
Naruto: Corrupting my Naruto

*advance chapters free until 31st October 2024 on p*treon: SolaveViolet Reincarnating in Naruto was less than an ideal condition. Being an orphan was a major setback. And not being able to use chakra, that was fatal. I was not someone who could work restlessly like Guy and Lee, nor was I interested in putting my life at risk for making money. I could as well become a shopkeeper and become rich with all the knowledge of the modern world I had, but I was sure to die if a rock fell on me. So I looked at the lonely blonde boy with whiskers, and then at myself being mocked by other little shits for not being able to use chakra. So I decided. Naruto needs a friend, and I need a savior. I will make my Naruto the strongest, and I will support him throughout his life in return of protecting me. I will corrupt him be not being able to live without me.

SolaceViolet · Anime & Comics
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40 Chs

Kicked out

Then we started training, which was just running laps around the orphanage.

That night, Naruto wasn't given any food. And he just told me, "I have to skip dinner because there is not enough for everyone."

I was furious as he said that with a sad face.

And I wasn't given food too because of the 'punishment' for beating up those brats.

This cannot continue any longer.

"Naruto, I have a plan for getting us food. I will sneak outside and bring help. You must say yes to everything I ask, okay?"


He happily nodded, already obeying me. Hehe~

Alright. Let's get into action!

I sneakily slipped out of the orphanage as everyone was eating, like I often do, and looked for a patrolling Uchiha policeman. And I found one quickly, patrolling just outside the orphanage.

"Hey ninja-sama! I need your help!"

He looked at me sitting on the tall wall, and came close to me.

"What happened kid?"

"The Matron is starving me to death! She said that she will t-or-tire me for saying that Uchiha Demons are cool!"

"Uchiha Demon!? Kid, who taught you that?"

He asked, barely controlling his anger.

"Shiori is intelligent. She doesn't need to be taught. I listened to Matron while helping her mum-ling about Dam Uchiha Demon and fox or something. I don't remember much. I made a friend today, and people were calling him demon, so I thought that he was cool and asked him to spit fire like Uchiha Demon. He couldn't do it tho, and the Matron is starving us. I am hungry. I want dinner!"

"Kid, take me to this matron you are talking about right now. And Uchihas are not demons. But they are super strong and cool. And we can spit fire."

He gently told me while patting my head.

"You are Uchiha?"

"Yes. I am a cool Uchiha Policeman on the side of justice. Let's teach your evil matron a lesson, okay?"

"Yay! Spit fire on her too!"

I excitedly told him to burn her alive. Fireball jutsu doesn't burn anyone, but maybe a civilian won't be a problem.

"Hahaha, I will show you spitting fire, but not on her. That's a bad thing, okay?"


Aww! I really want to see someone getting burnt by Fireball jutsu. Sigh. I will just ask Naruto to do it for me. With his chakra, he would be able to burn entire forests.

"Now follow me."

The Uchiha guy jumped over the wall, and put me on the ground. With my toddler legs, I followed behind him. I am excited about seeing the drama.

(3rd PoV)

As Shiori brought the Uchiha policeman, he was furious. He was barely controlling his anger due to the fact that he was accompanying a small kid, who actually thought Uchihas are cool.

But the orphanage's matron poisoning the minds of small innocent kids that Uchihas are demons? And that they are connected with fox? Moreover, starving kids because they called Uchihas cool?

These people are getting more courageous day by day.

They arrived, only to see everyone eating heartily, including the matron and other caretakers.

"It sure doesn't seem like there is scarcity of food huh?"

Uchiha said in his Uchiha way, looking down on the other adults in the dining room.

Matron stood up in shock! What is an Uchiha policeman doing here at this time!?

"Mr Uchiha, may I help you with something?"

"Yes. Someone has been brainwashing the kids here and telling them that Uchihas are demons. I am here to apprehend them."

"Really? Who's spreading this nonsense!?"

She asked other caretakers, but they all shaked their heads in denial.

"There is no use in shifting blame to others! You are arrested!"

"Huh!? Why me!? I didn't say anything like that!"

Which was, in fact, true. She has a favourable opinion of Uchihas, because of their pretty faces. She would never badmouth them. If anything, she wants to marry into the clan!

"Every criminal says that they didn't do anything. I heard you have been starving kids here! Look! This pitiful girl came to me to ask for help, or you would have starved her tonight!"

The pitiful girl with purple hair was hiding behind the Uchiha, glaring at her.

"I can explain it. She beat up the kids, so I was punishing her."

"Liar! They started it first. Who pulled my hair? Who tried to punch me first? I see that they are eating without a care. And why is my friend not given food? I literally saved him from bullying when you were int-tentally spreading rumours! And I have heard you cusing Uchiha, calling them demons and fox!"

"Huh!? I never said any of that!"

She did say things about them, but not in front of any kid.

"Alright. Say whatever you want in the police station. You are arrested."

"WHY!? She is lying!"

"I am not! You are bad! You can't starve us! That's stealing village's money. Even Ochimaru can't save you from the cool Uchiha uncle!"

Suddenly, the Uchiha became more serious, and as the matron was stunned at the mention of the infamous Orochimaru. She did give him some kids some years ago, but it was only one time. How did this kid mention Orochimaru?

The policeman put her under Genjutsu after seeing the shocked face. This suddenly turned into a case of child trafficking. To the infamous traitor Orochimaru, that almost everyone knows about.

After arresting the unconscious woman, he turned to Shiori.

"Kid, you are a hero. You saved the orphanage kids from the evil clutches of this woman. You all, you are also suspects! Come with me right now!"

He glared at the other caretakers, and they couldn't do anything but comply.

Shiori thought, 'She actually sold children!? I was hoping that she would be ruined even if she did nothing. Orochimaru must be capable of manipulating the memories, so that one doesn't get caught by Yamanaka's jutsus.

Wait a minute...

Then was I getting 'adopted' in ROOT? Now that I think about it, it is a very high possibility. Phew! I dodged a bullet. No. I dodged a missile.'

"Then will I get a reward?"

"I will have to ask Hokage-sama, but you can expect something great. Child trafficking is a serious case afterall."



Shiori stood in shock, staring at a closed door. Her stomach growled. Another stomach growled beside her too. And that was Naruto.

"H-hey Shiori-chan! Did they just kick us out!?"

"Yes. But..., is this my reward!?"