
Naruto Descendant of Shao Khan

This is not my story just bringing it over to webnovel the original is Uzumaki Kombat by VFSNAKE

xxwolfxx_0 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
13 Chs

The Final Straw

Naruto sat on his throne in the Fire Country Capital, as he looked at the kunoichi standing right in front of him, and how she represented a surprisingly an all kunoichi only Shinobi based village that existed just outside of what use to be named Water Country before he conquered it. This woman was of average height, fair skinned from what Naruto saw, and green eyes with black hair tied in a high pony tail. Her form fitting outfit was that of a kunoichi, which consisted of a black forehead protector, and was wearing her village's form-fitting kunoichi uniform designed to be effective in combat as well as seducing the opposite sex when required. It was grey-colored with a right shoulder-guard, grey gloves, and opening in her shirt which revealed some of her sizeable cleavage to him.

The last part more then likely meant to distract him at times while they were talking in this meeting and throw him off guard. Shame the woman was competing against the likes of Anko, Shizune, Sheeva, Mei, Hana, Hinata, a still in denial Tenten, and one Sabaku no Temari from Suna to name a few.

"You came all this way to see me? For what purpose?" asked Naruto, as he looked at the kunoichi, who first had introduced herself as Shizuka of the Nadeshiko village, and was seeking this audience to see him in person.

"I am here on behalf of my village to seek out a possible alliance with your ever growing Empire great Emperor. Word has reached us by our sources throughout what was once Water Country of your many victories in battle and your long standing campaign to unite the divided world under your banner. My people have also heard of how Wind Country fell to your Empire a year and a half ago with tensions having risen within Lightning and Earth Country. It is only a matter of time before our territory around our village has been absorbed into your Empire or by a rival if and when they war between the other countries starts," explained Shizuka with Naruto smiling in amusement.

"You facts are a bit inaccurate regarding Wind Country. It didn't exactly fall like some of the other territories when I absorbed it into my Empire. The transition was for the most part that of a peaceful one, as the people there were being controlled by that hedonistic tyrant they called a Wind Daimyo, who cared little for their suffering, and let his own Shinobi village slowly to be bled dry in the process. I quickly removed him from his seat of power and replaced the man with someone I know that would treat the people formerly of Wind Country properly. Who better to rule over the people then the new Kazekage's own brother?" replied Naruto with the kunoichi nodding slightly in understanding.

"My apologizes Naruto-sama. I am merely relaying what my village was told about your conquests," said Shizuka with Naruto's smile never leave him.

"I understand. Though a sudden alliance with your village seems to be a bit premature at this point and a tad suspicious to me. Why are you really here my dear?" questioned Naruto curiously with Shizuka not answering at first before she vanished from his sight one moment and was in his face the next.

"Nadeshiko-Style: Hardliner Gale Fist!" exclaimed Shizuka, as she tried to send her right fist, now covered in wind natured chakra into Naruto, and what happened next surprised the kunoichi.

Naruto caught her fist with his hand and didn't look the least bit hurt in the process.

"That wasn't very nice Shizuka-san," remarked Naruto, as he looked into her shocked green eyes, and they were soon surrounded by Shokan with various weapons in hand.

None of them looked pleased.

Not one to surrender so easily, Shizuka tried to continue attacking the young Emperor with her remaining free limbs in the hopes of defeating this large figure still sitting on his throne, and still had an amused smile on his face. The past three years since his mission to Snow now turned Spring Country had been good to Naruto, as he trained hard, fought hard, and wasn't a pushover to anyone. Despite the one hand holding onto her fist, Naruto was able to either block, or dodge any physical blow she threw at him.

After a moment, Naruto grabbed the offending well muscled leg trying to hit him in the face, and shoved the woman back. Within moments, Shizuka was off the ground, dodging the various Shokan bodyguards trying to subdue, or hurt her before preparing the kunai in her hands.

"Nadeshiko-Style: Deep Crimson Dance Performance!" exclaimed Shizuka before she began throwing every kunai in her possession at Naruto with deadly accuracy.

Unfortunately, she did not count for Naruto's speed to outmatch that of Shizuka's barrage weapons, and get within striking distance of her. Something the Nadeshiko kunoichi now learned the hard way, as she was punched hard in the stomach, and then thrown into a nearby pillar with enough force to cause an body imprint. When she did collapse to the ground, several Shokan were upon her, and held the kunoichi down with their immense weight of muscle mass.

"Shall I end her life my Emperor?" asked one Shokan with his massive axe being held in two of his four arms and ready to deliver the killing blow.

"Not yet. Not until she answers me the question I want answered," replied Naruto, as he walked over to the downed kunoichi, and saw her looking up at him.

"You want to know why I attacked," stated Shizuka with Naruto nodding.

"It is the tradition of my Shinobi village to seek out the strongest male we can find in hopes of being defeated in combat before taking the said male back to our village to marry into it. It allows us to produce only the strongest kunoichi in our village where women hold most if not all the power in it," explained Shizuka with Naruto raising an eyebrow behind his helmeted head.

"So in the off chance I said no to your proposed alliance, you would grab me through the traditions of your village, and use me to produce offspring with you," concluded Naruto with Shizuka nodding.

"I am not really fond of this tradition. I was in love with a man, but he was killed, and I didn't want to be with anyone else," replied Shizuka sadly with Naruto narrowing his eyes at her.

"So you were basically pressured into have this meeting with me by your mentor in the hopes of getting over your loss," concluded Naruto with Shizuka nodding.

"My mentor also reached an agreement with Jiraiya of the Sannin some time ago that I would be married off to one of his students. Since you are currently considered his only student...," added Shizuka with Naruto's eyes widening before they narrowed.

"I see. It appears Jiraiya failed to mention that to me," remarked Naruto with his mind already coming up with ways to cause his Godfather untold amounts of pain.


Jiraiya shivered in fear for a moment before looking around to see if anyone was around him while peeping at some women in Konoha's hot springs.

'I sense a disturbance in the ways of perversity. As if I would soon be surrounded by a great evil, feeling incredible pain, and humiliation before...my screams that followed it were suddenly silenced,' thought Jiraiya before he shivered once more and wondered if his actions in the past were coming back to bite him in the ass.

(Back with Naruto)

"Release her," commanded Naruto with the Shokan and Shizuka herself looking at him in surprise.

"My Emperor?" asked one Shokan holding her down.

"She is not my enemy. By the traditions made by this woman's village she follows I am now binding her to me in terms of marriage," replied Naruto with the Shokan looking at him and then at Shizuka before they released her from their grip.

"So by tradition I am to be your new wife," concluded Shizuka with a sense of defeat in her voice.

"Your heart is closed off. The death of the man you loved has left a deep scar there that has yet to heal," replied Naruto, as he saw the woman look away, and it was clear that he was right.

"What do you know of scars on one's heart?" questioned Shizuka coldly while getting up and found herself pinned to the pillar she hit earlier by Naruto with his hand now on her throat.

"I know more about scars to one's heart then you can imagine. I'm sure you've heard the rumors?" replied Naruto with Shizuka nodding quickly.

"I have. They say you were betrayed by those close to you. That Leaf village betrayed your Father's dying wish and that they tried to control you through years of abuse when growing up," whispered Shizuka while Naruto nodded since that was the rumor and it was true.

"Correct. You cannot imagine the pain I felt from that betrayal. The pain in my heart. My very soul that I had been betrayed by those I once trusted. I don't blame you for shutting off your heart, but do not believe for a single second that you are the only one with scars there, and that no one else around you has had it worse," replied Naruto before releasing his grip on the woman.

"I'm sorry," said Shizuka, as she got off the ground shakily, and was surprisingly held firmly by Naruto to help her stand firmly on the ground.

"Its all right Shizuka-chan. Your village's tradition aside, I think we should get to know each other before going through this marriage now between us, and show that one can indeed learn to love a second time," replied Naruto, as he was actually impressed with her in terms of fighting skills, and even fighting him despite everything that just happened.

"Perhaps. Though I'm surprised that Jiraiya-sama failed to inform you of our arrangement between the two of us," commented Shizuka with Naruto grinning at her and it was now making the kunoichi blush.

"I think I know why Ero-Sennin didn't tell me anything regarding our arranged marriage and make no mistake Shizuko-chan...the old pervert will learn a very valuable lesson in informing his last remaining student of something important like this," replied Naruto with a cruel chuckle leaving his mouth.

"As your future wife, can I assist in creating the means of teaching Jiraiya-san such a valuable lesson my husband?" offered Shizuka while smiling, as she had heard a great deal about Jiraiya's perverted tendencies, and felt it was her duty to females if not to kunoichi everywhere to make the man suffer for peeping on women.

"Consider it an early wedding present," replied Naruto smoothly with Shizuka smiling and blushing further at the same time.

(Konoha-Two Weeks Later)

Uzumaki Karin was alone her office assigned to her by Tsunade, as she was working on medical reports, and going over the recent casualty lists from Shinobi injured in the field needing medical attention. It wasn't easy working here in this hospital, as Karin found herself not being liked by the civilians, and even some of the Shinobi in Konoha due to her very distant blood relationship to Naruto. Even those she healed stooped so low to whispering snide remarks when they thought Karin was out of ear shot. Unfortunately, for them anyway, Karin heard them, and made a mental note to mix blood thinning pills into their medication so they couldn't get it up when out on a hot date. Nothing helped ruin a man's image of being male, then being unable to perform, and the female he's with let's it get out about such limpness.

Speaking of limp things, one Uchiha Sasuke walked into her office, his face sporting that of a confident smirk, like he owned the hospital, if not the village itself, and stopped right in front of Karin's desk with his arms crossed in a superior manner. Again, his posture was all some display of fake power, and authority to impress the red haired Uzumaki. It didn't impress Karin, as Sasuke was as impressive as a flesh eating parasite that one gets from peeing in water of the Amazon jungle, and required surgery no one wanted to get.

"What do you want Sasuke? I'm busy," asked Karin, as she didn't bother looking up at him with any interest, which the Uchiha caught, and was forcing himself not to scowl at what he believed was an insult to all things Uchiha.

"I'm here for you. I want to take you out on a date," answered Sasuke with Karin again not looking up at him.

"Not interested. Go ask one of your fan girls. They're just itching to go out with you and get into your pants," replied Karin while she kept writing her report.

"I'm not interested in them. I'm interested in you. Now get up and follow me. We're going out," commanded Sasuke while turning slightly and yet saw Karin was not moving from her seat.

"I'm not your girlfriend Sasuke. I'm not some submissive woman who doesn't know how the world works when compared to the inside of a house. I'm not a housewife, much less yours, but a kunoichi, a student of Senju Tsunade herself, and I'm not going to be pushed around by someone who's ego is many times bigger then his microscopic dick," replied Karin with Sasuke snarling at her.

"How dare you insult me! I'm an Uchiha! An Elite! Trained by some of the best Jounin in Konoha! I will one day take the mantle of Hokage in a few years time and rule Konoha with an iron fist!" exclaimed Sasuke angrily with Karin now looking up at him, only with skeptical eyes, and it was clear she didn't believe the Uchiha.

"How are you going to be Hokage? Only the Hokage can nominate their chosen successor and in the event that doesn't happen, the Fire Daimyo, or in this case Naruto would have to agree to any nominations. You don't really think that Naruto is going to agree to such a nomination much less Tsunade making such an announcement in the first place? Are you on some kind of outdated medication?" questioned Karin with Sasuke smirking at her.

"There are ways around that. If you do what I say, listen to my every word, and help me assert my authority in this village...I can promise you the benefits will be most pleasant," replied Sasuke with a lustful eyed look to him that made Karin frown.

'If I didn't know any better, I would say Sasuke was planning to do something to Tsunade to make her agree to such a nomination. But what? Is he going to use his Sharingan? No. His Sharingan would have to reach a certain level for that kind of high level Genjutsu to manipulate her. Sasuke doesn't have that kind of Sharingan and the only the other person aside from Uchiha Itachi is...,' thought Karin before her eyes widened, something Sasuke noted, and mistook for her giving into the temptation of the power he offered.

"So you finally have seen the light. Good! Now come on. We're having our date right now," commanded Sasuke yet again, but Karin didn't move to follow him out the door like he no doubt planned, and hoped she would.

'He's going to have Kakashi use his eye on her. She'll never see it coming. Even if I told Naruto, it couldn't be proven Sasuke was involved aside from my word against his simply from the fact he's here, and with no proof of Kakashi using his eye...,' thought Karin, as she saw Sasuke go from looking pleased to angry, and moved to grab her.

"Listen here bitch! One way or another, you will be mine, and I will not stand for your resistance against me!" exclaimed Sasuke, as he grabbed Karin by the arm, and lifted her out of the chair.

Right before Karin kneed him in the stomach, grabbed the offending arm, and broke it in three places before kicking him in the face. Acting quickly, Karin ran out of her office, and out the nearest window to leap through the rooftops to get to the Hokage Tower. She knew if Tsunade wasn't warned soon, Kakashi would make his move, and put the woman under a suggestive Genjutsu using his Sharingan. With Sasuke being made Hokage, IF that ever happened, Karin knew everyone that supported Naruto would either be killed in secret by the Uchiha, or driven out of Konoha like they were lepers. Friction between Naruto and Sasuke would cause Konoha to have its funding pulled, weakened by Naruto, but Sasuke having the Shinobi loyal to him committing horrible missions that even some S-ranked Missing Nin didn't do, making Konoha look like a total cesspool that only bred dishonorable Shinobi not worth hiring unless it was for the most cruelest of acts, and this sudden infighting would make Naruto's enemies try to use this against him. Hell, Sasuke would side with Naruto's enemies if it meant taking him down, and possibly taking over as Daimyo of Fire Country.

She couldn't allow anything like that to happen.

'I have to warn her. If Sasuke is in my office, chances are Kakashi is, or soon will be in Hokage-sama's office preparing to reveal his Sharingan when she's not looking,' thought Karin, as she was almost there, and looked behind her to an injured Sasuke closing the gap between them.

"Get back here!" exclaimed Sasuke, not caring if anyone heard him, and was clutching his broken arm.

'Almost there! Almost there!' thought Karin, as she had jumped at the last second, barely avoiding Sasuke, who had finally caught up to her, and had tried to stop the red haired Uzumaki from reaching Tsunade.

Karin ran up the base of the tower, Sasuke trying to keep up, but the Uchiha's anger, and frustration combined with his lack of doing the tree walking exercise to keep his chakra control up had proven to be his downfall. He barely made it a quarter up the tower before the Uchiha went down like a stone while Karin kept going up and up until she finally reached the window of Tsunade's office.

And just in time too, as Tsunade had her back turned from Kakashi, and the Jounin now had a hand on his headband with his Sharingan Eye exposed. Fortunately, just as Tsunade was about to turn around Karin threw a smoke bomb at the Jounin's feet, and making the man close both his eyes.

"Karin? What are you doing?" demanded Tsunade, as she coughed a little when seeing Karin at her window, and saw the red headed Uzumaki glaring at Kakashi.

"He was going to use his Sharingan Eye on you Hokage-sama. Look at his headband. Its up and his eye was exposed before I threw the smoke bomb at him," explained Karin with Tsunade looking from Karin to Kakashi and saw that his headband was indeed up while sensing more chakra then usual had been channeled into the Sharingan Eye despite the eye now being closed.

"You bastard!" exclaimed Tsunade, as she punched Kakashi through a wall, and saw him fall to the ground unconscious.

"Kakashi was going to use his Sharingan Eye on you in order to appoint Uchiha Sasuke as your chosen successor as Hokage. I just came from my office at the hospital where the baka practically bragged he was going to be the next Hokage and that you were going to make it happen. I quickly concluded only a high level Genjutsu made from an advanced Sharingan had a remote chance of causing it and since Sasuke can't do it along with his brother being in the Akatsuki...," explained Karin with Tsunade nodding.

"The only other person with a Sharingan is Kakashi," finished Tsunade while walking over to the downed Jounin and grabbed his face with her thumb covering the Sharingan Eye while putting pressure there in order to get the point across to the now awakening Jounin that she wasn't fucking around.

"H-Hokage-sama!" protested Kakashi, as he saw her face, and the fact her thumb was in a place he didn't want.

"You have a lot of explaining to do Kakashi. Depending on what you say to me next may or may not determine whether I kill you...or simply remove the Sharingan Eye in your skull for your treasonous actions," threatened Tsunade with Kakashi looking at her now in fear.

"I was only trying to do what was necessary to ensure the Uchiha Clan thrived in the Leaf once again," answered Kakashi while feeling more pressure on the eye Obito gave him long ago.

"By using me? By manipulating me with your Sharingan? Or at least trying to manipulate me in order to make Sasuke the next Hokage?" demanded Tsunade with Kakashi wincing in pain.

"He needed an anchor to stay loyal. The respect of the Uchiha Clan has weakened a lot since Naruto changed things three years ago. I thought Sasuke becoming the next Hokage would be able to turn things around for him and the Uchiha Clan. I owed it to Obito to save his clan from being destroyed like this," answered Kakashi with Tsunade scowling at him.

"And what about Naruto? You knew he was your sensei's son long before what happened years ago. You knew he was one of the last among the Uzumaki bloodline. So why side with the Uchiha over him?" demanded Tsunade with Kakashi wincing.

"The Sandaime Hokage told me that while Minato's seal was perfect in terms of design, he could not be certain how well it would work as time past, and said to keep my distance from him. That he would ensure Naruto was taken care of and would be manageable until I got him for a student when older. After seeing how lacking the boy was in skill, I came to the conclusion that sensei, and his wife's greatness died with them, and that their son was not worth protecting because he was so weak," replied Kakashi before screaming out in pain while Tsunade snarled at him.

"Liar! Naruto lacked any so called 'talent' because his education was rigged to fail you stupid baka! Now look at my Godson! Still think he's weak? You hated Naruto from the start, did you?! What better way to screw him over, then to have Sasuke becoming the next Hokage, and ruin this village from within just when some of it was showing signs of value in saving. Not anymore. As of this very moment, you are under arrest for treason Hatake, and will have that eye remove before its destroyed before your other eye as part of your punishment that is a public execution," declared Tsunade with Kakashi trying to break her grip on his head, but the grip she had on him was unbreakable, and it was clear no amount of pleading would change the woman's mind.

Now there was only the matter of the Uchiha and remind everyone what it means to cross the Hokage of Konoha.

(With Uchiha Sasuke)

The once most loved Shinobi of his generation (in his mind), Uchiha Sasuke was now currently running through the trees, beside him as backup were the few remaining former Root Shinobi Danzo had before things went to bad for the old war hawk three years ago. They had not been around Danzo when the man died fighting Naruto and what remained were soon rounded up by Shinobi loyal to Tsunade with this small handful being the only ones that escaped her notice. This was done as a contingency plan made by the dead war hawk in the event he needed to flea the village and required a few spies among the ranks to provide key Intel on different events that happened following his exodus.

'Now I am on the run. Me! An Uchiha, who was born for greatness, and meant to rule over Konoha is being attacked by those traitors! They follow the Senju's command to bring me back to face her so called brand of justice when they should be following me! Well I'll show them. I'll show them all! I will raise an army of Missing Nin, who will follow my every command simply because I am an Uchiha, and take Konoha back from that bitch of a Senju to make Konoha the greatness of world under my vision,' thought Sasuke, as he began to scheme how to gather his army of Shinobi, attack Konoha, and make Tsunade fall before him in front of everyone in the village.

His musings were ruined however, as his forces were attacked from multiple sides, and had revealed themselves to be the former Sound Four. Of course now they were called the Four Gates of the Elemental Emperor and were considered his key bodyguards when he was out of the Capital.

"You were foolish to try what you did Uchiha," stated Naruto, as he was behind Sasuke when the Uchiha had turned around to see who was attacking the former Root Shinobi, and saw the fool turn around again to look at him with a snarl on his face.

"I had every right! Konoha was forgetting what the Uchiha Clan did for Konoha. They were forgetting our proud heritage and how we helped make the village great!" exclaimed Sasuke with Naruto letting out a cruel chuckle.

"Not so fun when the shoe is on the other foot, is it Uchiha? How all the people seem to just forget about you, as they did me, and the Uzumaki Clan. How they throw away your heritage like it was worthless and should be forgotten for all time. To be consumed by the sands of time," remarked Naruto with Sasuke growling at him.

"Your so called clan was weak! That's why they fell to so many Shinobi in the Second Shinobi War!" Sasuke shot back, but was surprised that Naruto laughed at him, and was not the least bit insulted.

"Are you really that stupid? The Uzumaki Clan was hardly weak. It took an alliance of three major Shinobi villages plus two minor ones in order to make my clan fall. Even then such a thing only happened because Konoha didn't send help when the Uzukage at the time requested aid. When Whirlpool fell, the losses of the enemy were so great that they had to fall back to their villages, or else they risked being flanked by Konoha and Suna before being wiped out. The Uchiha Clan was killed by a single person from within the clan and even then that is the official version," replied Naruto with Sasuke frowning at him.

"What do you mean official version?" demanded Sasuke with Naruto smirking.

"Come now Sasuke. You must have suspected something after all this time. That there was something off regarding Itachi's actions that night. The man is strong, no question there, but he wasn't that strong to kill his entire clan, and not be detected by Leaf Shinobi in the village itself. Don't you find it a tad odd that your entire clan, except for yourself were all killed so violently, and yet not a single alarm was raised during the entire time it happened? How could Uchiha Itachi kill so many of his kin near dusk, into the dead of night, and yet not one single Shinobi of the Leaf raised an alarm during the entire killing process? A killing process that showed signs of him not being so quiet when the deed was done?" questioned Naruto with Sasuke's eyes narrowing.

"Are you saying...that Konoha had a hand in my clan's annihilation? That Itachi did it and Konoha was in league with him?" accused Sasuke with Naruto smirking.

"I have all the Sandaime Hokage's memories from when I took soul. Not only did the fool ignore the request made by Whirlpool for allied reinforcements, he also gave Itachi the order to have your clan wiped out, and arranged for the Shinobi of Konoha to ignore what was about to happen until much later when your brother had a nice long head start out of the village," answered Naruto with Sasuke gritting his teeth in rage.

"You're lying!" protested Sasuke with Naruto chuckling.

"About this? Why would I lie? Does it make you question your belief in wanting to kill Itachi? I imagine it does. The mere fact that its the truth makes this moment all the more sweeter," replied Naruto with Sasuke snarling and yelling rage before charging him.

Only for Naruto to move behind the Uchiha and look at his opponent with mock pity.

"Shut up! I don't believe you!" exclaimed Sasuke while Naruto laughed and dodged some more with the Uchiha getting increasingly angry.

"How does it feel Sasuke? How does it feel to know you were betrayed? Betrayed by the village in almost the same manner I was? Do you know why the Civilian Council spoiled you? Its because they all hoped after you eventually reached that maximum level of what they considered hierarchal power, you would in turn give them a great deal back to them, and basically be set for life thanks to your influence. The Shinobi Council was the same way before I killed them and Danzo for their hand in things. Those Root Shinobi that were behind you? They were among those that helped kill your kin that Itachi would not kill. And do you know what's even worse?! Those former Root Shinobi that were with you that my Elemental Gates have just taken down were among those Danzo ordered to harvest your clan's eyes from the bodies of your kin to be grafted onto an arm so he could use them to control any of the Biju or Jinchuriki he came in contact with," replied Naruto before he shoulder tackled Sasuke with enough force to send the Uchiha right through several trees before bouncing on the ground hard three times.

"I'm going to kill you. I'm going to rip your heart out and claim your throne before I use my new found power and authority to liquidate the village. Once I kill everyone I don't like, I will make the others slaves, and all the strong women will be made my concubines to be made to have my offspring whether they like it or not!" bellowed Sasuke with blood leaking from his mouth.

"That will be hard to do if you're dead Uchiha," remarked Naruto with Sasuke charging up a Rakiri in his hand.

"Not if I kill you with this first. Do you recognize it? Kakashi showed it to me during the last three years. With this, I can pierce the flesh of just about anyone, and anything right through the heart. Just like I'm about to do right here with you!" exclaimed Sasuke with his Sharingan Eyes active and saw the Elemental Gates surround Naruto.

"Let him try his attack on me. It will be amusing," ordered Naruto with the four Shinobi around him stepped away and saw Sasuke grinning manically at him.

"Time to die! 'Rakiri!'" replied Sasuke before charging at Naruto at high speed, one of the few things Kakashi taught him in order to perform the Jutsu effectively, and was upon Naruto in moments.

Only for Naruto to grab the offending limb at the last moment, the tip of the lightning blade Sasuke had created a few inches from his chest, and wasn't budging despite the Uchiha's attempts to drive the tip into his flesh. Naruto watched with a look of boredom on his face, as he saw Sasuke's Sharingan Eyes spinning, and trying to move his arm forward to pierce the massive muscled flesh in front of him.

"So weak. Itachi was foolish to let you live. Its clear the reason he spared you was out of pity and seeing such frailty in you," remarked Naruto before he punched Sasuke in the face, then backhanded him, and then punched him again before repeating the process six more times.

Sasuke's supposed bad yet pretty boy charms his fan girls loved so much were destroyed by the third backhanded fist to his face. Everything after that was just overkill and that was what Naruto loved to do to those he hated.

And Naruto really hated Sasuke.

"How? How can you be so much stronger then me? Is it because of your merger with the Biju?" demanded Sasuke with Naruto smirking.

"A bit. I won't deny merging with the fox gave me a significant power boost. But I didn't let myself get complacent with the level I was at when it happened. I've been training my mind, my body, and my very soul to get stronger to face opponents beyond anything you could ever hope of defeating. Goodbye Sasuke. See you in Hell!" answered Naruto before he grabbed Sasuke's face tightly and with one single twist of his hand to make a very loud audible "SNAP!" echo though the forest.

Uchiha Sasuke was now dead.

"Well that ends the greedy fucker," remarked Tayuya with the others nodding.

"Burn his body. The very idea of Uchiha Sasuke having any solid remains to take back to the village sickens me," commanded Naruto with his four Elemental Gates went through hand signs and did a four way Fire Jutsu to burn the body of one Uchiha Sasuke.

Now all that was left of the Uchiha were Itachi and the self-proclaimed Uchiha Madara that caused the Kyuubi to rampage through Konoha.

Naruto would enjoy the fight that was to come when fighting them.

(Omake-Jiraiya's Punishment)

Jiraiya was a bit nervous standing before his Godson, who was glowering at him, and saw Shizuka standing beside him doing the same amount of glowering too. When he had been summoned to see Naruto, Jiraiya assumed the boy wanted some additional training, or the boy himself wanted to show him something new. Hell! For all Jiraiya knew, Naruto had wanted one of his futures wives, or current concubines to pose for the Sannin to create inspiration in writing the next Icha Icha Paradise book!

But sadly, those hopes were destroyed, and completely annihilated when seeing Naruto's angry face along with Shizuka's own. It took him a moment to remember where he had seen the headband on the kunoichi's head and when Jiraiya did, his eyes widened in a bit of disbelief.

"So...Shizuka-chan here told you about the arrange marriage I see," stated Jiraiya while laughing nervously while rubbing the back of his head.

"Yes. I am curious though as to why you didn't tell me about such an arrangement you made with her village Jiraiya? Surely something like an arranged marriage was important enough to warrant my attention and you would have the decency as my Godfather to oh I don't know...TELL ME!" exclaimed Naruto angrily with his fist coming down hard and the sound echoed his displeasure.

"It slipped my mind! Honest! I was going to tell you about it Naruto. I swear!" protested Jiraiya while laughing with even more nervousness when Naruto leaned forward with his crimson eyes burning with rage.

"When exactly would that have been?" demanded Naruto with Jiraiya looking away.

"I was thinking along the lines of my deathbed right before I croaked," whispered Jiraiya, as he twiddled his thumbs, and glanced at Naruto like a child being scolded by a parent.

Strange how the age factor between the two made the Sannin look all the more pathetic to the eyes watching him.

"And what makes you think I would allow you to die on your deathbed after doing that to me?" questioned Naruto with Jiraiya looking uneasy.

"Well...its not like I hooked you up with an ugly woman! She's a babe! I mean...look at her figure! Look at her breasts! You got to love the breasts Naruto," countered Jiraiya, as his perverted tendencies kicked in and drooled at the sight of Shizuka's body.

"PERVERT!" yelled Shizuka, as she threw kunai after kunai at Jiraiya, and saw him dodge them all in a comedic fashion while in a panic like state.

"Fortunately, for you anyway Jiraiya, I have decided to embrace this arranged marriage setup between myself, and Shizuka-chan so her village can easily be absorbed safely into my territory. As such, after discussing some things with my future wife, we both felt you should be...rewarded for your efforts, and show that there are no hard feelings between the three of us," replied Naruto after seeing Shizuka calming down and Jiraiya panting now while out of breath.

"Oh? What did you have in mind?" asked Jiraiya curiously.

"A full body massage by some of the most skilled hands in the Palace," offered Naruto with Jiraiya frowning in thought over the offer.

"Really?" asked Jiraiya with Naruto frowning at him.

"Would you prefer Shizuka tests out her acupuncture skills on you instead?" countered Naruto with Shizuka bringing out more pointy objects.

"No! No! The full body massage is fine...as long as she doesn't do it," answered Jiraiya nervously while seeing Shizuka crack her knuckles in anticipation.

"Good. Just follow the guards that will be escorting to the necessary room where all the preparations have been made just for you," said Naruto with his smile returning and his eyes watched the Sannin be escorted out of the room.

"Do you think he'll like the massage Naruto-kun?" asked Shizuka when Jiraiya was out of the room.

"Once he finds out who will be giving him the massage...I doubt it," answered Naruto, as he let out a chuckle, and found Shizuka sitting on his lap with a seductive smile on her face.

"Speaking of massage. How about I introduce you into my village's style of massage when a kunoichi needs to please a man during a seduction mission?" offered Shizuka, as she ran her hands up his massive shoulders, and shivered slightly when feeling how well muscled they were.

"I would love that, but not here. To many eyes and ears," replied Naruto with Shizuka's smile increasing.

"The bedroom then," said Shizuka eagerly with the man she was sitting on grinning with lust in his eyes.

"The bedroom," said Naruto while getting off his throne while Shizuka wrapped her legs around his waist before they were gone in a flash of red light.

(With Jiraiya)

"I hope I don't regret this," mumbled Jiraiya, as he sat face down on the massage table, and heard the door open with the sound of several heavy padded feet soon following.

"So this is Jiraiya of the Sannin?" said a male voice, which made Jiraiya's body go tense, and his face pale.

"Yes. The Emperor was right when he said his body needed treatment," came another male's voice while the Sannin himself saw through the opening on the massage table where he was looking that the feet of his soon to be massage therapist were not even human much less female like he first thought.

No. Rather they were half naked Shokan and half naked Shokan males at that!

'Damn that gaki! He tricked me!' thought Jiraiya angrily and would have gotten himself up or possibly said something if not for the incredibly strong hands from the third Shokan he didn't see walk over to the table.

"The Emperor's orders were explicit. Give him the full treatment," said the third Shokan male and Jiraiya was starting to feel nervous.

"Are you sure? That seems...excessive," remarked the first one and Jiraiya was starting to sweat.

"Those are the orders. He said give him the full body massage treatment and be as rough as possible no matter how much the man screams in pain," replied the third Shokan with Jiraiya's eyes widening in horror.

"If that is what the Emperor wishes. Though I didn't take his teacher to be a masochist," remarked the second Shokan male and this time Jiraiya did try to move, but was once again kept down by the third, and felt a sudden chill run up his spine.

"Don't worry yourself Jiraiya of the Sannin. By the time we get through with massaging your body, you'll feel like a new man, and better then ever," stated the first Shokan male while Jiraiya felt each of their four arms, a grand total of twelve hands, press against his back, and hoped this wasn't going to be as bad as he thought.

"Especially when we provide you with the happy ending!" remarked the third Shokan male and it made Jiraiya let out a whimper while the three Shokan let out a semi-dark chuckle.

It wasn't as bad as he thought. It was way worse!

'Damn you gaki!' thought Jiraiya before felt their hands go to town on his body.

And the screams Jiraiya let out following the massage echoed throughout the entire area of the palace.

It was also on that day, a very scarred, emotionally wrecked, and wobbly walking Jiraiya of the Sannin made a vow to never hide information regarding women or arrangements to marry women from his Godson ever again.