
Before the beginning 1


It was like all other days of spring,flowers were in bloom,birds were chirping,animals playing,rivers flowing with fresh water and filled with fishes. In this scenery there was a house,inside which there was a black haired man with well built body,tall and handsome,probably in his 20s but had one thing unique,he had red eyes with 3 tomoes in each of them looking happily towards a woman. The woman was beautiful and looked mature, had a well maintained body,but the thing which stick out the most was her hair they were red,just like the man's eyes. Probably they were husband and wife because they were looking at each other with love,care and passion.

They were staring at the woman's stomach for a long time,the man broke the silence with his words,he said"looking at the signs of your chakra dividing into two it looks like we are going to have a new member among us soon"he said with a smile on his face. The woman who heard this looked at her husband with a look of happiness which was clear with the smile on her face. She said"you sure gave a good news" she paused for a moment and then said "because of this news we are going to have a feast tonight " she declared happily. The man on hearing this smiled then moved forward and gave his wife a kiss,on receiving which the wife blushed and returned a kiss back. She started to move out of his house and said that she is going to give this news to the ones in their neighbourhood and moved out of the house.

Later that day the man and woman could be seen having a feast with their friends. All were congratulating them making the couple happy.

TIMESKIP: 9 months later

In a hospital room:

One can see a woman with red hair, lying on a bed groaning in pain. Her husband was holding the hand of his wife tightly in order to make her feel better but that didn't helped. The nurse was giving her instructions she said, " calm down and keep pushing " . The red haired woman on hearing it kept pushing harder. Sometime later the voice of crying of a baby could be heard. A small baby covered with blood was in the nurse's hand. She washed the child in warm water and covered it in a warm blanket and said, " congratulations you have a baby boy, he looks healthy and lively" ,say that she gave the boy to his mother which took him like he was the most precious treasure in the world. She looked at her child and said, "welcome to the family" . The child slept peacefully in his mother's embrace, looking at which she chuckled and so did his father. The man said , " thank you for this child " and gave his wife a kiss. She smiled and said, " what will be the name of our boy, you thought of any?" She asked her husband. On hearing the question the man smiled and said, "Haruto". The mother smiled and said , " it is a good name for our boy ".

They were to stay in the hospital for two more days after which they can go back to their home. When they got back to their home,they were congratulated on their child's birth.