
Caught in the Middle with Baki

Blanket disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or Tenjho Tenge


This time Baki has to explain things to EVERYBODY. Enjoy!

Last time:

Natsume Clan Home, guest room

Gaara woke up not really recalling anything past Temari hugging him. He blinked and saw Temari and Kankuro were asleep sitting on a small couch by his futon. Kankuro was snoring softly. It was afternoon because the sun was lower in the sky from what the redhead could see outside the window. 'I don't hear the voice in my head anymore. My thoughts are very clear. I don't even feel angry. What should I do?' Gaara held up his right index finger and his sand swirled in a funnel pattern before he flattened it into a disk and changed it back again.

"Can you control your sand okay Gaara?" asked Temari.

Gaara turned and saw his siblings were awake. Gaara looked back at his sand and moved it through several complex patterns effortlessly. He said, "Controlling my sand has never been this easy. It follows my will exactly."

Kankuro said, "Well, Uzumaki said it would be much easier now. How about you? I've never seen you so relaxed Gaara. Did you sleep well? You've been out for hours; of course, I'm sure you needed it."

"Actually, I feel well." said Gaara. "Without Mother…without Shukaku fighting me for control I feel more peaceful than I ever remember. I wonder if I can use all my sand techniques."

Temari said, "If you feel like getting up, we can test it out. Or if you want you can sleep awhile longer."

"I feel rested." said the redhead. "Let's go outside and see what I can do."

For the first time since before their Mother died; Temari felt like she had a family…

Chapter 36

Fire Country, Konoha, Hotel Guest Quarters

It was late afternoon and Rasa got out of a long day of negotiations with Tsunade. For the first time in months felt positive about Suna's financial outlook. Tsunade was being more than generous with the economic and trade packages she was offering and the war could be averted if things kept going at their present rate. Though he didn't show it the Kazekage was bordering on ecstatic. Of course, now he had to go back and face his wreck of a family…no doubt dinner would be a somber and tension filled affair as always. Hoping the conflict would be kept at a minimum; he knocked on the door and let himself into his sons' suite only to have his eyeballs nearly pop out of his head.

Gaara was sitting in the lotus position in the floor elevating his siblings in easy chair shaped sand constructs under Baki's supervision. Kankuro was actually laughing. "Try making Kankuro's chair recline Gaara. Leave Temari's sitting up. Your concentration so far is excellent." Both chairs reclined at the same time and Gaara frowned.

"It seems dividing my attention between the two is more difficult than I expected." said the redhead.

That was when Temari noticed Rasa standing in the doorway gawking in disbelief. She said, "Kazekage-sama is here Gaara. You should set us down now." Everyone in the room turned to the Kazekage who was still staring as Gaara set his siblings down light as a feather. His sand quickly vanished back into its gourd. Temari smiled and said. "We'll continue practicing later Gaara."

Gaara simply nodded. He'd been having fun with his siblings and his Father's arrival kind of ruined his mood. The redhead turned to his Father and said plainly, "I trust you had a productive day Kazekage-sama? I certainly did."

Rasa closed the door behind him and looked at Baki who was sweating profusely. Baki said nervously, "Ehehehe…You wouldn't believe what happened today Kazekage-sama…"

Rasa was questioning Baki in a side room. "You are saying that Gaara is not only rid of Shukaku's influence but his control over his sand has improved exponentially?" asked the Kazekage. "More importantly my youngest son is finally sane?!"

"That sums it up in a nutshell Kazekage-sama." said Baki tiredly. The Suna jonin had spent the last forty-five minutes explaining that a fuinjutsu master had completely immobilized him and fixed Gaara's seal before his very eyes. Baki also explained that making the seal master angry was a very bad idea and that the boy wanted Elder Chiyo's head on a pike for such shoddy seal work on Gaara.

Rasa face palmed. "This seal master…he just did this out of the good of his heart? I find that difficult to believe. What is his name and what are his real reasons?"

Baki said, "His name is Uzumaki Naruto and he is a jinchuriki himself. I-"

Rasa's eyes widened. "An Uzumaki? They were the greatest fuinjutsu practitioners in history! You say he is Gaara's age?"

The jonin nodded. "He is a genin. He is obviously a prodigy of some sort. I'm not a fuinjutsu expert but his work is far beyond that of our own seal masters."

Rasa went back into the front room where his three children were playing cards together. It was a sight he never thought he'd see. 'My children…acting like a family…' The Kazekage swallowed the lump in his throat and said, "I hate to interrupt your game kids but I'd like to inspect the new seal on Gaara's back."

The three siblings looked at him for a moment before Gaara emotionlessly took off his shirt and said, "Uzumaki replaced the old one. It's in the same place."

Rasa nodded and said, "Channel some chakra through it for me so I can look at it Gaara." The youngest sibling nodded and the seal became visible to Rasa's amazed eyes. Gaara's Father gasped and then said, "This seal; it is a work of art. I have never seen such a complex and perfect seal. Is Shukaku truly gone from your mind?"

"Shukaku can no longer influence me." said Gaara. "I am free of the monster thanks to Uzumaki Naruto. I can even sleep."

Kankuro said, "Uzumaki was furious at the poor-quality seal on Gaara's back. If he ever meets Elder Chiyo it will be the end of her. Naruto acted like it was his duty to fix things. We couldn't stop him."

"His calligraphy brush is more powerful than any jutsu I've witnessed." said Temari with admiration in her teal eyes. "He defeated Baki-sensei effortlessly."

'It looks like I'm never going to live that down.' thought Baki morosely. "I already explained those things to Kazekage-sama."

"I would like to meet this boy." said Rasa. "If you are truly cured Gaara then I owe this young man my eternal gratitude."

All three siblings raised their eyebrows and Temari asked, "You aren't angry Kazekage-sama?"

Rasa shook his head. "I'm not angry but I am very perplexed as to why this Uzumaki seal master helped you without asking for any form of payment. It is suspicious."

Kankuro blurted out, "Well it's obvious why Uzumaki did it. It was nee-chan's bride-price."

Rasa and Baki's jaws hit the floor. The Kazekage said with wide eyes, "SAAAY WHAAAT?" He turned to Baki. "Explain this to me Baki!"

"I-I wasn't aware of anything involving a bride-price!" quailed the turban wearing jonin.

"What was said Kankuro?" thundered Rasa.

Kankuro was sweating between Rasa's killing intent and Temari's angry teal eyes flashing at him with a vengeance. "Nee-chan said; If Naruto can make my little brother sane I'll be eternally grateful. Hell, I'll marry the guy as thanks!"

"Why didn't you stop her then Kankuro?" spat out the Kazekage.

"Temari-nee is eighteen and can legally name her own bride-price!" cried Kankuro. "I'm her younger brother, not her older one."

Baki said, "This is the first time you've ever followed Suna law as long as I've known you Kankuro."

"Well, I-" started the war paint wearing nin.

Rasa turned to Gaara and said, "Why didn't you stop your sister Gaara?"

The redhead said flatly, "I was immobilized and being held against my will by Uzumaki Naruto at the time."

Temari and Rasa locked in a silent battle of wills as her angry teal eyes glared into his own dark ones. "I am in the right!" she roared.

Rasa blinked and Baki stared in shock as his leader lost the battle. The Kazekage groaned. "Under Suna law you are right Temari…but what possessed you to do such a thing?"

"I wanted my little brother back." said the sandy blonde kunoichi. "I named my bride-price on impulse but I won't go back on my word. I am a proud Suna kunoichi and I have my honor." She looked over at Gaara and said, "Besides, having Gaara sane and as my little brother at last is a fair bride-price in my opinion."

Natsume Clan Residence

Naruto sneezed. 'I think someone is talking about me…' He set his calligraphy brushwork down and started cleaning his brush. Going out into the front room he saw Aya and Maya looking over the ryugan scrolls together.

Maya said in a gentle but authoritative tone, "Alright Aya; let's practice activating and deactivating your eyes like Obaa-chan and Hanabi-chan taught you."

"Yes nee-chan." said Aya as her eyes activated and became red slits.

Naruto smiled and said, "Wow Aya-chan; they really do look like dragon's eyes. Cool. Can you see the future or anything yet?"

Maya smiled and said, "Sit down with us Naruto-kun. We're going over the scrolls and I think Aya has mastered turning the chakra on and off to her eyes."

Aya smiled as Naruto sat down and held hands with Maya. With her eyes still active she looked into their near future…

…And blushed atomic red. Aya stuttered and said "Y-you-you two would do that together? Oh my god! I can't believe this! Nee-chan, I had no idea you planned-"

Maya's smile turned sickly sweet and she growled through gritted teeth, "You can turn your eyes off now Aya-chan."

Aya deactivated her ryugan and was still blushing when she said, "I think I'm going to go get a drink of water!" and took off like a bat out of hell…

The silver haired girl watched as her younger sister retreated. 'If she blows my plans with Naruto-kun tonight I'll give Aya a spanking she'll never forget!'

Naruto asked, "What was Aya-chan so flustered about?"

Maya smiled happily at Naruto's oblivious nature. "No need to worry about it Naruto-kun." said the silver haired beauty. 'Tonight you're mine!'

While Maya's head was filled with triple X-rated thoughts; Hinata was in the kitchen with Hanabi eating cinnamon buns.

Noticing the look of orgasmic bliss on Hinata's face, Hanabi said, "Gee nee-chan; you must have really missed your cinnamon buns."

Hinata turned to Hanabi and said, "Going to the bakery after Naruto-kun put that new seal on Gaara-san was the best idea I've had since before that atrocious mission. This is heaven."

Devilnata was sitting on Hinata's right shoulder eating her own chibi cinnamon bun. She was wearing a Catholic girl's school uniform that showed way too much leg and cleavage to be decent. "Mmmm…These cinnamon buns are positively sinful…" She muttered blissfully.

Perched on Hinata's left shoulder was Angelnata who was wearing a traditional nun's outfit. She too was stuffing her face with a chibi cinnamon bun. "Oh fuck this is good. It tastes almost as good as Naruto-kun."

'Mhm.' thought Hinata. 'I need to cover Naruto-kun with icing and have him for desert…' All three Hinata's hummed happily together in agreement…

The Yamanaka Residence

Ino was sitting with Emi and Sakura looking at the graduation photo of their genin class. Ino held up the picture showing the ANBU Brats with Yugao standing off to one side. "Damn." said the Yamanaka heiress. "We've all been so busy with missions that I haven't had time to look over our class picture. Mama said it was delivered while we were in Hot Springs Country."

Looking at the picture of Ino's parents in their class photo in their bright colors and wearing big smiles was a shocking contrast. "Your parents look so happy and young." said Sakura. "We look like a bunch of ANBU standing at attention."

Emi sighed. "All we need is shoulder tattoos and we really would look like ANBU in that picture. I never realized how grim the twelve of us looked before."

"Shame Hinata and Maya couldn't make it." said Ino.

The redhead smiled and said, "It was pretty obvious they were worn out from that Tea Country mission they just got back from. Of course, those Suna ninjas kind of took up the spare time they had." Emi turned to Sakura and said, "You should have seen the seal that Naruto-kun made to help that Suna ninja named Gaara. It was incredibly complex and beautiful."

Ino chuckled and said with a smirk, "You missed seeing Naruto-kun take out a Suna jonin in seconds with just seals. It was hilarious seeing that big guy go down."

Emi was chortling. "Naruto-kun called the guy 'turban man' and promptly left the poor bastard paralyzed in the dust! Bwahaha!"

Sakura laughed at Emi getting carried away. 'It's a shame it's a secret what the seal was for but both of them said S-Class so I won't pry. They're probably telling me too much as it is.' thought the rosette.

"Well, maybe we can drop in on Team 11 tomorrow." said Ino. "If we get Yakumo too then maybe all of us kunoichis can hang out together."

Konoha Aviary

Natsuko was looking over her message to her cousin Shizuka:


I have found myself in an unusual predicament. As you know our long term plans for me to eliminate that corrupt High Priest Wataru were in motion and I was travelling with some Konoha ninjas towards the Fire Capital posing as a Miko. Unfortunately, my identity was discovered by them. Certain parties wish to eliminate me due to some minor indiscretions on my part which caused my identity to be revealed by outside sources. This left my mission scrubbed and me in the hands of Konoha. I later found out Wataru was put to death due to his corruption so the mission ultimately could not be completed regardless.

The Hokage's advisor Sarutobi-sama informed me that Konoha may require reparations for us operating covertly within their territory. I am unaware of the specific details and trust that you will handle this with your capable skills. (I really don't want to be incarcerated). So far, I am being treated as a visiting foreign kunoichi with all the social and diplomatic niceties involved so for now I am safe.

Most importantly I have found a worthy husband! His name is Uzumaki Naruto and he saved me from a terrible death or worse. Unfortunately, he is shy and seems confused as to his role in the matter. Sarutobi-sama informed me that Naruto-kun isn't required to marry me due to Konoha Village laws but I must beg to differ. Naruto-kun is a powerful ninja though his rank does not reflect it. He is also a seal master and could help the Nadeshiko Village immensely. I hope you are willing to help me negotiate it so he will become my husband per our laws.

Your humble servant,


"Ugggh. I hate writing so formally to Shizuka-chan. She's more like a little sister to me than our exalted leader." muttered the Nadeshiko kunoichi under her breath. She took the sealed message to the chunin at the Avairy and said, "This diplomatic message is for Shizuka-sama of the Nadeshiko Village. I trust there will be no problem having it delivered there?"

The chunin nodded. "It will take about three days but there should be no problems. Water Country is some distance from Fire Country."

"I'll leave it in your capable hands then." said Natsuko.

The Nara Ranch

Shikamaru was sitting and playing shogi with his Father Shikaku as their Akimichi friends Choji and Choza watched. Shikamaru made a move that caused Shikaku to pause and think. "So Dad…about the troublesome Prince of Uzu…" said Shikamaru.

"Hmmm? He and his whole team are the most troublesome genin in the history of Konoha." said Shikaku. Then he added, "Yūgao has created a bunch of monsters."

Choza chuckled. "The most troublesome group of genin in the history of Konoha? I thought that was our team, Ino-Shika-Cho."

"So did I." said Shikaku. "But in their first mission Team 11 razed a village to the ground and fought an S class missing nin. They had the highest body count I've ever heard of for a C-ranked mission."

Choji stopped eating his chips and said, "Are they alright?"

"I saw them earlier today." said Shikamaru. "They are a bit tired but seem just fine."

"Ah, that's good." said Choji as he resumed eating. "We might have to drop in and check on them tomorrow."

"That's a good idea Choji." said Choza with approval in his tone. "What brought up Naruto to begin with Shikamaru?" asked the Akimichi Patriarch.

Shikamaru was in his 'thinking pose.' "I'm 80% convinced that Naruto's Mother Kushina-sama taught our Fourth Hokage everything he knew about sealing and that Namikaze Minato is in fact Naruto's Father." He opened his eyes to lock with Shikaku's and asked, "Am I correct?"

Choza's jaw dropped. Choji stared with wide eyes. Shikaku said, "Troublesome. You shouldn't throw S-Class secrets around so casually Shikamaru." His son's eyes lit up and Shikaku sighed. "Yes, Namikaze Minato was Kushina-sama's husband. Naruto is their one and only child. You and Choji are sworn to secrecy."

Choji asked, "Does Naruto know? He always just said he was an orphan until he found out he was a Prince."

Shikaku nodded. "The Third Hokage explained everything to him recently."

"Troublesome." said Shikamaru. "Every time I think I have Naruto figured out he pulls something crazy like this."

"That really is beyond just troublesome Shika." said Choji. "I nearly lost my appetite there for a minute."

Choza looked shocked and handed his son an extra bag of chips. "Can't have you losing weight now can we?"

Shikamaru and Shikaku just sweat dropped at their pleasingly plump friends…

Natsume Clan Residence

After dinner Maya and Hinata scurried off to Hinata's room and talked behind the silencing seal for a few moments before they exited giggling to themselves.

Maya's room….

Maya immediately went to take a clean herself up and the silver haired beauty was soon showering. After thoroughly cleansing herself, Maya stood naked in front of her mirror and admired herself. 'Almost all the cuts and bruises from Shin nii-san are completely gone.' She looked down at her womanhood and then cast the birth control jutsu taught to her by Hanako Obaa-chan. "Tonight I'll have my Naruto-kun at last. Tomorrow is Hinata-chan's turn." She slipped on a filmy see-through yukata with lacy silver panties and a matching bra underneath. Focusing for a moment she exhaled to calm herself and waited for Naruto to arrive.

Naruto's room…

The blonde ninja heard a knock on his door and opened it only to find Hinata there in her sleeping yukata. She had a sultry smile on and said "Na-ru-to-kun; will you make a clone for me to snuggle with tonight? Why don't you go sleep with Maya-chan tonight and make her feel better? I know she must be hurting emotionally from that run in with Shin."

The Byakugan Princess kissed him with such passion that Naruto felt his toes curl. Regaining his breath, Naruto pulled Hinata close and returned her fevered kiss. He whispered, "Hinata-chan, do you want to…?"

She smiled eagerly and said, "Go to Maya-chan tonight. I'll give you everything tomorrow."

Naruto made a clone and Hinata smiled. "I'll see you in the morning Naruto-kun." She took the clone back to her room for some privacy leaving the original Naruto gawking at the sensual sway in his hime's hips…

Now Naruto was sweating heavily and his lust filled mind was full of thoughts of both Maya and Hinata. "Hinata-chan you she-devil, you did that intentionally. Maya-chan is waiting for me." Barely controlling his urge to run flat out down the hall to Maya's room; Naruto went a gently knocked on Maya's door.

Maya cracked the door open and her blue eyes sparkled when she saw Naruto there looking at her with flames dancing in his eyes. "Come in Naruto-kun…" she beckoned. After he entered, she quickly closed the door behind Naruto and activated the silencing seals. She turned the lights off and admired her lover in the twilight. She saw the desire dancing in his eyes and it gave her a thrill. Maya then pulled Naruto in for a fevered kiss and said in a heated tone, "I've waited too long. Tonight you are mine and I am yours lover."

The silver haired beauty held out her hand and led him to the bed where she promised paradise. Naruto wrapped his arms around her from behind and started feeling all of her charms. Maya moaned as his mouth teased her neck delicately. She turned around smiled invitingly as he opened her filmy yukata and started kissing up and down her neck and bosom. Naruto's hands danced all over her voluptuous body. Naruto licked her from her navel up through the valley of her breasts and finally up her chin. He then planted a searing kiss on her mouth as he unclasped her bra. Naruto started suckling on her amazing breasts in turn as he continued to stroke and caress her body all the while.

Her hands weren't idle either as she reached into his boxers and stroked his rock-hard member. She started kissing his neck and shoulder as she removed his sleeping yukata. She gripped his solid rear with her hands as she ground her womanhood against his member. Before long the two stripped each other's clothes off in a frenzy of passion and the pair were on the bed in the 69 position with Maya on top. Naruto was feasting on his silver haired princess as she gave him an incredible fellatio and she tasted him with her silky tongue. "Oh gods!" whispered/screamed Naruto as he erupted in his lover's mouth. She smiled as she swallowed her lover's essence.

Maya arched her back as Naruto's tongue increased the pace. Maya ground herself into Naruto's mouth and did her best to ride his tongue as she panted and moaned. The silver haired beauty joined Naruto in climax seconds later. The blonde rolled over on top of Maya and admired her beautiful body. Her lust filled eyes beckoned him forward. He stroked his still quivering mate with his thumb as she smiled at him savagely. "I'm ready Naruto-kun." she said as she braced herself for his entry. Naruto nodded as he placed his throbbing member at her soaked entrance. He entered her tightness slowly and Maya locked her legs around him forcing Naruto to thrust himself in to the hilt causing her to scream. She panted and said hungrily, "N-now Naruto-kun! Make me scream all night!"

Naruto's last coherent thoughts were, 'My wild child; she's on fire…'

…It was hours later that the two lovers had completely exhausted each other. Naruto found that Maya liked it rough and wild. They tried several different positions and Naruto couldn't decide which one he liked best. 'She's an animal…' thought the blonde happily. Naruto was lying on his back feeling Maya lying on top of him sleeping peacefully. He was soaked in sweat but his heartbeat and breathing had finally leveled out. He was amazed at how soft and smooth Maya's skin was in spite of her firm and strong body. Despite the fact his brain was mush; Naruto was elated and exhausted all at the same time. He whispered, "I love you Maya-chan…"

Maya answered in her sleep, "Mmmm…I'm ready for the next go 'round Naruto-kun…" Naruto promptly passed out in shock and exhaustion…

Hotel Guest Quarters

Rasa got up the next morning and found his three children were sleeping peacefully in their suites…including Gaara. "It's a crazy world." thought the Kazekage aloud. He went out into the kitchenette and found Baki checking over his weapons.

The jonin looked up and said, "Good morning Kazekage-sama. It seems so strange seeing Gaara sleeping peacefully."

"Indeed, it does." said Rasa. "After all these years, perhaps the nightmare is over. Maybe I can reconcile with my children after all this time."

"Do you want to see Uzumaki Naruto today?" asked Baki. "His home is on the edge of the village. He lives with the Village Elder Hanako-sama."

"I have morning talks with the Hokage so perhaps this afternoon after lunch." said Rasa. "See about making arrangements Baki. I'm sure Hanako-sama will respect my wishes to meet her charge."

"I'll get it arranged this morning." said the jonin. "What about your children Kazekage-sama? Do you want them present?"

"Considering it is a social call as well as business I suppose it would be appropriate to bring them along." thought the Kazekage aloud. "Besides, both Gaara and Temari are directly involved. I can't believe my daughter is old enough to get married. It makes me feel old."

Baki chuckled. "It does seem like yesterday she was a little girl under my training. She's grown into a fine kunoichi Kazekage-sama. You should be proud."

"I am proud." said Rasa. "She's grown to be as beautiful as her Mother as well as a strong ninja…I just hate to see her grow up so soon."

So absorbed in their conversation the two men didn't notice that Temari was listening to their conversation through her cracked bedroom door. 'The Kazekage…he's proud of me? He thinks I'm beautiful like Kaa-chan was? I had no idea…'

While Rasa and Baki continued to talk, Temari silently slipped her door shut and got dressed for the day…

Natsume Clan Residence

Naruto woke up to a warm, passionate kiss from Maya. When she pulled back her blue eyes were glowing with happiness and contentment. "Good morning, Naruto-kun. I love you." said the silver haired beauty with a warm smile.

The blonde smiled back and said, "I love you too Maya-chan." he cupped her cheek. "Did you sleep well?"

Maya leaned her cheek into his hand and said, "I slept wonderfully. Last night was amazing. You make me so happy Naruto-kun."

Naruto said happily. "You are amazing my Maya-chan."

The two laid in bed for a while talking and cuddling before they finally got up for the day an hour later…

Hokage Tower

Rasa arrived just after breakfast and he and Tsunade exchanged formal greetings before they sat down to work again. They had already agreed to a half day and planned to have lunch together before they each went to consult their respective advisors on things. Rasa was currently looking over the maps of their territories and his eyes drifted up to the Land of Rice and Oto Village.

Tsunade said, "Thinking about Orochimaru, Kazekage-sama? He seems to be planning to make war on Konoha during the Chunin Exams in a few months."

Rasa gasped slightly and said, "That is unfortunate news."

"Konoha will be ready." said Tsunade. "Rest assured that even if Orochimaru DOUBLES his forces they will be no match for us."

Rasa sat for a pregnant moment and came to a decision. After a few moments of silence he said, "You knew about Orochimaru trying to get Suna in the war all along didn't you?"

Tsunade nodded. "I felt it would be best to solve this through peaceful means. We have been allies for a long time Kazekage-sama. I would like to think we will have your support against that traitorous snake instead of joining him."

Rasa nodded. "Suna wants no part of this war. I was desperate to get out of this financial crisis and Orochimaru gave us an opportunity that was hard to pass up. With Konoha's help I believe we can overcome our difficulties without taking that potentially fatal course. Hokage-sama, as the Kazekage of Suna I would like to reaffirm our alliance right now." 'To hell with talking to my advisors. This is the right path to take.'

Tsunade said, "You do not know how glad I am to hear those words from you Kazekage-sama. Konoha also reaffirms the long standing Konoha-Suna Alliance. 'Thank the gods. There is a lot of work to do but I believe we can make it work.'

The two leaders shook hands and just like that; Suna changed its course from war to peace…

Natsume Clan Residence, Study

Hanako was having tea in the study with the Suna Jonin, Baki. "So Kazekage-sama wants to meet Naruto-kun this afternoon? That is most interesting."

Baki nodded. "Kazekage-sama wishes to speak with Uzumaki-san and possibly set up an alternative payment than the previously agreed one. –Not that the current one isn't legally binding of course." The jonin added hastily.

The Hyūga Matriarch raised a delicate eyebrow. "What form of payment are we talking about Baki-san? Nothing was ever mentioned to me."

Looking wide eyed Baki said, "Ummm, the Kazekage's daughter Temari-sama named her bride-price as curing Gaara of his madness due to Shukaku's influence. Under Suna law they she is practically betrothed to Naruto-san."

Hanako asked, "Is Naruto-kun even aware of this? He would have told me if he was engaged." 'Not to mention Hinata-chan and Maya-chan would have chased her off with extreme prejudice.'

Baki said dumbfounded, "Why else would he have fixed Gaara's seal then?"

"You don't understand Naruto-kun's mindset at all Baki-san." said Hanako. "He is a seal master, an artist. Seeing another soul tormented from such shoddy seal work had Naruto-kun so affronted that he HAD to fix it. Naruto-kun couldn't bear to see another container suffering from such an abomination of a seal. It goes against his principles. I doubt he would even ask for payment in return…Although whoever did the original seal on Gaara-san had best head for the hills if Naruto-kun finds them."

Face palming, the turban wearing jonin said, "Never piss off an Uzumaki…"

Hanako smiled and said, "That was the phrase I believe. At any rate, I can call Naruto-kun in here if you wish to discuss this matter of a bride-price. I personally doubt he is even aware of the situation."

"It would be for the best." said Baki. 'If he doesn't know and understand the situation with the bride-price things could get very confusing –not to mention embarrassing.'

Natsu arrived with Naruto a few moments later and knocked on the door to the study. "Hanako-sama, I've brought Naruto-san as you asked."

"Ah, excellent." replied Hanako. "Send Naruto-kun in please."

Naruto came in and said, "How can I help Hanako-sama?" Humor was glittering in his blue eyes. 'Maybe she wants me to seal turban man again. Eh, what was his actual name? I can't remember.'

Hanako said, "Come join us Naruto-kun. Baki-san is here regarding payment for your fuinjutsu work yesterday."

Naruto sat down and was given some tea by Hanako. After he thanked her; the blonde said, "So what's this about payment Baki-san? I never asked for any."

Baki explained, "Kazekage-sama's daughter Temari-sama gave her bride-price as fixing Gaara's seal so he will be sane again. She is to be your wife under Suna Laws."

"SAAAY WHAAAT?" asked Naruto in shock. "Explain this to me Baki!"

With a terrible sense of déjà vu Baki began to explain things once again…

Front Room

Natsu answered the front door and found the ANBU Brat kunoichi were all there to see Maya and Hinata. Emi said, "Hello, Natsu-san. Are Maya-chan and Hinata-chan at home? For all that matter, is Naruto-kun here?"

The Hyūga maid was a bit surprised at a bunch of black wearing kunoichi showing up out of the blue but then she realized that they were all Hinata-sama and Maya-sama's classmates. She'd met Emi and Ino in passing the day before anyway. "Ah, Hinata-sama and Maya-sama are in the dojo but Naruto-san is currently in a meeting and is unavailable. Would you four like to go to the dojo? I'm afraid I don't know all of your names, I'm Hyūga Natsu."

"Ah, my name is Kurama Yakumo." said the soft-spoken girl. "I hope we aren't imposing."

"I'm Isuzu Emi." said the redhead. "It's a shame Naruto-kun isn't available."

Ino flipped her ponytail back. "This is supposed to be an all kunoichi thing anyway Emi." Turning to Natsu she said, "I'm Yamanaka Ino, we just met yesterday Natsu-san."

Sakura said, "My name is Haruno Sakura, Natsu-san. We met in passing a few months back while our group was in training."

The Dojo

Hinata and Maya were disobeying their sensei and full contact sparring. Hinata had her Hakutsume Blades out and had an ice-cold smile on her face. Maya had out the Reiki and was smiling savagely with a wild look in her eyes. Sparks were flying as Hinata artfully blocked the nodachi with her two kodachis. The flash off the sparking blades was intense as both young women clashed again and again in a battle for dominance. When Natsu opened the door the two girls were in the heat of the action. Hinata was airborne and Maya was standing on the water blocking. They both spun into the ready position and froze.

"Excellent." said Hanako's shadow clone who was supervising the spar. "Both of you maintained your guards perfectly but realized we had visitors and stopped. Your situational awareness is improving by leaps and bounds. The spar is over. Well done."

The two girls bowed to each other and said, "Thank you for the spar." and promptly sheathed their weapons.

Maya looked up at her fellow ANBU Brat kunoichi and said, "I wasn't expecting company today; welcome everybody. Come on in."

The girls were soon introduced to Hanako and she quietly excused herself so the younger kunoichi could sit and talk together.

"You guys were really going at it with those swords." said Ino. "I thought you two were supposed to be relaxing after that mission from hell you mentioned."

"We needed to blow off some steam." said Hinata. "Besides, what Yūgao-sensei doesn't know won't hurt her."

"And what if I do know?" asked Yūgao imperiously from behind them.

"EEEEEP! Yūgao-sensei!" shrieked Hinata. Maya wasn't doing much better. The two young women held on to each other for dear life.

That's when Maya noticed a detail. "Hey sensei; that's your old sword that was destroyed!"

Yakumo started giggling and dispelled her genjutsu. "Sorry but it was too good to pass up."

All the other kunoichi burst into giggles at the shocked looks on Maya and Hinata's faces. Finally, the laughter died down and Maya was explaining the sword situation. "Yūgao-sensei got in a duel with my nuke nin nii-san Shin. He had a special katana that can shatter other swords through vibration. Shin later dropped the katana due to injuries and retreated so I gave the Sword Breaker blade to sensei as a war prize. It's similar to her old blade in length and weight but it looks quite different since it and its shealth are covered in engravings."

"Shin sounds dangerous if he can go toe to toe with Yūgao-sensei in a sword duel." said Emi. "What rank is he considered?"

"He's S-Class." answered Maya. "He was toying with me, and I was going all out. We made it out alive but barely."

"How did your team drive off an S-Class nin?" asked Sakura.

Maya sighed. "Shin nii-san is emotionally unstable. He wants the Reiki and when I wouldn't willingly give it to him, he just lost the will to fight. He's dangerous and unpredictable. I was defeated and he just called a retreat and left. Our team is still recovering from that, so we are practicing hard in our time off."

Ino said wide eyed, "It might be better if you guys really do relax then. We came over to invite you guys to an all kunoichi lunch. It hasn't been decided yet, but we were thinking Yakiniku Q."

"Mmmm…That might be a nice change of pace Maya-chan." said Hinata.

Maya-nodded. "I'll clear it with Hanako Obaa-chan and then we can go."


The young kunoichi headed out about twenty minutes later and Natsu wished them a good time. Natsu also noticed that all of the ANBU Brat kunoichi seemed to be armed for Armageddon even in their downtime. 'I hope the pack in black doesn't scare off the other diners.' thought Natsu distressed.

"…So anyway I thought our shoulder tattoos for the ANBU Brats should be a steel gauntlet gripping a lightning bolt…" said Emi.

"Gods Emi; that sounds like something the guys would come up with!" replied Ino as the girls all laughed…


Well, this chapter was a bit of catch up. There are a lot of plot points to cover and this chapter hit a major one; the Konoha-Suna Alliance is intact. The question is how they are going to handle the problem of Orochimaru. Naruto and his girlfriends are taking the next step in their relationships. Poor Baki is caught in the middle again with a possible betrothal that the prospective groom wasn't even aware of. He never seems to get a break. In the next chapter we'll have more interactions with the Sand Siblings and Rasa will confront(?) Naruto in order to save the virtue of his beloved daughter. See you next time. Blue out. 7/13/23