
Naruto: Excitatus Didymus

A second chance is more than I could of asked for. Especially when the world is of my favourite anime, I’m the protagonist of said world, and The person who was being rebound was me. I wasn't a good man, nor was I an Evil person I had done stuff that I wasn't proud of, things that will haunt me till The day when I truly die. But I think that the experience will be more valuable now in this world than it ever was in my first life. There is only one problem. This world is sort of different from the Anime/Manga I knew and loved. With the addition of new faces and a few Mysteries, The Ninja world is about to get a lot more hectic. Also please read the Preliminary chapter as it has a statement from me that I would like people to read. Thx :P

RedBerry_Alchemist · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
11 Chs

Chapter 5

[Hiruzen POV]

I looked up from my paper work, and saw a man who had made my life easier than ever with his amazing mind and Intellect.

Shikaku Nara.

"Shikaku, Is there something I can do for you?" I asked the young spiky haired Nara.

"I have a private matter I wanted to discus with you, if that would be alright Lord Fifth"

I nodded and gave a small hand gesture to the observing Anbu Guards, who all left and would come back in a few minutes, "I have given us a few minutes to talk alone... what troubles you Shikaku?" I asked.

"*sigh*, Its about something that happened the other day... It involves the Uzumaki boy" He said.

I felt Shikaku flinch as my chakra flailed, "What has happened?" I asked, my voice stern and leaving no room for argument.

"A few days ago the Boy was out at the park, and he made an interaction with My son, Ino Yakamada, and Choji Akimichi" Shikaku answered.

"I don't follow. What's the problem?" I asked hesitantly.

"The problem is what the boy said. My son was concerned when he learned of the boy both being an Orphan, and the Villagers hating him. He asked me why would the villagers would hate a child and eustasies him and his Sister" Shikaku explained.

"What did you tell him?" Worried about what could have been said.

"Nothing, I told him that the problem is a complicated matter that I'm not too sure either, which surprised him" I hummed in thought at his words. "Lord Third... I want to propose that I be able to raise the Two"

I paused for a second at his words, thinking over the consequences of such an action.

'It would provide them with a home, But the others Clan heads would protest, If the Nara got to raise them, then the Uchiha clan heads wife, who had been a close friend of Kushina, would surly ask questions about why I denied her request... And then their is the Council, who would certainly just lobby to have the children out under Danzo's wing...'

As my mind spiralled slightly, I pulled out before it was too late, and sighed.

"*sigh* Shikaku, You know that I cant do that" I said, feeling tired and hollow.

"But Lord fifth, You want to give the children a normal life, Would it not be more normal if they had me and my wife to take care of them? Would they not benefit more from having a Family?" The Nara protested.

"Shikaku... You must consider the bigger picture, if you, the Nara clan head, The Jonin commander of the Village, were to adopt two random Children into your Clan, it would raise suspicion from those not in the know of their condition, and for those who do know, It would seem unfair that the Nara be given such Influence"

Shikaku was silent for a moment, "My wife invited them over for dinner and it was just yesterday that my Son met up with the two along with Ino and Choji. If I cant help them directly, than I wish to know is there anything I can do?'

"... The issue is closed for now Shikaku, But trust me that the children will be ok"

"*sigh*... Ok, I give my trust to you, Lord Fifth..." He said as he turned to walk away, "but one last thing" Shikaku said, before turning back to me.

"Yes?" I asked.

"Will you ever tell the children of their 'Condition'?" Shikaku asked.

"You are aware that their God parent is Jiraiya of the Sannin, Spy master of the Konoha. He wishes to be here when I tell them"

Shikaku nodded in understanding "And as the Spy Master his duties keep him away... *Sigh* Troublesome" Shikaku rubbed the bridge of his nose in anouance.

I nodded, "Indeed. Now, go and get some rest, You look half dead on your feet"

Shikaku nodded and left.

Leaving me with a feeling that the rest of today, was going to be a very stressful day.

But before I returned to the small pile of paper work, I removed the framed picture of Minato and Kushina from the draw I kept it in, and looked down at it.

'I will not let your legacy be undone Minato. I will protect the children, and do my best till the bitter end...'





Tomorrow was Sunday, the day of the dinner party.

Tsuyu and I were currently practicing our Taijutsu against each other.

It was a rare occasion, where we would test our progress against each other, and it almost always ended in her kicking my ass.

And it was because of this rare bout of Taijutsu, that I had an idea about where the Foxes halves were located.

Not a concrete fact, but more of a vague idea.

Tsuyu grew physically stronger than me quicker, and I attributed this to her possessing the more physical energy (Yang) aligned Half of the Fox. And from what I could tell from what I had her do yesterday, which was basic chakra sense training, my Chakra based skills grew faster than hers, and I attributed that to the spiritual energy (Ying) aligned side of the fox.

But moving past that, Tsuyu was kicking my ass slightly slower than usual, she wasn't as focused and her movements were sloppy.

And it was when she moved to deliver a few punches to my stomach, that I pivoted on my foot and dodged to the left, I used that opening to try and restrain her.

And it was successful, I had one hand of hers pressed against her back, and the other was in my grasp.

"What's wrong with you?" I asked.

Tsuyu seemed caught off guard by this, and when she stopped struggling and sighed, I knew that this must of been something that was, too her, very bad.

And that notion was proved right, as she told me what was on her mind.

"What if I say something that embarrasses us tomorrow? What if I do so thing to make then angry at us?" she said as she wormed her way out of my grasp and sat up next to me.

She was worried about the dinner party, and if her actions would turn them against us.

"What if They just end up hating us like everybody else? What if-" "Tsuyu Uzumaki, do you trust me?" I asked, interrupting her.

She looked at me, confused about my question.

"Yeah, why?" she answered.

"Because trust me when I say that they aren't like the other people in the village. They don't hate Me, they don't hate you, and won't care if you say something 'wrong'" I said, "besides, if they do, I'll just have to beat them up" I said with a goofy smile.

Tsuyu chuckled at my words, and hugged me, "I love you" She whispered quietly.

"I love you too. Now, Let's go home, it's about time for lunch" I said as I returned the hug.

After the hug ended, Tsuyu whipped her tears away and we started to make our way back to the orphanage.


. [The Next Day]


The Nara clan compound was set near the western edge of the Village, A large forest located within their grounds. It is a unique forest within the Land of Fire, where many deer reside, as the clan looks after them and often times use their antlers in medicines, one such being the remedy to the Akimichi clan's Three Coloured Pills.

As me and Tsuyu walked up to the Gate of the compound, Dressed in our most formal looking clothes, Two guards stepped forward.

"Names and reason for entry?" the female Nara on the left Asked.

"Naruto and Tsuyu Uzumaki, We were invited by Yoshino Nara to dinner"

The female Nara looked down at a list, most likely of people who were given permission to enter.

After some searching, she nodded and looked down at us, "You may enter"

They moved to the side and gave some kind of whistle, which seemed to be the signal to open the large gates to the Nara Clan compound.

"I shall show you the way" the Nara female said as she guided us through the Clan Compound.

The Nara Clan compound was filled with Houses large and small, and it seemed that Shikamaru's house, was the largest of them all.

A large traditional looking Mansion stood in a large clearing surrounded by trees.

Standing on the front deck, waiting for us, Was Shikamaru, Ino and Choji.

Each wore a similar style of formal clothes as too us. Ino in a Yukata similar to the one Tsuyu wore, only purple, while Tsuyu's was a bright shade of yellow and Orange. While the Boys and I wore only slightly more enhanced versions of what we usually wore.

"glad to see you made it" Shikamaru said with a wry grin on his face.

"Wouldn't have missed it for anything" I said with a smile as we walked up the stairs and follwoed behind Shikamaru towards where everybody was gathered.

Sorry for the short chapter, I wanted to get to the next chapter as quickly as possible, so I can get to my planned introduction of Kakashi, which like most of the plot of this story, Is borrorwed from Incivtus.

After a few chapters of setting a growth pace, I can then Quickly do a few skips and speed ups to the Academy, and then speed through that in a couple of chapters.

Also as a notice, the first volume ends as they graduate the Academy, and it shall be called {Beginnings} sicne I'm terrible when it comes to naming things.

Thx for reading.

Have a great night/Day.

And consider leaving a nice comment to keep me motovated.


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