
Naruto: Did i Just Get Reincarnated as Gojo?

In a World where power is everything, Gojo finds himself reincarnated into the Naruto universe, armed with a unique System known as the Konoha Prosperity System. With each investment he makes in the growth and prosperity of the Hidden Leaf Village, Gojo becomes stronger, how Strong and Influenceable will he become?

DragonnX · Anime e quadrinhos
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52 Chs

Chapter 30: Bound to Konoha, but Many Children, Many Blessings… Just Kidding!

~/ Extra Chapter if we Reach 200 Power Stones!!

~/ Enjoy!!



Samui's eyes lit up. Bad news for Konoha meant good news for Kumogakure.

She had to get her hands on this intel!

She quickly pressed, "What happened?"

"It's like this-"

"Just this morning, the Konoha Census Bureau completed its first population census since the end of the Third Great Ninja War. The main conclusion, in a nutshell, is that since the 37th year of Konoha, our village's population has declined for the first time."

Gojo Kaigetsu's melancholic tone was met with Samui's confusion. "Population decline? What's wrong with that?"

"A smaller population means a lower limit on the number of ninjas we can train. It also means a continuous decline in Konoha's economic growth. In this turbulent shinobi world, a lack of funds is fatal for a hidden village."

"People aren't having children or getting married anymore. That's Konoha's problem."

"Maybe in a few years, Konoha will become a haven for aging ninjas, with a drastic decrease in young ninjas, a shrinking market, and a complete regression in ninjutsu research and development..."

This was a lie!

Gojo Kaigetsu shamelessly fabricated this story. In reality, Konoha's "Platinum Generation" was about to be born.

Moreover… this was the shinobi world. If they truly faced a population crisis, they could always resort to creating artificial humans.

Of course, these were highly classified secrets within Konoha, and Samui was naturally unaware of them.

"Is that so?"

Samui's initial flicker of joy quickly vanished. This problem also existed in Kumogakure!

The constant wars had led to a continuous decline in Kumogakure's population. What made it worse was that the number of female ninjas and villagers in Kumogakure was even lower than in Konoha.

The problem Konoha currently faced would inevitably befall Kumogakure as well.

"Is… Is there no way to reverse this?"

"There is a way, but that's where the trouble lies."

"That is to say, the Fourth Hokage, the Third Hokage, they're actually planning to launch some kind of 'Many Children, Many Blessings' plan, and they're already preparing for a trial run."

Gojo Kaigetsu pointed a finger at himself. "I've also been included in this 'Many Children, Many Blessings' plan."

"What's the… 'Many Children, Many Blessings' plan?" Samui repeated the awkward-sounding name, unable to comprehend its meaning.

Such a forward-thinking concept was too advanced for the simple-minded natives of the shinobi world.

"Simply put, it means that both male and female ninjas should form families and have children as much as possible."

"The more children they have, the greater the rewards issued by the village, including high-level jutsu, body-tempering secret medicines, and brand-new ninja tools..."

"The village will forcibly promote population growth."

"That Minato, he has a wife, so he doesn't have to worry. But he hasn't considered my feelings!"

Gojo Kaigetsu clenched his fist and raised his arm in mock indignation, conveying the message of discord between Konoha's leaders to Samui. However, the Cloud kunoichi's focus had shifted elsewhere.

Gojo Kaigetsu continued his charade:

"Elder Danzo said that the data is too unsightly, and they might have to stop collecting it later. Like some coefficients, some civil affairs data, it's just too embarrassing to report."

"If this data falls into the hands of enemy ninjas or a scheming clan like the Uchiha, it will shake the morale of our village."

Gojo Kaigetsu feigned a worried expression. "As a Hokage advisor of Konoha, they said I must set an example, or I'll lose my position."

Samui felt as if her body was being dragged along by Gojo Kaigetsu, while her soul was left behind.

She could barely remember what he said afterwards.

However, one phrase had struck a chord within her- Have! Children!

For Samui…

Gojo Kaigetsu had presented a crisis and a solution. She had to admit that the solution was indeed effective.

But she couldn't reveal this impending crisis and its solution to the Raikage.

As everyone knew, female ninjas were scarce in Kumogakure. And Mabui, her close friend and sister-in-arms, was still in the village.

Based on Samui's understanding of the Raikage's advisors, those individuals were willing to do anything for the village. To address Kumogakure's future crisis, they might implement unpredictable policies.

The worst-case scenario would be- Wife sharing.

If that happened to Mabui, it would undoubtedly be hell!

It was unacceptable!

For the first time, a thought took precedence over her mission in Samui's mind.

She was no longer loyal.

"Hey, hey, Ai, are you even listening?"

Gojo Kaigetsu waved his hand in front of Samui's face, attempting to pull her back from the depths of her thoughts.

'Did I go too far and scare her?'

"Uh, y-yes, I'm listening." A strained smile appeared on Samui's face. Her condition had worsened.

The guilt of withholding information gnawed at her conscience. In her previous worldview, a ninja was a tool to serve the mission. Now, she was no longer a reliable tool.

Gojo Kaigetsu withdrew his hand and took a deep breath, as if making a significant decision:

"So, Ai, can you help me?"

"Help Kaigetsu-kun?"

Samui furrowed her brow, momentarily confused by his request.

"Yes. Ai, you wouldn't want me to lose my position as Hokage advisor, would you?"

"So, about having children, I'll leave it to you!"

Gojo Kaigetsu reached out and grabbed Samui's soft and smooth hand, transferring his warmth to her.

Even through the black fabric, an air of intimacy seemed to permeate the air.

Samui's body trembled, and goosebumps erupted on her skin.

Unpleasant images flooded her mind-

'A female ninja, her identity exposed, forced to infiltrate, coerced by a ruthless, lecherous target, forced to bear his heir.'

'-In the end, she became nothing more than a powerless plaything.'

Disgusting! Disgusting! Disgusting!

Samui was, after all, a proud woman.

Even for the sake of her village, even to obtain intel from Gojo Kaigetsu… she… she couldn't accept bearing a child for the enemy.

But… but, if Gojo Kaigetsu lost his position as Hokage advisor, he would no longer be of use or worth approaching.

Knowing the Raikage's advisors, would they then force her to approach other Hokage advisors in different ways?

Other Hokage advisors…

The aged and unattractive faces of Danzo and Homura flashed through Samui's mind.


Even more disgusting than Gojo Kaigetsu!

Samui's face grew increasingly pale. She seemed to have been cornered into an inescapable predicament.


To Be Continued...
