

This is an info/data card post. Having a few details about our protagonist up until chapter 7.

THE FOLLOWING IS A DATA SHEET OR CARD ABOUT WHAT THE VILLAGE HAS ABOUT HIM. So some things you guys know as readers don't show in his Data Card yet.

Name: Arata Takeshi.

Age: 5 years old.

Gender: Male.

Date of Birth: April 17.

Height: 118cm or 3'9"

Weight: 24.5kg or 54lbs.

Rank: Civilian.

Classification: Genius.

Kekkei Genkai: None.

Affiliation: Konohagakure.

Eye color: Silver.

Blood Type: O negative.

Weapons: Dull Katana, Dull Tanto, Dull Ninjato, Shurikens and Kunais.

Jutsu or Abilities: Fine Chakra Sensing, Low Tier Mimicry, Preemptive Chakra Sensing, Clone Jutsu, Henge.


Father: Arata Yoshiro

Rank: Retired Jonin.

Job: Master Blacksmith.

Mother: Arata Mai.

Rank: Chunin.

Job: Konoha's Accountant.



Now, starting this part, is things only you guys the readers should know, and Konoha has yet to find out.

Kekkei Genkai: Well, for those that don't know he inherited Teresa's powers as a claymore from the Anime Claymore, but certain things were changed to fit into the current world. One of those changes is, that his Yoki is basically Nature Chakra.

That being said, he can still awaken like a normal claymore, including body changes and everything.

He however, unlike normal Claymores, has another source of power, aka Chakra, so awakening is much harder because Nature Chakra isn't the only thing circulating within him. So, basically while he can awaken like any other claymore, he won't be as tempted like most claymores are, because his body is different, and chakra itself keeps some of the side effects most claymores have at bay, side effects he will only encounter once he uses this power.

Secret Power: He doesn't have any secret power, but he has a gift from the one that reincarnated him that he has yet to discover, but... he soon will. Let's just say that this mysterious gift will aid him in understanding and mastering his powers. This gift is also the reason he lost so many memories.


Info Notes. 20 facts about the story.

1. Takeshi has no idea he got any powers. Had things been different, he would've figured out already, but most of his memories are locked, including the ones that would've helped him deduce what powers he was given.

2. Takeshi's personality was altered upon his reincarnation. A side effect of his rebirth. His personality is now a mix of Teresa of the Faint Smile, and his own.

3. Takeshi is 53 days older than Itachi.

4. One of Takeshi's possible love interest is four days older than him, her birthday is April 13, try to guess who she is.

5. Takeshi heals much faster than most Shinobi's, faster than even Kurama's Jinchurikis, however, seeing he rarely gets injured while training with Itachi, he's unaware of this power of his being anything special, deeming his unnatural regeneration as something most Shinobis have.

6. Takeshi is very smart, another side effect of his reincarnation and his connection to Teresa of the Faint Smile. However when it comes to social situations he can be somewhat dense, not anime protagonist dense level, but enough to be noticeable.

7. Takeshi loves cats, and has asked his parents for a cat on multiple occasions, but they keep saying no.

8. Takeshi's favorite food is Barbecue and anything tempura.

9. Takeshi eats like a normal kid, however, he never gets hungry, this is due to his claymore physiology. If push ever comes to shove, he could survive on minimal amounts of food, needing only to consume a very small portion once every couple of days, being able to easily go a week without water or nourishment.

10. Mikoto adores Takeshi solely for the fact that Takeshi is Itachi's friend, so she treasures Takeshi like a part of her family for that alone.

11. Fugaku initially didn't like the idea of allowing an outsider to spend so much time with his son, however, he soon changed his opinion on the matter after seeing the two kids spar for the first time.

12. The Uchiha elders have mixed opinions about Takeshi, none of them are good, some consider Takeshi nothing but a tool to make the heir of the Uchiha Clan grow stronger, others consider Takeshi a parasite trying to rise status using the Uchiha's as a stepping stone.

13. Takeshi has two natural chakra natures, one for each part that makes him. Wind Nature, for Teresa of the Faint Smile, and Lightning Nature for himself. Which begs the question if he can somehow learn Swift Release.

14. Takeshi hates bugs.

15. Takeshi has in general heightened senses, one of those being his sense of smell, however he rarely finds a smell he thinks as disgusting, that being said, he hates when people don't brush their teeth, finding that particular smell utterly revolting.

16. Takeshi's family is very wealthy for a clan-less couple, most of this money coming from Takeshi's father, who is one of the best if not the best blacksmith on Konoha. Meaning his clients are usually the big clans, like the Uchiha.

17. Takeshi technically knows about Root, not because of his meta knowledge, in fact, he doesn't even know there's a Konoha force called Root. However, due to his incredible sensing, he has caught wind of Root agents, considering them puppets, mostly because he feels close to nothing in their chakra, so unaware of who they are, he thinks of them as puppets of some kind.

18. Takeshi never met Obito, despite living during the same time Obito was still in the village, you know before going all emo and stuff.

19. Takeshi hasn't forgotten about how to write in English or how to speak it for that matter, but unlike other novel protagonists he has no reason to start a secret diary, mostly because his knowledge and memories are heavily limited, that and well... his memory is borderline photographic, ironic isn't it?

20. I know we already talked about favorite food, but as far as favorite snack or dessert goes, Takeshi loves chocolate in any shape or form, and when given the opportunity he eats as much of it as possible, to the point his parents are worried he might develop diabetes, which is why the control the amount of chocolate that enters his life. This concern, however, is ultimately pointless, seeing Takeshi is physically unable to get diabetes, and many other diseases thanks to his unique physiology.

The list of things he's immune or basically immune to includes but its not limited to:


Common Cold.


Influenza (The Flu)

Stomach Problems.

Most Poisons, and Venoms (He isn't immune to them perse, but his body can process them at an incredible rate, ranging from seconds to minutes, depending on the poison or venom. This trait of him, can keep most effects in question at bay.)

Heart Diseases.

Pulmonary Diseases.

To summarize, most of the things normal humans, even Shinobis would be subject to. 

Well that was all, and like always, remember if you want to read up to 10 chapters ahead go to https://www.patreón.com/cornbringer