woman with a big smile.

Mnemosyne: We can well do this after returning from visiting my brothers and sisters, Although no... only my sisters and Mother... my brothers are Idiots... - said the Titanides after thinking about it for a second and Lilith nodded.

Naruto also nodded calmly, ready to please his Loved Ones at night, he saw no problem in doing so, as he got up and sat on the bed with Lilith falling to his knees in He who looked at his left side at Artoria still sleeping.

Naruto: You can go down and eat something, I'll stay with Artoria until she wakes up, let me know when Mnemosyne is ready to go, okay... - He told her calmly and the Titanides nodded, first she's going to eat something, drink some water, new clothes, a rest and there he will go to visit Olympus with his divine and powerful companion.

Mnemosyne approached Naruto and kissed him, which he himself reciprocated gently until they separated and the Titanides got off the bed.

Lilith still gave him a kiss full of passion and Eva followed him later but this was sweeter before she followed Lilith to the downstairs, then Belial approached looking at his father before pointing his Slap and Naruto went to giving her a kiss but she turned around at the last second which Naruto noticed but he continued and gave his daughter a light kiss on the lips, seeing nothing wrong with doing so.

Belial touched her lips when her father broke the kiss and proceeded to follow her mother, Hanna kissed Naruto's cheek just like Mordred, not having the courage of her older sister, thus with the presents, leaving Naruto next to the sleeping Artoria. who she pulled into a hug when she settled in, He knows why She didn't wake up when they were talking, She's making up for centuries of not sleeping as she should even though she doesn't need it, it's more of a reflection of Her but now that she has Him, she feels at peace and without fear of someone attacking her while she sleeps which is fine, since He wouldn't allow that to happen.

~~ hmm ...

Artoria moaned and snuggled further into Naruto's arms who smiled softly.


Naruto I listen.

Naruto [ tell me ]... - He told him while looking through Satan's eyes at what He sees.

Satan: are you taking me to that? It's called a party... it looks fun, just like his movements ... - He asked, knowing that his father hears and sees him.

Naruto[ Oh, well, hmn... after Freeing Gabriel, Okay ]... - He told him before feeling happiness welling up from Satan who agreed and Naruto returned to pay attention to Artoria, leaving his son watch TV.

Underworld - Gremory Castle - Guest Room.



"Until you wake up mate."

A certain brown man woke up coughing with sweat coming down from his forehead as he focused his gaze on the gauntlet that covers one of his hands.

"D... Draig".

The brunette asked between light gasps before trying to calm his breathing.

"It's me, apparently the impression of that God was a lot for you and it affected you."

The gauntlet flickered as the deep voice of the Dragon locked in said Device was heard.

"Di.. q...

" Issei's focus ."

The Dragon ordered.

The aforementioned Issei sighed deeply until he calmed down.

Issei: I... thank you, where are we and the Girls!?, What's happening...

Draig: " Calm down partner. They are fine, nothing bad happened to them, they didn't have to fight the God Loki or anything, that being called "Naruto" took care of him, after recovering Ascalon from you and you fainted and he spoke a little more and left with that unknown group ... - The Dragon said to his partner after interrupting him making him sigh in relief.

Issei: I see, they are fine... but who was that? Naruto?... - He asked him with curiosity about his name and why, he couldn't handle his presence, he felt indignant at looking at him, which led him to faint. after.

Draig: " Yes, Naruto or God, Who knows with so many missing things in history, just be careful and don't ever try to use me against you or we may find ourselves with a fate we don't want. "... - He told his companion being that even though He is a Sealed Soul he still wants to live and he doesn't know why the hell he felt naked in the presence of This Naruto, as if He, a Soul sealed in a Secret Gear, couldn't save Him even with that.

Issei raised an eyebrow curious about his partner's words but he has to see Azazel-sensei and his boy to understand what is happening and know if he is simply not a strong Idiot Angel who believes himself to be God or something like that, he even snatched his Sword from him. Ascalon would have to inform Michael, since the Sword would be useful in case he finds Vali again, who is an Enemy to be feared.

Draig could hear his partner's thoughts but decided to keep silent and leave him, he had already warned him and Angel? That seemed like the same God from the Bible, a monster, just wait, the redhead is not stupid and pushes his partner to something stupid. .

Issei: well, I'll go see the girls... - he said, getting out of bed normally, although internally curious, since I expect one of the girls by his side or fighting for him, hell, I even hope to at least have Asia by his side. Side.

The brunette dismissed his importance and left the room.

Human world - Kuo City - Kuoh Academy - Occult Club.

In the middle of this room you could see how a Magic circle appeared from which a couple came out, being a beautiful silver-haired girl who wears a maid's dress and a young man who looks like a Ninja fully armed with several Swords having one on his waist, 2 on his back and on his legs several knives.

These being none other than Grayfia Lucifuge, The Queen Piece of Current Lucifer and Okita Souji, who owns two horse pieces of Current Lucifer.

Grayfia: We are not going to war, just to do Intelligence Souji-san... - The Maid commented uniformly to her demon companion.

Souji: Orders from Lucifer-sama, Grayfia-sama, in case something unexpected happens and we need to flee... - He answered and Grayfia nodded calmly with a slight frown, as she felt that her King was hiding several things from her, just like her. creation of the Sun and the New Moon of the Underworld that has the entire Underworld upside down on the Side of the Demons and Pillar Leaders who do not know what happened just like She who stayed with Millicas and was not present at the meeting, here was something more than the Maous and some Hide Council Members.

Grayfia: well... from here we leave for the United Kingdom, according to Sirzechs-sama's Intelligence, one of the people we are looking for is from that Place and was sighted in it and the base of said group may be there, we cannot teleport directly because it is the territory of another Faction but we can move like normal humans so as not to raise suspicions... - He informed his partner who nodded silently, This is going to be Exciting to finally have some Action.

Grayfia: well let's get some normal clothes and carry out those human procedures... - she said leaving the Occult Club followed by her partner while a Magic circle began to camouflage them.










Hmn... well Michael, he decided not to hide the truth, since he knows that in the long run it will be revealed.

Naruto was slightly Forgotten by the centuries that passed by some of his brothers and others did not know him.