
Naruto: Freedom

*Disclaimer As you should know I do not own Naruto or any of the characters except my OC. If you have a problem with depression or Suicide do not read Plus I'll never do Harem So don't even ask ತ_ತ "What is FREEDOM, I find freedom in death! So Why not just let me be FREE!" Story about a boy who gets forcefully transmigrated into Naruto even when he just want to die "Why, why *sniff* me s*hic*should I just end it, please please please help, let me just kill you, it'll be better and we'll be free" Standing on the roof of his school as the wind whistles and as if it was encouraging him.

SuckKanyeCock · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
20 Chs

Bell test

"Alright I'll test you if you got what it takes to be a Ninja" Kakashi says as he took a pair of small bells and a timer out from his pocket, Both Sakura and Sasuke were confused about what he meant, and Sakura took it on to ask "What do you mean test us, what about the test from the academy", Kakashi ignored her and continued his explanation "You'll have to take the bell from me before the time runs out" he pointed to the timer, "If you fail you'll go back to the academy, Okay and Start" he said as he pressed the button on the timer.

As soon as he said that Sasuke and Sakura jumped and hid in the bush behind them, while Naruto just stood there, 'Why is he standing there, does he want to fight me, tsk tsk bad choice boy' Kakashi thought as he stared at Naruto, Sakura and Sasuke were also confused about what Naruto wants to do.

Naruto took a stance confirming Kakashi's doubt about taking him head one, but before Kakashi knew it Naruto was already in front of him, Naruto threw a punch at Kakashi with all his might, Kakashi surprised by naruto speed snaped out of his daze when he felt the air pressure from naruto's punch so he quickly substituted himself with a wood, he looked and saw the wood had turned to dust, he then thought if he was a second late he would have been seriously injured.

Naruto didn't give Kakashi a chance this time Naruto moved with his maximum speed and kicked Kakashi but, Kakashi countered with a kick of his own and was pushed back by Naruto, this all happened in just two seconds as Sasuke and Sakura eyes couldn't follow them but the wind pressure was enough to tell that there is a serious fight going on.

Kakashi looked at Naruto with surprised and decided to stop holding back, he charged at Naruto at they both engaged in a fierce taijutsu combat with Kakashi gaining the upper hand only due to experience, 'Lets end this Kakashi thought as he quickly weaved the hand seals for

Earth style : Headhunter jutsu

He disappeared from sight and immediately came from below where Naruto stood attempting to grab him but Naruto immediately turned to countless little bats, flew away and assembled a little further away. Kakashi, Sasuke and Sakura were beyond shocked.

Naruto didn't stop there and did a random hand seal as he said coldly

"Summoning Technique: Blood moon Fernir",

Immediately a large Wolf as red as his hair appeared in front of him , as Kakashi saw that he quickly Summoned his dogs, both their summons engaged in combat soon after Naruto and Kakashi continued their fight. Kakashi didn't plan to underestimate Naruto anymore as he weaved hand seals and said

"Water style: Whirlpool jutsu"

Spitting a large pool of water with water blade between them towards Naruto but Naruto just substituted himself with a log and appeared behind Kakashi taking the bells.

"I Win" stated naruto as he withdrew his summon into his Shadow, Kakashi who almost exhausted his chakra and was panting heavily looked at Naruto and said "No you failed". Sasuke and Sakura who were in the bush and were surprised how strong Naruto was came out and were confused as how naruto lost. Seeing their confused face Kakashi told them the essences of the test and they understood immediately, so they asked if they were all really going to the back to the academy. "Well if you were a normal team I'd have sent you back, but two of you aren't exactly normal so I'll allow a retake and Naruto stay out of it this time."

Sasuke and Sakura were visible relieved this time but worried as they saw Kakashi strength and knew that he and Naruto are on a totally different level from them. So they came up with a plan and started.

Sasuke threw three shirukens from different sides as Sakura ran from the back to coner him, but he easily blocked the shirukens and punched Sakura, immediately he turned to look at Sasuke a large fireball was already coming towards him, so he quickly substituted for a log and striked Sasuke in the back of his head knocking him out along with Sakura, Kakashi couldn't help but think 'Now this is what a fight with fresh genius should be like'.

While they were knocked out Kakashi walked towards Naruto who was standing elegantly by the side and said "Yo Naruto do you mind if I ask you some questions?", "Sure go ahead Kakashi" Naruto said in a quiet tone as he was thinking of buying some ninjutsu from the system store later.

"FIRST OF ALL ITS KAKASHI-SENSEI TO YOU! and I want to ask how did you turn to bats and when did you get a wolve summoning contract?" Kakashi said and asked, "Oh that, I found the wolf contract in the woods behind my house and the bats it's just something I can do" he lied through his fangs to Kakashi, as Kakashi was about to continue Sasuke and Sakura woke up.

They were worried because they thought they've failed but Kakashi told them congratulations and said they should be here by six a.m the next day, they were pretty confused but didn't ask so Kakashi wouldn't change his mind. As all off them departed they had different thoughts with Sasuke thinking 'Dammit I'm so useless I thought I had almost caught up with naruto, but I was conceited, I have to double no triple my training', while Sakura was also thinking about catching up with Naruto, and Kakashi rushing to report every single detail to Hiruzen the 3rd Hokage.