

After some time of comforting by Minato and Kushina Haruto stopped crying and looked at them with a smile on his face. Both Minato and Kushina smiled back at him and little Naruto began to clap his hands which made everyone break out in laughter.

After some more interaction and teaching the rules of the house to Haruto, he started to play with Naruto. While he was playing an old man with a lean figure and a smoke pipe in his mouth came. He had white hair bot was partially bald. Seeing him enter both Minato and Kushina stood up and bowed. He waved his hands to tell them that there is no need to do this. Haruto stood up and went towards the old man and pulled his clothes.

When the old man felt a tug in his clothes he looked down. He saw a small boy with red and black hair looking at him. He smiled looking at him and asked, " what is it, do you want to ask me something?" On hearing him both Minato and Kushina looked up and saw Haruto near the man, Haruto shakes his head and said, " I want to request you to please don't smoke here as it will be harmful for the baby."

Minato,Kushina and the old man looked at him in surprise and began to laugh. Haruto got confused and looked from one person to another, he asked, " did I do something bad?" with a panicked expression on his face. The old man pats his head and said, " no you didn't, it's just that it is the first time that some has asked me to put down my pipe." He removes the pipe from his mouth and puts it off. He then again looked at him and said, " sorry about that, I am Hiruzen Sarutobi but you can call me whatever you like." Haruto smiled and said, " I am Haruto Uchiha Uzumaki and sorry for being rude gramps."

Minato intervened their conversation and said, " thanks for coming lord third at my immediate invitation." He then looked at Haruto and said, " the person standing in front of you is the third hokage meaning the hokage before me." Haruto heard this and got shocked and immediately went on all fours and started apologising to him. Minato and Kushina started to chuckle while Hiruzen got flustered and said, " it is fine you only did that for the well being of the child, I am happy about it now please get up."

Hearing this Haruto got up and looked at Hiruzen and asked with tears in his eyes, " are you really not angry gramps, you are not going to punish me about it?" Hiruzen smiled at him and said, " no I am not going to punish you so stop crying now." Haruto stopped crying but still was looking at Hiruzen with a doubt on his face. Hiruzen saw that he stopped crying and looked at Minato and asked, " so what did you call me for and who is him?" Minato asked him to wait till the meeting starts for further information. They then started to discuss about other matters.

After some time all other clan heads and elders came in the meeting room. Haruto looked at Fugaku and bowed, which he returned with a nod.

All sat down on their seats, Haruto was standing between Minato's and Kushina's seat. Suddenly a man covered in bandages asked with a cold tone, " so lord hokage why have you called us suddenly?" All the members first looked at him and than at Minato.

Minato looked at them with a serious face and said, " you all know that Kushina is the kyubi's jinchuriki." Everyone nodded, " and you all also know about the condition of female jinchuriki's during child birth and also the fact that our child was born day before yesterday." Everyone nodded and congratulated them.

"For safety of the village we planned to take Kushina somewhere safe and planned the birth to be there, she did succeed giving birth to our son but" everyone's gaze was fixed on Minato and he said, "after she gave birth the ninjas protecting us along with the midwife who was holding our child were killed by a masked man." Everyone got shocked. "Do you have any idea about who was the attacker" asked a man with tanned skin and a small ponytail with a beard.

"No idea Shikaku" replied Minato to Shikaku Nara, the head of Nara clan.

"But where is he now?" Asked a man with white pupils in his eyes. "I have no idea after our fight he vanished without leaving any traces so anbus could not follow him" replied Minato.

Minato continued, " I was about to seal kyubi back in Kushina's body when he killed the wet nurse and took my son and asked me to leave her for my son's life." Everyone frowned at this. "But before he could do anything this child Haruto saved both my son and my wife giving me time to fight with the man." Everyone looked at Haruto with a shocked expression.

Danzo asked, "who is he and where did he come from." Everyone first looked at Danzo and then turned towards Minato.

Minato said, " he is an outsider and claims to be the son of an Uzumaki and Uchiha who were banished from there clans because of their marriage." Everyone looked at Haruto with surprise.

"What's more surprising is that not only this child is proficient in Uzumaki sealing jutsu as he was the one who sealed kyubi back, but also have unlocked Uchiha's mangekyo sharingan."

BOOM... this information dropped like a bomb on everyone and looked at Haruto with eyes popping out. Hiruzen asked, " don't joke with us Minato, how can a 3 year old awaken his sharingan, he should not even be able to move chakra throughout his body."

Minato looked at Haruto and said, " Haruto show them your mangekyo." Haruto nodded and closed his eyes for a couple of seconds and then open his eyes again with his mangekyo activated. When everyone saw this they were shocked.

Minato looked at them and said, "because of his talent I was thinking of making him a resident of our village." Everyone nodded and Fugaku and Danzo thought 'I will get him to join the clan/root.'

"But before that Inoichi I want you to check his memories right now and tell about it to us." A man with blonde hair and a long ponytail stood up and moved towards Haruto and placed his hand on his head and performed his jutsu.

When he saw his memories he was shocked, sad, happy, confused and many other emotions were seen on his face. When he opened his eyes everyone looked at him for details and he told them everything he saw. Most people present sympathised for his loss.

But the thing which confused all was how his growth speed was so fast and which beast attack his family. They continued this discussion over a long time. Haruto who got bored and unable to maintain his consciousness fell on the ground and started to sleep.

When he fainted Kushina rushed towards him to see what had happened to him and sighed. When she picked him up, she told everyone that he is sleeping because he might have been tired. Everyone chuckled except Danzo and looked at Haruto.

When the meeting was about to finish and they were about to get up Danzo suddenly said, " so what are you going to do with him, because of his talents I want him to join root." When he said that all the people present there looked at him angrily.

Fugaku said, " no he is going to join the Uchiha clan so you are not taking him." Both Danzo and Fugaku got into a heated debate and started to take claims for Haruto. Seeing this Kushina got angry and covered herself in red chakra and smashed he fist on table and said, " SHUT IT RIGHT NOW." As she said that everyone got silent and looked at her. Danzo and Fugaku were sweating buckets because of her killing intent towards them.

"We have already adopted him and he has complied happily so he is not joining either the Uchiha clan or the root understand this, and if you tried anything with him be ready to go against me." Everyone was shocked. Danzo asked, "what reason do you have to adopt him, is he related to you somehow?" Hearing this Kushina said, "he is my nephew do you have any problems with that old man." Kushina glared at him. Everyone now understood that it is now impossible to go against her as it will mean that they are breaking familial bonds. Everyone then stood up and left the room as the meeting was adjourned.