
The fight

with a smile which made them all blush "What is that technique you used out there" killua said to zushi "He used something called nen it is something that everyone has in this world and it is very powerful" then he starts talking about it's principles. He demonstrates the same energy Zushi used before. "We got to go nice meeting you guys" I said to them both and the other boys did the same they waved us off when we got back in the tower, Killua says "Wing was lying to us" "actually killua he wasn't" I tell him in a soft tone "how do you know naruto" gon said with question in a nice way "because I know when someone is lying or not" I said to the boys and they both shook their heads ok but i can see killua having a little bit of trouble understanding as we went to eat at grandmas fries and went to a hotel to sleep I just keeped wondering how power the two would be as the next morning we ate an apple during our way their and walk through the hallway leading to the register but is blocked by a strong aura. As we moved forward, an employee shows herself. She informs us that they only have until midnight to register for the fight.Then Hisoka shows himself I wave at him and he waves back, and tells us "you guys are not yet ready to set foot on the floor." the boys try to force our way through but I could easily but stopped because they look in pain, but Hisoka is stronger and use more nen so I used some of my ki warning not to hard or you will kill them he then looked at me licking his lips. Wing appears behind us and volunteers to teach us the "real" Nen we agree and went back in Wing's room, he demonstrates Nen and makes the two boys feel the pressure which he got curious about me I just shot him a wink. He opens our aura nodes so they can use Nen's technique called Ten. Two hours later, we come back to the 200th floor to face Hisoka. The boys got passed the nen barrier of hisokas and shot him a wink which made him blush a little and we went to the counter with the lady there to sign in gon has the first fight tomorrow after gon got his room and he went off to some dudes me and killua asked for a room together the lady at the counter blushed a little at what we said and she gave us a key each to the same room as we walk over to gon these 3 fighters confronted, they go by the name Gido, Sadaso, and Riehlvelt who challenge us to a fight and as they look over to me they blushed which made me smirk giving off some ki "you guys can try but you won't win" I say going off to killuas and my room and made all the boys a little terrified and the boys said something and gon walked another way to his room and killua warned them to stay away from we and walked to our room as he got in the room I start stripping into my underwear and bra front of him and he blushes a deep red as I was done striping and killua was just standing there with a full on blush "Play nice with me killua" I say to him in a seducing shy voice and walk to him wrapping my legs on him and he holds my waist and start kissing in a hot mess he walks over to the big soft comfy with me in his arms and puts me down gently on the bed and gets on top of kiss me all over and moving hands all over and he goes to my breasts taking off the bra and touching them and sucking on then softly trying not to hurt me and turn into a moaning mess of pleasure I flip him over putting my bare breasts on his chest as my hand groop his large cock over the short pants and boxers and he lets out a deepish groan I move down to his cock and undo his short pants and pull down his boxers and his hard large cock popped out I start licking the tip and swirled my tongue around it and licked it down and up the base and he is moaning which is really cute I shove his hole cock in my mouth and move up and down "n-naru I-I'm aabout to c-cum" he say through each moan as i start pumping faster so he can cum as he starts shaking I can tell he is about to cum as he cums in my mouth it was actually really good tasting so I swallowed it all "Naru why did you swallow it!?" he said worried "because it tasted really good, I love the taste of killua" I said in a childish voice which made him blush a deep red and laugh a little at what I did "Come here" he said so I moved closer he kissed me on the head "I like the taste of you too, I love you" I blush really hard and cover my face in killua's cheat and I whisper loud enough for him to hear "I love you too" which made him blush I got up and turned off the light and me and killua went to bed I slept in underwear and killua slept in boxer as we snuggled together in bed in tell it turned dark. The next morning woke up and got dressed and left a note on the side of the bed saying 'when the alarm wakes you up get dressed and go to gon's room so we can eat then we are going to gon's fight. Love you naruto,' and I walked out and went to gons room how did I find it will I followed his sent it smells like the ocean it's a really nice sent I walked intohis room and went to his bed and shock him awake and said "Good morning sleepy head want to get breakfast and come back here to wait for killua to come" I said to him with a big smile "Ok naru" he said smiling as he gets up from his bed he was just wearing boxers which made me blush and he got dressed I rather not say anything so ya we walk out and go to a nearby cafe and me and him sit down we order 2 muffins and 2 juice and had them get us a blueberry muffin and an orange juice to go for killua me and gon sat there eating and talking we pay as we walk back with killuas breakfast I ask him "In one week I'm planning to go home to say bye to some people are you willing to come with me you don't have to if you don't want to i'm jus..." gon cut me off saying "I would love to naruto that makes me happy that you asked I wouldn't want you going there with just killua because I might get a chance with you and I will go because that's what friends do" he says smiling he grabs my hand and leads me to the arena as we get there we go up to his room and he opens the door to killua I smile and give him a kiss and him his food we sit on the couch in the room and talk gon is really excited for his fight which is no surprise he wants to go up against hisoka to give him back his pin which makes me happy to hear when I look at the clock, I told him that we need to go there as we walk to the arena I kiss gon on the cheek and say good luck one the fight and killua wishes him a good fight and me and killua go to his sits which were right beside wing and zushi suprizenly sadly I was hoping to makeout with killua oh while we sat down and smiled at them "Hey zushi, hey wing, whats up" I say to them "We are here to watch the fight I'm hoping your little friend doesn't die" he said with a worried expression "Why would you say that?" killua says to him in worry for gon "Because they guy he is going to fight is really strong in his nen and people on the 200th floor pass knows how to use nen and gon doesn't know who to use nen yet which scares me" he says really worriedly "Don't worry gon is strong he won't go down to easly and I will go down to the arena really fast jumping over the wall to heal them both so they are okay will after who is declared winner" I say with a smile which makes killua smile knowng I would do that and that makes the other to a little relieved "Wait how can you hea…" he got cut by the lady on the speakers saying time for the fight as me and killua sit down in our seats holding hands and my head on his sholder smiling and watching. The next day, Gon faces against Gido. Gido has already 4 victories and 1 defeat. He starts the match with taking out his Dancing Tops. Unaware of what the tops can do, Gon keeps on getting hit. He tries to dodge multiple times with no avail. Gon states the tops are strong as hammers. Gido continues on hitting him, and gets 5 clean points. Gon tries to feel the movement of the tops but still fails. When Gon was thrown out of the ring, he sees a top near but not attacking him. He deduces that the tops are moving in all directions and shock themselves. Movements of the tops and he can still fight. Hisoka also watching gon's match, and getting really pumped up. As gon won we all cheered and amazed and I run down on to the arena jumping over the wall and everyone in the arena wowed at me being able to do that and the lady on the speaker yelled the nickname they gave me the angle sword healing gon and the dude that was in the wheelchair I walked up to gon and slapped him "That's for being reclease and getting ua all worried" I said angry then hugged him "Sorry naruto" he says hugging me I pull a part and the dude in the wheelchair woke up and said what happened I go over and said "Gon won the match and I healed you, and you know you got some powerful nen now are you feeling alright" I said picking him up in my arms like toddler looking at him and everyone in the crowd was looking at me shocked and then laughed a little "I'm fine thank you, anyway how were you able to heal me and can you put me down" he said and I him down "Can't tell you it is a secret and it is not called nen what I use" I said with a happy smile and I saw hisoka again watching so I wave at him and yell "HEY HISOKA" he waves back and throws a card really fast toward me I think everyone thought I was going to die but I caught it, it was a Q for queen card which made me smile then I turned it over and it said 'hey naru-kun want to hang out at night' I smiled again and yelled "OK MEET YOU THEN" I wave bye and walk off the arena with gon "Hey naruto' are you ok you could have died if you didn't caught it" he said worried which made me laugh at what he said "No worries gon I can't die that easily and karma would have healed me and if karma wouldn't I would still be okay so don't worry and hisoka didn't throw it that hard ok" I said to him.