
Naruto: Did i Just Get Reincarnated as Gojo?

In a World where power is everything, Gojo finds himself reincarnated into the Naruto universe, armed with a unique System known as the Konoha Prosperity System. With each investment he makes in the growth and prosperity of the Hidden Leaf Village, Gojo becomes stronger, how Strong and Influenceable will he become?

DragonnX · Anime e quadrinhos
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52 Chs

Chapter 36: Best Match! Mangekyo Sharingan!

10+ Advance Chapters: p@treon.com/Dragonnx

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[Gojo Kaigetsu has had an immeasurable impact on Itachi Uchiha. Prosperity +50]

[Gojo Kaigetsu has developed and implemented "Love-Based Education," impacting Konoha ninjas to a certain extent. Prosperity +50]

'This works too?'

Gojo Kaigetsu was surprised. His initial target was Itachi Uchiha.

He had essentially made a whole feast for a single dumpling, but unexpectedly, it impacted other ninjas as well.

The birth, recruitment, betrayal, or death of a Kage-level shinobi typically resulted in a prosperity fluctuation of around 300 points.

This meant he had essentially gained an extra 0.16 Kage-level powerhouse!

A pleasant surprise, a truly pleasant surprise!

Returning to the core objective, the plan focused on Itachi Uchiha.

Since the prosperity increase was positive, Itachi was finally being steered in the right direction… right?

"Hard to say."

Based on Gojo Kaigetsu's understanding of the system, prosperity was a rather mysterious concept.

For Itachi Uchiha at his current stage, a "50" point increase was reasonable. However, he needed to be wary of potential relapses in the future.

In the medical world, there were generally three stages: identifying the cause, initial diagnosis, and follow-up examination.

What lay ahead for Itachi Uchiha was the follow-up examination designed by Gojo Kaigetsu.

"Everything You Need to Know About Three Years at the Ninja Academy…"

Uchiha Mikoto was a mature kunoichi who had weathered countless storms.

Even so, she was taken aback by this unprecedented "Love-Based Education."

Hmm… the scent was unmistakable.

It was Kaigetsu's doing.

For a mature kunoichi accustomed to life and death, such a speech wasn't exactly overflowing with sincerity, but it was certainly imaginative…

Glancing sideways, Mikoto noticed her son, his eyes filled with tears and a dazed expression.


Her son's tears brought a wave of emotions over her.

How long had it been since she'd seen Itachi react this way to anyone?

Ever since he went to the battlefield, Itachi seemed to have completely closed himself off… Even his parents couldn't understand his thoughts.

Meanwhile, the surrounding parents began to rise from their seats, rushing towards the book purchasing area.

The commotion snapped Itachi out of his melancholy. He wiped his tears, regaining his usual mature demeanor.

"Let's go home, Mother."

"Let's wait a bit longer, until the crowd disperses. Then we'll buy the book." Mikoto offered a gentle smile.

"… Buy the book?"

Itachi shook his head. "It's unnecessary. I…"

"It's not for you, Itachi."

Mikoto interrupted him, her eyes sparkling with a sharp and confident gleam.

"This entire event was orchestrated by Kaigetsu-kun. Knowing him…"

"We can ignore Head Teacher Iruka's speech, but the book he mentioned, 'Three Years at the Ninja Academy,' must hold a deeper meaning."

"Heartwarming stories, perhaps…"

Finally, it was Mikoto's turn.

Unlike the other parents who were buying bundles of books to share with their clan's children, Mikoto rationally purchased only one copy.

"Three Years at the Ninja Academy," published by Editor-in-Chief Yamashita.

'An unfamiliar name I've never heard before.'

Mikoto excitedly opened the book, her eyes immediately falling upon the title: "Not Stealing Soldier Pills Out of Hunger."

"As expected… Kaigetsu-kun."

Mikoto gently traced her fingers over the crisp letters on the page.

"What's wrong, Mother?" Itachi asked curiously.

"After this event, this 'Three Years at the Ninja Academy' will spread. It will circulate among the clans and the commoners."

"Mikoto, you're back."

Fugaku Uchiha, dressed in formal clan attire, knelt before a low table, his face grim.

It was time for the monthly clan meeting.

Every month, this day brought Fugaku the greatest headache. He had to constantly balance the opinions of the hawks and the doves, preventing either side from dominating the conversation.

He couldn't help but feel anxious. Why hadn't Gojo acted yet?

Amidst his worries, Mikoto brought news as refreshing as dew:

"… The article, it's been published."

"Finally! Where is it? Let me see."

Fugaku couldn't contain his excitement. He eagerly took "Three Years at the Ninja Academy" from Mikoto, his eyes immediately landing on the "Soldier Pills" article he had been longing for.

"This… where did you get this?"

"From the parent-teacher meeting at the Academy." Mikoto understood the pressure her husband was under and quickly explained, "It was quite a lively event. Almost every clan purchased a copy."

"They also have it on the shelves at bookstores near the Academy."

"If all goes well, the Uchiha's story will quietly spread throughout Konoha."

As Mikoto spoke, Fugaku, the man bearing the weight of the entire clan, felt his eyes welling up.

Gratitude for Gojo Kaigetsu, hope for the Uchiha's future… A surge of emotions coursed through him, stimulating his eyes.

In the privacy of their bedroom, Fugaku's Sharingan rapidly transformed.

One tomoe → Two tomoe → Three tomoe

"Aaargh!" Fugaku clutched his eyes. "Chakra, my chakra!"

A powerful and sinister chakra surged forth alongside the transformation of his eyes-

Mangekyo Sharingan!

"My dear…" Mikoto gasped, her eyes wide with shock.

It was the legendary Mangekyo Sharingan!

The three tomoe rapidly spun and connected, ultimately forming a shuriken-like pattern.

Even in the long history of the Uchiha clan, the Mangekyo Sharingan was an incredibly rare occurrence!

Fugaku's chest heaved. Already an elite Jonin, his power had reached a new level.

Kage-level, achieved!

As the overflowing chakra subsided, Fugaku gradually reined in his power.

After a while, he finally spoke:

"I, Fugaku, owe my current state to Gojo Kaigetsu's kindness… Gojo, my true friend!"

He raised his hand, touching his right eye.

"I will end the cold war between clan and village. I will protect what I want to protect, with Gojo's support and these eyes!"

Mikoto was in tears.

Since the conflict between clan and village had intensified, how long had it been since she had heard such a confident declaration of victory from Fugaku?

A declaration of victory following his awakening!

The once ambitious Uchiha Clan Head was back!

He was back, everything was back!

At that moment, Fugaku faced the rising sun, leaving Mikoto with only a tall and profound silhouette.

Mikoto raised her hand as if to touch his back, her voice filled with tenderness:

"My dear."

"Will we win?"

"We will win!"


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