
Naruto consumed by hate

He got tired, naruto can't stand the looks of those eyes anymore and mistreatment for things he didn't do, he decides to escape from the konoha orphanage to take revenge and destroy the village of konoha, at the exit of the orphanage he finds a pale mysterious man and a long kengua what tells you if you like to follow it.

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We meet at the Konoha orphanage. What, they want to fight, said a blond boy, with blue eyes, with 3 mustache marks on his cheeks, the blond was one meter and 25 centimeters tall and was 6 years old. The boy was wearing Bermuda shorts and black sandals, along with a white T-shirt which had an orange swirl on its back. No naruto, please don't hurt us, exclaimed 2 boys of apparent 7 years. I was wrong about you, you are fake, the ones who stole my necklace were you, Naruto exclaimed, hitting one of the boys on his cheek. That it wasn't us naru, the other boy tried to speak before feeling a punch to his chin from naruto which left him on the ground. I knew it was you said naruto picking up a silver necklace with a red swirl adornment. With which hitting others, you will have to be sanctioned naruto uzumaki, said one of the monitors. When they are going to expel me from this seedy place, only thieves, traitors and hypocrites live, even you have tried to steal my things, Naruto exclaimed, looking defiantly at the monitor who measures one meter with 78 centimeters. Because the village council wants to protect you, devil, the man said, looking defiantly at the blonde. Because I'm more important than you who lower yourself to argue with children, Naruto said sticking his tongue out at the subject. The one you've earned brat, exclaimed the man jumping towards naruto with the intention of falling on him. 

The uzumaki smirked as he jumped up, kneeing the man in the forehead knocking him unconscious. What a loser, Naruto said as his put on his necklace. The bell rang indicating that they should enter the dining room. All the boys ran towards the dining room, but Naruto was stopped by another monitor. Now what do you want, Naruto said. Do you want to leave the orphanage before you graduate as a shinobi, a monitor asked, the subject was one meter and 75 centimeters tall, had black eyes and hair and was wearing a classic nurse's outfit. Yes, I don't plan to spend 6 more years here, Naruto said. Stay up until 1 am, I will open the doors for you at that time, said the subject to leave. Naruto just smiled, he hated the orphanage, they couldn't mistreat him since he was the last uzumaki in the village, but everyone wanted to steal his necklace and sabotage him at all times, although the blonde never left, whoever bothered him got a beating. A few hours later. It must be 1 am now, it's my chance Naruto said getting up from his bed. Naruto looked at the monitor who beckoned him to come over. Naruto followed and the subject opened the doors for him. Out of the orphanage... Good luck gaki, said the subject as he closed the doors. Naruto just smiled as he ran aimlessly since he didn't know the village. I am free, exclaimed the blond uzumaki smiling. Hey gaki, called a pale guy with black eyes and long black hair. Who are you, said naruto looking at the subject who was smiling madly.

You ran away from the gaki orphanage, the subject said. I asked you who you are, said naruto who felt uncomfortable for the subject. I'm someone you should be afraid of, said the man sticking out his tongue which was very long, that scared Naruto. That necklace is a sealing necklace, which you hide gaki, said the subject taking the necklace from Naruto. Give it to me, idiot According to the sandaime, that necklace was left to me by my parents before they died, Naruto exclaimed angrily. And what are you going to do gaki, perhaps you don't know who I am, I am orochimaru the sanin of snakes, and I could easily kill you, said the subject smiling macabrely. I don't care who you are, give me my necklace, Naruto exclaimed angrily. And what will you do to me gaki, you're just a brat who has lived deceived, Orochimaru said. I'm going to give you a beating

Naruto exclaimed as his fists filled with fire. He is a Namikaze, apparently the son of the yondaime did not die, it is this gaki, thought the man now known as orochimaru. Give it to me, Naruto exclaimed, who quickly punched the subject in the stomach, knocking the air out of him. He is fast and strong, without a doubt he is Minato's son, Orochimaru thought, catching his breath. No gaki, this necklace didn't belong to your parents, that necklace is to block your bloodline, Orochimaru said, poking Naruto in the forehead with one finger, knocking him down. You lie, now give it to me, the blonde exclaimed, getting up. Orochimaru snapped the necklace under Naruto's watchful eye.

Miserable, exclaimed naruto jumping to hit orochimaru. The sanin of snakes smiled moving to the left to hit Naruto on the back of the head knocking him unconscious. I came to rescue some projects from my lair, but I found something much better, a Namikaze, The Namikaze clan has spawned prodigies and has that kekkei genkai which makes them very fierce in combat, this gaki will be very useful, and it will help me to capture to the uchiha, said orochimaru laughing evilly.,. The next day at 11 am at the orphanage.,. Sandaime sama, who brings you here so early, said the director of the orphanage. I came to see Naruto, Hiruzen said, making the headmaster nervous. Something happened with naruto, Hiruzen asked seriously. According to the children he woke up and was not there, said the director, making the hokage nervous. Like, where is naruto, I left them the strict orders to take care of him and keep him under surveillance, Hiruzen exclaimed defiantly. I know sandaime sama, we fulfilled those orders, but when we rang the bell naruto wasn't there, said the director nervously. This is serious, I must look for Naruto, I will not fail Minato, hiruzen thought. He apparently fled at dawn, the director said. I see, make sure you look for Naruto inside the orphanage, I will carry out an operation to locate Naruto, Hiruzen said turning around. Sandaime sama, why is it so important naruto, said the director. Perhaps you do not know how valuable an uzumaki is, apart from being more resistant than the senju they carry the fuinjutsu 5 levels higher than anyone else from any other clan, an uzumaki is very valuable, especially naruto, you have given yourself account that the days of physical education naruto always comes first without even running out, Hiruzen said leaving.,. In the country of rice fields.,. Where am I, wait, I don't have my necklace, where is that bastard, Naruto thought getting up from a bed. What is this place, better get out of here, Naruto thought looking at the brown striped walls. Until you woke up gaki, said orochimaru entering naruto's room. You, bastard, you broke my necklace, Naruto said angrily charging towards Orochimaru. The sanin grabbed Naruto by the collar of his shirt and lifted him up. You are a box of surprises, you are not only an uzumaki, you have a great talent, I will help you develop your talents, but it will serve me in return, Orochimaru said seriously. . What do you mean, I'm just a strong uzumaki, nothing more than that, said naruto puzzled. Ku-kukukuku, you have lived cheated gaki, you are a Namikaze, you belong to an extinct clan, a clan of prodigies superior to the uchiha, and not only that, you are the jinchuriki of the most powerful biju, said orochimaru smiling. Naruto who was taken aback by what Orochimaru told him. And how do you know all that, said naruto who was still puzzled. The necklace you had was to block your bloodline, surely the jokage gave it to you, and the mark on your stomach is the seal of the kyubi, Orochimaru said leaving Naruto even more astonished.

I don't believe you at all, besides you are an evil being because of what I'm feeling.

Orochimaru's thought (it's a sensor that reminds me of a girl who is uzumaki, she has a special ability to heal herself just by biting a part of her body but it has the consequence of removing the host's vitality) end orochimaru's thoughts.

Orochimaru is seeing naruto that in the future he was going to be useful very useful Kukukuku,.

in that the sannin of the snakes decides to act and put in motion his great intelligence, hey gaki you know you are in the country of the rice fields I can train you since I am very strong also I think you are a cold being, tell me do you mind killing innocent people? asked the sannin.

I don't care besides I think I have no feelings since since I can remember the damn villagers tried to kill me, they think I'm trash a demon they don't want me, I'm alone, I don't know what to do I'm just surviving to make the villagers angry now that I am important to the village, and if I don't die the villagers will be hated and won't be able to do anything, that is my motivation to live.

Said the blonde to the sannin.

On the other hand Orochimaru was very surprised because that is what he was also motivated by the simple fact that people saw him as an evil being, my strange and disgusting thoughts, but Danzo accepted me as a grandson.

Naruto called Orochimaru, Naruto paid attention.Narra orochimaru-naruto you know I was also like you, they saw me important for the village but in reality they feared me, because of my abilities, they didn't want me to leave because I was someone valuable and gave power to their troops, you know gaki I will release you you will be my disciple .

Naruto was shocked, he means it, great!

Orochimaru: You know I have a girl who is 6 years old and is an uzumaki just like you, but she is a bit shy although her strength is good.

He introduced her to you she is tayuya uzumaki your cousin.You see this story occurred to me 38 minutes ago: Some time ago-I was eating Mexican tacos and the spicy made me drink some milk and the point is I got inspiration and I said in my mind I have to write all that shit right now and right now I'll do it i typed fast i didn't watch the grammar or any of that shit just fleeting like a fart unexpected and shapeless but i hope you like it ends time ago. author's note: later I'm going to correct all that wrong in the stories just be patient and don't be bastards leave at least one vote what a shit a star or something, if I'm ambitious 2 weeks ago I started writing stories and I loved it, so if you send me your two handsome power stones (so that his heart softens) end author's note