
Naruto: Fusion Center

Thrown into the Naruto world as The young Patriarch of the half-extinct Senju clan, he now has to re-populate the clan as well as become strong to survive.

truepowerscaler1 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
14 Chs

Chapter 10

Inside the village, ninjas were scurrying with weapons and scrolls in their hands, the ninjas had solemn faces while the civilians had a scared face filled with hope and fear.

Inside the Kage office, the leader, Akari smoked a cigarette slowly, his face was cold as a group of 5 ninjas stood in front of him, they had solemn faces with fear in their eyes when they looked at Akari.

"l-lord Akari!, we have prepared all these weapons, it is enough for 3 thousand ninjas to attack Konoha with full power!" The ninjas with low jonin chakra and probably strength said with a solemn face.

These ninjas are all scared because of their leade. This brutal leadero kills his subordinates if they do a slightly wrong thing in his eyes, much to the horror of the civilians and ninjas.

But because Akari has the strength of a queasy - kage they dare not talk back or disobey any of his orders, the only option left is to obey him or die while disobeying.

"Good, tell the ninjas that we will be doing the attack on Konoha tonight, whoever disobeys, I will kill!" Akari stood up, his face full of cold light, his huge frame towered over the ninjas at a height of 6'9 with huge muscles and a bear head on his shoulder, he had a cape with the symbol of the village imprinted on the bear cape.

Akari stood up and he walked out of the office, his cape fluttering in the air, the bear head on his shoulder throwing the ninjas into fear, their eyes looked at the floor afraid to make eye contact.

"Hey... I heard when he was a small child, that he killed a full-grown bear with his bare hands.... is that true?" A chunin whispered to the jonin with a curious face, the jonin nodded with certainty.

"Yes... he did" The Jonin looked at the chunin before looking out of the window where all he could see were ninjas running around the place preparing for war, the jonin suddenly squinted his eyes as he caught a figure just standing in the middle of the road.

"Wait... that headband?"



Before the jonin could react, a bright light flashed in the whole village, a bright sun that resembled the sun was in the middle of the village, the sun slowly grew bigger, its size growing big enough to destroy a 1/3 of the whole village.

A minute goes by, screams of terror and grunts of pain are all that can be heard when suddenly a rage-filled shout is heard throughout the village.

"Show yourself you fucking bastard!!" Akari pushed the rubble off him, his body covered with dust, but with a chakra pulse the dust was evaporated and the ground cracked under him while pushing the dust covering his vision away.

Hidden in the dust, Murakami's cold eyes went to Akari, without an ounce of hesitation he flashed out of the dust, and his figure appeared in front of Akari.

His white clothes under the deep blue glowing armor, hidden by a black cloak, on his head, was a forehead protector with Konoha symbol and a white collar around the shoulders of the armor.

"you called me?" Murakami looked at the wrathful Akari and asked in a calm voice like he was just taking a stroll in the park, Akari's eyes clenched, his pupils dilating into pins.

"What have you done?..." Akari stood up, his full height showing, a blue aura started surrounding him, his eyes turned red and his body grew a few inches, his muscles growing in size, but Murakami could feel his chakra getting smaller.

"Hmm, a technique where you pump your chakra into your bones and muscles, you get a power boost, but in return, your chakra becomes much smaller, and after it's lifted you will become weak for a certain amount of time"

"Wha!, how did you know?" Akari looked at Murakami in shock, although he gave off the vibe of a savage, that was just a cover, he is intelligent, and nobody in the world knows his technique.

Murakami smirked, he stretched his hand out and a handle appeared in his hand, Akari watched in confusion before his eyes widened in shock and caution.


A buzzing sound was heard as a glowing white blade emerged from the blade's handle, it was in the style of a katana and it crackled with power, the air itself burning from the heat.

"You like this? it's a fusion of fire and lightning with a little bit of wind" Murakami put the sword in front of him up in a verticle way, the blade pointing downwards.

Akari got into his fighting stance, he squatted down while he put his hands up as if he was imitating a bear, his hands glowed before Murakami saw the fingers of Akari bulge with veins and a white light extend from the fingers.

Murakami and Akari stared at each other, the air cracking with tension, Murakami got into a sword stance with his hand pointed forward and the sword downward, he leaned forward and adjusted his breath.

A leaf fell from the air, and when it touched the air, it started.


[ inside Konoha ]

1 hour later

"Good to have you all here" Hiruzen looked at his disciples except Tsunade and the major clan leaders that stood in front of him, Hiruzen had a very serious face on and the air was tense.

Orochimaru licked his lips as he waited, Orochimaru sat down at the window and the clan leaders, ino-shika-cho just waited in silence.

"The leader of the Senju clan, Murakami Senju has been sent on a mission, and he uncovered that the land of mountains is planning to invade the land of fire, and without unauthorization, he acted on his free will," Hiruzen said with a solemn expression, Orochimaru licked his lips in disdain.

His teacher could fool everyone but him, after all, if studying the cells of Hashirama in cahoots with him and Danzo is anything, then it just shows how good his acting is.

Jiraiya tensed up, his mind flashing to how much Tsunade talked about Murakami, his brows furrowed, now he sees why Tsunade is here, if she heard this then the room would be in shambles.

"I declare that when Murakami comes back, he will be taken his right of being a ninja, and he will not be allowed to leave the Senju compound until the end of the war," Hiruzen said with a serious face, his tone not allowing any room for arguments.

"Oh really~" Suddenly the room tensed, a playful voice was heard behind the Hokage, a white light flashed and Murakami appeared, his clothes without any dust.

"We shall see about that~"


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