
Naruto Descendant of Shao Khan

This is not my story just bringing it over to webnovel the original is Uzumaki Kombat by VFSNAKE

xxwolfxx_0 · Anime e quadrinhos
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13 Chs

Recruitment Begins

Naruto watched with amusement how Orochimaru's former bodyguards shrunk back in fear of him when he entered the interrogation room. Every single Leaf Shinobi now knew his position in their ranks was much higher then theirs was thanks to Godmother making it known how she felt about her Grandfather's village getting ten pounds of flesh from the boy when they should have been kissing his ass. Even now, Tsunade was cleaning house one block at a time, and Naruto was enjoying every second of it. He had already moved into the Namikaze Estates with Anko and Shizune right beside him once informing them of this news.

Anko had jumped him the moment he set foot into her apartment to tell her the news and they nearly had sex with Shizune watching them...before the crazy Special Jounin saw the woman while wrapping her legs around his waist. After asking Naruto what Shizune was doing in her apartment, the former Jinchuriki grinned, and explained what happened with him making a bet with Tsunade. Anko was speechless at first over Naruto not only being the owner of the Shodaime's necklace, but got Tsunade's assistant too! At first, Naruto thought she would be upset by this addition, but to his slight surprise, Anko let out a squeal of joy at having a "harem sister", and had a perverted look on her face that made Shizune very nervous.

Poor Shizune.

As for Naruto right now, his eyes were glowing red behind his war helmet of a mask, as he watched the four Shinobi in front of him thinking of what to do, or say in his presence. From the look in their eyes, they were very terrified, and some were even angry with him at the same time. Amusing to say the least in Naruto's mind. Part of them wished to break free of their chakra suppressing chains to fight and avenge their dead Master. He could sense several in the group just wanted to escape not just himself, but Konoha all together, and find some measure of protection against the village that would no doubt seek to behead for their affiliation with Orochimaru alone!

"How amusing it is to see such defiant, yet terrified faces from each of you," said Naruto before letting out an amused chuckle.

"What is it you want? Why are we here together as a group?" said Kidomaru while seeing the person responsible for Orochimaru's death look like he just gained their very souls!

"Because I don't want to talk to each of you one at a time. I want to talk you as a group," said Naruto while crossing his arms in front of himself.

"About what exactly?" said Jirobo curiously.

"About the four of you joining...me!" said Naruto with the group looking at him while like he was crazy.

"Are you fucking crazy?" exclaimed Tayuya while Naruto just let out an amused chuckle at her outburst.

"Perhaps. Still, it is an offer to consider. I would think you would all jump at the chance. Its either join me or be imprisoned if not executed. I find either such punishment to be a waste of talent and potential you each possess. Orochimaru saw potential, which is why he chose each of you to be his bodyguards, and that is not something to ignore lightly," explained Naruto.

"And how do you know that?" questioned Sakon while Naruto smirked at him.

"Because I have all his memories. I have all his knowledge in every thing he's done. The benefit I gained from ripping out his soul before putting it into my body. While I can't use a good portion of that knowledge on account it was meant for the Sannin alone, I can still use the memories the man has of the promising recruits in each of the many bases I know he possesses in Rice Country," said Naruto with the group looking shocked by this news.

"So we're trading off from one Master to another?" said Ukon while popping out of his brother's back.

"Would you prefer imprisonment or death? A waste of your potential and talent? I have plans for this world. If you only knew what I do. Seen what I have seen...you would not hesitate to join me in my conquest," said Naruto his power radiating out of him.

"What the fuck are you talking about? Conquest? What do the fuck do you mean by that? Are you actually saying you are going to launch some kind of campaign to take over the world?" questioned Tayuya with Naruto glaring at her for basically making it sound like his ambition was a fool's errand.

"That's exactly what I'm suggesting. Do you have a problem with that?" said Naruto with coldness in his voice that told the red haired girl her answer to his question maybe the very last she ever gave ever again.

"No," squeaked Tayuya while Naruto narrowed his eyes at her.

"Good! Because what I'm offering you is the chance to be employed into my service. Not the Leaf," said Naruto with the group still looking hesitant.

"But...don't you answer to Konoha?" said Jirobo scratching his head.

"Hardly. I may wear the headband of the Leaf, but I'm not loyal to the governing body running things, and they don't exactly hold me in high regard either for what I once held," explained Naruto with the group in front of him looking at one another.

"But...how can you be so sure they won't try to stop you?" said Ukon with Naruto just smirking at him.

"Because they don't have the strength to stop me," said Naruto simply.

"What do you guys say? Should we join him? Or do we rot in prison with the high risk of being executed?" said Kidomaru with each member of the Sound Four going into their own little huddle.

"He did kill Orochimaru," said Jirobo knowing few could do that.

"Konoha hates us! They'll make us rot in prison just for the invasion alone and kill us for being Orochimaru's bodyguards," said Sakon with Ukon nodding in agreement.

"You're not suggesting we trust this asshole?" whispered Tayuya with the others looking thoughtful.

"We don't have much of choice Tayuya. I say we at least give him a chance. The power he's wielding makes Orochimaru look like a joke. He tore through every Shinobi in his path during the Chuunin Exams like they were nothing!" said Kidomaru with the others nodding in agreement.

"All in favor?" said Sakon so they could put it to a vote.

"Aye! " said the Sound Four at once.

"All oppose?" said Ukon with everyone giving him a "are you serious?" look.

"WE ALL SAID YES YOU STUPID FUCKTARD!" yelled Tayuya while strangling the life out of Ukon.

"Enough!" said Naruto before stomping his foot to shake the ground around the four in front of him.

"Sorry," said Ukon and Tayuya at the same time.

"Good. I've made arrangements with someone I can trust to make sure you get out of here while serving me. Screw this opportunity up and you will be wishing she kicked your ass instead of me!" said Naruto before freeing them from the restraints.

"Wait! You said she? Who exactly?" said Jirobo wondering who in Konoha could have the power to let this happen.

"My Godmother and the new Gondaime Hokage of Konoha. You may know her since she was Orochimaru's former teammate and fellow Sannin...Senju Tsunade," said Naruto walking out with the group just following with shocked looks on their faces.

'This guy's got the Hokage in his pocket? Holy shit!' thought Tayuya while seeing Naruto leading them out of their interrogation section of the Hokage Tower.

Meanwhile, Naruto himself was smirking though none of his new subordinates could see it for obvious reasons, and the fact the Councils were fuming over the fact Tsunade came back to be Hokage. Barely in office for five measly minutes and already they sent one of their little messengers to inform Tsunade of their demand for a meeting. Naruto was in her office at the time and gave his Godmother a "I told you so!" look before following her to the meeting.

And naturally...he was subjected to their glares with hateful words about him even being in the room much less alive!

(Flashback-1 Week Ago)

"What is the meaning of this? I'm Hokage for barely a few minutes and already you bakas are trying to boss me around!" said Tsunade coming into the room and looked peeved at the group in front of her before sitting down in the Hokage's chair.

"We felt it was imperative for you to have this meeting with us to discuss the thing that has joined you for this meeting," said Koharu while glaring daggers at Naruto.

"He has a name Koharu-san and its Naruto! If you don't call him by that name I will rip out your bones one by one in a public execution! And that goes for the rest of you! Do I make myself clear?" exclaimed Tsunade while glaring at the older woman flinching from the threat.

"Yes Hokage-sama," said the other members of the Councils though they did so with a certain...reluctance.

"Good! Now why am I here for this meeting? What is there to discuss that couldn't wait until I had time to settle into my position as Hokage?" said Tsunade with the Councils glancing at Naruto and she understood what they were referring to about him.

"We wish there to be restrictions placed on the demo-uh Uzumaki Naruto. He has to be punished for his assault on various Konoha Shinobi and the Sandaime Hokage himself. Give how Hiruzen was your sensei, I thought you would wish to give the order, and make it official with us being witnesses," said Homura while Tsunade narrowed her eyes at him before glancing at the other members of the Councils all eagerly awaiting for their new puppet for a Hokage to give the order.

"The order to restrict Uzumaki Naruto's movements and punishing him for the charges stated are hereby...denied!" said Tsunade, which made many on the Councils to look surprised by this, and voiced it too.

"Tsunade be reasonable! Look at what that monstrosity has done! He must be punished!" exclaimed Koharu while ignoring Naruto chuckling at them for their random pleas for Tsunade to reconsider.

"He is a threat to Konoha! He nearly killed the Sandaime. In fact, Hiruzen would have died had Jiraiya-sama not interfered at the last moment, and stopped the final blow to Hiruzen!" Homura furiously stated while pointing at Naruto.

"So you claim Homura-san, but I happen to know the other side of this little story that you are telling, and the secret you are not telling me!" said Tsunade with the Shinobi Council squirming a bit since they were indeed keeping a secret from her.

"And what secret is that?" said someone on the Civilian Council.

"That Naruto is my Godson. That I was lied to by the Sandaime in believing he died. That I was suppose to stay in Konoha and raise him like he was my own son. Of the abuse he suffered with the Sandaime keeping Jiraiya in the dark to prevent one of his Godparents from doing something about it!" said Tsunade while seeing how those that knew were squirming in their seats under her piercing gaze.

"It was considered necessary for the good of Konoha," said Danzo at last with Tsunade's eyes redirecting themselves to him.

"It was treason! His parents specifically requested this in the event of their deaths. Or do the wishes of late Yondaime Hokage mean nothing to any of you?" said Tsunade with each of the Clan Heads looking down in shame since they had been...well spineless when it came to defending the boy as he grew up.

"We refuse to accept this...abomination as that great man's Father. I don't care what you say on the matter. As long as I am breathing in and out right here before you from today on out, I will never acknowledge the brat as his Father's son. Never!" said a Civilian Councilman slamming his fist on the table with many of his fellow Council members in full agreement.

Until Naruto grabbed his face with one of his hands and lifted the poor bastard out of his chair.

"Then I think its time you stopped breathing in and out," said Naruto before snapping the man's neck with ease and tossing the corpse away like it was nothing.

"ANBU arrest him for the murder of Councilman Takeda!" said Homura while Danzo held back the smirk knowing once the boy was restrained he would begin to work the conditioning needed to turn the village's weapon into his loyal pawn.

"Stand down! No one is arresting Naruto. Not while I am Hokage," said Tsunade seeing her ANBU obeying her though she could tell it was with reluctance.

"Tsunade!" cried out Homura in protest, but her glare shut up anything else he wanted to say, and knew any further complaints would be ignored.

"No! All of you shut up and listen to me! I am the Gondaime Hokage. My word is law! I say any attempt to abuse, hurt, or kill Naruto will no longer be tolerated. I call it the 'If you try then you will die!' law," said Tsunade with Naruto grinning further and every member on the Councils were protesting until the Hokage slamming her fist onto the table to make it known she was the one in charge.

"Hokage-sama, is it possible to request medical assistance for my daughter? She has yet to fully recover from her injuries suffered roughly a Month ago during the Chuunin Exam Preliminaries," explained Hiashi while Tsunade nodded.

"I will do that later today. Who else needs to be healed?" asked Tsunade since she needed to heal quite a few people after Orochimaru's failed invasion attempt.

"The Last Uchiha! He was ruthlessly maimed by him during the Chuunin Exams!" said Koharu while pointing at Naruto in an accusing manner.

"He was late to his own match and was disqualified. The Uchiha dared to challenge me and interrupt my fight with Sabaku no Gaara," explained Naruto with the Councils all glaring at him.

"You still had no right to hurt him!" said a Civilian Councilmember angrily.

"Like he tried and failed to do with me? questioned Naruto with the Civilian Councilman remaining silent.

"I don't have time to deal with all this arrogant bullshit. This meeting is now over! Get the Hell out!" said Tsunade with the Councils looking displeased at having their meeting ended by her.

"I told you so," said Naruto with Tsunade glaring at him now.

"So what do you intend to do now?" questioned Tsunade with Naruto grinning at her.

"I need recruits for my plans for the world. I need my own army. And I know where to start looking," said Naruto before leaving the new Hokage to her own devices.

(End Flashback)

"So where to now Boss?" said Sakon now that they were free and given new headbands with the Leaf symbol on them just to keep the village off their backs.

"To Rice Country of course! Kabuto escaped during the failed invasion and he will try to take control of things in Orochimaru's absence. I will not allow that," said Naruto with his group heading out for their intended destination.

On a nearby rooftop, a Root ANBU was watching them leave, and then left to report this news to Danzo.

(Root HQ)

"So the brat left with the Sound Four for Rice Country," said Danzo while rubbing his chin in thought.

"Yes Danzo-sama. He is apparently heading there to not only recruit an army, but to kill Kabuto as well, and take complete control of the village," said the Root Shinobi assigned to watch Naruto.

'Not good. Orochimaru's former bodyguards know I was involved with the snake Sannin for years after he abandoned Konoha. If they tell the brat about my actions or gets any potential Shinobi to his cause will only make it that more difficult for me to control him. How do I turn this to my advantage?' thought Danzo while trying to figure out the best way to bring the boy under his thumb.

"Homura-san and Koharu-san are also wishing to speak with you," said the Root Shinobi with Danzo narrowing his eyes further.

"Send them both in," said Danzo with the Root Shinobi bowing and soon letting the two Shinobi Council members into the room before leaving.

"The Kyuubi brat is becoming uncontrollable. We need a plan," said Homura knowing that if anyone could come up with one, it would be Danzo, and help secure the brat to be the village's prized weapon.

"Agreed. Unfortunately, my Sharingan Eye has no effect on him like I hoped it would, and proves he cannot be controlled directly!" said Danzo with bitterness in his voice.

"He is of Uzumaki blood. The Sharingan Eye will not work against one of their own or the Senju since they are all linked through the Sage of Six Paths," said Koharu while Danzo scowled further.

"No. Its not just that. I can't suppress his power with it either. Since he apparently fused with Kyuubi, I should be able to keep it from rising, but my Sharingan Eye has had no effect on it, and I'm finding such new information to be bothersome," said Danzo with the two Shinobi Council members looking shocked by this news.

"It must be the boy's own chakra source mixing with Kyuubi's during the fusing process he underwent during the Month away from Konoha. It must have created some kind of barrier or resistance for Kyuubi's power against the Sharingan Eye," said Koharu with Danzo and Homura looking upset by this.

"We'll need to use politics as our weapon. We need to bring Tsunade under control on our end. If that fails Danzo, we need you to work on building us a case to use against Naruto, and bring before the Fire Daimyo to make him make Tsunade bow to our whims," said Homura with Danzo nodding knowing his Root Shinobi could do that.

"I've already begun preparing a case to send straight to the Fire Daimyo. Once he sees the evidence we've collected against the brat and Tsunade's lack of action against him for her own personal reasons...he will have no choice but to make that bitch do what we want," said Danzo, as he saw the two nod, and leave to prepare to control Tsunade so they could control Naruto.

(Rice Country-Sound Village)

"This is the main base Orochimaru keeps his most prized experiments and potential hosts he needed every three years," said Jirobo with Naruto nodding having long since gone through the late Sannin's own memories.

There was a lot of dirt the Sannin had on key people in Konoha and would use against them if they tried anything.

"Yes I know. Several in particular Shinobi intrigue me," said Naruto, as he headed into the village below, and into the secret underground chamber in one of the buildings.

They group walked down the corridors ignoring the weak or dead bodies in the cells they went by until they made it to the lab area. They saw Kabuto looking over some monitors, looking over notes, and completely in his work. On a table not far from the Medic Nin was an albino, who was being monitored, and looked like he had been crying earlier. From what Naruto recalled from Orochimaru's memories, this one was called Kimimaro, and was the last of the Kaguya Clan formerly of Mist in Water Country.

The man also had lung cancer and thus his honored opportunity to be Orochimaru's new body had been taken from him.

"You?" said a shocked Kabuto, as he turned to face Naruto, and Orochimaru's former bodyguards.

"Hello Kabuto. How are you?" said Naruto while grinning at the mad scientist wannabe in front of him.

"You have a lot of nerve coming here Uzumaki. Considering you are outnumbered," said Kabuto with a smirk on his face.

"Hardly. Kimimaro is barely a threat to me in his current condition," said Naruto with Kabuto frowning at his knowledge of Kimimaro's name.

"I was talking about the four behind you helping me," said Kabuto with a smirk once more appearing on his face.

"And they would side with you over me because...?" said Naruto while seeing the Medic Nin chuckle at him.

"Come now. You don't really expect them to obey your commands? A weak loud mouth brat, who pretends to be a ninja, and wishes to be Hokage? Pathetic!" said Kabuto while Naruto just looked at him for a moment before laughing.

"Do I look like that now you fool? I've come a long way since being forced to portray myself in that manner. Not to mention Orochimaru's death at my hands put the notion of being weak into question, doesn't it?" said Naruto seeing Kabuto narrow his eyes at him while Kimimaro tried to get up from the table.

"You? You killed Orochimaru-sama? That is why my Curse Seal is gone! YOU! I'LL KILL YOU!" exclaimed Kimimaro while trying to get up from the table.

"That would be a big mistake on your part. Considering I took Orochimaru's soul into my body along with all his secrets," said Naruto seeing Kimimaro and Kabuto looking at him with a mix of shock and fear.

"You took his...soul?" said Kimimaro seeing Naruto nod.

"Ripped it right out and into my body. All of his knowledge, his secrets, and memories are...mine!" said Naruto while letting his power radiate around him in swirl of red while letting out a cruel chuckle the snake Sannin couldn't perform even on a good day.

"So? It doesn't matter. You could absorb the souls of every Kage in the history of the Elemental Countries and you would still be nothing compared to me," said Kabuto while Naruto shook his head.

"You are so full of yourself Kabuto that its pathetic," said Naruto before summoning his Wrath Hammer to his hand.

"We'll see who is pathetic when I cut you open and dissect your body!" said Kabuto, as he got had his hands coated in chakra, and ready to use chakra scalpel to cut through his enemy.

"FIGHT!" yelled Naruto, as he hit Kabuto with Shadow Charge, and sent the shocked Medic Nin flying back into his work he had been studying moments ago.

"You'll pay for that!" cried out Kabuto, as he was covered in chemicals, and other things with his notes being ruined in the process.

"Unlikely. I wouldn't expect some second rate nutcase to understand what I've become since you last saw me during the Chuunin Exam Preliminaries," taunted Naruto with Kabuto snarling at him.

"Second rate? I'm the greatest Medic Nin in all the Elemental Countries!" exclaimed a now angry Kabuto with Naruto shaking his head in disagreement.

"My Godmother would disagree with you," Naruto shot back with Kabuto scoffing at him.

"That dried up old bitch? She's wasted over a decade getting drunk, gambling her money away, and wallowing in self pity over those she lost with a fear for blood! How can she be a Medic Nin of such supposed high caliber if she fears blood of all things? In my mind, Senju Tsunade is nothing more then a fake! A fraud!" snapped Kabuto with the enemy in front of him no longer looking amused and in fact looked deadly serious.

Without warning, Naruto struck Kabuto in the face with this Wrath Hammer after moving in a burst of speed the former right hand man of Orochimaru hadn't anticipated. The force behind the blow sent Kabuto flying through the wall, his ability to heal was already in the process of healing the crushed part of his face, and had to admit to himself that it hurt...a lot! The next thing Kabuto knew, Naruto was upon him, landing blows, left and right, as each hit broke bones, and caused internal bleeding. Before he could focus on how Naruto did that, Kabuto found both his hands stabbed by spears made up of red chakra, and saw his enemy summon Kusanagi to his hands with the dragon symbol now etched into the blade just above the hilt.

"For your insult against my Godmother, I will see to it your death is slow, painful, and the screams echo throughout the entire village!" said Naruto before thrusting the blade into Kabuto's chest and sure enough the man did scream loudly.

The poison from the sword was working on him internally and the power from Naruto was being channeled into the sword to burn Kabuto's flesh if not the internal organs from the inside out. All Kabuto could do was scream in pain, as his body was fighting a losing battle in healing itself while Naruto's killing blow was destroying him. Nothing he had in his arsenal of Jutsus that Orochimaru had him learn were helping in this matter and could not escape his slowly agonizing death from happening.

"Remind me not to piss Naruto off anytime soon," whispered Kidomaru the others, as he like the rest of his group saw Kabuto become an unrecognizable corpse on the ground, and Naruto removing Kusanagi from the remains.

"Fatality!" said Naruto before sending the sword away and turned to face the shocked Kaguya seeing the power before him.

"Such power. It is beyond that of Orochimaru," said Kimimaro in disbelief while seeing Naruto's power recede back into him.

"As is your illness in being treated by normal medical means," said Naruto, as he walked over to the weakened Kaguya, and saw him look down in shame.

"My illness prevented me from being Orochimaru's newest host. It has been a bane on my clan since its found and strikes those amongst it who are the strongest!" said Kimimaro with the look in his eyes that showed he cursed the God responsible for creating such a disease.

"Really? That's a real shame. Your bloodline reminds me of the Tarkatan warriors I've seen in Outworld. They have similar, yet different abilities in the ways of using their bones as weapons, and I am curious to know how that is possible?" said Naruto seeing Kimimaro was shocked to hear such information.

"It has long been spoken as a legend among my clansmen that our bloodline came from a demon with such abilities, who gave into his lust, and mated with a human female. Over the years, the bloodline slowly changed into what it is now, but back then...it was said the Kaguya Clan looked less human they we did before our destruction, and I am no most human looking Kaguya of them all," said Kimimaro before feeling Naruto's hand on his chest where Orochimaru's Curse Seal had once been.

"Yes. That does make sense. Still, we can't have such a promising warrior like yourself be wasted here on this table like some lab experiment, and die in this manner with this disease. It is unbefitting of a warrior," said Naruto with his hand on the albino's chest now glowing red and spreading around the man's upper torso.

"What are you doing?" questioned Kimimaro with a hint of fear in his voice while his body began to feel internal pain.

"I'm curing you of your disease Kaguya Kimimaro. Brace yourself for this will hurt...a lot!" Naruto stated simply, as he channeled his power into his hand through Kimimaro body, chanting words in a language no one in the room but himself understood, and he began purging the disease in the Kaguya.

"AAAAAHHHHHHHHH!" screamed Kimimaro, as he felt his body practically melting from the inside, and then being reformed at the same time.

Yes. Kimimaro would scream...a lot!

'I am so not going to him if I have a cold,' thought Jirobo, as he saw Kimimaro was now engulfed in red light, and blinding the group behind Naruto.

"It is finished. Rise Kaguya Kimimaro. Breathe clearly now for the first time in a long time," said Naruto seeing the albino sit up and get off the table despite nearly falling to his knees once his feet hit the ground.

"I can breathe. My disease is gone!" said Kimimaro, as he could breathe easily without coughing, and felt no blood in his lungs.

"Yes. I cured you. A bit crude, but it gets the job done," Naruto stated simply while he watched Kimimaro look at the new mark on his chest that was the symbol of the dragon tattooed there.

"Your mark?" said Kimimaro seeing Naruto shrug.

"More or less," said Naruto knowing the dragon symbol had long been associated with Mortal Kombat, but the future Emperor could see it as his own, and was giving him ideas for the future.

"I shall wear it with pride while in your service Naruto-sama," said Kimimaro before he kneeled at Naruto's feet.

"Rise Kimimaro. You shall join the others in my growing army as one of my Generals. I expect many great things from you. I do not tolerate failure lightly!" said Naruto seeing the Kaguya in front of him nod in understanding.

"I understand Naruto-sama" Kimimaro stated with the utmost understanding in his voice.

"Good. Follow me. All of you! We have more potential recruits to free from their prisons the snake locked away," said Naruto before heading down the hall to another room where a large corked bottle held what looked like ordinary water in it.

Picking up the container, Naruto looked at it for a second before grinning knowing what was in this, and smashed the container on the ground. Waiting a few moments, the water began to form into a human body revealing a light blue haired man with shark like teeth like Zabuza, or Kisame depending on who you think of first. This new person looked around to see the Sound Four, Kimimaro, and the most muscled he had ever fucking seen standing barely a foot from him.

"What the Hell? Who are you?" questioned the man with Naruto grinning at him.

"Your new Boss," said Naruto simply with the new guy looking stunned at hearing this news.

"What? Where's Orochimaru? And why do you four have Leaf headbands?" said the man curiously.

"He's dead Suigestu," stated Naruto with the man now known as Suigestu looking like the world just tilted off its angle.

"How the fuck do you know my name?" questioned Suigestu with the Sound Four now sucking in their breaths and Kimimaro was looking to stab him for some reason.

"Show Naruto-sama respect you fool or I'll rip out your guts!" Kimimaro stated angrily while Naruto held up a hand to stop the impending fight.

"Its all right Kimimaro. He's curious about how I know his name when none of you gave it to me," said Naruto like it was the simplest answer in the world.

"You could say that," said Suigestu carefully while wondering what made Kimimaro of all people turn from being a loyal fanatic of Orochimaru to this kid in front of him.

"I know your name because Orochimaru knew your name. I killed Orochimaru by taking his soul into my body and digesting it as if I was the Shinigami himself. All his memories of what he's done, his knowledge, and skills that I can use are all in my head. I know all I need to know about you Suigestu," said Naruto calmly while Suigestu felt a little freaked out at hearing the way the Sannin kicked the bucket.

"Okay. You freed me. Now what?" said Suigestu wondering what was going to happen now.

"Now you join me in my plans for this world," said Naruto in a matter of fact tone.

"And why the Hell would I join you? One crazy lunatic with delusions of grandeur for another is not my kind of thing. I have my own ambitions in life and I'm not wasting it following some warlord wannabe just because he freed me from that glass prison," said Suigestu with Naruto in front of him narrowing his eyes before grabbing the shocked man by the throat and lifting him up off the ground.

"I suggest you choose your words more carefully Suigestu-san. For they could be your last. I know all about your ambition in wanting to possess the swords belonging to the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist. I have no intention of denying you that ambition. What I intend to do is conqueror lands and fight all those that oppose me. I need Generals, who will lead my armies throughout the world, and unite it under my banner. Under my rule. I know all about your desire to spill blood and my war will give you plenty of it!" Naruto explained before dropping Suigestu on the ground.

"You're not messing with me? You're not pulling my leg?" said Suigestu seeing Naruto looking at him with smoldering eyes.

"Hardly. Now get off the ground Suigestu. I have two more potentials to recruit from this place," said Naruto before turning around and leaving the room with his slowly growing army following him.

The group soon went to another cell with seal tags on it to keep whoever was in this room locked up tight with no hope of escape unless someone from the outside opened it. With a swing of his just summoned Wrath Hammer, Naruto destroyed the cell door, and walked in like he owned the place. Inside the room was a tall man with orange hair sitting on the ground and looking up at his newest guest.

"Who are you?" said the orange haired man.

"Your new Master. I know of your fear. Fear for your power. Serve me loyally and I will ensure it is controlled," said Naruto with the man shaking his head.

"No one control it. I can't even control it. What could you possibly have that makes what I possess controllable?" questioned the man with Naruto grinning at him.

"Kimimaro for one. I know he can help you keep your condition in check. I can also give you access to the best medical mind in the world. If she can't fix or stabilize you...then nothing will," answered Naruto with the tall man now getting off the ground and looking at Kimimaro who gave a nod that what was being told was the truth.

"My name is Jugo. I am yours to command...my Master," said Jugo before he bowed in front of Naruto.

"Good. Welcome to your future Emperor's army," said Naruto before putting a hand on the man's shoulder and made a hand motion for the group to follow him once more.

This time they went to another lab area instead of a cell though it looked like there were seals on it to keep whoever was in the lab from escaping. Once again, Naruto smashed down the door, which made the person in the lab, a young girl with red hair, and glasses shriek in fear at the sudden intrusion into her prison. This girl was apparently taken some time recently within the past Month, as she wore attire worn by Grass Shinobi, and even had the headband on though it looked like it had gone a few rounds with Goro in Mortal Kombat.

"Who are you?" asked the frightened red head, as she saw this person she had never seen before enter the room, and practically tower over her frightened form.

"Someone who is in need of your sensory based talents and your recent interest in the Medical Arts," answered Naruto with the bespectacled girl still shaking in fear of him.

"Forced interests," said the redheaded girl.

"Still, it is an interest you have excelled at since being here in such a short time, and I can make such a skill reach its full potential with the teacher I have in mind for you to learn from," stated Naruto with the girl looking at him with more curiosity then fear.

"Who?" questioned the girl.

"Senju Tsunade. My Godmother," answered Naruto with the girl's eye bugging out to the point where she almost lost her glasses.

"W-What? S-Senju Tsunade is...is your G-G-Godmother? asked the girl with the idea of Tsunade being the Godmother to this...guy being unbelievable.

He was huge! Muscled with muscles in ways she couldn't begin to understand! What was the Senju woman feeding him? Did she even want to know? And the power! It was all over the place from what she could sense and seemed to be from a never ending well full of it.

"Yeah. She's also the new Hokage of Konoha so I have a lot of pull. If there is one thing my Godmother knows, its seeing who has talent in her field, and judging from all of the memories of Orochimaru...you have it," stated Naruto with girl looking shocked by how he had Orochimaru's memories.

"Are you...Orochimaru?" questioned the girl with Naruto laughing at her.

"Hardly! I am no more Orochimaru then Tayuya," answered Naruto with the Tayuya's face turning red with anger and the others were snickering.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP BEFORE I KICK AND PUNCH YOU ALL IN THE BALLS!" yelled Tayuya while shaking her fists at them with her team looking away while they whistled nonchalantly.

"Then how exactly...?" questioned the girl though it was clear he wasn't going to explain things to her just yet.

"They can tell you if they wish. Its not important. What is important to me is knowing if you wish to join side? I'll need highly skilled Medic Nins when I launch my campaign to conqueror the Elemental Countries and with your sensory skills will be a key addition to my forces young Karin-chan," explained Naruto with the girl now named Karin looking at him in surprise at being called her name when she didn't give it.

"Are you serious? You're going to conqueror all ofthe Elemental Countries? Its just not possible! You have the Shinobi villages and the Daimyos of each country opposing you!" said Karin with Naruto letting out a chuckle of amusement.

"I know. Which is why I'm gathering my forces now while no one suspects my actions or can prepare to stand against me," said Naruto with Karin looking skeptical.

"Even if you succeed at first, the opposition will eventually rally together to oppose you!" explained Karin with Naruto just finding her words amusing.

then I want all of the Uzumaki Clan in Whirlpool brought back to the land of the living, and Yahiko while Whirlpool Country itself is brought back to her former glory," said Nagato with Raiden narrowing his eyes at him.

"Your price is steep, However, the alternative should Naruto succeed in his conquest far outweighs what you are asking, and I will grant it IF you kill him," said Raiden before he vanished in a flash of lightning.

"Would you really do that? Kill one of the few remaining Uzumaki left in the world aside from yourself?" said Konan seeing Nagato looking unsure of himself.

"I don't know. Possibly. Maybe. I don't know! I can't and won't know until I'm faced with the choice in front of me in the future. Send for Itachi and Kisame. They were recently sent to retrieve the Kyuubi Jinchuriki. I want to know everything that has happened since their encounter with him. Everything!" Nagato while his conscious wrestled with so many "what ifs" regarding the choice to kill his distant cousin.

Could he do it? Would he do it? Only time would tell.