
Naruto: Enigma

In an unexpected twist of destiny, Alex Krieger, a decorated Special Forces soldier, finds himself in a realm beyond life and death after perishing during a mission. Faced with God and a cosmic game show of wheels, he is granted a second chance at life—with a few extraordinary perks. __________________ There is romance - no harem though. :) found cover image online. ask if you want to take it down.

fuchiku · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs

Im dumb

So I've noticed my stupidity in the recent chapters where he awakened six eyes but his wheel landed on limitless and I have some solutions for you guys to choose (I've got chapters for all of them):

a) limitless becomes useless as he does not have six eyes, therefore he will only have Garou's martial talent. ( I will edit previous chapters so he doesn't awaken six eyes).

b) I adapt limitless to the world so he can use the limitless techniques without six eyes, don't ask how just know the gift came from something above god so it works...

c) he awakens the six eyes as a dojutsu ( and can therefore use the limitless techniques) of his parents that left him at the orphanage. originally he was just put there by god but can change so parents left him there.

d) If you guys have better ideas I can write those instead if its good.


Sorry for being a little bit mentally incapacitated :)