
Naruto:Eternal Mangekyu Sharingan At The Age Of Eight

Synopsis Transmigrated in naruto , facing the threat of Itachi exterminating the clan, Ryu got the Check-in system in time! Ding~system is activated! [ clan Extermination night Check-in success! ][Receive reward, Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan! What? Can I get a reward every time I Check-in in a different place? ! So cool! Hashirama Sage body, Rinnegan, Sage Mode, Kekkei Genkai... , Kekkei Tota..., Kekkei Mora... ========================================= Thiss is MTL ,Not Mine I liked it so I'm uploading it here

Uzumaki_Kushina_21 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
64 Chs

Chapter 32

Just when several Missing-nin were about to leave, Ryumei's teasing voice came from the black smoke.

"Oh? Let's have a decent battle, but the one who loses will die."

[ 58. In Chapter 58, have you ever been kicked by the speed of light?]

Several Missing-nin pupils shrank while looking towards the hotel.

As the black smoke gradually dissipated, I saw a hotel that should have been completely destroyed by Fire Dragon Bullet. There was a place that was strangely safe, without any traces of burning at all.

And Ryumei is standing there, with Sasuke and Hinata behind him.

"Is it blocked?" Bashan thought to himself.

Although he is a little curious about how Ryumei did it, he still didn't regard the children in front of him as opponent.

He flipped his hand and pulled out a kunai from his cuff, and questioned: "Good luck, little demon, who among you killed my four subordinates, get out of me."

Ryumei smiled slightly, with a thumbs up pointing to himself.

"I won't let you go, but the person who killed your subordinates is under him. I don't know how you can enlighten me."

Bashanxin was angry with Ryumei's arrogant attitude. It's not light, he made husky sneeered waves.

"No enlightenment, I just want to take away your sharp-tongued little demon head. Look at your eyes as if they belong to Uchiha Clan. It just so happens that I also accepted your eyes."

Ryumei laughed heartily: "It's such a coincidence, I also want to take your heads away. I think your bounty on the black market is very good. Adding up a few people seems to be enough to have seven. It's 80 million taels, I just lack the money, so I'm worried about where I can find you."

As soon as this word came out, Zabuza and the others suddenly became angry and shouted one after another.

"What bullshit things are you little demon talking about."

"You dare to say that you want to bounty our heads. When Laozi killed people, you were still drinking milk. ."

"Arrogant boy, I want to use my Puppet to tear you in half."

The heart of the eight mountains was heard again and again, looking Ryumei's eyes seemed to be in Treat a dead person.

"The ignorant little demon, you must have never seen a real expert."

"Today I will let you see, I bounty on the black market 18 What does a million represent!"

finished-speaking, the chakra in the heart of Bashan broke out.

The word "Yin" was printed on his palm again, and dozens of flame ghost heads once again appeared out of thin air, as if they were ready to rush towards Ryumei at any time.

Ryumei both hands crossed near chest, sneered: "Being bounty just proves your weakness, because someone can kill you, so you will be bounty, if you are strong enough, don't Do people dare to bounty you?"

The scene fell into dead silence.

The heart of Bashan was choked, and for a while, he couldn't think of any rebuttal.

Zabuza and the others Veins violently rise on their foreheads, and if they are provoked face-to-face, if they don't fight back, then who else is afraid of them?

Yuhou, Jiaoyang!

That is, Tan Yong Dingzhang, whose surname is Qianjiang Junsi Street, Huaiyuan, Songdang Dang, and Mukang Street, which is ū set hairpin and jealous eyes.

There are many organs, all weapons are coated with poison, and if they touch a little bit, they will die.

"This little demon also makes me quite angry. Let's use strength to make him recognize reality." Keigo Honkawa lightly saying from Hidden Stone Village.

Then, his palm quickly formed a few marks, and the right hand, as a flesh and blood body, quickly changed into a rock.

Earth-Style ・Stone Fist Jutsu

As for Zabuza, hold on to Kubikiribocho and be ready to wait for Ryumei to reveal a weak spot when one hit kill.

These Missing-nins each have a swing, and the Ninjutsu and the field they are good at also have nothing common with each other, but the only thing that is certain is that they are all ninjas who can be unique.

"How about it, we are all taking action, don't you plan to show your eyes?" Bashan looked triumphantly, showing a provocative look at Ryumei.

Ryumei smiled slightly, Mangekyo in his left eye began to spin quickly.

"Speed ​​​​is quality, have you ever been kicked by the speed of light?"

Yashan was stunned for a moment, obviously he didn't understand the meaning of Ryumei's words.

But in the next second, Ryumei's figure appeared in front of Bashanxin like lightning.


There was a rapid sonic boom, and Bashan's eyes went dark. When Ryumei hadn't reacted to Ryumei's appearance in his mind, Ryumei kicked his chest.


An indescriptable pain spread from the chest to the whole body.

bang! bang!

Yashan Xin flew out like a cannonball, ramming into two shops one after another without stopping.

I didn't stop until I hit a telephone pole two blocks away.

At this moment, Bashanxin was covered with dust and blood. He slumped to the ground, and the impact along the way caused strong pain everywhere in his body.

But these feelings, compared with the pain on his chest, are simply one hair from nine oxen.

He looked down hard at his chest, suddenly frightened.

I saw that the inside of his chest was dented vigorously, torn skin and gaping flesh, and even the white ribs, which were obviously broken off.

A lot of blood is constantly seeping out from the chest.

The other Missing-nin's eyes widened, and after being horrified, they raised their alertness to Ryumei to the highest point in history.

"Be careful! This little demon is not that simple--" Keigo Honkawa shouted.

But before the words were finished, suddenly vision blurred, and then, Ryumei's voice came in his ears.

"Before reminding others, you still have to take care of yourself first."

Ryumei lifted his foot and moved towards Keigo Honkawa kicking across the face, fiercely The strong wind made Keigo Honkawa's face hurt.


Before Keigo Motokawa even had time to scream, he was kicked in the head by Ryumei at a faster speed and flew out.

Keigo Honkawa's entire neck was twisted at ninety degrees, and countless teeth mixed with blood splashed out. Keigo Honkawa headed forward and rammed into a nearby grocery store.

As one of the most important parts of the human body, Keigo Honkawa suffered heavy injury to his brain and died on the spot.

On the side is ū Taoya Xing┍ Porno churns the screen servants, Mu Xie die, Ken Lu Miyue, dry pasture, reef glucoside, and xie Qian

"monster" , You monster, give me go to hell!!"

The tops of these hidden weapons all contain highly poisonous, and from a distance, you can smell the stench on the weapons.

shua~ shua~ shua~.

Ryumei does not dodge or evade, all hidden weapons stopped in front of him, blocked by invisible space.

After flying to the limit distance, they all fell on the ground.

That is, ū Tanghama strange stretched soles ⑾ swollen about Hanmo lanterns waving apricots Miji Huimotao lie ≡ Youyou

"What a joke, I don't want it To die in this kind of place, this little demon is simply a monster." That is to ask for banyouyou, chaos, betrayal, Taomiao, instigate, slap, palm, and midge


[59.Chapter 59 Silent Murder Technique]

Although the smoke obscured Ryumei's vision, Ryumei still didn't panic, so he slowly raised his finger.

The huge chakra suddenly gathered in the hand, and a small red ball gradually formed on the finger.

Infinite jade!

As Ryumei threw the infinite jade toward the front, a huge energy shock wave directly enveloped the street.


Large tracts of ground were lifted off, and countless houses were impacted by the aftermath of infinite jade.

Those who want to run away are sighing the sigh of the wild kan Fei hopes to refute the na kan school is sighing the value of the sacred mansion

He regrets it very much, Why did you come to Dongjing to pick up the bounty mission to protect Daimyo!!

It's a pity that he regretted it too late.

In the wave of energy, that is, ū phlegm, nipples, ring, sanggou, purple vomits, swelling and thin

The aftermath of the infinite jade slowly disappeared, and appeared on the ground A gap of tens of meters long.

Before, the heart of Bashan and the others were slaughters here, causing the people on this street to scatter, so Ryumei just caused some house damage.

Sasuke and the others couldn't close their surprised mouths. They looked like Ryumei like a War God. They only felt that the back of the person in front of them suddenly became extremely tall.

The "War God" suddenly slapped his head, and said with great regret: "damned, patronize to be handsome, and forgot to leave a whole body for him, now what shall I take to receive the bounty? "

OK, the image collapsed again, and the tall figure instantly restored to its original shape.

"Then, you are left, what do you plan to do, Zabuza." Ryumei smiled and turned his head and looked towards Zabuza, who was left alone.

Zabuza next to him broke out in a cold sweat. Facing Ryumei who had killed three people in a row, he felt the emotion of fear for the first time.

However, Zabuza is not very human, and his strength is the highest among these few people.

As a man who once assassinated Mizukage, he was of course impossible because he was afraid he didn't dare to swing a knife.

Moreover, he is not alone.


A ninja wearing a special Anbu mask and an azure top came to Zabuza.

He is Bai, Zabuza's companion and owns Ice-Style Kekkei Genkai.

"Mr. Zabuza, the enemy is too strong, let's withdraw first." Bai said with a few thousand needles in his hand, with a very serious tone.

"No, Bai, buy time for me, I'm sure I can beat him." Zabuza responded coldly, and then inserted Kubikiribocho into the ground to begin the hand seal.

White opened his mouth, he wanted to say nothing, but he still chose to obey Zabuza's orders.

One sheet of both of his hands, and countless thousands of needles flew out from the cuff to attack Ryumei.

At this time, Bai is still young and has not mastered his Ice-Style proficiently. Of course, this kind of ordinary attack can't deal with Ryumei.

Ryumei directly launched Infinity, easily escaped the Qianben Needle and came to Bai's eyes, punch towards Bai's belly.


Bai was vomited out and curled up on the ground.

This is because Ryumei intends to keep his hand, otherwise Bai would have died with this blow.

"To deal with Sharingan, you should still cover his field of view first." Zabuza ignored the injured white, one-handed hand seals, and pointed towards the sky.

Ninjutsu ・Hidden Mist technique

Ryumei frowned, thick fog began to appear quickly in the surrounding air, and the fog became thicker and thicker.

Soon Zabuza's body was hidden in the fog.

Although the Hidden Mist technique will obstruct the sight of everyone including Zabuza, Zabuza can determine the position of the opponent only by sound, so the fog has little effect on him.

Zabuza's ears moved slightly, and after determining Ryumei's position, he showed a hunting smile.

He concentrated the chakra on the whole body, bursting out a deep chakra air current like Ghost God.

This is Zabuza's fame stunt.

Silent Killing Technique

It can hide in the fog and carry out high speed movement attacks on enemies in a wide range, and finally show up to perform the ultimate Kubikiribocho slash on the enemy.

Zabuza moved. He was so fast that he rushed to the front in the blink of an eye.

"Little demons, caught you!" Zabuza said with a malicious smile