
Naruto: Escape From Konoha

This a Naruto AU. Everything has to be studied to understand its meaning, Chiba Shiraishi realized that when he had transmigrated to a new world he has no knowledge of, he only knew he was in the village of Konoha. Shiraishi couldn’t sleep, so he took out the book he had picked up “The Will of Fire” and read it carefully in the middle of the night, only to see the words in cracks. The whole book was written with two words – Pyramid Scheme. Shiraishi felt hesitant and fearful for a iwhile, and he decided that sooner or later, he must escape from this brainwashing organization called Konoha. Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or this fic.

Chizihn · Anime e quadrinhos
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241 Chs

116: Priestess

The Land Of Whirlpools.

The howling wind and swirling sand filled the ears of those present. Before their eyes lay a dilapidated ruin, a stark reminder of what once stood here.

As Bug Man and the others passed by, a wall suddenly collapsed, sending a plume of dust into the air which caused everyone to cough.

"Cough... the damage here is quite severe, isn't it?" one of them remarked.

This was the site of a once-thriving town. Judging by the scale of the buildings, one could easily imagine its former glory. However, the ravages of war had reduced this place to a mere dust of history.

The fate of the Uzumaki clan had met its tragic end here. 

Their unique sealing jutsu had led to their brutal massacre, with various nations exploiting their knowledge. Even those Uzumaki who survived had to live in secrecy, their identities concealed, like mice scurrying in the shadows.

"Elder, are you certain we'll find anything here?" inquired one of Bug Man's companions.

Walking among the group of five was an elderly man with long, silver hair, now in his seventies but still remarkably fit.

This elder was Uzumaki Shu, the oldest and most senior surviving member of the Uzumaki clan. His once-long, flowing hair had grayed with age.

"Our clan has preserved many ancient books, some of which contain legends about something known as 'Sage Art' and 'Sages,'" replied Uzumaki Shu.

"Not historical records or something?" asked Bug Man, sounding skeptical.

In response to the Bug Man's doubt, the elder who safeguarded the clan's legacy explained 

"Events from the ancient era are shrouded in the mists of time, and many may not be entirely accurate. Some even border on the realm of myth and exaggeration. In fact, within the Uzumaki clan, many regarded these tales as fairytales rather than historical truths."

It was evident that even he harbored doubts about the existence of immortal sages.

While evidence of the existence of sage arts could be found, stories involving immortals and demons were often laden with artistic components and spread as tales in this era.

"Will these books be of use to our leader?" 

Bug Man asked, his heart racing.

Shiraishi had instructed them to search for ancient history and legends, and while they weren't sure of the purpose, they assumed he had a plan.

"I can't be entirely certain, but if we're talking about sages... the most renowned is the Sage of the Six Paths, who passed down the Ninja arts. When i was young, I read some myths about the Sage of the Six Paths. Among them, there's a legendary tale of him battling a world-devouring monster to save the world," Shu recounted.

Bug Man and his companions blinked in astonishment, as though they were listening to a fairytale.

While they had heard numerous stories and legends in a similar vein, the protagonist was rarely the Sage of the Six Paths; rather, it had a variety of heroes.

In the picture storybooks popular among children, they could easily find over a hundred such tales of world-saving heroes.

"However, what we're looking for may not necessarily pertain to the Sage of the Six Paths but to... Sages like toads, snakes, and slugs," 

Bug Man elaborated, sketching the outlines of these creatures with his hands.

"The Three Holy Lands?"


"That could be troublesome because the Uzumaki clan primarily documented human history, with scarce records concerning the history of summoned beasts. Nevertheless, some of our clan members once formed contracts with the Three Holy Lands. With some luck, we might finf something of value," Uzumaki Shu explained.

Even he couldn't guarantee they would find what they were looking for.

"That's our cue, then. Please lead the way," requested Bug Man.

The five of them followed the elder.

Although the Uzumaki clan had been wiped out, many remnants of their existence remained. There were scrolls containing their sealing jutsus and vast quantities of research materials. It was inconceivable that everything had been lost, and the clan would surely have archived these invaluable scrolls.

"It's here, just here," Shu said as they arrived at their destination.

The surrounding walls were dilapidated, and the stone slabs were covered in moss, making them slippery to the touch.

The five men used natural energy to enhance their physical strength, removing the piled stone slabs one by one. It took them half an hour to finish the task, leaving them panting for breath.

The exposed stone slab appeared ordinary, bearing some wear around its edges.

Bug Man and his companions couldn't discern anything noteworthy. It wasn't until the elder formed a seal and activated it using a seal formula that they saw a light appear from the stone slab. Numerous seals emerged, floating into the air, revealing an underground passage.

"The upper part was originally our clan's intelligence department, and the lower part is where the compiled information and documents are stored."

Shu explained as he took the lead going down.

The five men descended the stairs following the elder.

Due to damage to the power supply facilities, the underground was pitch black.

One of the men produced a flashlight, providing them with some light as they proceeded downward.

When they got to the underground chamber, they found it relatively spacious, albeit slightly tilted. There were no visible cracks, as the Uzumaki clan had placed shock-absorbing seal barriers to safeguard the area and deter detection.

In times of crisis, the Uzumaki family could seek refuge here, and they had stored provisions of water and food.

The collection of books within was staggering. While half were outdated intelligence reports, recorded only after the First Ninja World War, the rest comprised a trove of invaluable documents.

"Books on legends are quite scarce... Let's pack them all for now," Bug Man said. 

They couldn't be certain which books Shiraishi required, so they began boxing them up.

They found empty crates, filled them with the books, and prepared to transport them.

Their transport team waited nearby, and they aimed to complete the task before nightfall.


The Land of Demons.

Yesterday, they arrived here via a long sea route, skirting most of the Land Of Wind's territory.

The cultural atmosphere in the Land of Demon starkly contrasts with that of the five major nations. The Priestess, as the ruler, seems to imbue an air of mysticism into this nation.

When he arrived here, Shiraishi opted not to visit the Priestess right away. Instead, he remained at the organization's headquarters, busying himself with the resettlement of the Uchiha and Hyuga clan members.

The arrangements for them aren't too challenging; as long as their presence remains concealed at this stage, there shouldn't be significant issues.

However, the main concern arises from the recent influx of recruits into the organization and the also the transfer of so many individuals. Consequently, the headquarters appears more crowded than before.

While Shiraishi was in thought, Ruri walked in from the outside.

"What's the situation with the arrangements?" he inquired.

"They're mostly sorted out, but I noticed that the space here is a bit tight," 

Ruri explained the problem.

"I've been thinking about the same thing," Shiraishi responded, producing a layout of the Land of Demons' capital city. 

The residential, commercial, and military-controlled zones were distinctly demarcated.

Ruri looked at the floor plan with keen interest. This management style differed entirely from that of Konoha.

In Konoha, ninja and civilian living spaces were intertwined, with both coexisting in apartment buildings. On certain occasions, this arrangement could become disorganized and complicated, hindering deployment and undermining unified planning.

When Shiraishi initially established his organization's headquarters in the Land of Demon, it was deliberately segregated from residential and commercial areas. It was clear at a glance, and orders could be issued faster and more effectively.

To some extent, Shiraishi's organization served as a manifestation of the Land of Demon' military power. Additionally, he often aided the capital's officials in maintaining public order within the city.

It was a semi-official organizational structure.

However, Shiraishi hadn't anticipated the ease with which the shrine maiden granted her approval. He was aware that Ruri's parents played a significant role in this.

Ruri recounted that her parents had engaged in trading under pseudonyms in the Land of Demon since her childhood, establishing the Purple Rose Merchant Association to represent the Land of Demon officially.

The Purple Rose Medical Company, later founded by Shiraishi, operated under the jurisdiction of this merchant association.

Considering this, the relationship between Ruri's parents and the maiden of the Land of Demons might be more complicated than it appeared on the surface.

This situation directly interfered with the official power structure of the Land of Demons.

"Next, I plan to expand the size of the organization's headquarters. Furthermore, it's time to give the organization a name. We can't remain in hiding all the time, and there can be benefits to surface exposure at the right moments."

Blindly hiding a lot can arouse suspicions and alertness. Contrary, revealing some aspects of their strength would lower people's guard.

Of course, certain sensitive matters within the organization couldn't be disclosed yet, such as details concerning the Uchiha, Hyuga, and Uzumaki clans.

"Approval from the shrine maiden is necessary for this," Ruri noted.

"I'll visit her later, and numerous follow-up plans will require her support as well," Shiraishi replied.

Ruri nodded in agreement.

"By the way, is there anything forbidden about this Priestess?" Shiraishi asked.

"Forbidden? I haven't heard of anything of the sort. I've only heard that she has the ability to foresee the future. Rumor has it she's never been wrong in predicting life and death."

"That ability sounds quite ominous," Shiraishi remarked. 

Predicting life and death... regardless, it sent shivers down one's spine.

"And she's never been wrong... honestly, that's quite unsettling."

"Oh, and before you visit the Priestess, stop by my mother's place. She has something to discuss with you."

"She wants to see me?" Shiraishi froze.

"Yes, but don't pay too much attention to what she says. She has an irritating personality and isn't particularly polite,"

Ruri warned as she recalled this.


Ruri's mother, Uchiha Miyoko.

To be honest, Shiraishi had only seen her a few times. She used to visit Ruri in Konoha sporadically, without any particular pattern.

Shiraishi's impression of her was one of wealth, well dressed, a distinctive demeanor, a certain lack of principles, and undeniable beauty.

In the grand mansion within the capital of the Land of Demon, Uchiha Miyoko wore an exquisite black kimono. Her hair was elegantly styled, her complexion fair, and she held a delicate paper fan. While her actual age was in her thirties, she appeared more like a woman in her twenties.

As Shiraishi arrived picking a tea cup, before he could speak she greeted him with a sly smile. 

"Have you slept with Ruri?"


Shiraishi choked on the tea he had just sipped, coughing violently. He had anticipated many things but never expected Miyoko to lead with such a question.

"Oh, is this shyness? It's cute, and it adds more fun to play with boys like that."

"Well, I'm not exactly shy..."

"Don't deny it; there's no shame in it. You see, when I was Ruri's age, Ruri was already two or three years old. But if I were to guess, I will bet that Ruri was the dominant one."

She seemed to be quite certain about this matter.

Shiraishi was left speechless, completely confused by this woman's brain circuit.

Seeing Shiraishi's dazed expression, Miyoko chuckled, finding some pleasure from the situation.

Just as Ruri had warned, this woman had quite an irritating personality.

"Please, let's not indulge in such banter. Is there a specific reason you wanted to speak with me? There are still many matters to deal with on my end."

Shiraishi shook his head, smiling wryly, promptly. Shifting the conversation away from this crude topic. Despite her lavish and noble appearance, her personality was far from refined.

"Don't worry; we agreed to your marriage. After all, Ruri made her own choice. If we attempted to oppose it, the girl would undoubtedly confront us with her fists."

Miyoko tapped her head with her paper fan, looking quite helpless 

Was that the only reason they didn't object? It seemed like such a casual decision. Shiraishi sighed inwardly.

"Alright, let's end that topic. Now, let's discuss the business at hand."

Hearing Miyoko say this, Shiraishi sat up straight, ready to pay close attention.

Miyoko retrieved a glass vial from her garments, containing a pair of scarlet eyes.

The intricate black patterns on the eyeballs were unlike anything Shiraishi had ever seen before.

"Is this a Sharingan?" Shiraishi asked, his tone uncertain.

"Technically, it's called the Mangekyou Sharingan, a more advanced form beyond the ordinary Sharingan," Miyoko explained casually, watching Shiraishi's reactions with an amused smile.


Mangekyou Sharingan?

A look of surprise appeared in Shiraishi's eyes..

"Isn't it incredible? These eyes are indeed real, but they're not as miraculous as you might imagine. Forbidden powers often come with huge risks," 

Miyoko said, pushing the glass vial closer to Shiraishi.

"What are these for?" Shiraishi asked, confused by Miyoko's intentions.

"These were given to me to pass on to you by someone who hopes they'll aid your research. I'll also send you information on these eyes separately."

Shiraishi probed further, "May I ask who these eyes belonged to?"

As far as he knew, no Uchiha clan members had awakened these eyes.

"I can't reveal any promises made to others. However, you can inquire elsewhere. If the Priestess doesn't mind, she might share something with you," 

Miyoko replied cryptically, a teasing smile in her eyes as she fanned herself.


"I can't say whether it's true or not. I merely heard a rumor that the previous Priestess of the Land of Demons conducted a 'purification' ceremony for the owner of these eyes. However, I only heard this from others, so don't take it too seriously."

After Miyoko finished speaking, she elegantly picked up her teacup and slowly savored the fragrant tea without saying another word.

It seemed unlikely to get any concrete answers

Shiraishi picked up the glass vial, staring intently at the pair of scarlet eyes inside. Despite not being an Uchiha ninja, he could sense the danger and mesmerizing power emanating from these eyes.

Shiraishi couldn't help but ponder the rich history that Ruri's parents had established in the Land of Demons when she was a child. 

They had built a solid foundation and influenced the Land of Demons' official decision-making, which wasn't something ordinary merchants could achieve.

Perhaps the relationship between the Priestess and the Uchiha clan in the Land of Demon was more complicated than Shiraishi had initially imagined.


The Priestesses of the Land of Demon have inherited exceedingly spiritual powers through generations.

First, there's the ability to seal demons.

The second is to predict the future and determine the fate of mortals.

The demon sealing aspect may be quite bizarre, but the power to foresee the future and know life and death is widely renowned not just in the Land of Demons but also in neighboring countries.

As long long as any noble or commoner in the Land of Demons were asked, and they wil confidently affirm that the maiden's' ability to predict the future is 100% accurate, with no recorded failures to date.

They are seen as holy, unknown figures, messengers of god by all the people of the Land of Demons.

In a land without a reigning daimyo, having a priestess as the leader is a significant outlier in the world of ninja.

Upon passing through the red torii gate and walking upthe mountain path, one would arrive at the shrine where the current Priestess of the Land of Demons resided.

This shrine stands on the outskirts not far from the Land of Demons' capital. From this vantage point, you can observe the entire capital city.

As the sky darkens, the setting sun bathes the western horizon in a rich red hue, creating a breathtaking twilight.

Guided by a maid, Shiraishi walked upthe mountain path's steps.

After crossing a long path of steps, they finally arrived at the location of the shrine.

Rows of red torii gates still lined the shrine's entrance, with birds perched upon them.

The structures erected here were massive, resembling palaces more than shrines.

Shiraishi didn't find this surprising at all. After all, this was the residence of the highest priestess in the Land of Demon. The grandeur was to be expected.

However, there seemed to be a lack of personnel here, with very few guards present.

Considering her status as a Priestess, there should have been more guards protecting her. Or perhaps, there was something else hidden here?

Shiraishi didn't dwell on this thought too much and followed the maiden dressed in shrine attire deeper into the palace. 

As they strolled along the palace's long corridor, the courtyard's trees and the twilight outside complemented each other, creating a tranquil atmosphere.

Could it be the influence of the priestess? Shiraishi pondered.

Such an unusual change in ambiance was undoubtedly due to some strange force.

Living here, one would naturally find peace and a sense of connection with nature.


Shadow Dancer's voice resonated in his ears. She also sensed that something was amiss.

"Don't worry; the other party doesn't harbor any malicious intent," Shiraishi reassured the Shadow Dancer. 

Although he couldn't pinpoint why he felt this way, his subconscious judgment led him to believe it.

Miko, the maiden of the Land of Demon, wasn't any danger to him.

Following the maid, they reached the main hall. Its doors were wide open, allowing fresh air to circulate.

The interior featured a smooth wooden floor, screens on either side, and intricately designed, sturdy pillars adorned with vibrant patterns.

Even this simple arrangement reflected Maitreya's considerable wealth.

Compared to this, iconic places like the Police Force and Hokage Building in Konoha appeared rather modest.

In the spacious seat at the forefront of the main hall, a young woman donned a lavish priestess robe as she knelt. Her bright and gentle eyes exuded an enigmatic aura, as if they possessed the power to peer into one's soul.

This was Miroku, the current priestess of the Land of Demons.

Once the maid left, a hush descended upon the hall.

The priestess appeared completely unguarded. It was evident that she had immense faith in her abilities.

As Shiraishi met the Priestess's gaze while she remained focused on him, an inexplicable feeling washed over him. It was as though he wasn't facing a mere human.


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