
Naruto: Excitatus Didymus

A second chance is more than I could of asked for. Especially when the world is of my favourite anime, I’m the protagonist of said world, and The person who was being rebound was me. I wasn't a good man, nor was I an Evil person I had done stuff that I wasn't proud of, things that will haunt me till The day when I truly die. But I think that the experience will be more valuable now in this world than it ever was in my first life. There is only one problem. This world is sort of different from the Anime/Manga I knew and loved. With the addition of new faces and a few Mysteries, The Ninja world is about to get a lot more hectic. Also please read the Preliminary chapter as it has a statement from me that I would like people to read. Thx :P

RedBerry_Alchemist · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
11 Chs

Chapter 6

The party had been going on for a while now, and Dinner was a few minutes away.

Tsuyu had been talking with Ino, her mother and the rest of the females who were in attendance the entire time.

While I had been bouncing around, trying to be a social butterfly.

My first stop was Choji, His father and Inoichi, where we talked about two things mostly.

The first, was more of a conversation between Choji, Choza and me about food. I talked it my 'ideas' for new foods and how I would change these ideas to make new flavours. The three main ideas I pitched to them, were Pizza, French fires, and Hamburgers, which Choza had immediately suggeste that I come over in the near future to help make these foods a real thing.

I gladly accepted.

The next conversation involved Inoichi, but sort of excluded Choji, because as much as we were the same age, he wasn't ready for such talk.

I asked being Ninja was really like, specifically, I wanted to know what the darker sides of the work was like.

Both were surprised to hear such a Question from someone so young.

But They answered none the less.

They told of the darker side of Being a Shinobi.

Choza talked about the Heat of battle and about losing comrades on the battlefield.

Inoichi talked of the deceitful nature of Shinobi work, the spying, information gathering, and the more intellect based side of things, including the toll doing what shinobi do takes on a mind.

I listened intently, and even made some observations of my own based on my own 'thoughts'.

These 'thoughts' were mostly the ethical issues with killing for money and doing the type of work that Ninja often have to do.

After that conversation, which left a thoughtful look on Choza and Inoichi's faces, I moved on to talk with Shikaku and Shikamaru, who had been playing a few rounds of Shoji.

I had never seen a Shogi board in my first life, I had seen one in this world, but bothering to try and learn to play the game was a feat of intellect I could not support.

So I looked on with curiosity a is watched the two Nara play.

Shikaku would occasionally second guess his move, and go into deep thought, most likely trying to think of a way to get one up on his son for once.

Shikamaru never stopped.

He never second guessed.

He was a machine at this game, and even I who never played the game, knew he was a Shogi God and would never dare to presume otherwise.

'Shikamaru is smarter than any other person in this world, I can only imagine the frightful progress any sort of field of science would have if Shikamaru was a passionate practitioner. I bet even Orochimaru would probably give up a arm and a leg to have his level of intellect' as I was thinking this, Shikaku sighed in defeat as Shikamaru played his last move and gave a smug smile to his father.

"So Naruto, do you want to play?" Asked Shikamaru.

"I wouldn't dare challenge you at a game of strategy, maybe a test of strength or physical talent, but not a game of strategy" I said with a weak smile.

"Hmmm, troublesome" Shikamaru said with a bored sigh.

With a chuckle, I started to ask about Shikaku and his work, which was interesting enough.

He was the Jonnin commander and was in charge of keeping mission turnover above a certain threshold, and making sure that there were enough Ninja in the village at any one time.

At that point, I asked Shikaku about what he thinks it's means to be a Shinobi.

His answer was a stock standard 'Will of Fire' type of answer, but with the way he worked it, I could see that there was a little bit more to his answer than meets the eye.

At that point Dinner had been served and everybody went to dig in.




The food was absolutely amazing.

And by the end of the night, When Tsuyu and I had returned to the Orphanage, we were tired.

Bellies stuffed to the brim with good food, and heads stuffed with memories of good company.

We slept good that night.


. [2 Weeks Later]


[Hiruzen POV]

I sat at my desk, a long tired sigh escaping my lips as I signed the last of the papers that were to be signed for today.

Then suddenly

*Knock Knock Knock*

"Enter" I caleld.

The door opened and a familiar young man walked through.

He was tall, wearing the traditional ANBU uniform and wearing a dog styled Mask with a set of Spiky white hair.

"Lord Third, I apologise for my lateness, I came as soon as I got back from my mission"

"Inu... It is fine, I was actually worried that this would need to be the first thing in the morning, I wanted you to start as soon as possible on your newest 'assignment' " I said.

"What is it that I shall be doing, Lord Third?"

"First, You may take off your mask" I said, giving him permission to take off the Mask hiding his face.

What it revealed, was a handsome young man, who's face was half covered by a black face mask, and a Scar on his right eye,

"You are aware of young Tsuyu and Naruto's age, Kakashi?" I asked.

The young Inu froze and his good eye widened, his chakra developing a slight edge of fear and seizing up slightly "yes, Lord Third... they should be nearly five years old" he said, shakenly.

"Correct... And they've been asking to start training. They are eager to become Shinobi, I tried to make them wait, but they were insistent. So I said I would find them a Teacher" At my words, Kakashi froze even more, His chakra flaring in fear, painted with anxiety and Shame.

"L-lord Third..." He tried to say something, but his anxiety failed to allow him.

"Kakashi, I ask you this both as a Friend, will you be their teacher?"

Kakashi was looked down, averting his gaze form my eyes.

Although I could see a slight glimmer of tears in his good eye as he was deep in thought.

"..." he said something, but it was barely audible, not even a whisper.

"Speak up" I ordered firmly.

"I can't!" He said, "I cant Do it, I... Lord Third, please Find someone else to train them"

I was silent for a second, as I looked onwards at the shaking mess that was Kakashi Hatake.

A once proud shinobi was shaking and tears welling up in his eyes.

His past was haunting him and it would not allow him to face them, I understood this, I myself had been hesitant at first to meet with the children, to be in their lives.

But meeting them, Seeing their intelligence and Maturity, it had made me think of why I had ever second guessed myself. The children were so much like Minato and Kushina, the same people who had practically been a Mother and Father figure to Kakashi after the death of his Father.

I knew that seeing them would stir old emotions, and bring his worst fears up on the stage.

But I knew it was what young Kakashi needed, to find purpose in his life and closure on the past.

"State your reason" I said.

He looked up confused, "reason?"

"Yes, state your reason, and I shall allow you to reject my request. But fail to make a good enough reason, and then I shall make this an Order"

Kakashi froze and didn't say anything, he stood there silently, as if contemplating a lot of things.

"Kakashi Hatake, As Hokage of Konoha, I order you to train the child to the best of your abilities. You will train them in Taijutsu and the basic skills of the Shinobi from Wednesday to Saturday, along with basic Calligraphy on Sunday for a short period of time. Do you understand the schedule?"

"...Yes Lord Third" he said quietly.

"Then get some rest, I will be pulling you off any major missions for the time being, and you will not be leaving the Village unless you are required to... You are excused, But be here Wednesday morning to be introduced to the children" I said, and the Young white haired Hatake flickered away as fast as he could.


.[The next Wednesday]



I woke up with Tsuyu hogging all the blankets once again, Something that had become a sort of nightly ritual for the young blond.

I sat up and looked out the window, seeing the sun stream in and hit my face.

I stood up, walking over to the window to close the curtains.

Once I did, I walked over to the desk where we kept the scroll from Hiruzen.

It had been months since we had gotten them, And every word had been read on the first two, while the third, the one on Fuinjutsu, had been skimmed over a few times.

I will admit that I had been slacking on Fuinjutsu, I had meant to start at the start of the Winter, but I had been slacking off so I could roam the village in search of Hinata.

The Encounter was one I had been prioritizing, even to the point where Tsuyu had noticed my recent increase in my time away.

Hearing Tsuyu stir from her slumber, I smiled as I turned to my sister.

"Good morning sleepy head" I said in English.

"Hmmmm" She groaned as she slipped out of bed and walked towards the wardrobe.

"Too early for English?" I asked with a smug look on my face, to which she returned with a glare that pierced my heart and made me shiver in fear.

As we got ready for the day, today being a day of nothing but training, We exited the orphanage, only for someone to stop us.

That somebody was an ANBU.

"The Hokage requests both your presence" he said, before flickering away leaving me with a confused Tsuyu.

"Don't worry, he probably just wants to check up on us" I said, reassuring her as we made our way towards the Hokage Office.