
Naruto : Declaration

**I don't own Naruto.** When you die, you reincarnate. That is the cycle of life. He was sent into a new world, being the first with his memories, as well as a gift to help him on his journeys, perhaps forevermore. Uploads one chapter a week

vixinitydbz · Anime e quadrinhos
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9 Chs

7 ..The only one that I had

"Hey.. can I look at these books? It's named "Naruto & Naruto Shippuden." Sasuke asked.

"Hm? Naruto? Sure, I think you have the rights to my memories, after all you are my actual body." Kouhei responded.

Kouhei believed that Sasuke should already know anyways, since Kouhei can already manage Sasuke's 12 years of memory.

Or maybe not, Kouhei thought that maybe he could only handle it so easily in the first day is because he already knows what's going to happen, and while he missed out on some things, those things he missed out on in the anime were really boring.

Getting permission from Kouhei, he finally opened the book.

Immediately, as Sasuke opened the book, his mind was filled with knowledge. He learned about the first few things that Kouhei learned about Naruto.

Naruto, Sakura and him. Finally, his theory was confirmed, this book, might actually really be about this world.

"Hellooo, Sasukeeee are you there??" He heard a voice ask. It was Kouhei. For him, it was a few seconds. For the rest of the world, it had already been 15 minutes.

"Ah! Yes, I'm here!" Sasuke said with surprise, he wouldn't act like this if he hadn't lost track of time, Sasuke thought.

"Uh, so you know about Naruto and that stuff right? What's your sort of opinion on it and stuff."

"Well, actually I haven't seen much, just the first episodes or so, so I think I-" Sasuke said.

"Ah, so do you want me to tell something about it or-"

"No, I can read it on my own, thanks a lot for the offer but, I can do things on my own." Sasuke said.

"Ah okay, I'll just leave you alone then."

Sasuke reopened the books.. then immediately almost fell from the pressure he felt from his head. Luckily, he held himself by the table and tried again.

He reopened the book again, this time going a bit longer before, he tried to resist it, but after around 20 minutes in real time, or for Sasuke, barely half a minute.

It was particular annoying for Sasuke, as he got to the part where him in the anime was fighting Itachi, but before the fight could end to see who would win.

It was also extremely embarrassing to see him get beat by Itachi that badly, it was bad from before but now..

The information that Naruto was the Nine Tails Jinchuriki was also really surprising for him, but he knows that he isn't the Nine Tails, since he saw how he actually manages to get in the seal during Tenchi Bridge.

There wasn't a lot he missed out on during the Original Show, since he was still with the team. Still though, Sasuke seeing how Jiraiya threw Naruto off a cliff just made Sasuke feel bad for Naruto.

Jiraiya probably saw the Child of the Fourth Hokage, the Child of Prophecy, and the Saviour of this world before he saw Naruto Uzumaki. But isn't that the case for all his other students?

Jiraiya saw the Prodigy Orphan before Minato Namikaze.

"This isn't my business, why am I going so deep in this." Sasuke thought. He decides to go on himself instead.

He saw Naruto getting deepthroated by Itachi's Crow.

It was pretty funny, and besides, Naruto is the Throat Goat anyways, he has a whole ass Fox in his stomach for fucks sake.

"He's more of a brother to me than you'll ever be to him!" Naruto said.

Sasuke could almost laugh at this. But, to Naruto, it was probably true. Him, as in Sasuke, sacrificed himself in the Land of Waves, he was the only one (his age, Iruka is probably actually the first one.) to acknowledge Naruto.

Honestly he could see himself being like Naruto in this position, as much as he hates to say it. 

He saw how supposedly 'corrupted' he was by the Curse Mark and Itachi's Tsukuyomi. If he were to say the way Kouhei would say it :

"The Curse Mark and Itachi's Tsukuyomi basically ruined Part 1 me (Sasuke)'s character development and set it backyears ago to the Uchiha massacre."

"Of course.." he said tiredly, he decided to rest a bit.

He sat down, forgetting that there was no chair, but even so when he realized his mistake, he was sitting on something?

Hold on, when he fell the first time, how did he hold himself? What was he holding to? Sasuke thought.

"It is the same principle as how you could create a library, Sasuke.. in truth, the library is just the simplest way to 'express' Soul Information."

"Soul Information is a concept, it is kind of like a vector image, just like how a vector image is created from mathematical equations, the Soul Information is created from the universe itself..." Before it could say any more, it was interrupted.

"I don't want to learn how to use the Yapringan Dojutsu, please just summarize it for me how I could've created a chair please." Sasuke said.

"Of course, Sasuke. So, anyways, you created the chair because this inner world is yours and Kouheis, you can instinctively make everything, but you can't explain how you do it. It is like the Sage of Six Path's Universal Unders-"

"Okay let's stop right there, I thought we would get a Zanpakuto not a Yappakuto." Sasuke said.

"So in this world I can do everything because this is my mind? Is that correct?"

"That's correct." The voice said.

Hearing this, Sasuke finally decided to finish Naruto. He recovered just in time and was really excited to see who would win.

Although, on second thought, Sasuke realized that he'd probably win, plot armor and all that.

He opened the book again, he tried his hardest to resist the feeling of just wanting to let it go and just drop on the floor.

Finally, he heard the white noise that symbolized him actually receiving information.

It was irritating, but Sasuke had a new method : instead of having information travel from the Soul to the Body immediately, he would delay it by a bit to be able to turn the Soul Information into something akin to a water tap.

He finally relaxed and he waited a few minutes for the white noise to calm down, that will signalize him finishing all the data about "Naruto".

After a few more minutes of waiting, the White Noise began calming down, then disappeared. Sasuke finally got all the memories of Naruto, the series.

Although there was an another thing about a sequel series named "Boruto", which from the naming pattern is probably about Naruto's son, but seeing how Kouhei tried to repress this memory, he decides to not look into it.

He decides to review the Soul Information, the aftermath of the Itachi final fight. He couldn't predict what "he" was going to do after he killed Itachi.

Well, the first thing that he found out hit him like a truck hitting a four year old child who wasn't looking while crossing the street [A/N : Oddly Specific.]

Sasuke woke up in a large room. Tobi appeared from the shadows, and said that he would tell Sasuke "the truth" about Itachi.

As Tobi's, whose true identity is none other than Madara, Sharingan was shown, Sasuke's Sharingan was turned into Mangekyō Sharingan. His eyes bled, and Amaterasu appeared around Tobi. Tobi said that Itachi had implanted his abilities into Sasuke, and that they would activate as soon as Tobi's Sharingan was shown. Tobi then said that Itachi had done this to kill Tobi, and to protect Sasuke.

Hold on, protect Sasuke? Interesting, Sasuke thought. Well, he is Madara Uchiha. He is a liar and a trickster. Even if he was telling the truth, it would probably be only half truths.

"Itachi was ordered by the elders of Konoha to annihilate the Uchiha because of the fact they were growing too powerful, but Itachi asked the elders to please spare you. In truth, Sasuke. Everything he did was to protect you."

Oh... Word?? Itachi actually was ordered by Konoha?

Hold on, why didn't he feel like in the original story, where he awakened the Mangekyou Sharingan just from hearing that line?

Maybe it's because it comes from Madara, and from those cringy 9 year old children on YouTube commenting about how Madara is the master planner and everything, Sasuke thinks that Madara is definitely planning something.

"Hmm.. if I was Madara Uchiha, what would I.. omit certain truths about the Uchiha Massacre to make Itachi more a hero than he originally was..?" Sasuke thought.

"Oh my god! I'm such a dumbass, I forgot about the fact that I can look into future knowledge!" Sasuke almost facepalmed from the shame.

He decides to see the moment where Itachi will be mentioned again, since he can take advantage of the fact that he's the secondary character, and the secondary character can't have incomplete development.

Itachi would definitely have a second truth behind the truth, and so he will try to get something.

Skipping forwards to see Itachi appear, he finally saw him. In the reanimation jutsu, he is incarnated and paired with Nagato in the Fourth Shinobi World War. For what purpose except plot? Who knows.

Naruto asks Itachi about the truth of the Uchiha Massacre. Much to Itachi's horror and dismay, Sasuke learned the truth about the Massacre.

"Okay so, he's mad that I finally learned the truth? Ah yes, best older brother for sure.."

The rest of the fight doesn't interest him that much, because he is certain Naruto and Killer Bee will definitely win.

When he has an opening, Itachi calls out the crow he planted in Naruto before his death and allows it to use its genjutsu on him, overriding Kabuto's control with its pre-programmed mission to protect Konoha.

Hold on, so that was what the crow for?

Sasuke was actually trying to not laugh by facepalming. No way this absolute retard of an older brother didn't just try to do what he did, did he?

Put the one that he will supposedly """protect""" under the strongest Genjutsu outside of Infinite Tsukuyomi just to force them to his will and become a mindless drone.

And of course, he also puts the one that he will """protect""" subject to the second strongest visual Genjutsu and see their parents die more than 500,000 times.

But for now, Sasuke will try to remain calm and see the truth from Itachi. Of course it might not be true either from his track record but this is the best that he has.

He skips the fight since it's pissing him off how Itachi makes everyone around him so stupid. Maybe that's his true Mangekyou ability, to make everyone around him look dumber.

Seriously, Naruto learned the values of teamwork on Chapter One, and are you telling me that Naruto didn't already know you must get recognition if you want to be Hokage?

Jiraiya isn't that much of an incompetent teacher, is he? He's pretty sure Jiraiya could tell Naruto about it in the 3 years they spent.

Back to the story, Itachi finally destroyed Shisui's eye using Amaterasu and left to find Kabuto.

Of course, he would be able to do this bullshit, considering he is Kishimotos self insert after all.

He somehow is the only Uchiha who has a Mangekyou ability that doesn't relate to eachother in all but name.

He has a magical weapon in his Sussanoo, which feels like children fighting in the playground, to be honest.

'Oh yeah?! Well, my power can seal anything inside it with only a slash!'

Enough with the Itachi rant, Sasuke decides to see him talk to Sasuke face to face about the truth, finally.

He inadvertently crosses paths with Sasuke along the way. Feeling he is unworthy of Sasuke, Itachi tries to avoid him and his questions.

When Sasuke persists, Itachi admits that he made a mistake manipulating Sasuke along a path that he wanted, which has put Sasuke in a worse position than he ever intended.

"Of course, what did you expect after you tried to put your own relative under the strongest mind Genjutsu, put them under a Genjutsu which forced them to watch their parents die more than 500,000 times TWICE."


"If I'm gonna be honest, I am going in the complete opposite direction of OG Sasuke. Learning the truth about the Uchiha actually makes me hate Itachi more." Sasuke said.

Seeing the memory, he couldn't be helped but disappointed. "Oh my fucking god. Of course you think you aren't worthy of him, you should've known that shit when you put him under a Genjutsu.."

Sasuke decides to skip the fight, but not before he saw an another Bullshit no Jutsu Itachi pulled, this time, it's called "Izanami".

And of course, the exact circumstances were right, Itachi somehow knew the Jutsu when not even Danzou did.

"Every Jutsu has a weakness, and the weakness for this Jutsu is me!"

That line was just cringeworthy. If it was him, he definitely couldn't say that with a straight face.

But of course, the king of plot convenience Kishimoto makes him immediately forgive Itachi even when he made Sasuke see his family killed more than there are people in the Leaf, tried to make him a mindless drone, and still had the nerve to try to lecture about "I'm still Itachi Uchiha of the Leaf" just pisses him off.

He actually hates Itachi, before he was trying to get questions, but now that he has the answers, he actually hates the guy.

"Uh, I see that you're finished, are you fine with this?" He heard a voice ask. It was Kouhei.

"Like, you know the truth now, what do you want to do with it?" Kouhei asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine, but Itachi is pissing me off. Like genuinely, I hate his ass. The way that he is such a self insert by Kishimoto, gets asspull powers. Like this I actually feel hatred for him."

"Before I wanted to ask questions, but now I know the answer : I just want to make him suffer."

"I actually hate the way he talks. The way that Kishimoto makes him above everyone, he makes everyone look stupid around him even when they aren't normally like that."

"I hate the way that he dresses too, he gets carried by the Akatsuki Cloak, the shit that he wears beneath it is actually bullshit."

"I hate his powers, he somehow has a weapon that can seal someone with a slash, when it was never mentioned again without mentioning Itachi, that just pisses me off.

And the fact that out of every Uchiha with a Mangekyou, he is the only one with not correlating Mangekyou Ability too."

"I hate the way that he treats everyone. He thinks of himself as justice and deity, treating everyone around him as pawns. He tried to make the one he wants to "protect" a mindless drone. It's really annoying everytime I see Naruto agreeing with him."

"And finally, the way he treats himself. His actions overall. He keeps treating everyone as pawns, including himself. That is just stupidity to me. And I think in one of the light novels he killed the guy who poisoned Shisui, right? Well, why not kill Danzou? You know, the guy who ordered Shisui to be killed. But nope, only Joji Aburame."

"Wow man... That is.." Sasuke heard a sigh from Kouhei.

"A long session of yapping. I heard you say that you hate yapping, well, what about now?"

"Hokage Mindset my ass, if this was the mindset of the Hokage, the village is doomed. Fuck him."

"Like actually, I hate him. And it's not like after the Uchiha massacre. I hated him because I wanted answers. But now that I have them all? Fuck him."

"Didn't he say that he wanted to get me to kill him, basically killing himself? Yeah, fuck th-" before Sasuke could finish the sentence, he heard a sound.

The moment both Kouhei and Sasuke heard it, they knew what it was, but still couldn't believe it.

"Oh my god, is this what I think it is?!" Kouhei sounded out. Seemed like he heard it too.

Sasuke felt a stabbing pain in his eyes. Immediately, the pain was replaced by confusion.

"It's enough?? I thought I had to do something with the brain and emotions or something?" Sasuke asked questioningly. Now, he couldn't ignore the eye pain.

The Sharingan Tomoes in Sasuke's eye turned into a certain pattern of a spinning whirlpool.

The Fabled Mangekyou Sharingan.

There are six things the LORD hates, seven that are detestable to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are quick to rush into evil, a false witness who pours out lies and a man who stirs up dissension among brothers.

Sasuke's personality is so different because he doesn't have the Cursed Mark anymore.

also, Mangekyou is born from intense emotions, so Sasuke going full on Sukuna mode on itachi is enough. you don't need to see people close to you death, just enough emotions is enough (psst, Sarada)

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