In battling and defeating Kyuubi No Kitsune, the sealing jutsu unexpectedly sealed away Yondaime Hokage into Naruto. What will life for Naruto be like now that Yondaime is sealed away into him?
Kisame gave a grin of predation, "If that's so, I wouldn't mind going at it against that brat again some time the future. I'd definitely show him a thing or two with my Samehada."
"Don't get ahead of yourself Kisame," Itachi warned, "Though Naruto may not be too skilled in kenjutsu however from what I've seen in both of our battles with him he has innovative ways of making up for his handicaps. If we underestimate him again, he just might kill us, if not only one of us next time. My mind battle with him showed me that…which was why I lost to him."
"…," Kisame remained silent as he massaged one of his still aching injuries. Itachi held his pained head as he cursed under his breath.
Even with all of my powers at my command, Itachi contemplated, Naruto possesses more than I do and he's being educated and trained by two Sannins, one of whom who taught the Yondaime. That may help to explain how he was able to create that Yondaime figure in his mind and use him to fight me. Jiraiya must have taught Naruto in depth about Yondaime Hokage to make him that realistic in his mind. I'll have to work and train harder if I'm to challenge Naruto again…
(At The Hyuuga Compound)
Hiashi was in his study room reading some scrolls although some of his attention wasn't fully there. Early that afternoon he received word from Godaime that his daughter and Ino were kidnapped by Uchiha Itachi and Kisame of the Akatsuki. Hiashi was no fool though. As much as he pushes Hinata and Hanabi to be stronger however, he knew that Hinata didn't have a surviving chance against Itachi if she engaged him in combat, and he knew Itachi's history in Konoha before he defected, as did everyone else.
Hiashi was surprised when he also informed about how Naruto risked his life to successfully rescue and save his daughter and Ino although Naruto knew that he was the desired target the entire time and that Hinata and Ino were merely used as bait. If it had been anyone else Naruto's age and most who were older than him who fought against the two Akatsuki nins, they would have surely met their deaths at the hands of Itachi and Kisame. Hiashi was more intrigued at how Naruto was able to hold his grounds against Kisame and Itachi on his own before Kakashi arrived on the scene. Hiashi found Naruto's character of keen interest to him. In spite of being the son and container of Yondaime and the adoptive son of Godaime, Naruto thinks little of his status and regards his family and friends as higher priority and worth.
Not only that, Hiashi was also aware of how protective Naruto is of Hinata, and how Naruto was on the verge of attacking and seriously hurting Neji one time in her defense. The thought of Yondaime's son who's considered a born Hokage by Sandaime's standards being close to Hinata were among the many things Hiashi has always hoped for and considered, along the fact that Naruto has the responsibility of rebuilding his clan. A moment later, Hiashi summoned one of the branch members and ordered him to gather all of the Hyuuga elders for an unscheduled meeting.
Hinata was lying in her bed, mediating on everything that Sandaime had to both her and Ino. Never in her life did she ever think that her father, as proud and cold he could be at times, would have considered adopting ANYONE who wasn't of the Hyuuga bloodline into the clan and have him or her established as part of the main house as well and this was two months before she was born. She didn't know what to think that moment as she processed the information given to her.
She always knew how her father had always heartened and encouraged her to associate and be around Naruto to get to know him, but hearing this shocked her to the core. At the same time though, she couldn't help but smile at her father's then actions and still present interest in Naruto. After hearing everything Sandaime told her, she understood fully why her father wanted her to become close to Naruto event though she already had a crush on him since day one.
Hinata have always liked Naruto, even before knowing that he was the son of Yondaime. It amazed her that Naruto went from being the child of one Hokage to becoming the adoptive son of another Hokage. What added to her ever growing fondness for Naruto was that he never allowed this to go to his head and start thinking that everyone else was beneath him. He didn't have that spirit of haughtiness like the Uchihas or like most members of her own family, main branch or not. The more she thought about him and everything Sandaime and the others explained to her earlier about Naruto's heritage and characteristics, the more she found herself falling for him.
Hinata understood why the true of identity of Naruto's father was an SS-Class secret. If word was to get out about this prematurely, every enemy Yondaime ever made would have came to end Naruto's life. She did shed a few tears upon thinking about how Naruto's birth mother died and the heavy burden Naruto secretly carries as the container of Kyuubi. His father sacrificed his own existence and his son to save the entire village from Kyuubi's destructive wrath. The thought alone made Hinata cry for Naruto. Then she thought about how Sandaime explained how Naruto continuously saves Konoha and everyone else everyday since the day of Naruto's birth in denying Kyuubi its freedom and shouldering the responsibility in keeping that monster at bay. This helped to lightened Hinata's mood as she wiped away her tears.
No one outside the council except for Naruto's family, consisting of Tsunade, Shizune, Jiraiya, Sandaime and Kakashi, and closest friends, namely her and Ino, and some of the ANBU are aware of Naruto's darkest secret. At the same time though, Hinata felt happy that Naruto trust her enough to share this secret with without fearing her betraying their confidentiality.
Hinata found herself growing more admiration and esteem for Tsunade after learning how she willing adopted Naruto as her own child and nothing less, raising and teaching Naruto as his own mother. Being the son of a Sannin who's now Godaime earned Naruto many fangirls, Hinata knew. Alongside this, Hinata knew that if word was to get out about Naruto being the son of Minato, every girl and kunoichi, older or younger, in Konoha would be after him in order to have their way with him, either publicly, in a dark alley or…
Hinata blush heavily upon realizing the perverted thoughts that were manifesting in her mind about her crush. She tried to block out those thoughts being thinking of something else. She thought back the times Naruto helped her in her training.
Naruto would often help me when I needed practice using my Byakugan, using himself as the test subject. I can recall the number of times I saw through his clothes and checked out his surprisingly well-toned body…I'm doing it again, Hinata silently scolded herself with a blush on her face.
Shaking her head, her mind drifted to when Sandaime explained how Naruto carries the responsibility of building the Namikaze clan and re-establishing it as one of Konoha's strongest clan again. When that thought crossed her mind, she thought about how Sasuke and Naruto carry the same responsibility in rebuilding their clans. Aside from Itachi who willfully slaughtered and deserted his own clan, both Naruto and Sasuke are the last of two powerful clans, making them both invaluable to Konoha.
Namikaze Naruto-kun, Hinata daydreamed happily, visualizing herself talking to Naruto in private while wearing a beautifully made kimono with ornamentations fit for a Japanese princess, I, Hinata of the Hyuuga clan, offer myself to you in being the one to help you rebuild your clan…It would be my highest honor in becoming your wife and bearing children for you.
Her face turned even redder with a large smile on her face as she daydreamed even more about what she fantasizing about when…
"You look very happy neechan," said a young feminine voice. Hinata snapped out of her train of thoughts before shooting and sitting up on her bed as she looked at the door to see Hanabi standing there, looking at her quizzically.
"What are you so happy about," Hanabi asked, "Is about Naruto-sama?"
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